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wisdom of the Christian monks AD 200-500
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      Wisdom LiteratureMedieval MonasteriesMonks
En los reales monasterios, los monarcas no sólo proyectaron su poder, sino que redujeron el de la nobleza y los prelados seculares a través de las fundaciones monásticas, la concesión de privilegios y la participación en las reformas. Se... more
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      Late Middle AgesKingship (Medieval History)Religious congregations and monastic ordersPatronage (History)
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      Medieval ArchitectureCistercian architectureCisterciansArchaeology of Medieval Monasteries
Stift Göttweig is located approx. 4 km south of the city Krems an der Donau on the hill "Göttweiger Berg" in the foreland of the Dunkelsteinerwald on c. 420 m. The monastery has been founded by bishop Altmann von Passau in 1083... more
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      ArchaeologyGround Penetrating Radar (GPR)Medieval ArchaeologyGround Penetrating Radar
Das Reichsstift St. Maria und Pusinna zu Herford ist außerhalb des westfälisch-niedersächsischen Raumes trotz seiner Bedeutung für andere sächsische Frauenkonvente weitgehend in Vergessenheit geraten. Die Ursachen sind u.a. in seiner... more
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      Medieval Church HistoryManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Medieval MonasteriesBiblioteka Jagiellonska
From the valley of Adige, the massif of Monte Baldo is first rising with steep walls, and only above them the characteristic eastern terrace of Monte Baldo stretches. In those walls, on the altitude of 773 m, already from the year 1000... more
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      Italian (European History)Italy (History)Landscapes in prehistoryMedieval Italy
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    • Medieval Monasteries
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      HistoryPrehistoric ArchaeologyItalian StudiesSettlement Patterns
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationMedieval Church HistoryMedieval ArchitectureCistercian architecture
Ao tornar-se Mestre e Governador da Ordem de Cristo em 1420, o Infante D. Henrique, encetou um processo de renovação construtiva na sede da Ordem em Tomar, abrindo um ciclo de empreitadas que se traduziram principalmente nos paços... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryArchitecturePortuguese History
Pri iskopavanju 1999. godine provedenom oko ostataka pročelja crkve cistercitske opatije, čiji se ostaci nalaze u parku Opatovina u Topuskom, pronađena je veća količina kamenih komada arhitektonskih elemenata. Tijekom 2018. godine... more
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      Archaeological documentationMedieval ArchaeologyCistercian architectureMonastic Architecture
The study, developed in three parts, starting from the "corridor of Nazareth", is a contribution to try to formulate hypotheses concerning the place that may have hosted, albeit briefly, the Shroud and, subsequently or at the same time,... more
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      ReligionCistercian architectureCisterciansSimbolism
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMonastic StudiesMedieval Church History
The book was published in Shashtín in 1938
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      Medieval Church HistoryArchitectural HistoryChurch HistoryCatholic Church History
A 13th century list of land holdings of Vårfruberga nunnery in Sweden is analysed, along with the later estate aquisitions and permutations.
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      Medieval HistoryWills and EstatesCisterciansCadastre
The book was published in Prague in 1910 Illustrated religious topography with brief descriptions of religious buildings and their interior furnishings from the early 20th century. divided into several parts according vicariates... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryArt HistoryArchitecture
Berühmt für ihren Reichtum, wurde die Abtei Prüm
882 und 892 von Normannen geplündert und
niedergebrannt. Jüngste Ausgrabungen geben erstmals
Aufschluss darüber, wie das Hauskloster der
Karolinger im Mittelalter aussah.
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      Medieval ArchaeologyViking Age ArchaeologyArchaeology of Medieval MonasteriesPrüm
The book was published in Prague (Legacy of St. Procopius) in 1895.
