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With Davy Marguerettaz, I concocted an official defence of Napoleon, in a "trial" against him 200 years after his death. Once in a while, it is a great exercise, for our intellect, to defend the enemies and try and enter their ways of... more
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      Napoleonic EuropeNapoleonic HistoryNAPOLEON BONAPARTE
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      NapoleonNapoleonic HistoryNapoleonic EraNAPOLEON BONAPARTE
Heeringen, R.M. van/A. Vissinga, 2016: Archeologisch vooronderzoek in het oostelijk deel van het camp d’Utrecht, een Frans legerkamp uit de periode van het Bataafs Gemenebest in Austerlitz. Een inventariserend veldonderzoek onder het... more
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      Napoleonic WarsNapoleonic EuropeArcheologieArchéologie
The media of the day represented three predominant models around Napoleon: the all-conquering victorious general, the virtuous republican who stood above factions, and the man who brought peace to the Continent. These images became the... more
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      BiographyNAPOLEON BONAPARTEÉpoca Napoleónica
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      LeadershipCharismaCharismatic leadersNapoleonic History
Hoe moet men Napoleon Bonaparte beoordelen?
Een dialectische benadering is nodig ten overstaan van enerzijds de personencultus en anderzijds de criminalisering van deze historische figuur
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      NapoleonNAPOLEON BONAPARTEFactors Which Contributed to the Rise of Napoleon BonaparteFranse Revolutie
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      EnlightenmentQur'anic StudiesQuranic StudiesIslamic Studies
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      NumismaticsFrench Revolution and NapoleonFranceNapoleonic Europe
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      Napoleonic WarsFamily historyPersonal HistoryNapoleonic History
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      Economic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryItalian (European History)Modern Italian History
From Publisher: Austerlitz, Wagram, Borodino, Trafalgar, Leipzig, Waterloo: these are the places most closely associated with the era of the Napoleonic Wars. But how did this period of nearly continuous conflict affect the world beyond... more
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      Military HistoryWorld HistoryNapoleonic WarsGlobal History
This historiographical review analyses some of the most important literature concerning British Patriotism and Identity during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars and suggests future areas for research.
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      British HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesEighteenth-Century British History and CultureNapoleonic Wars
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      HistoryFrench HistoryHistoriographyFolk legends
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This article proposes a revision to the historiographical consensus that Napoleon's foreign policy was a boorish and uncompromising, even "criminal," enterprise. the east lured Napoleon all his life, not least because of the mania for the... more
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      French HistoryEgyptian HistoryNapoleonic WarsFrench Revolution and Napoleon
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      Art HistoryFurniture design (Art History)French Revolution and NapoleonFurniture History
Much is written about Napoleon Bonaparte and Napoleonic France. However this is for the most part about his life, his career and campaigns. This tells a lot about what he did but what the actual idea was behind the action is something... more
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      Napoleonic WarsNapoleonNAPOLEON BONAPARTENapoleonic Wars 1805-1815
This book is designed as a companion volume to The Great Waterloo Controversy, the Story of the 52nd Foot at the Battle of Waterloo and both books will be published at the same time by two different publishers. In the process of... more
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      Napoleonic WarsFrench Revolution and NapoleonNapoleonic EuropeNapoleonic History
This MA Thesis analyses hundreds of Victorian newspapers, periodicals, pamphlets and other media to investigate how Victorian perceptions of Napoleon I affected perceptions of Napoleon III and vice versa. It is argued that Victorian... more
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      Victorian StudiesNineteenth Century StudiesVictorian LiteratureNineteenth-century Art
Recensione del mio libro "Il Leone di Lonato" in «GN Gardanotizie», Anno 12, N.°3, marzo 2020, p. 16.
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      French RevolutionBresciaNAPOLEON BONAPARTEFactors Which Contributed to the Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural History
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      European HistoryFrench HistoryFrench RevolutionHistoriography of the French Revolution
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      Orientalism in artOrientalismHistória da arteNAPOLEON BONAPARTE
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An essential part of learning about Napoleon is knowing the factors that led to his change in loyalty; from having a hatred of France as a young man, to ruling that country later on in his life. This paper seeks to look into the reasons... more
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      French Revolution and NapoleonNapoleonic HistoryNAPOLEON BONAPARTE
La rivoluzione padovana del 1797 raccontata da Giuseppe Gennari, in «Storia Veneta», n. 60, anno XII, febbraio 2021, pp. 25-35
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      French RevolutionRepublic of VeniceVeneziaPadua
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      NAPOLEON BONAPARTEArt plunderEgyptian Art and ArcheologyMusée Napoléon
This article deals with the political ascent of Napoleon Bonaparte from 179 to 1815 through his national as well as Italian coinage.
