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      Discourse AnalysisReligionHistoryGender Studies
This article follows on the heels of one by Holly Watkins, who argues that music, “a subsystem of the social system of communication,” can evoke the organic (the bodily and the psychic) not by forming a self-contained unity of parts and... more
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      MusicMusicologySchenkerian AnalysisLuhmann
Preprint, das Heft ist am 9. Juni 2020 erschienen
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      LuhmannNiklas LuhmannSoziologiePolitikwissenschaft
Umwelt, Technik & Risiko – damit verbinden wir eine Symptomatik, die für die Moderne von bestandskritischer Bedeutung ist. Soweit herrscht Einigkeit. Kontrovers sind hingegen Diagnose und Therapie. Ist die industriegesellschaftliche... more
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      Critical TheoryEngineeringDiscourse AnalysisSociology
O artigo discute a posição do sistema jurídico na modernidade tardia, apresentando-o sob a ótica da teoria dos sistemas, na versão formulada por Niklas Luhmann. Discorre sobre pontos e conceitos fundamentais presentes na obra do sociólogo... more
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      Sociology of LawLuhmannNiklas LuhmannTeoria do Direito
This article introduces Luhmann’s theory of social systems as a prominent example of communication as constitutive of organization (CCO) thinking and argues that Luhmann’s perspective contributes to current conceptual debates on how... more
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      Organizational CommunicationOrganization StudiesLuhmannSocial Constructionism/ Constructivism
Women's struggle for emancipation can be characterized, among other elements, as an ongoing process for, first, entering the legal system and second, attempting to change it. This, nonetheless, stirs up conflicts and certain perplexities,... more
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      SexualityGender and SexualityGenderLuhmann
The concept of meaning and communication is the core of the so-ciological conception of Niklas Luhmann. As he claims, “Meaning is co-present as a reference to the world in everything that is actualized... Society is a meaning... more
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      SemanticsTheories of MeaningLuhmann
El presente trabajo analiza comparativamente las contribuciones de la sociología sistémica de Niklas Luhmann al problema de la construcción general del objeto científico de la sociología. Nuestro objetivo es relevar, esquematizar y... more
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      LuhmannNiklas LuhmannSociologiaEpistemología
At the heart of this article is a fairly straightforward assertion: that literature has a trans-verbal level at which it affects us as a work of art. Hence discussing a novel means bringing to the fore not only its overt narrative... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsArt TheoryPlato
‘Law and economics’ studies are considered to have given to legal doctrine and argumentation a powerful analytical apparatus, which helped to detail the empirical consequences of legislative and judicial decisions. The main body of... more
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      Economic SociologyLaw And Economics (Economics)Institutional EconomicsRegulation And Governance
La complessità dell’ambiente sociale e di business ha reso ormai evidente l’imprescindibile necessità, per le organizzazioni complesse (tra cui le imprese) del XXI secolo, di miglioramento della capacità di gestione dei necessari... more
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      LuhmannIntangible assetsApproccio SistemicoValue constellation
En el presente trabajo abordamos el concepto de sistema social elaborado por la Teoría General de Sistemas Sociales (TGSS) de Niklas Luhmann. Proponemos precisar su especificidad mediante una comparación con otras concepciones de sistema... more
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      LuhmannNiklas LuhmannInvestigación socialSociologia
Quando, come e perché la sociologia incontra la teoria dei sistemi ? quali sono i principali percorsi di ricerca ? quale contributo può fornire la teoria dei sistemi nell'elaborazione della complessità sociale ?
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      SociologyLuhmannNiklas LuhmannSociologia
In this book, Anastasia Marinopoulou conducts a systematic comparison of modern epistemology and the epistemological concerns of the Frankfurt School, addressing phenomenology, structuralism and poststructuralism, modernism and... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical SociologyPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
Prácticamente desde los primeros pasos de la sociología del Derecho se acepta que uno de sus temas principales habrá de consistir en el examen de la repercusión de las normas jurídicas sobre la sociedad . Pero en los últimos tiempos la... more
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      LuhmannGünther Teubner
Uno de los conceptos con los cuales ha sido posible establecer un diálogo entre las ciencias jurídicas y las Ciencias Sociales ha sido el concepto de cultura jurídica. El profesor Edmundo Fuenzalida, a quien está dedicado el presente... more
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      LuhmannChileSociología del DerechoTeoría de Sistemas Sociales
On November 4th, 2019, Hans-Georg Moeller delivered a presentation on systems theory at the Law School of the University of São Paulo and was interviewed about Niklas Luhmann’s theory of society, with emphasis on issues such as law,... more
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      SociologySociology of ReligionCritical Legal TheoryLegal Theory
Este texto apresenta uma perspectiva sociológica sobre o tema das fake news eleitorais a partir do recorte temporal das eleições brasileiras de 2018. A temática é fundamental diante do potencial disruptivo que a disseminação massiva de... more
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      LuhmannPopulismSocial Systems TheoryNiklas Luhmann
Viene qui proposto il tentativo di considerare il terzo settore come un sistema di funzione autonomo e capace di autoriprodursi. Più in particolare si è tentato di leggere il TS inscrivendolo all'interno dell'evoluzione dei vari sistemi... more
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      Welfare StateLuhmannHistory of Social WelfareNiklas Luhmann
The Cuban missile crisis of 1962 put extreme pressures on the relations between the American defense and decision-making apparatuses. While the military pushed for a military intervention, President Kennedy and his advisors wished to... more
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      Military HistoryOrganizational CommunicationSociology of the MilitaryLuhmann
Die Soziologie der Mitgliedschaft legt einen besonderen Anschnitt bei der Untersuchung der klassischen soziologischen Grundbegriffe Rolle, Status, Erwartungen und soziale Gruppe. Er besteht darin, dass sie im Hinblick auf die... more
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      Organizational BehaviorSociologyPolitical SociologySocial Theory
The book makes a critical comparison of fundamental trends in modern epistemology with the epistemological concerns of critical theory of the Frankfurt School. It comprises five chapters, which refer to phenomenology, structuralism and... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEpistemology
El presente texto propone una conceptualización de las políticas públicas como decisiones del sistema político de la sociedad respecto de problemas que son reconocidos por éste como temas de interés público. Junto con lo anterior, propone... more
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      LuhmannPolíticas PúblicasEstadoSistema Político
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      SociologySocial TheorySociology of CultureCultural Policy
This article provides a theoretical conceptualization of the role of public relations in society based on the 'organic theory' of public relations and on Luhmann's system theory as well as on the concept of trust. In a postmodern,... more
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      Social TheoryTrustPublic RelationsLuhmann
Am 13. Juli 1994 hält Niklas Luhmann, 1968 bis 1993 Professor für Soziologie (ohne Bindestrich, also ohne jede Einschränkung auf einen Bereich der Gesellschaft wie etwa Wirtschaft, Kunst oder Religion) an der Universität Bielefeld, einen... more
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      LuhmannSystems TheoryNiklas LuhmannSystemtheorie
In questo articolo verranno discusse le principali coordinate teorico epistemologiche che caratterizzano la sociologia luhmanniana, in particolare a riguardo della questione della cosiddetta 'complessità', termine chiave per l'autore.... more
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      LuhmannNiklas LuhmannSociologiaSociología
Bei der vorliegenden Arbeit handelt es sich um eine unvollständige Version. Bei Interesse, sende ich die vollständige Version gerne zu.
