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Axiom : When a new kind of sword originates and becomes prevalent, then it logically follows that both the sword and its new kind of fencing evolve and become perfected. That is what must have started happening in Chivalric Europe circa... more
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      Medieval HistoryViolenceMedieval StudiesMedievalism
The present study builds on Michel Pastoureau’s views about the origins of heraldry by proposing a reframing of the “appearance phase” of heraldry. It is chiefly based on an updated catalogue of the earliest identifiable seals with... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHeraldryDiplomatics (Medieval)
Se propone una profundización en las dinámicas específicas que se asocian al despliegue del señorío como modalidad de ejercicio de poder en la sociedad feudal de la Castilla bajomedieval. Para ello, nos concentramos en el estudio de las... more
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval Studies
Knightly Dueling is a complete overview of the fighting arts of German chivalric dueling, on horse and on foot, during the late Medieval and early Renaissance. Through the words and pictures of original source texts of the great German... more
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      Human GeographyGerman StudiesGerman LiteratureMedieval History
The Fechtbuch (Fight-Book) from 1459 AD by Hans Talhoffer is truly an uncanny work. In this edition of his work, the fight-master opens a window for us to his world. He shares knowledge from his own field of expertise – the martial arts... more
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      PhysiologyHuman PhysiologyHuman GeographyGerman Studies
The volume contains sixteen essays on aspects of the development of commercial, ecclesiastical, noble and military elites in the Romanian Principalities, Poland-Lithuania, the Ionian Islands and the Ottoman Balkans. A hard copy of the... more
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      Eastern European StudiesGreek HistoryOttoman HistoryMedieval History
v Coelho, que dispôs altruisticamente do seu tempo para realizar os mapas que aqui se inserem; à Teresa Lacerda e ao Rui Henriques, com quem aprendo sempre e cuja ética de trabalho é inspiradora; à Rita Carvalho, pela sua energia e... more
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      Medieval HistoryPortuguese HistoryMedieval Iberian HistoryNobility
"La présente étude s'inscrit dans le débat à propos d'une éventuelle " mutation féodale " autour de l'an mil. Il s'agit d'étudier l'aristocratie laïque durant les Xe et XIe siècles, en prêtant une égale attention aux ressorts matériels et... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryHagiographyGenealogy
Fürstliche Erziehung und Ausbildung im spätmittelalterlichen Reich Vorwort Bei der vorliegenden Arbeit handelt es sich um die geringfügig überarbeitete Fassung meiner im Sommersemester 2013 an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität... more
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      History of EducationMedieval NobilityMedieval Germanylate medieval and early modern history of European nobility and courts
Whereas tournaments of the late thirteenth century were infused with cross-channel contact, whether in reciprocity of form or in the international composition of the participants involved, by the early fifteenth century, tournament forms... more
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      Military HistoryLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
This thesis is a prosopographical study of the English baronage during the reign of Richard II. It considers the role of barons within the political community and attempts to characterise them, both in terms of their engagement with... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval NobilityBaronageFourteenth-Century History
From 4 to 7 May 1439 a massive tournament (235 participants) was organized at the Grote Markt in Brussels, in which the Burgundian duke Philip the Good himself participated. This tournament was maybe one of the last in the massive (urban)... more
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      Military HistoryLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
A contribution to the volume '"Vor Halbtausend Jahren...“ – Festschrift zur Erinnerung an den Besuch des Kaisers Maximilian I. in St. Wendel' (St. Wendel: Stadtmuseum; Trier 2012).
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      Renaissance HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesRenaissance Studies
Le pagine che seguono non sono opera di storico, o biografo, ma il rendiconto di un lettore severo di antiche carte. La ricognizione è il frutto di fatica spesa nel tentare di conferire ordine alle notizie sparse che, nel corso di dieci... more
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      Military HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryItalian (European History)
Première partie d'une étude sur les terres titrées en Bretagne. Le but étant l'établissement d'un dictionnaire.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval NobilityMedieval Brittany
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      CrusadesMedieval Nobility
In the “calamitous” 14th century, as Barbara Tuchman called it in her classic „A Distant Mirror“ (1978) , the medieval world entered a period of severe crisis in demography, economy, politics and religion. This crisis took hold in all... more
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      PalaeoclimatologyHistorical SociologyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryDigital Humanities
Synthetical presentation of Western nobility in 13th century and some questions for research
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of DressMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Preminenza aristocratica a Napoli nel tardo medioevo: i tocchi e il problema dell'origine dei sedili stato. Famiglie e identità aristocratiche nel tardo medioevo. La Sicilia, Roma, Donzelli, 2001; e F. titone, Governments of the... more
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      Cultural HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistorySocial Identity
En el Livro Velho de Linhagem de 1270 se dice que la nobleza portuguesa procede de los infanzones leoneses que en tiempos de Alfonso VI de León reconquistaron la región. De ellos se destacarían los Ricoshomes, por lo extenso de sus... more
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      HeraldryNobilityHistory of ElitesMedieval Nobility
Resumen: En este estudio se plantea una valoración del papel social de las mujeres de la aristocracia en la Castilla bajomedieval. Para ello se parte de una evaluación de las diferentes propuestas historiográficas a tener en cuenta. Desde... more
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      Gender StudiesLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryWomen's History
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval NobilityMedieval Brittany
Tras la pacificación de la isla, Jaime I por Carta de Franqueza de 1230 constituyó el Reino de Mallorca como territorio de la corona de Aragón, bajo el nombre de «Regnum Maioricarum et insulae adyacentes»,Jaime I, en su testamento... more