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      NAPOLEON BONAPARTENapoléonides
In poche pagine il tentativo di "spiegare" la Rivoluzione Francese e la conseguente ascesa, e caduta, dell'astro napoleonico.
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      French RevolutionRousseauFrench Revolution and NapoleonJean-Jacques Rousseau
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      Napoleonic WarsNapoleonic HistoryNAPOLEON BONAPARTE
Huile sur toile de 3,30x4,25 mètres, achevée entre 1784 et 1785 et conservée au musée du Louvre. L 'oeuvre a été réalisée par Jacques-Louis David, grand peintre néo-classique. Né en 1748 dans une petite famille bourgeoise, la situation de... more
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      PaintingJacques-Louis DavidPeinturemusée du Louvre
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      HistoryArchival StudiesArt HistoryFrench History
Come in tutto il territorio della ex Repubblica veneta, l'insediarsi del regime napoleonico a Bassano e nel suo comprensorio fu accolto perlopiù come una disgrazia inevitabile ma della quale si auspicava una durata il più breve possibile.... more
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      Economic HistoryItalian Cultural StudiesClassical Social TheoryNapoleonic Wars
The Congress of Vienna was one of the most significant events in Modern European political history. Rulers and diplomats redrew the boundaries of Europe after the Napoleonic Wars. Russia, represented by Tsar Alexander I, would play a... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryHistoriographyNapoleonic WarsRussian History
I VENETI IN FRIULI – Dall’antichità alla Serenissima , 2021 Crocevia di culture, centro di circolazione di idee e commerci, la regione friulana già dall’800 a.C. manifestava interessanti collegamenti dei Veneti locali con il Centro... more
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      Venetian HistoryLate Bronze Age archaeologyUrnfield CultureSlavic Studies
A new perspective about the statesman and world corsican-french charismatic leader by a tremendous british historian, Andrew Roberts.
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      French Revolution and NapoleonNapoleonic EuropeNapoleonNAPOLEON BONAPARTE
The article comparatively examines the new paradigm in international relations based on the French revolutionary ideas and sifted by Napoleon Bonapart. The armies of the Revolutionary France were transforming Europe in accordance with the... more
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      European StudiesLegitimacy and AuthorityArmenian StudiesSovereignty
A partir de la fecha y hora de nacimiento de Napoleon Bonaparte realicé una interpretación astrológica de su vida
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The ascension of Napoleon Bonaparte and his usurpation of the Revolution would lead to the death of the Revolution, indeed it died the very moment he placed the crown upon his head and France once again became an empire. Central to... more
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      French HistoryFrench RevolutionNAPOLEON BONAPARTE
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      HistoryFrench HistoryWar StudiesFrench Revolution
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      Strategy (Military Science)French HistoryFrench RevolutionNapoleonic Wars
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მოცემულ წიგნში განხილულია ნაპოლეონის ცხოვრების ერთ-ერთ უმნიშვნელოვანესი მომენტი, ქალაქ ტულონის ალყა. სწორედ აქ გამოიჩინა თავი და დიდება მოიხვეჭა ახალგაზრდა ნაპოლეონმა, რომლისთვისაც ეს ბრწყინვალე სამხედრო კარიერის დასაწყისი აღმოჩნდა. მას... more
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      Napoleonic WarsNapoleonic EuropeNapoleonic HistoryNAPOLEON BONAPARTE
Predmet rada je prikaz Vendomskog spomenika – izlažu se uzroci i okolnosti njegovog nastanka i vizuelnog izraza. Akcenat je stavljen na statuu Napoleona Bonaparte postavljenu na vrh stuba, njenu ikonografiju i stilsku analizu. Potom se... more
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      Nineteenth-century ArtSculptureParisCommune De Paris 1871
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      NAPOLEON BONAPARTEHistory of France
This paper aims at exploring the hegemonic colonial discourse Orientalist paintings bestow. It provides a re-reading of these western paintings employing a post-colonial approach, mainly they theory of Orientalism in which the... more
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      AestheticsRomanticismArt TheoryColonialism
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      Ottoman HistoryMediterraneanEgyptFrance
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      Storia medievaleStoria RomanaStoria LocaleStoria moderna