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      PhilosophyLuhmannNiklas LuhmannSystemtheorie
For it is evident enough, that words have no effect, but on those that understand them« (Hobbes 1996(Hobbes [1651: 294) Mit dem Thema soziale Macht soll hier eine Form des Phänomens Macht analysiert werden, die ein Pendant zu den... more
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      Critical TheorySocial TheoryPhilosophy Of LanguagePolitical Philosophy
This book will be published April 2021 by Anthem Press. It argues for a fundamental revision of the discourse of digital ethics in the 21st Centruy.
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      Social TheoryPhilosophyEthicsLuhmann
Aproximações teóricas, sem embargo, são, na maioria das vezes, difíceis de realizar. Quase sempre os autores, em suas premissa teóricas principais, não concordam, ou partem de referenciais metodológicos totalmente distintos e opostos.... more
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      LuhmannGiorgio AgambenInterdisciplinary StudiesGünther Teubner
This work aims to introduce the reader to Pierre Bourdieu's theory of fields, to evaluate it critically and, through case studies, to test its implementation in the analysis of new objects. While the use of Bourdieu's concept of the... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesEnvironmental Sociology
Ensayo escrito para una clase aquí puesto público.
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In vorliegender Arbeit geht es um die Frage worin man eigentlich genau vertraut, wenn man in Bitcoin vertraut. Das Problem wird aus einer Organisationen in den Fokus nehmenden Perspektive aufgerollt und es wird versucht ein Vergleich... more
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      TrustLuhmannSocial Systems TheorySystemtheorie
ROCHA, Leonel Severo; COSTA, Bernardo Leandro Carvalho. O futuro da constituição: o constitucionalismo social em Luhmann e Teubner. Porto Alegre: FI, 2022.
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      Constitutional LawSociology of LawLuhmannSocial Systems Theory
(Keferstein Caballero, L. (2018). Educación en el poder: el papel de las instituciones y los sistemas de comunicación en la imposición de realidades subjetivas según Michel Foucault y Niklas Luhmann. In A. Ortiz Soriano, A. Cruz Cedillo,... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguagePolitical PhilosophyEducation
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      Critical TheoryLanguagesSociologySociology of Culture
In the “calamitous” 14th century, as Barbara Tuchman called it in her classic „A Distant Mirror“ (1978) , the medieval world entered a period of severe crisis in demography, economy, politics and religion. This crisis took hold in all... more
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      PalaeoclimatologyHistorical SociologyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryDigital Humanities
"Half a century ago Jürgen Habermas published his seminal work Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit (1962–2012), in which he formalized his ideal-typical model of the public sphere. The influence of the Habermasian paradigm in the... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCommunicationPublic Opinion
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      Jurgen HabermasLuhmannHabermasNiklas Luhmann
Der Beitrag behandelt das Verhältnis zwischen funktionaler Differenzierung und Humandifferenzierung aus systemtheoretischer Perspektive anhand von Stanisław Lems Beschreibung des fiktiven Planeten Panta. Er gelangt zur Schlussfolgerung,... more
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      LuhmannStanislaw LemNiklas LuhmannSystemtheorie
In this paper we discuss the strengths and limitations of Niklas Luhmann’s systems theory as a theoretical lens for studying organisations. We outline the main contributions of his work to contemporary organisation studies: the... more
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      Organizational TheoryOrganization StudiesLuhmannSocial Systems Theory
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      Jurgen HabermasLuhmannNiklas LuhmannAmerica Latina
"This is the first book to consider German sociologist Niklas Luhmann's social theory in a critical legal context. Niklas Luhmann: Law, Society, Justice is a critical description, and at the same time a performative inversion, of the... more
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      SociologyJurisprudenceSociology of LawInterdisciplinarity
Resumo: A constituição é um importante instrumento para a sedimentação dos direitos fundamentais em benefício de todos os grupos sociais que fazem parte da subjacente comunidade, dentre os quais se incluem os estrangeiros, migrantes ou... more
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      Constitutional LawJurgen HabermasLuhmannPolitics of Recognition