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      NobilityMedieval NobilityHistoria medieval de EspañaMallorca
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Church History
El presente trabajo se plantea como una modesta contribución al conocimiento de la figura de los parientes del rey, fundamentalmente de los infantes reales, dentro de la monarquía castellano-leonesa en los siglos XIV y XV. Dentro de que... more
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval Studies
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
El origen de Aragón lo sitúan los cronistas en la denominada "República Aristocrática del Sobrarbe", constituida por aquellos hombres enérgicos que en el siglo VIII hubieron de refugiarse en los estrechos valles pirenaicos, agrupando a... more
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      Medieval NobilityHistoria medieval de EspañaHistoria MedievalÓRdenes Militares
La Serenísima República de Venecia durante sus casi mil años de existencia (IX/XIX) se nos presenta como un estado soberano europeo, en forma de república aristocrática de mercaderes, que regía un importante imperio ultramarino. Gobernada... more
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      HeraldryNobilityHistory of ElitesRenaissance History esp Venice, Veneto and empires
This chapter investigates the form and consequences of the English invasion of Ireland, c.1166-c.1254, situated within the wider framework of European political configurations and frontier societies. A rapid narrative of the cut and... more
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      Irish StudiesMedieval HistoryIrish HistoryHigh Medieval Ireland
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval NobilityMedieval Military HistoryLate Medieval economic and social history
. Lo que antaño fue motivo de preocupación e incluso produjo graves daños al prestigio de muchas familias, se ha convertido hoy en día en una inagotable fuente de datos. Durante tres siglos se exigieron en España por determinadas... more
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      GenealogyInquisitionNobilityMedieval Nobility
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      Early Modern HistoryMedieval StudiesNobilityMedieval Nobility
Esta dissertação tem por objeto o estudo da ideologia cavaleiresca em Portugal no século XV, e orienta-se em função de algumas questões fundamentais: quais os valores e ideais que caracterizavam a ideologia cavaleiresca? Havia alguma... more
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      Medieval Iberian HistoryMedieval NobilityChivalry (Medieval Studies)Medieval Aristocracy
In Brabant the historical sources for the 13th and 14th centuries show the frequent occurrence of illegitimate children in noble lineages. Many of these children were born when their fathers were still unmarried. Brabantine customary law... more
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      Medieval NobilityInheritance LawIllegitimate childrenHistory of the Duchy of Brabant (Low Countries)
Ce livre étudie les relations entre Bruxelles et sa périphérie entre le XIe et le XIIIe siècle par le biais d’une analyse combinant lecture économique traditionnelle et approche sociale innovante. Il envisage l’impact du terreau régional... more
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      Medieval HistoryUrban HistoryRural HistoryMedieval Nobility
Article initialement publié dans Britannia Monastica 16, 2012, p. 93-161. Les premières entrées épiscopales en Bretagne ducale * [p. 93] Alors que les entrées royales sont assez bien connues 1 , les entrées épiscopales ne bénéficient que... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval StudiesNobility
Il tema dell'aristocrazia territoriale e del suo ruolo nella costituzione del ducato visconteo-sforzesco è stato marginalizzato dalla storiografia politico-istituzionale in favore di un paradigma interpretativo centrato su un modello di... more
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      Medieval HistoryItalian (European History)Political HistoryState Building
Argues that hunting was a game to the aristocracy, that that game presented a nostalgic vision of society as a feudal hierarchy, and that the meaning of the game changed moving into the fifteenth century due to pressure from the gentry... more
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      Game studiesConceptual MetaphorMedieval EnglandHunting Literature
Le Roman des bannerets de Bretagne est le récit mythiques des origines des bannerets bretons dont le commanditaire fut peut-être Etienne Gouyon, maréchal puis amiral de Bretagne. Une ancienne liste traditionnellement datée de 1214 ne... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval StudiesNobility
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesNobilitySocial History
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      Medieval HistorySocial MediaMedieval KinshipAnthropology of Kinship
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      Ancient borders and borderlands (Archaeology)Medieval NobilityMedieval castles
Um cavaleiro não nascia cavaleiro: fazia-se. Por essa razão, a investidura ou adubamento tornou-se um evento de capital importância. Este artigo pretende analisar tal cerimónia sob dois prismas. Começar-se-á por tentar perceber os... more
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      Medieval NobilityChivalry (Medieval Studies)Medieval AristocracyMedieval Warfare
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesThe PlantagenetsMedieval Nobility
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      Medieval NobilityMedieval ArtEmperor Sigismund (1368-1437)Medieval Heraldry
The origins of the abbey of Villers have been rendered obscure by late medieval historiography and a poorly substantiated modern interpretation. A re-examination of the sources reveals a complex foundation process, marked by strong... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Church HistoryDiplomatics (Medieval)
The article deals with the construction of the narrative on the battle of Krbava Field where numerous Croatian noblemen lost their lives in 1493. The accounts on the battle spread immediately after the battle, offering couple of versions... more
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      Military HistoryMedieval Nobility
Des alpes desertae [...] et deteriores : voilà ce que les chartreux de Santa Maria di Pesio auraient reçu, dans les années 1170, de leurs bienfaiteurs seigneuriaux et ruraux, les domini de Morozzo et le populus de Chiusa 1 . Stefano di... more
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      High Middle AgesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesAlpine history
Martin Aurell Chivalric culture in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries Culture can be defined in two ways, one broad and one narrow. The term includes, firstly, information, practice and technique that allow mankind to control nature and... more
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      LiteracyMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Vers 1250, un noble du Nord de la France commandite une Bible illustrée, dont les images au trait ferme et aux couleurs vives, en l'absence de tout texte, devraient lui rappeler les récits et les prêches qu'il entend depuis son enfance.... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies