Organizational Justice
Recent papers in Organizational Justice
"Since its very inception, social work has been considered an organizationally based profession, with the majority of its workforce employed within formal organizations. Whether in nonprofit, for-profit, or governmental agencies, the... more
The purpose of this study was to assess 171 employees' job satisfaction and job commitment using two questionnaires, one to evaluate job satisfaction and one to examine commitment of the respondents to their respective jobs. The Job... more
This study aims to examine the relationship between organizational commitment and organizational justice perceptions of employees working in private healthcare institutions in Van province. Within this purpose, the data was obtained... more
On numerous occasions it has been suggested that organizational justice plays a significant role in determining organizational citizenship behavior. In this study, we examine the relationships of organizational justice, organizational... more
Ongoing training of serving officers in the Police Service of England and Wales is an important function of the organisation. It is necessary to maintain competence of officers and prevent failures of the organisation for which it could... more
The issue of managing change is becoming critical in channels with increasing mergers and acquisitions. However, few change management programs can claim success. We offer a model based on organizational justice theory to design and... more
The purpose of this article is to propose and test a model of extrarole customer service (ERCS). We propose that organizational justice (distributive, procedural, interpersonal, and informational) promotes well-being at work (low burnout... more
South Asian Academic Research Journals -49 -P ublis he d b y: S out h A s ia n A c ade m ic R es e arc h J our nals SJBIR: S A A R J J o u r n a l o n B a n k i n g & I n s u r a n c e R e s e a r c h ( A D o u b le B... more
This systematic review evaluates and summarizes the evidence of the association between psychosocial work environment as indicated by several work-stress models such as Job-Demand-Control (JDC), Effort-Reward-Imbalance (ERI), or... more
This study tested the direct effects of three dimensions of organizational justice distributive justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice on contextual performance, counterproductive work behaviors, and task performance.... more
This research empirically examines the underlying mechanisms of fairness theory , namely counterfactual thought processes. Study 1 used a policy-capturing design to examine the relative importance of contextual variables in predicting... more
الملخص سعى هذا البحث الى تحديد التأثير الوسيط للعدالة التنظيمية بأبعادها (العدالة التوزيعية، العدالة الإجرائية، العدالة التفاعلية) في العلاقة بين التعقيد التنظيمي وفاعلية الأداء للموارد البشرية بأبعادها (جودة الأداء، فاعلية الأداء،... more
Drawing on social identity theory and organizational justice research, we model the impact of employee perceptions of human resource (HR) policies and practices on two important outcome variables-discretionary work effort (DWE) and... more
Çalışmada örgütsel adalet algısının otel çalışanlarında örgütsel sinizm algılarına ve işten ayrılma niyetine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Didim bölgesindeki dört ve beş yıldızlı otel işletmeleri çalışmanın evreni olarak tanımlanmış, buna... more
Unjust situations usually arise from employees' interactions with managers or clients. Such situations could be contextualized or generalized, thus giving birth in time to climates or cultures of injustice. Few employees are radical and... more
جوامع همگون به زودي به صورت نمادهايي از دوران گذشته درآمده و به تاريخ خواهند پيوست. مهاجرت مستمر، برقراري ارتباط تنگاتنگ بين فرهنگ هاي گوناگون، انعقاد توافق نامه هاي بين المللي، تاسيس شركت هاي فرامليتي و تشكيل اتحاديه هاي متشكل از فرهنگ... more
Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to explore how the configuration and conceptual framework of organizational justice (OJ) and SMEs’ positive organizational behavior (POB). Design/methodology/approach– A systematic search of... more
Corrections can be a very stressful occupation, producing many negative outcomes for employees. These outcomes, both mental and physical, not only affect the employee, but the entire organization. A large body of literature has focused on... more
Research contends that when organisational work-life balance (WLB) policies are interpreted as family-friendly, there is an increased risk of backlash and perceptions of injustice by workers. In response, many organisations have... more
The impact of organizational support and organizational justice on work engagement was investigated in a group of police officers. A review of the literature revealed that studies reporting differences between the influence of supervisors... more
This study examines how employees' perceptions of specific features of the organizational context-organizational politics and procedural justice-are related to their evaluations of psychological contract breach and subsequent attitudes... more
This study examined the relationships between perceptions of organizational justice and enacting organizational dissent. Participants were 107 full-time employees working in various organizations. Results indicated that employee... more
Relationships between organizational justice and well-being are traditionally investigated at the individual level. This article extends previous efforts by testing such relationships at the work-unit level. Three corridors of influence... more
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine whether organizational culture moderates the relationships between organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) and justice perceptions. Design/methodology/approach – Data were collected... more
Job satisfaction and organizational justice one of the topics which neglected in the context of Middle East countries in general and particularly in Iraq. The study aims to find the effect of organizational justice on job satisfaction... more
This study examines factors influencing organizational citizenship behavior in an organization. These factors include procedural justice, distributive justice, job satisfaction and commitment. Although previous studies have investigated... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh keadilan distributif kompensasi, keadilan interaksional dan keadilan prosedural terhadap deviant workplace behavior. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif... more
Nowadays, everybody knows human capital is the most important asset of every organization. In this study, considering the mediating effect of social undermining, the association of organizational justice and organizational silence is... more
We provide a multilevel theoretical model to understand why business organizations are increasingly engaging in corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives and thereby exhibiting the potential to exert positive social change. Our... more
The purposes of this research were (1) to study the level of perceived organizational justice, perceived organizational support, and organizational citizenship behavior of municipality employees, (2) to investigate the relationships... more
This study was undertaken to explore appraisees'/ratees' fairness perceptions of performance appraisal system (PAS) in the civil service of Pakistan. Previously, this aspect of PAS in the civil service has never been investigated. We... more
Ethics and organizational justice share common roots and patterns of development in that, employees’ ethical behaviours are influenced by the perceived fairness of the company’s policies, procedures and decision making. While this link... more
دليل تعليمات المقياس العربي للعدالة التنظيمية
This study aimed at exploring the relationship between organizational justice and job satisfaction as perceived by Jordanian physical education teachers. Participants consisted of 166 physical education teachers selected from public... more
The correlates of distributive, procedural, and interactional justice were examined using 190 studies samples, totaling 64,757 participants. We found the distinction between the three justice types to be merited. While organizational... more
Objective – This study is aimed to analyze the effect of organizational justice on job satisfaction and employee performance. Methodology/Technique – The respondents are 104 employees who work in the Governor’s office in East Nusa... more
La présente étude porte sur le développement du burnout chez les cadres. Le but principal de la recherche est de vérifier la pertinence du modèle prévisionnel du burnout conçu par Desrumaux et Leroy (2010). Cette étude teste les liens... more
In this article, the authors identify six theories (anxiety theory, social identity theory, acculturation theory, role conflict theory, job characteristics theory, and organizational justice theory) to explain problems in managing the... more