Microelectronics And Semiconductor Engineering
Recent papers in Microelectronics And Semiconductor Engineering
Presented here is a patent in the Bulgarian register of inventions (Reg. № 27611/1974), written in Bulgarian. The patent relates to novel types of leads for various semiconductor devices: integrated circuits, photodiodes, modular packaged... more
This article describes the development of piezoresistive sensor elements using exfoliating graphite deposited by direct technique on paper polymeric substrate. We have chosen the paper substrate as a basic material to explore the physical... more
We investigated bulk and thin-film samples of the quaternary p-type semiconductor Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) by µSR, in order to characterize the existing muonium signals. We find that the majority of the implanted muons form a diamagnetic state... more
The new microelectronic products require the silicon (Si) wafer to be thinned to less than 150 µm in thickness. Residual defect on the wafer surface that leads to wafer breakage with a rough surface still be produced by mechanical... more
Sessile drop experiments were performed on molten indium antimonide on clean quartz (fused silica) surfaces. A cell was constructed through which argon, helium, oxygen, hydrogen or a mixture of these was flowed at 600 1C. Some of the InSb... more
In this paper, we are present design and analysis of PLL, which is simulated in CMOS 0.18μm technology. The digital phase locked loop achieves locking within about 100 reference clock cycles. The pure digital phase locked loop is... more
Full Text (PDF) Abstract Full Text (PDF) Abstract Full Text (PDF) Trapping in 1nm EOT high-k / MG Abstract Full Text (PDF) Abstract Full Text (PDF) Abstract Full Text (PDF) Electrical and Chemical Properties of the HfO2/SiO2/Si Stack:... more
In order to form junctions shallower than 0.1 μm required for the source/drain extensions for 0.18 μm technology and beyond, boron ions have been implanted in pre-amorphised Si at 1 keV and doses of 1E14-1E15 cm-2 using an Applied... more
Background noise has always been undesirable in end user communication devices while conversing over a mobile phone if the speaker is on a busy road or noisy environment. Noise cancellation mechanism can be implemented in these mobiles... more
An overview of a variety of examples that deploy intelligent manipulation of controllable magnetic fields is presented. Magnetic Field Assisted Assembly is described in detail as a future scalable manufacturing process for semiconductor... more
In the semiconductor industry to increase the power density, improve the electrical performances and optimize the robustness in the application, more and more key roles are covered by back-end processes and in partcular by bonding... more
The results of an ongoing collaborative project between the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) and SEMATECH on the temperature-dependent emissivity of silicon-related materials and structures are presented in this study. These... more
Flip chip est une méthode d'emballage électronique. Le terme «flip chip» se réfère à diriger fixation de dispositifs électroniques pour cibler des substrats d'une manière "face vers le bas".
The aim of the laboratory work is to understand the principle of Zener diode operation and also apply the knowledge practically by completing laboratory tasks. In this part, limiting circuit is described in Figure 1 above. The trimmer... more
Sintered Ag joint is a potential Pb-free die attach materials for power electronics because of its high operating temperature, high electrical and thermal conductivity as well as its thermo-mechanical reliability. While the long term... more
Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) have become an integral part of today’s mainstream computing systems. They are also being used as reprogrammable General Purpose GPUs (GP-GPUs) to perform complex scientific computations.... more
RAM adalah kependekan dari Random Access Memory. RAM merupakan sebuah perangkat keras atau hardware yang digunakan untuk menyimpan data sementara atau memori. Selain menyimpan data, fungsi RAM adalah untuk menyimpan berbagai jenis... more
The human hearing range is from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. However, many animals can hear much higher sound frequencies. Dolphins, especially, have a hearing range up to 300 kHz. To our knowledge, there is no data of a reported wide-band sound... more
1 Abstract 1 High Mobility Substrates High Mobility Substrates: : Abstract Abstract Full Text (PDF) Full Text (PDF) Abstract 2 Abstract 2 High Mobility Substrates High Mobility Substrates: : Abstract Abstract Full Text (PDF) Full Text... more
Тема: « Проектирование операционного усилителя в САПР Cadence » Разработал _______________________РКм-111__Борисов В.И.________ (группа, подпись, дата, инициалы, фамилия) Руководитель ________________________Журавлев Д.В._____________... more
A micro electronic pill is basically a multi channel sensor used for remote bio medical measurements using microtechnology this has been developed for the internal study and detection of diseases and abnormalities in the gastro intestinal... more
Introduction This lab session has a purpose of practical implementation of theoretical knowledge about transistors. There are four parts in the work: • NPN and PNP Transistors • Transistors Biasing • Q point stabilization Apparatus... more
Les microsystèmes font désormais partie intégrante de notre vie quotidienne. Le développement de leurs procédés de fabrication amène de nouvelles problématiques auxquelles il est nécessaire de savoir répondre. Entre autres, le bon... more
The aim of this laboratory work is to get practical experience with BJT and FETs. From theory, we know that Field Effect Transistors are voltage controlled unlike from BJTs, which are current controlled devices. There are Source, Gate and... more
Operational Amplifier (Op Amp) is a three terminal electronic device which has two inputs of high impedance. The first input is called inverting (represented by ‘-‘), and the other terminal is called non-inverting input. The third... more
Les promesses des technosciences contemporaines s’appuient sur les success stories de celles qui façonnent actuellement l’économie et la société. La Loi de Moore, fonction exponentielle qui décrit et prédit la cadence de miniaturisation... more
Slot die coating is growing in popularity because it is a low operational cost and easily scaled processing technique for depositing thin and uniform films rapidly, while minimizing material waste. The complex inner geometry of... more
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please... more
This project considered two adhesives; a ductile and brittle adhesive, to compare their effect on joint strength. The optimal thickness of both the adhesives was determined by varying the bondline thickness between aluminum adherends. The... more
With the advances in the semiconductor and communication industries, it has become increasingly important for electrical engineers to develop a good understanding of microelectronics. This book addresses the need for a text that teaches... more
The possibility exists for creating solar panels from ice very cheaply, i.e. for the cost of the tray, wires and tensioners to hold the wires down. These would only be workable in locales wherein the ambient air temperature is cold, but... more