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___________________________________________________________________________ Abstract Environmental concern among the consumers has been on the rise in India. They are driving manufacturers' to produce eco-friendly product. The study has... more
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      Consumers & ConsumptionGreen MarketingGreen ProductsGreen and Sustainability Practices
The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, held in June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, was probably the largest event in a long series of megasummits on environmental protection and sustainable development. Roughly 44 000... more
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      International RelationsDevelopment StudiesEnvironmental LawEnvironmental Studies
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      Green EconomicsArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureGreen Infrastructure
Since the railway industry has become the primary consideration for technology upgrade, there is also the issue of the technology being green and sustainable. There is no global sustainability policies when the railway industry's... more
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      Civil EngineeringEnvironmental SustainabilityEmerging TechnologiesGreen and Sustainability Practices
From the perspective of degrowth as described by Serge Latouche, the eight "R" can be read as a political project for the democratization of the economy and, consequently, for the protection of humanity. These eight "R" presuppose the... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentPhilosophy Of EconomicsEnvironmental SustainabilityDeGrowth
The concept of circular economy (CE) has recently gained momentum in the political, scientific, and economic debate, especially in China and Europe. As a result, organizations and scholars have started to establish different sets of... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental ManagementSustainability (Organisational Strategy)Corporate Sustainability
The study examines the influence of board characteristics on environmental sustainability performance. Companies' sustainability performance is affected by many factors such as board composition, lack of knowledge, policies and resources... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate GovernanceEnvironmental Management AccountingEnvironmental Sustainability
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      Environmental EngineeringLandscape EcologyEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental Education
The construction phase of a building´s life cycle accounts for a significant portion of the environmental impacts caused by the industry, such as contamination, waste, dust emissions and noise. Therefore best practices and technological... more
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      Sustainable Building DesignConstructionSustainable ConstructionEnvironmental Sustainability
The purpose of the study is to examine the influence of manufacturing performance on green supply chain management amongst Malaysian companies. A conceptual model is proposed and is subjected to an empirical verification with the use of a... more
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      BusinessSupply Chain ManagementSupply ChainSustainable Supply Chain
This article paper has been published through Durreesamin Journal as a series of my Environmental Advocacy & Conservation Personal Journal & Reflections compositions for the subject course at the University of the Philippines. In the past... more
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      Environmental EngineeringLandscape EcologyClimate ChangeSustainable Building Design
Quantification of nuclear liability insurance is difficult without arbitrary liability caps; however, post-mortem calculations can be used to calculate insurance costs. This study analyzes the Fukushima (Daiichi) nuclear power plant... more
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      Risk Management and InsuranceElectrical EngineeringJapanese StudiesEconomics
The book introduces students to the background and key issues of sustainability and suggests ways in which these concepts can be applied in business practice. Though the book takes a business perspective, it is interdisciplinary in its... more
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      BusinessManagementBusiness EthicsCorporate Social Responsibility
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      Sustainable DevelopmentLightweight StructuresPlastic TechnologyRoad Traffic Crashes
For green technology firms, government's shifting preference for sustainable products and services is likely to become an increasingly important market factor. Green technology firms are thus in an excellent position to respond to... more
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      Sustainable Production and ConsumptionGreen TechnologyGreen PurchasingGreen and Sustainability Practices
Green buildings increasingly attract attention in the real estate sector, and the United States is no exception. Studies indicate that green rated buildings may bring higher rents and sales prices. One reason for this inequity is that the... more
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      Sustainability in Higher EducationSustainable Design Green Buildings Real EstateGreen and Sustainability Practices
Nigeria faces a number of overarching challenges. Large scale-scale reorganization of its consumption pattern is taking place while relentless depletion of it natural capital is simultaneously underway. Recently, the country rebased its... more
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      Environmental ScienceEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsEnvironmental Economics
For more than forty years—inspired by the pioneering dialogues of the Trappist monk Thomas Merton, with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and the Zen master Daisetz T. Suzuki—Buddhist and Christian monastics have been engaged in interfaith... more
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      Buddhism in North AmericaForest and Women, Environmentalism, EcofeminismNew Social Movements, Green Movement, EnvironmentalismEnvironmental philosophy, religious studies, anthropology
Goethe’nin “Yapabileceğiniz ya da düşleyebileceğiniz ne varsa ona başlayın. Cesarette zeka, güç ve sihir vardır. Hemen başlayın.” cümlesini çalışma masasının başucuna asan Liz Walker, ne zaman bir güçlükle karşılaşsa, dönüp bu sözü okuyor... more
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      Social MovementsPolitical EcologyEnvironmental StudiesCommunity Ecology
Service industry is expanding rapidly and known as the profitable and contributors to the highest global Gross Domestic Product. Due to the climate change issue is getting more attention due to its increasingly adverse effects on human... more
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      Service managementGreen and Sustainability Practices
In the past couple of decades, manufacturing industry began to accept the necessity of environmental management and started to implement environmental management programs to compete in the global market. Thus, green supply chain... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationInternational BusinessOperations Management
ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT This study examines reverse supply chains in the electronics industry. The analysis characterizes the flow of resources among firms in a reverse supply chain in the Norwegian electronics industry. The study... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental StudiesSustainable DevelopmentElectronics
Today built heritage conservation should consider constantly changing needs of users. In particular, recent problems related to the economic crisis and to environmental pollution make issues related to consumption reduction and... more
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      ArchitectureCultural HeritageHistoric PreservationSustainable Development
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      Ethics & Social SustainabilitySustainability in Higher EducationSustainability (Organisational Strategy)Corporate Sustainability
Environmental sustainability has often been claimed as a means to providing a competitive advantage by encouraging efficiencies, attracting customers and obtaining business. This work critically considers this idea in the context of the... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable TourismEnvironmental SustainabilityTourism and Hotel Management
The objectives of this report are determining sustainability aspects of UTS Building 6 in 720 Harris Street Ultimo Sydney and providing solutions to improve the quality of the building in the future.
