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We present the prototype of a hybrid instrument, which uses two contact microphones to sonify the gestures of a player on a generic surface, while a gesture localization algorithm controls the pitch of the sonified output depending on the... more
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      Computer ScienceNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionDigital Signal ProcessingMusic and Gesture
The PHASE project is a research project devoted to the study and the realization of systems of multi-modal interaction for generation, handling and control of sound and music. Supported by the network RIAM (Recherche et Innovation en... more
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      New Interfaces for Musical ExpressionVideo Game DesignMultimodalityVisual Feedback
Developing approaches to the creation of expert performance practice on new DMIs is a longstanding research challenge. We present an approach which leverages an expert performer's embodied knowledge of expressive performance gesture on an... more
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      GestureNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionCelloMapping
"Cheap Thrills" é uma canção da cantora australiana Sia, o tema foi composto pela própria intérprete em parceria com Greg Kurstin. Inicialmente a música foi escrita para a cantora Rihanna mas como esta acabou por não gravar Sia decidiu... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryMusicology
From the performer’s point of view, so many of the technical aspects of post-1950 works require specialized, advanced study. Interpreting this music often demands a radically different mindset from earlier repertoire. It requires... more
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      String instrument pedagogyNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionCelloContemporary Music
This paper introduces a brain-computer interface (BCI) system that uses electroencephalogram (EEG) information to steer generative rules in order to compose and perform music. It starts by noting the various attempts at the design of BCI... more
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      Computer MusicNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionBrain-computer interfacesAssistive Technology
Is it ethical for media streaming companies, such as Spotify, to take advantage of IP loopholes, which are known to negatively impact artist revenues?
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      Policy Analysis/Policy StudiesEthicsMedia StudiesNew Media
This paper reports on ixiQuarks; an environment of instruments and effects that is built on top of the audio programming language SuperCollider. The rationale of these instruments is to explore alternative ways of designing musical... more
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      Human Computer InteractionMusicMusic TechnologyNew Interfaces for Musical Expression
In this paper, we introduce a new approach to computer-aided microtonal improvisation by combining methods for (1) interactive scale navigation, (2) real-time manipulation of musical patterns and (3) dynamical timbre adaption in... more
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      MusicComputer MusicNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionSound and Music Computing
This article introduces the idea of tuning invariance, by which relationships among the intervals of a given scale remain the “same” over a range of tunings. This requires that the frequency differences between intervals that are... more
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      Computer MusicNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionMicrotonal MusicMusic Cognition
"In New Digital Musical Instruments Eduardo Miranda and Marcelo Wanderley focus on musical instruments that use the computer as the main sound-generating device. Such instruments often consist of a gestural controller driving the musical... more
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      Music TechnologyComputer MusicNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionSound and Music Computing
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      RoboticsComputer MusicNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionArtificial Life
Il seguente lavoro pone come obiettivo di ricerca e studio la corrente artistica contemporanea denominata Vaporwave. Nel primo capitolo è esposta la genesi dell’espressione musicale, le prime testimonianze e sperimentazioni, la... more
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      AestheticsNew MediaContemporary ArtNew Interfaces for Musical Expression
In this paper, we introduce and analyze four gesture-controlled musical instruments. We briefly discuss the test platform designed to allow for rapid experimentation of new interfaces and control mappings. We describe our design... more
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      Computer VisionNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionVirtual RealityMusical Instruments
"Jin Hi Kim is highly acclaimed as both an innovative komungo (Korean fourth century fretted board zither) virtuoso and for her cross-cultural compositions. Kim has introduced the Korean indigenous komungo for the first time into Western... more
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      Gender StudiesImprovisationPopular Music StudiesEthnomusicology
Kinesound is a natural user interface that works as a musical instrument. It consists of an iPhone 5 mobile phone, a special bracelet, a computer and custom made software built in the Pure Data IDE. This instrument is played with the... more
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      MusicNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionPerformance ArtExperimental Music
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      New Interfaces for Musical ExpressionSupercollider (Music)Expressive SpeechЗвукорежиссура
Esta canção é da autoria do compositor e cantor italiano Gianluca Grignani. Foi gravada a primeira vez em 1994 mas tem vindo a “renascer” ao longo dos anos na voz de novos cantores como é o caso de Sérgio Dalma, José Augusto, Ana... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusicologyMusic Technology
Human movement is central to instrumental musical performance. Beyond the ap- parent connection between sound-producing actions and the sounds themselves, move- ment can communicate emotion, musical intention and structure. In designing... more
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      Human Computer InteractionInteraction DesignNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionProduct Design
We present a new Dynamic Tonality MIDI sequencer, Hex, that aims to make sequencing music in and across a large variety of novel tunings as straightforward as sequencing in twelve-tone equal temperament. It replaces the piano roll used in... more
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      Computer MusicNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionSound and Music ComputingMicrotonal Music
José Galvão, professor de educação musical e sócio da APEM,
conta-nos uma história e reflete sobre a importância da educação musical.
