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      Late Middle AgesLanded NobilityNobilityMedieval France
von Michael Seelig: Der Kampf gegen die Moderne Um 1900 sah das Deutsche Adelsblatt die moderne Gesellschaft in einer fundamentalen Krise, als deren Ursache die Moderne an sich erkannt wurde. Anhand der Jahrgänge 1898 bis 1902 untersucht... more
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      Modern HistoryGerman HistoryConservatismConservatism (Political Science)
QUAVE, K.  “Royal Estates and Imperial Centers in the Cuzco Region.” The Oxford Handbook of the Inca, edited by Sonia Alconini and R. Alan Covey. Oxford University Press.
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      Landed NobilityNobilityAnthropology of the StateInca Archaeology
Vorstellung meines laufenden Dissertationsprojekts bei Manfred Groten, Bonn.

Presentation of my dissertation project (supervised by Manfred Groten, Bonn).
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryLanded NobilityHistory of Elites
This article aims to analyse how the Burgundian dukes managed to control the political process in Holland and Zeeland and get a grip on the noble elites of the counties in the period 1425-1477. During the fourteenth and fifteenth century,... more
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval Studies
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      HistoryHistorical AnthropologyPeace and Conflict StudiesRenaissance History
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryRitualProtest
Il volume è dedicato ad uno dei maggiori lignaggi aristocratici dell'Italia settentrionale bassomedievale. I Rossi, la cui eminenza sociale e politica risale all'età comunale, costruirono nel Parmense un dominio di notevoli proporzioni,... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryItalian (European History)Renaissance Studies
El Imperio del Brasil, durante los 68 años que duró (1822/1889) , organizó su propia nobleza con unas características muy diferentes a las existentes en otras monarquías. Pues los ´titulos nobiliarios no generaban nobleza al modo europeo,... more
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      HeraldryLanded NobilityNobilityElites (Political Science)
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      Landed NobilityNobility
This study aims to explain the upward mobility path and building of a noble identity by a family that for centuries took a major economic relevance and power in Penela region. In order to understand this process we analyze career and... more
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      Landed NobilityNobilityPortugal
"Se queremos que tudo fique como está é preciso que tudo mude." O leitmotif da obra de Tomasi de Lampedusa, imortalizada no grande ecrã pela objectiva de Visconti, sintetiza a sua ideia central, acerca do declínio das antigas elites, em... more
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      American LiteratureHistoryCultural HistorySociology
En la Sociedad Estamental (Ancienme Regime), la nobleza francesa constituía el Segundo Estado, frente a los roturiers (plebeyos) que formaban el Tercero, y los religieux (religiosos) el Primero. Era un estado jurídico que concedía... more
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      HeraldryLanded NobilityNobilityHeraldry and Vexillology
This article explores the significance of writing history for a late medieval Antwerp patrician family. In recent historiography, these families (in this case Van Halmale) have not received the attention they deserve, in part because... more
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Historiography
Principi, homines e «partesani» nel ritorno dei Rossi 1 di Letizia Arcangeli 1. Fine 1 Ringrazio per molte utili indicazioni Gianluca Battioni, Nadia Covini, Federico Del Tredici, Alessandra Talignani e Marco Gentile, al quale sono anche... more
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      Early Modern HistoryLanded NobilityFactionalismRenaissance Italy
Las circunstancias históricas hicieron que coexistiera una doble oligarquía: Adeldon (Nobleza) y Patriciaat (Patriciado). La conversión de las Provincias Unidas en una república no afectó a las instituciones feudales de las diversas... more
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      HeraldryLanded NobilityNobilityHistory of Elites
HISTORIA El territorio que hoy en día constituye el reino de Bélgica está formado por la agrupación de nueve antiguos estados feudales, surgidos de la descomposición del imperio carolingio: el Condado de Flandes,
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      HeraldryLanded NobilityNobilityHeraldry and Vexillology
The Burgundian duke Charles the Bold (1433-1477) was not particularly well known for his liberality. According to De Barante, the nineteenth century historian of the Burgundian dukes, he was seen by his officers and the nobles as ‘bien... more
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval Studies
Il tema dell'aristocrazia territoriale e del suo ruolo nella costituzione del ducato visconteo-sforzesco è stato marginalizzato dalla storiografia politico-istituzionale in favore di un paradigma interpretativo centrato su un modello di... more
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      Medieval HistoryItalian (European History)Political HistoryState Building
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      Ukrainian StudiesLanded NobilityUkraine (History)Poland
Auf Initiative des Bundesdenkmalamts, Landeskonservatorat für Niederösterreich 1 , wurden von den Eigentümern aus Anlass der bevorstehenden Renovierung des Hauses Steiner Landstraße 90 -vulgo Holzingerhaus -umfangreiche Voruntersuchungen... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryHistorical ArchaeologyMedieval History
El Título Nobiliario de Duque es la más alta distinción de la monarquía española, pues lleva implícita la concesión de la Grandeza de España. En los seis siglos y medio transcurridos desde la concesión del primero e ellos, el Ducado de... more
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      Landed NobilityNobilityHistory of ElitesMedieval Nobility
This paper analyses two late sixteenth-century armorials with the coats of arms of the 235 participants of a tournament organized in May 1439 on the central market square, the Grote Markt, of Brussels. The armorials, trustworthy copies of... more
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      Medieval HistoryManuscript StudiesHeraldryPaleography
This article analyses the use of memoria with respect to the Carthusian monastery of Scheut, a few miles to the west of Brussels. The construction of this monastery around 1455 was first intended to preserve the memory of the battle of... more
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryGenealogy
Vortag vom 17.09.2014, Soziale Abstiegsprozesse im europäischen Adel,
SFB „Bedrohte Ordnungen“, Tübingen.
