History of Anatomy
Recent papers in History of Anatomy
"The anatomical body is a body double—the essay calls it a mirror that first anatomists, and later a larger public, peered into. Anatomical illustration and display required collaboration between art and science, and eventually became the... more
This book will probably be the last edited volume in the series Samuel Thomas Soemmerring Werke (and also of the now complete edition of Soemmerring’s anatomical works [Vom Baue des menschlichen Körpers] in four volumes), a series... more
Teatry anatomiczne, niezwykle popularne w XVI i XVII-wiecznej Europie, łączyły teatr i medycynę nierozerwalnie, choć w sposób pełen wewnętrznych sprzeczności, stanowiąc ciekawy przykład tego to, co Foucault nazywał anatomopolityczną... more
in: Il Corpo e le Arti. Accademie Disegno Anatomia, catalogo mostra (Carrara, Palazzo Cybo Malaspina, 20 maggio-10 settembre 2016), a cura di Marco Ciampolini, Gerardo de Simone, Chiara Nenci, P.Ricci, Pisa, ETS, 2016
BACKGROUND: In spite of its indusrial usefulness and varied daily uses, lead (Pb) pollution is a widespread ecological problem that faces the humans in the 21th century. Pb was found to produces a wide range of toxic effects including... more
Through examining Cole’s own life and his fascination with the textual and corporeal narratives of anatomy, this paper looks to explore the merging of scientific knowledge, bibliographic expertise and narrative to perform... more
In a "parenthesis of fascinated horror" before "the complete discovery and subjection of the body to science", Renaissance anatomists and poets shared peculiar emotions of dread and desire towards the bodies they dissected and described.... more
Abstract of conference paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for the History of Medicine, New Haven (2015) and the basis for a research fellowship at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Uppsala (Sept 2016... more
בסוגיה סבוכה זו עסקו אחרונים רבים ואף נכתבו עליה חיבורים מיוחדים. מאמר זה נכתב בהמשך למאמר 'משנת הבנין ומשנת הבית החיצון' בו נתבארה שיטת הקדמונים בתבנית גופה של אשה, התואמת את המבנה האנטומי הידוע לנו וחלוקה על שיטת הרמב"ם. מתוך העיון... more
Questa è la riproduzione 1:1 in gesso della testa dello Scorticato dello scultore francese Jean-Antoine Houdon (Parigi, 1741-1828). Studiò a Roma, all'Accademia di Francia, dal 1764 al 1768, periodo in cui eseguì molti studi anatomici tra... more
This is the introduction to _Visualizing the Body in Art, Anatomy, and Medicine since 1800: Models and Modeling_ (Routledge, 2019).
Latin words for major body parts are given here and illustrated by Latin and English labeling on images. It is a visual vocabulary aid for Latin learners. Last adjustments made on May 16, 2021. For fuller vocabulary lists see Key Latin... more
עיון מקיף במשנת 'משל משלו חכמים באשה' (נדה ב, ה), ובמשנת 'כל הנשים מיטמאות בבית החיצון' (שם ה, א). החיבור מציע למשניות אלו ולתלמודיהן פירוש אנטומי, לשוני ועיוני. זהו החיבור המלא במהדורה חדשה ומתוקנת שבה חידושים רבים, כמפורט בהקדמה. כולל... more
1713 was a sad year for Hendrickje Dircksz. Her husband, the Leiden anatomy professor Govard Bidloo died on April 20. A few months later, she put his library and anatomical museum on auction. Books were sold on October 23, 24 and 25 and... more
This article reconstructs the reception history of the illustrations of Andreas Vesalius's De humani corporis fabrica (1543) by tracing how they were copied, pirated, and plagiarized from the sixteenth century to today. Curiously, Early... more
The German scholar Barthold Nihusius, a famous convert om Lutheranism to Catholicism, wrote forty letters om Amsterdam, where he worked in Blaeu's printing office, to Athanasius Kircher in Rome. These reveal how Dutch collections of... more
This essay explores the culture of displaying the bodies which had been subjected to dissection for medical and/or judicial purposes in 18th-century London. It argues that 'anatomisation' in this period carried strong connotations of... more
В статье систематизирована информация о деятельности И.В. Буяльского на кафедре анатомии в Императорской медико-хирургической академии в Санкт-Петербурге. Последовательно прослежены основные этапы его биографии, связанные с Академией:... more
Doscientos años después de la publicación de la primera edición de la novela Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo, diversos estudios han vuelto a revisar el texto y a explorar diferentes aspectos como, por ejemplo, su bagaje científico. Los... more
[מהדורה מתוקנת של מאמר זה נמצאת בראש הספר בניינה של אשה] עיון במשנת 'משל משלו חכמים באשה' (נדה ב, ה), ובמשנת 'כל הנשים מיטמאות בבית החיצון' (שם ה, א). המאמר מציע למשניות אלו ולתלמודיהן פירוש אנטומי, לשוני ועיוני. כמו כן נדונו בקצרה כל... more
Michel Foucault argued that the development of morbid anatomy, which he located in late eighteenth-century France, led to a great increase in the power of doctors over patients. The use of autopsy findings to confirm the cause of death... more
Mekteb-i Tıbbiye Müzelerinden İÜ-CTF Tıp Tarihi Müzesine. (Prof. Dr. N. Sarı ile) Afyon ve İstanbul Uluslararası Türk-İslam Tıp Tarihi ve Etiği Kongreleri (2018-2019) Bildiri Kitabı (Afyon and Istanbul International Turkish-Islamic... more
a cura di Giuseppe Olmi e Claudia Pancino L'interrogativo intorno al quale ruota il presente contributo è apparentemente semplice: si può scrivere una storia sociale e culturale della sectio in Età Moderna che non predetermini il proprio... more
La familia Bartholin (latinizada a Bartholino) se hizo famosa por los científicos que dió a la Universidad de Copenhague: doce de sus miembros fueron profesores allí. Tres generaciones de esta familia hicieron contribuciones importantes a... more
1. Su questi temi cfr. almeno Elena Brambilla, La medicina del Settecento: dal monopolio dogmatico alla professione scientifica, in Storia d'Italia, Annali 7, a cura di Franco Della Peruta, Torino, Einaudi, 1984, p. 5-147; Michel... more
Anatomists were slow to embrace photography. When Nicolaus Rüdinger, Eugène-Louis Doyen and other anatomists finally took to it, they took liberties. They manipulated their photographs in theatrical and painterly ways, spectacularly... more
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
Dla naszych antenatów Padwa stała uniwersytetem. "Tam niezmierna panów i studentów obcych ze wszytkich prawie świata przejeżdżających stron znajduje się liczba" -czytamy w popularnym w XVII w. przewodniku po Włoszech 2 , a potwierdzają to... more
Curare - Journal of Medical Anthropology 39(2016)1: 56–74 Abstract The medieval Chinese body maps found in the composite text Songs of the Bodily Husk (late tenth century (?)/printed 1445) are analysed as visual source materials and... more
Ho accolto con grande piacere l'invito del collega ed amico professor Domenico Ribatti a scrivere una breve prefazione per il libro dedicato al professor Rodolfo Amprino e all'insegnamento dell'Anatomia nella Facoltà di Medicina e... more
Examining myths and historical sources, the article aims to reconstruct the genesis and purposes of the so-called “anatomical machines” of Raimondo de Sangro, Prince of Sansevero, which are currently housed in the cavea of the Sansevero... more
In the aftermath of the period referred to as the Renaissance in Sweden Olof Rudbeck the Elder (1630–1702) envisaged a renaissance with his internationally acclaimed, and criticized, Atlantica. Building on the Swedish hyperborean theory... more