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryMusic Technology
Au cours des dernières années, l’avènement des technologies de captation du mouvement a radicalement transformé l’univers de la pratique artistique tout en ouvrant des perspectives inédites pour la recherche scientifique. La musique... more
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      New Interfaces for Musical ExpressionSound and Music ComputingPerformance ArtPhenomenology of the body
What does it mean to be expressive in music performance in diverse historical and cultural domains? What are the means at the disposal of a performer in various time periods and musical practice conventions? And what are the... more
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      Music PsychologyNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionEmpirical MusicologyPerformance Studies (Music)
Esta “balada eletrónica” do artista norueguês Alan Walker, foi gravada em novembro de 2015, mas atingiu as “luzes da ribalta” em março de 2016 após a interpretação fabulosa por Iselin Solheim a 1 de março de 2016 nos X Games de Oslo... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryMusicology
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      New Interfaces for Musical ExpressionSound and Music ComputingMicrotonal MusicMusic Cognition
We identify a class of periodic patterns in musical scales or meters that are perfectly balanced. Such patterns have elements that are distributed around the periodic circle such that their 'centre of gravity' is precisely at the circle's... more
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      New Interfaces for Musical ExpressionSound and Music ComputingMicrotonal MusicMusic Cognition
-La lírica del huayno andino-
Espacio de configuración de la identidad social de la población andina en la década de los 80’s en Lima
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesIntercultural CommunicationMusical Theatre
El diseño y construcción de instrumentos musicales se ha desarrollado de múltiples formas a través del tiempo, muchos de estos instrumentos han evolucionado hasta llegar a consolidarse de tal modo que se satisfagan las necesidades del... more
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      DesignInteraction DesignNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionTangible User Interfaces
The better quality pdf is downloadible from here: " Through recent artistic practices and technology of interactive systems for music, composition and... more
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      Applied MathematicsSet TheoryAlgorithmsHuman Computer Interaction
How to define the relationship of human bodies, sound and technological instruments in musical performance? This enquiry investigates the issue through an iterative mode of research. Aesthetic and technical insights on sound and body art... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesPerformance StudiesNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionPerformance Art
Previous work has demonstrated the existence of keyboard layouts capable of maintaining consistent fingerings across a parametrized family of tunings. This paper describes the general principles underlying layouts that are invariant in... more
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      New Interfaces for Musical ExpressionSound and Music ComputingMicrotonal MusicMusic Cognition
Los siglos XX y XXI han visto el nacimiento de una gran variedad de instrumentos musicales basados en la utilización de energía eléctrica. Su invención ha estado en relación con diversas tecnologías desarrolladas en diferentes momentos de... more
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      New Interfaces for Musical ExpressionMusical Instrument TechnologySound ArtArte sonoro
A due anni dalle celebrazioni per il centenario della nascita e il ventennale della morte, si continua a parlare di John Cage , personaggio di assoluto rilievo nel panorama artistico-musicale internazionale, che si colloca -come ha... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryMusicology
This thesis seeks to articulate a performer's perspective of the interactions between percussion and computer in performance. A selection of compositions for percussion and computer will be used to explain how understanding the role of... more
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      Human Computer InteractionComputer MusicNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionPerformance
It is with great delight that I intro- duce the reader to Computer Music Journal’s 2015 Sound and Video An- thology. I have curated a series of diverse, yet interrelated, works on the theme of biophysical music.With this term, I refer to... more
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      Computer MusicPerformance StudiesNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionPhysiological Computing