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesGerman HistorySocial Identity
Napoleón se reunió así de una nueva corte imperial que se reunía en fastuosas ceremonias. Muchos de sus miembros procedían de la milicia y los demás eran funcionarios al servicio del Imperio. Estos títulos imperiales no eran propiamente... more
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      HeraldryLanded NobilityNobilityHeraldry and Vexillology
El papel de la nobleza en los procesos de consolidación de las sociedades capitalistas occidentales sigue constituyendo una cuestión controvertida. Esta comunicación aspira a participar en el debate estudiando la presencia de títulos... more
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      Social ChangeLanded NobilityElitesDiversificación
In this article I analyse the highest echelon of the knighthood in the duchy of Brabant: the bannerets. Traditionally the bannerets (baanrotsen in Dutch) played a prominent political and military role in the duchy of Brabant. They derived... more
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryGenealogy
This edited volume examines how transregional elites were pivotal actors during the Wars of Religion. It centers around the figure of Antoine de Croÿ, the Prince of Porcien, serving Condé and the Calvinist cause, but stemming from a... more
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      Wars of ReligionLanded NobilityMedieval NobilityFrench Wars of Religion
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      Early Modern HistoryHabsburg StudiesEarly Modern EuropeLanded Nobility
José Miguel Hernández Barral. Centro Universitario Villanueva (UCM) Al escribir sus memorias, el marqués de Villavieja -amigo del Rey y gran impulsor del deporte del polo en España-reservó unas páginas a la figura del marqués de Viana. La... more
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      Landed NobilityNobilityAgricultural Change
Around 1900, discourses on a so-called "new nobility" spread among intellectuals in the German Empire. These discourses aimed to create a new elite, replacing the "historical" nobility. How did the "old" nobility react to this challange?... more
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      Modern HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryHistory of Ideas
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      Early Modern EuropeLanded Nobilitylate medieval and early modern history of European nobility and courtsHistory of Tirol
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      Medieval HistoryPolitical HistoryLombardy (Late Middle Ages)Landed Nobility
This thesis investigates, through the case-studies of Marie de La Tour, duchesse de La Trémoïlle, and Charlotte de La Trémoïlle, countess of Derby, the freedom of action and the degree of initiative enjoyed by noblewomen in... more
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      Landed NobilityRepublic of Letters (Early Modern History)Women and CultureCastles
The article traces the disappearance of Reformed (Calvinist) nobility in the vicinity of Konin, Poland for the period of 1795-1939.
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      Modern HistoryCalvinismLanded NobilityEuropean nobility
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      Early Modern HistoryLanded NobilityNobilityHistory of Elites
This article reconsiders, through the case study of High Tory MP Sir Humphrey Mackworth (1657-1727), an influential thesis that core values of the landed class were incompatible with ‘projects’—new speculative commercial and industrial... more
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      EntrepreneurshipBusiness EthicsReligionCultural History
During the first half of the 19th century in Germany, but especially in Prussia, reforming (i.e. re-structuring) the nobility was discussed as a possible solution for soothing the pondering elite conflicts with the rising bourgeoisie.... more
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      LiberalismState FormationConservatismConservatism (Political Science)
Review essay of Daniel Menning: Standesgemäße Ordnung in der Moderne. Adlige Familienstrategien und Gesellschaftsentwürfe in Deutschland 1840-1945, München 2014.
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      Intellectual HistoryHistory of IdeasGerman HistoryConservatism
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      HistoryRenaissance HistoryHistory Of EmotionsPolitical History
Che cos’è una fazione nel Quattrocento? Il libro cerca di rispondere a questa domanda ripercorrendo le vicende di Parma, città nota ai contemporanei per la forza delle sue divisioni interne e per la vivacità dei contrasti che ne agitavano... more
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      Political PartiesLate Middle AgesRenaissance HistoryMedieval History
Rede 7 -A rede de parentesco do universo estudado, com destaque para os actores que eram "fidalgos da Casa Real" actor actor fidalgo
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      Landed NobilityNobilityCoimbra (Portugal)
This article proposes an initial exploration of the income and wealth of the nobility of Coimbra between the eighteenth and nineteenth century. Through the analysis of different types of sources the author seeks to identify trends in the... more
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      Landed NobilityNobilityCoimbra (Portugal)Nobreza
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      Late Middle AgesLanded NobilityFeudalism and LordshipLate Medieval History
Mafalda Soares da Cunha é professora da Universidade de Évora, onde se doutorou em 1997. É uma das principais especialistas na nobreza ibérica na época moderna e tem colaborado extensamente com os historiadores brasileiros nos últimos... more
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      HistoryLanded NobilityNobilitySocial History
City and citizens between kings, magnates and prelates – Nada Klaić’s view of the medieval commune of Trogir Summary In her study of the Croatian Middle Ages Nada Klaić wrote a lot about the cities of Dalmatia. However, Trogir, beside... more
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      HistoryUrban HistoryHistoriographyCroatian History
Numerous are works of architecture, sculpture, painting and applied arts created on or brought to the territory of present-day Croatia owing to the Hungarian nobility. These families were rooted and seated in historic Hungary (which was... more
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      Ancient HistoryArt HistoryArchitectureEarly Modern History
U radu se prikazuje položaj hrvatskog i slavonskog plemstva prije Prvog svjetskog rata te njegova sudbina nakon sloma Habsburške Monarhije. Plemstvo je već od kasnog 19. stoljeća sve teže moglo održavati korak s usponom moderne građanske... more
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      Croatian HistoryLanded Nobility