Recent papers in Lycophron
From Lycophron, Alexandra, 805-806, a sepulcral tumulus attributed to Ulixes was on Mount Perge near Cortona.
Muse, pleure et inspire-moi un hymne tout nouveau pour Troie, un chant funèbre. Pour elle va sonner mon cri de deuil … » (Euripide, Troyennes, 511-515, traduction de N. Loraux) Le blâme des Grecs 1 , d'Achille 2 et d'Ajax 3 en... more
The present paper focuses on the theme of Athena's sight, vs. Ajax the Lesser's fault, enjoyed in Greek poetry from Alcaeus to Callimachus and Lycophron and such late epic authors as Quintus Smyrnaeus and Triphiodorus. Alexandrian poetry... more
(written in English): Introduction to, text & translation of and commentary on the 7 testimonia and 42 extant Greek fragments of Philostephanos (text and translation revised/elaborated on the basis of an earlier version by Alain Delattre... more
Peer-review. Articoli e note inviati per la pubblicazione alla rivista sono sottoposti -nella forma del doppio anonimato -a peer-review di due esperti, di cui uno almeno esterno al Comitato Scientifico o alla Direzione. Ogni due anni sarà... more
Ένα εγχείρημα ώστε να σταχυολογηθούν οι λίγες σωζόμενες πηγές για την αρχαία Εορδαία, αντλώντας από την αρχαία και βυζαντινή γραμματεία, τις επιγραφές και τα σχόλια. Επίκεντρο οι πόλεις και κώμες της Εορδαίας, η σύνδεση με ιστορικά... more
This paper examines the Vaticanus gr. 950 (XIV c.), a parchment codex containing epitomes of the Bibliotheca (Ps.-Apollodorus), the Lycophron commentary (John Tzetzes), and the Chiliades (John Tzetzes). In 1891 the authorship of the... more
This paper seeks to shed fresh light on the aesthetic and stylistic affiliations of Lycophron's Alexandra, approaching the poem from two distinct but complementary angles. First, it explores what can be gained by reading Lycophron's poem... more
CASSANDRE zwsa go& oij me timw.
Le caractère métapoétique du prologue de l'Alexandra de Lycophron, est parfaitement reconnu par les philologues 1 , cependant les allusions à un autre prologue, fameux, celui des Aitia de Callimaque, n'ont pas été explicitées. Lycophron... more
1 L'Alexandra de Lycophron, un drame en cinq actes : analyse métrique et questions de structure * I-La division en cinq actes. La structure de ce poème de Lycophron a été abondamment discutée et le point de vue d'André Hurst 1 semble... more
The 2nd century BC brought a large scale historical confrontation between the Greeks and Macedonians and the Orientals. The Egyptians raised arms against their Greek lords, and were followed by the Jewish Maccabees, the Cilicians,... more
La corrispondenza tra il sacrificio di Polissena e quello di Ifigenia, già riscontrabile negli autori pre-ellenistici, è particolarmente evidente nell’Alessandra di Licofrone. I versi relativi al sacrificio della figlia di Priamo... more
In Italian. Introduction, Greek text with Italian translation and commentary of the fragments of the so-called Glossographi, pre-Aristarchean interpreters of Homeric glosses, and of Lycophron of Chalcis as a diorthotes of Aristophanes’... more
Μια αναψηλάφηση ενός ανάγλυφου ναΐσκου της Μητέρας των Μεγάλων Θεών από την Αμφίπολη, φιλοτεχνημένου στα χρόνια της καθίδρυσης του ιερού μνημείου του Καστά κατά τον 4ο π.Χ. αιώνα. Αναζητώντας τους Μεγάλους Θεούς, την ταυτότητα της Μητρός,... more
Chrysalus' overdetermined assertion that he will set up his master as a Priam to be bought contains a bilingual wordplay on Priamus/Πρίαμος and πρίαμαι. The wordplay is paralleled in learned etymologies of Priam's name from his ransom by... more
Il mio lavoro trae ispirazione da un’esigenza di riscoperta di un poeta relegato per secoli a un ruolo marginale a causa del confronto, spesso non lusinghiero, con la poesia di Callimaco e dei grandi poeti del passato, da Omero ad... more
presque-rien » h\ r∆, w\ fiv loi, kat∆ aj meusiv poron triv odon-ej dinav qhn ...
Didymus’ commentaries on the comic playwrights and his Comic Vocabulary responded to the interests of the readership of Attic Comedy primarily in two ways: by summarising the opinions of previous scholars and by offering a wide... more
Giuseppe Giangrande conclut la première partie de son essai polémique intitulé L'humour des Alexandrins par deux remarques d'ordre méthodologique : 1) pour comprendre l'humour des poètes hellénistiques, il faut connaître les types de jeux... more
This paper focuses on the analysis of the Lycophronean references in two passages from the section of the Dionysiaca narrating Dionysus’ youth, i.e. IX 200-205 and XI 171-174. Nonnus draws from Lycophron a word (in the first case) and an... more
A "seção Romana" da Alexandra, de Lícofron, é uma passagem de 56 versos que a profetiza prevê um futuro grandioso para os descendentes e, ao contrário, um funesto porvir aos próprios aqueus. A passagem é tão conveniente à perspectiva da... more
Il personaggio di Laodice, definita nell'Iliade la più bella delle figlie di Priamor, si pone al centro di una complessa polemica mitologica, frutto della coesistenza di diverse varianti, alcune delle quali sono attestate per noi solo... more
An 11th-century epigram on John Climacus, recently edited by K. Bentein et al. ("GRBS" 49, 2009, 281-294) is heavily indebted to Lycophron, and tells us something on the latter's reception in Byzantium
Ce document constitue une avant-publication de l'édition en cours de préparation des principaux fragments poétiques du IIIe s. av. n. è.
Le propos de notre article est d'analyser l'exercice du blâme et de la louange dans l'Alexandra de Lycophron à travers le prisme de la représentation de la mort et de l'avenir post mortem de quelques personnages clefs : Agamemnon, Ajax et... more
Cet article propose de considérer Cassandre en tant que figure de lectrice dans l’Agamemnon d’Eschyle et le poème Alexandra de Lycophron. En retournant vers ces tragédies antiques, il est possible de penser, dès celles-ci, une... more
Cet article est un compte-rendu critique des deux monographies consacrées à Lycophron par S. Hornblower en 2015 et 2018.