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John Skelton is a central literary figure and the leading poet during the first thirty years of Tudor rule. Nevertheless, he remains challenging and even contradictory for modern audiences. This book aims to provide an authoritative... more
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Edited collection -- with chapters by Adam Smyth, Barry Windeatt, David Matthew, Molly Murray, Kathleen Lynch, Suzanne Trill, Tessa Whitehouse, Robert Folkenflik, Lynn Festa, John Richetti, David Vincent, Duncan Wu, Richard Hughes Gibson,... more
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      Self and IdentityAutobiographyHistory of English LiteratureBiography
The story of Erin Brockovich, a woman who brought about the biggest lawsuit settlement in American history, that was made into an English lesson for students of all levels to practice their English skills
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      English LiteratureEnglish for Specific PurposesTeaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish language
Victorian Literature. The second part of the second volume offers a selection of the writing of authors starting with Tennyson and Browning and finishing with the light verse of Lear and Carroll. English Literature – An Anthology for... more
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      English LiteratureLiteratureVictorian LiteratureHistory of English Literature
Ælfric di Eynsham: vita, opere. Grammatica, Glossario: esempi di traduzioni.
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      English languageEnglishHistory of English LiteratureAelfric of Eynsham
These poems, composed in Somali and in English, provide a poetic reflection of the recently emerged debate on the theme of Caddaan Studies which means "White Studies". The criticism and counter-criticism contained in the debate dug so... more
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureAfrican StudiesWorld Literatures
Get students to rewrite a full paragraph in different time tenses
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      English LiteratureEnglish for Specific PurposesTeaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish language
In the first five months of the Great War, one million men volunteered to fight. Yet by the end of 1915, the British government realized that conscription would be required. Why did so many enlist, and conversely, why so few? Focusing on... more
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      History of ReligionGender HistoryBritish HistoryHistory Of Emotions
To see is only a language.
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      Cultural HistoryFashion TheoryHistory of English LiteratureFashion History
Get access to a great study on the COVID-19 done by McKinsey and also practice your language skills and learn more about this disease while improving your English.
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      English LiteratureEnglish for Specific PurposesTeaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish language
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      Creative WritingAmerican LiteratureSociologyCultural Studies
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      PhilologyHistorical LinguisticsMedieval LiteratureArt
This article considers Jalal Al-Ahmad and Elizabeth Braddon as writers whose fictions voiced attitudes towards poverty and motherhood. Two women, to get rid of poverty, have to get rid of their children in order to remarry. These two... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesWorld LiteraturesComparative Literature
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      Creative WritingAmerican LiteratureMarketingAmerican History
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      English LiteratureTeaching English as a Second LanguageHistory of English LiteratureAfrican-American Literature
A little bit about Harvard´s history, a place so close to my heart as somewhere I called home for many years and I just wanted to share some its info with you
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      English LiteratureEnglish for Specific PurposesTeaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish language
A wonderful study done by INSEAD, THE ADECCO GROUP and GOOGLE on the Global Talent Competitiveness Index made into an English activity for students to learn and improve their skills in the language.
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      English LiteratureEnglish for Specific PurposesTeaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish language
The poem of Beowulf is unique in being composed in a period of history roughly placed between paganism and Christianity. As a logical reflection of this context, the content of the poem contains elements of both creeds. However, it is... more
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      TheologyLiterary CriticismHermeneuticsHistory of English Literature
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryIntellectual HistoryLiteracy
A full book with activities for students to work on all skills in order to improve or learn the English Language
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      English LiteratureEnglish for Specific PurposesTeaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish language
A short report from McKinsey on Lifelong Employability turned into an ESL lesson for English Students of all levels to learn and improve their language skills
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      English LiteratureEnglish for Specific PurposesTeaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish language
The present study was an attempt to explore the vocabulary learning strategy preferences among Iranian EFL learners. It also investigated the relationship between their vocabulary learning strategy use and vocabulary size. To this end, 90... more
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      English LiteratureTeaching and LearningTeaching English as a Second LanguageScholarship of Teaching and Learning
At Denver there was an influx of passengers into the coaches on the eastbound B. & M. express. In one coach there sat a very pretty young woman dressed in elegant taste and surrounded by all the luxurious comforts of an experienced... more
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    • History of English Literature
The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Law and Literature addresses the need for an authoritative guide through the bewildering maze of medieval law as well as the need for concise examples of how the law infiltrated literary texts. The... more
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      HistoryLawCriminal LawCanon Law
Poor Poet’s Complaint: The Place and Role of the Moneybag in English Literature The article presents four British poems from four different literary periods sharing a common theme: complaint about the poet’s poverty. Each of the poems –... more
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      English LiteratureChaucerEnglish languageOld English Literature
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      HistoryMedieval LiteratureHistory of English LiteratureMedieval England