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryCzech HistoryMedieval Studies
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      IconographyManuscript StudiesPrints (Art History)Medieval illuminated manuscripts
Deir es-Salib, a monastery hermitage cave of the Qadisha Valley with a notice one its Wall paintings. The study of Deir es-Salib, a major site of the Qadisha valley, allows us to set the outlines of occupation modes of a region of... more
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      Medieval StudiesLevantine ArchaeologyLebanonMedieval Archaeology
together with Henny A. Groenendijk. Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, die angeblich isolierte und rückständige Lage der Region Westerwolde im Nordosten der Niederlande zu problematisieren. Die geographisch eher isolierte Lage Westerwoldes... more
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      Historical GeographyMedieval HistoryHistory of ChristianityLandscape Archaeology
Шумило С. В. Розвиток українсько-афонських духовно-культурних зв’язків у XVІI – першій третині ХІХ ст. Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата історичних наук за спеціальністю 26.00.01 «Теорія та історія культури» за напрямом –... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesMount Athos StudiesOrthodox ChristianityUkrainian History
It is an unchallenged fact that medieval monks and nuns following the Rule of saint Benedict were preparing their own food, as required by chapter 35 of the Rule. In fact, the practices in between the ninth and the eleventh centuries,... more
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      MonasticismHistory of MonasticismArchaeology of Medieval MonasteriesMedieval Monasticism
One of the great premises of medieval popular religion was the localization of the holy, the essential principle of the pilgrimage. At the same time, there was a widespread equation between excessive art and holiness. One result of... more
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      Tourism StudiesMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      HistoryModern HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
The discovery of a 12th century chair during excavations of an old farm plus adjoining dike in a small polder near Rotterdam opens up new insights into the role of large monasteries during the era of the reclamation and shaping of large... more
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      Feudalism and LordshipLand ReclamationCounty of HollandMedieval Monasteries
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyArchaeology of Medieval Monasteries
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      Medieval ArchaeologyArchaeology of Medieval MonasteriesEarly Medieval MonasticismMedieval Monasteries
Quarto volume ("Tre Venezie") del "Monasticon Italiae", Repertorio topo-bibliografico dei monasteri italiani a cura del "Centro Storico Benedettino Italiano". Fascicolo III relativo alla Diocesi di Verona, dove sono presenti le schede di... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryMedieval HistoryMonastic Studies
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesSubjectivitiesMonastic Studies
Monasticism, in all of its variations, was a feature of almost every landscape in the medieval West. So ubiquitous were religious women and men throughout the Middle Ages that all medievalists encounter monasticism in their intellectual... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMonastic StudiesMedieval Archaeology
Building upon the efforts made by scholars over the past twenty years to enrich our understanding of the vibrancy and sophistication of literary cultures fostered within English communities of women religious during the central Middle... more
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      HistoryHigh Middle AgesMedieval HistoryAnglo-Saxon Studies
L’articolo ripercorre le vicende storiche, istituzionali e materiali del cenobio benedettino di Villanova di San Bonifacio (Vr) dalla sua origine, avvenuta nel XII sec., al fiorente periodo in cui il monastero fu retto dai monaci... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Church HistoryMedieval ArchitectureBenedictine History
O carieră dintre cele mai frumoase şi cu realizări dintre cele mai bogate a fost rezervată principalului colaborator al lui Miron vodă Barnovschi, mitropolitul Anastasie Crimca, artist al culorii, prin care miniaturistica românească a... more
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      MoldaviaMedieval MonasteriesKtetors (ktitors)
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      Landscape ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyArchaeology of Medieval MonasteriesArchitecture of Medieval Monasteries
/ 1 Slovo na úvod Foreword K jubileu Katedry histórie Katedra histórie Filozofickej fakulty Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku si v tomto roku pripomína veľmi milé jubileum. Ubehlo 25 rokov od chvíle, čo sa v Ružomberku začalo s... more
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      Russian StudiesCzech HistoryMiddle East Studies16th Century (History)
Annual reports of the Archaeological Service and the Preservation Service of the Grisons, 1996–2010: Excerpts concerning Müstair and Val Müstair. The annual reports give an overview over the research and restoration in the convent of St.... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyArchaeology of Medieval MonasteriesArchitecture of Medieval MonasteriesHistorische Bauforschung
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval urban historyEarly Modern economic and social history
The catalogue of medieval monasteries and collegiate chapters of Medieval Hungary was first published in 2000 (paperback, with maps and graphs), then in 2008 an updated version on CD-ROM, with pictures, ground plans and maps. The present... more
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      Medieval HungaryMedieval Monasteries
This paper is a survey of the historical records about the areas situated at the foot of the Papuk and Krndija mountains in the Middle Ages. This continuous mountain range – which is called Sljeme / Szelemen, Mons Poseganus and... more
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      Medieval HungaryMedieval ChurchesMedieval castlesHistorical and Cultural Geography, Landscape and Memory, Toponymy
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHistoria
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      Cultural StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHistoria Medieval
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryPottery (Archaeology)Landscape Archaeology
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      Historical DemographyCrete during the Venetian RuleMedieval Monasteries
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      Religious congregations and monastic ordersCalabriaMedieval MonasticismJoachim of Fiore
"Configuring Monastic Architectural Settings: Early Medieval Experiments" The planimetric and functional standardisation of monastic architectural settings is an achievement of the Romanesque period, and of Cistercian complexes in... more
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      IconographyMedieval StudiesEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval Archaeology
The aim of this paper is to investigate the first century of Montescalari’s history (1040-1130). The study reflects both on the context of its foundation by the family of Da Cintoia and on the forms of organization and development of its... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryRural HistoryMonastic Studies This bibliography of academic literature on late antique and early medieval monasticism will be updated about twice a year. Please contact me ([email protected]) if... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEarly ChristianityMonastic Studies
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyArchaeology of Medieval MonasteriesMedieval Monasteries
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      Portuguese StudiesMonasticismDominican OrderMedieval Monasteries