Old Norse Religion
Recent papers in Old Norse Religion
Mitchell, Stephen A. 2017. "Óðinn, Charms and Necromancy: Hávamál 157 in its Nordic and European Contexts." In Old Norse Mythology—Comparative Perspectives. Ed. Pernille Hermann, Stephen A. Mitchell and Jens Peter Schjødt. Publications of... more
This paper argues that seiðr was about spinning a mind emissary, sending forth such a spun emissary, or attracting things or doing other things with such a mind emissary. Further arguments for this view can be read in my dissertation on... more
Chapter 4 of Eiríks saga rauða has long drawn the attention of scholars due to its detailed description of a seiðr, a rare occurrence in Íslendinga sǫgur as well as in sagas of other genres. The protagonist of the scene, a Greenlandic... more
This unfunded translation of the 1903 treatise by Ólafur Davíðsson, written and published in the German annual journal: Zeitschrift des Vereins für Volkskunde under the title “Isländische Zauberzeichen und Zauberbücher”. This important... more
The present volume responds to the rising boom of interest in folklore and folklore research in the study of Old Norse mythology. The twenty-two authors of this volume reveal the dynamism of this lively dialogue, which is characterized by... more
The Icelandic manuscript called “Huld”, meaning secrecy, was made by Geir Vigfússon in 1860. It features a collection of runic alphabets in the first half and a small set of 30 "galdrastafir", magic symbols and sigils, in the second.... more
Socio-Historical Examination of Religion and Ministry (SHERM) is a biannual, not-for-profit, peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes the latest social scientific, historiographic, and ecclesiastic research on religious institutions... more
An exploration of the size of the Norse Giant Ymir's Eyeball in comparison to the size of the Earth.
This paper outlines an approach to mythology in terms of a 'symbolic matrix'. The approach is intended to accommodate variation in mythology both locally and regionally (dialects of mythology) and also according to genre or social... more
In this article it is argued that Odin's discovery of the runes when hanging on the tree, as related in the Icelandic Hávamál, is not an indigenous attribute of that god. Nor should the attribution of the invention of letters to Mercury... more
This paper examines the obscure concluding sequence in the Old Norse eddic poem Baldrs draumar. In the poem, the god Odin travels in disguise to the realm of the dead in order to raise a dead sorceress; he interrogates her about the bad... more
Gísli Súrsson’s Saga is one of the most popular outlaw sagas in the corpus of Icelandic literature. In this story, Gísli experiences a series of prophetic dreams where two mysterious female figures appear to foretell his fate. Although... more
The (unedited and error-ridden) manuscript for the paper I gave at the 2016 Nordic Mythology Conference at Berkeley, October 29-30, "Paganism Past". The paper addresses Paganism Past and Ideas of Authenticity, and argues that any ideas of... more
Guido von List (1848-1919) è stato uno studioso, poeta, giornalista, scrittore e alpinista tedesco. Il suo lavoro di ricerca sulle origini delle religioni pagane dell'antica Europa, e in particolar modo le sue intuizioni volte a decifrare... more
The author argues that tales in the Old English poem Beowulf have been passed down orally before being written down, and that the poem blends pagan and Christian elements. Some motifs from a pre-Christian past are still possible to... more
(Updated Feb. 14, 2021) The first in-depth survey of English language translations of the Prose Edda, intended for seasoned researchers, future translators, and enthusiasts searching for an 'ideal' translation to consult. This PDF edition... more
The study of Old Norse religion is a truly multidisciplinary and international field of research. The rituals, myths, and narratives of pre-Christian Scandinavia have been studied and interpreted in detail by a vast number of scholars.... more
Book review of the first title of the Fontes Boreales Series, the Völsunga Saga in István Bernáth's translation. Vallástudományi Szemle (2016/1)
Reviews Andy Orchard's 2011 translation of the Poetic Edda, concentrating on the question of accuracy.
Inspired by later medieval sagas and Viking Age historical sources, but underpinned and enriched by archaeological evidence and themes, the History channel's Vikings (2013-) is a unique drama series exploring the late eighth/early ninth... more
Þingeyrar Abbey was founded in 1133 and dissolved in the wake of the Lutheran Reformation (1550), to virtually disappear with time from the face of the earth. Although highly promising archeological excavations are under way, our material... more
Scandinavia consists of the low-lying Danish Island and the peninsula of Just land and the great Scandinavian peninsula. Norway, Island, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, as Scandinavian countries are famous for their Norse Mythology is about... more
Table of Contents, Preface, and selected pages from book (published by Veleda Press, 2016) www.veleda.net
This is a dissemination article summing up some of the core ideas of my Marie Sklodowska-Curie project Symbodin while sketching the wider context of the role of myth in European culture.
Magic, women and death in the Viking world
Il XVII secolo incorpora forse il nucleo più significativo nel processo di sfruttamento in senso patriottico delle Antichità germaniche e nella conseguente riscoperta del mito del “Nord” scandinavo a opera dell’Uma-nesimo protestante.... more
Bronze Age Norse Religion presents an overview of the Old Norse religion from prehistory through to the 10th century, moving from sun worshipping cults to the installation of Ódinn as the All-Father.
In which some passages of the Historia Langobardorum are examined, with the purpose of evidentiating the existence of a "trickster" or shapeshifting figure in the Lombard culture of the VII century. Parallels among this character and the... more
The Fenris Wolf myth from Norse mythology is explained and a new interpretation of the myth is offered indicating that the story contains a mnemonic device for luni-solar intercalation of the Octaeteris, 8 year calendar. In addition to... more
The religion of the ancient Germanic people is largely unknown to modern historians. It exerts signs of being the predecessor to the later Norse religion, as well as the successor to the proto-Indo-European religion. Using ancient... more