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The “Letter of Love and Concord” is a unique source, which allows us a glimpse into the political and religious aspirations of the Armenian Cilician elite at the end of the twelfth century, alluding to its hopes and expectations from the... more
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      Medieval HistoryArmenian StudiesCrusadesPapacy (Medieval Church History)
Mémoire présenté par : Erwan MOREAU en vue de l'obtention du diplôme de : MASTER 2 RECHERCHE Domaine : Sciences humaines et sociales Mention : Ethnologie-Sociologie Spécialité : SOCIOLOGIE Préparé sous la direction de M. Jean Bruno... more
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      GnosticismCriminologyPolitical SociologyAnthropology
The Slavonic eschatological apocryphon Solunskaja Legenda (“The Legend of Thessalonica”) is a direct translation from Syriac. The archetype of the extant recensions is datable to 893–972. It was created, in the First Bulgarian Empire, on... more
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      HagiographyOld Church SlavonicEschatology and ApocalypticismApocalypticism In Literature
An anonymous Slavonic sermon is published for the first time according to the unique Russian manuscript of the 17th cent. going back to a Western (“Lithuanian”) Russian protograph. The text quotes a rare recension of the Apocalypse of... more
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      Byzantine LiteratureCrusadesByzantine StudiesApocalypticism In Literature
The list contains only five items I have previously dealt with (but with some new notes)--and some considerations why it is not exhaustive, and where more items are to be found.
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      Old Church SlavonicMissionary HistoryEschatology and ApocalypticismJewish - Christian Relations
Un nuouo apocrifo da aggiungere al dossier dell'Antitisto
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      Latin manuscriptsRevelation to JohnHistorical apocalypses