Objective fluency judgment has always been a formidable task in language testing. Nonetheless, temporal fluency is the type of fluency which can be measured and quantified. Given that, temporal fluency is also known as temporal measures... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEnglish LiteratureEnglish for Specific PurposesEnglish for Academic Purposes
English Literature – An Anthology for Students. Volume 1. From the Middle Ages to the Eighteenth Century. The contents of the anthology are available as individual chapters on Academia. Go to the author's profile, select section... more
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      English LiteratureHistory of English LiteratureTeaching English Literature
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      British LiteratureEnglish LiteratureHistory of English LiteraturePostmodernism
Humanity has always wanted to find peace, order, and justice in a perfect world. Yet, this longing manifested in literary works, has been touched by the dark side of reality, transforming Utopia into Dystopia; a world of conflict and... more
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      Fiction WritingAmerican LiteratureBritish LiteratureWorld Literatures
The present paper seeks to closely explore Kurt Vonnegut " s Slaughterhouse-Five in terms of Judith Herman " s surveys and categorization of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms. It is an attempt to analyze the conflict between the... more
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      American LiteratureComparative LiteratureGreek LiteratureEnglish Literature
British Library Harley MS 3954’s Book of Sir John Mandeville has ninety-nine images, and another thirty-five blanks, carefully framed in thin lines of ink as part of the ruling of the manuscript. As is so often the case, the blanks appear... more
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      CartographyEnglish LiteratureJewish StudiesMedieval Literature
A great article/study from McKinsey on Agile Transformation turned into an ESL lesson for business English.
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      English LiteratureEnglish for Specific PurposesTeaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish language
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      English LiteratureLanguages and LinguisticsMiddle EnglishShakespeare
The beautiful story of Sir Nicholas Winton saving children from the Nazis with questions and vocabulary for English Language Students to practice
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      English LiteratureEnglish for Specific PurposesTeaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish language
A few articles from different media outlets on Elon Musk and his way of doing business and then a few discussion questions on the topic of business in general and his way of doing business
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      English LiteratureEnglish for Specific PurposesTeaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish language
Ahmed Saadawi's Frankenstein in Baghdad, originally published in Arabic in 2013 and translated into English by Jonathan Wright in 2018, is set in the chaotic socio-political condition of post-invasion Iraq. The Nobel exacerbates the... more
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      Social MovementsEnglish LiteratureLiteratureIdentity (Culture)
This book examines how sexological ideas about desire and the body made their way from German science into British literary culture at the turn of the last century. It shows that fiction not only influenced the vocabulary of European... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
A large list of discussing topics for English students to practice their writing and conversation skills.
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      English LiteratureEnglish for Specific PurposesTeaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish language
Modernist Literature. The sixth part of the second volume offers a selection of the Modernist Literature from Joyce to Eliot. English Literature – An Anthology for Students. Volume 2 - From the Romanticism to the Twentieth Century.... more
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      English LiteratureJames JoyceHistory of English LiteratureModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
The paper presents possible classical inspirations of John Braine’s novel Room at the Top (1957). It is an attempt to analyses the text of the novel belonging to the so called Angry Young Period as a tragic work which translated into the... more
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      English Literature'Angry Young Men' MovementHistory of English LiteratureEnglish Novel
Literature is one of the most interesting and significant expression of humanity and in the present day it has become a diverse subject. It challenges old ideas and adapting literary traditions to suit the changing conditions to suit the... more
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    • History of English Literature
An interesting article from McKinsey on the Mindsets and Practices of CEOs, made into an English lesson for students of the English language to practice their skills.
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      English LiteratureEnglish for Specific PurposesTeaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish language
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      English LiteratureHistory of English LiteratureLiterary TheoryChristopher Marlowe
A great study done by COURSERA on the Global Skills Index made into an English activity for students to learn and improve their skills in the language.
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      English LiteratureEnglish for Specific PurposesTeaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish language
A game to improve your Vocabulary in the English Language for students of all levels
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      English LiteratureEnglish for Specific PurposesTeaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish language
The publication of A.C. Swinburne’s collection Poems and Ballads in 1866 provoked a critical backlash aimed at condemning its author’s moral standing. This article takes the collection and its early reception as starting points for a... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEnglish LiteratureLiterary CriticismAudience and Reception Studies
In literature, escapism might seem to take us to unconventional worlds, but again and again, it presents an inverted yet unveiled picture of this world. The word "Escape" was the idea that became a reality for escapist poets. Escapism is... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEnglish LiteratureLanguages and LinguisticsHistory of English Literature
The aim of this article is to analyse the vision of science and scientists presented in His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman. In the first part of the text, the author focuses on the relations between science and the Church in the... more
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      Comparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureLiteraturePopular Culture