RESUMEN En el presente artículo, se abordan algunos de los desafíos y características más relevantes de la creación musical en la era post-digital, desde el particular punto de vista de un compositor. Se otorga un especial énfasis a tres... more
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      Algorithmic CompositionNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionElectroacoustic MusicArtistic Creation
Los siglos XX y XXI han visto el nacimiento de una gran variedad de instrumentos musicales basados en la utilización de energía eléctrica. Su invención ha estado en relación con diversas tecnologías desarrolladas en diferentes momentos de... more
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      New Interfaces for Musical ExpressionSound ArtMusical InstrumentsArte sonoro
Explorations of a new mapping strategy for spectral spatial- isation demonstrate a concise and flexible control of both spatiomorphology and spectromorphology. With the crea- tion of customized software by the author for audio-rate... more
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      Sound SynthesisNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionSound Spatialisation
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      New Interfaces for Musical ExpressionAisthesis
This thesis investigates the area of audiovisual composition and audiovisual performance. A brief history of the audiovisual genre is presented with reference to influential composers and artists who have carried out pioneering work in... more
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      MusicArtInterdisciplinarityVisual Music
This paper explores the differences in the design and performance of acoustic and new digital musical instruments, arguing that with the latter there is an increased encapsulation of musical theory. The point of departure is the... more
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      Cognitive ScienceHuman Computer InteractionMusicMaterial Culture Studies
Full Citation Alan Chamberlain, Kevin R Page, David De Roure, Graham Klyne, Pip Willcox (2016) Interacting with Robots as Performers and Producers of Music. In Proceedings of: DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network, December 2016,... more
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      RoboticsComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceRobotics (Computer Science)
Este tema de Paulo Gonzo é um dos meus favoritos. Apesar de ritmicamente ter uma leitura difícil para os alunos do 2º ciclo o facto de ser um tema conhecido ajuda a compreender o padrão rítmico. Melodicamente (em termos de altura) o tema... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusicologyMusic Technology
This paper describes the rationale and design of the ixi lang, a live coding language built on top of SuperCollider. The paper explains why SuperCollider is used for this task, and reports on a survey conducted with users of the language.... more
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      Programming LanguagesMusicMusic TechnologyNew Interfaces for Musical Expression
This paper investigates two central terms in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) – affordances and constraints – and studies their relevance to the design and understanding of digital musical systems. It argues that in the analysis of... more
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      Human Computer InteractionMusicMusic TechnologyNew Interfaces for Musical Expression
ULB (Brussels), thèse de doctorat, 2021. English title : Semantics and pragmatics of music. A cognitive approach based on the theory of Philippe Schlenker and the works of Franz Liszt.
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      Philosophy of MindPragmaticsPsychology of MusicSemantics
This theoretical article focuses on issues of cognition and tactility in relation to musical sounds and musical instrument performance in the digital age. The digital revolution has brought about a new relationship between the instrument... more
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      Digital MediaNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionMusical Instrument Technology
Martin Parker’s gruntCount is a multi-version, configurable composition for improvising musician (or musicians) and computer. Performers embark on a journey through sound processing modules that are specifically customised to individual... more
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      MusicImprovisationMusic TechnologyComputer Music
The art of electric guitar playing has remained almost unchanged for as long as the instrument has been available, as we know it today (Beauchamp 1937). With only a few notable, rare and eccentric exceptions, such as artist Jimi Hendrix... more
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      New Interfaces for Musical ExpressionNew Musical InterfacesPhysical ComputingArduino