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      Sustainable Building DesignGreen and Sustainability Practices
When it becomes publicly known that products are associated with suppliers that engage in unsustainable behaviors, consumers protest, as Nestlé, Zara, and Kimberly Clark, among others, have learned. The phenomenon by which consumers hold... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementSustainability (Organisational Strategy)Corporate SustainabilityEnvironmental Sustainability
Weather is arguably the most important factor of thermal comfort, both as an actual and perceived component, from a user's viewpoint. The received energy, real or presumed, by the user is highly decisive in how well an outdoor space is... more
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      PsychologyArchitectureCreativityResearch Methodology
In this report, we present our detailed analysis of the supply chain - a critical part of the value chain in around ten sectors. Our analysis was conducted in partnership with Bureau Veritas Certification. We drew on the field experience... more
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      Sustainable agricultureSocial sustainabilityESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance issues)Green and Sustainability Practices
ER DET blitt slik at man er mer opptatt av korrekte holdninger og symboler for å redde klima og baerekraft enn faktisk å gjøre noe med det? Mange er kanskje lei av å lytte til at klima er mer et spørsmål om moral og symboler enn en aktiv... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentGreen MarketingEnvironmental SustainabilityGreen Supply Chain Management
This paper explores green and sustainability protocol in order to advance halal food standard in Malaysia. Towards to be concern on climate change, population expected increase 3 billion in the next 40 years, rapidly developing nations... more
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      Halal foodProtocolsGreen and Sustainability Practices
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      BusinessIndian studiesOrganic agricultureConsumerism
The concept of circular economy (CE) has recently gained momentum in the political, scientific, and economic debate, especially in China and Europe. As a result, organizations and scholars have started to establish different sets of... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental ManagementSustainability (Organisational Strategy)Corporate Sustainability
The link between green supply chain practices (GSCPs) and competitive advantages (CAs) is a subject of growing interest amongst academics and practitioners. Despite the theoretical arguments that environmentally conscious practices would... more
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      Competitive advantageGreen Supply Chain ManagementSustainable Competitive AdvantageGreen and Sustainability Practices
This paper explores green and sustainability protocol in order to advance halal food standard in Malaysia. Towards to be concern on climate change, population expected increase 3 billion in the next 40 years, rapidly developing nations... more
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      Halal foodFood Safety ManagementFood SecurityFood Quality and Safety
Offers a comprehensive overview of sustainability governance, covering the recent insights into sustainability governance This book provides a detailed overview of governance for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Adopting a unique... more
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      Environmental StudiesSustainable DevelopmentGovernanceEnvironmental Ethics
Solar stills of four different capacities were fabricated and tested for water distillation. The distilled water production rate performance (PRP) was analyzed. The highest rate of PRP was recorded between 11.30 am and 12.30 noon in all... more
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      WaterWater resourcesWater and wastewater treatmentDesign Innovation
A research essay on circular economy and how to 'close the loop' and actively engage in the circular economy and rethinking our traditional ways of creating and relating to waste. The need for change is now, as any alternatives may lead... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyEthnographyEnvironmental SustainabilityCircular Economy
There is a perception that increased forest cover and density in urban contexts is associated with increased criminality. But, this complex relationship between urban vegetation, crime, ecosystem services (ES) and dis-services (ED), has... more
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      ColombiaUrban PlanningForest EcologyCity planning
This scientific research entitled “Analyzing Prime Conditions of Green Roofs in Jakarta” is aimed to help the world in innovating a solution for ultimate sustainable land utilization. This scientific research is written in correlation... more
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      Soil ScienceSustainable agricultureAgricultureGreen architecture
Pride Toronto is one of Canada's biggest festivals, drawing in over 1 million people. This festival attempted to become the greenest festival in Canada by achieving zero waste and carbon neutrality by 2015. Despite specific goals,... more
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      Events managementSustainable TourismFestival TourismBenchmarking
Η αειφόρος ανάπτυξη (sustainability) ορίζεται ως «η ανάπτυξη εκείνη, η οποία ικανοποιεί τις ανάγκες του παρόντος χωρίς να διακινδυνεύει την ικανότητα των μελλοντικών γενεών να ικανοποιήσουν τις δικές τους ανάγκες».
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      Sustainability in Higher EducationHigher Education ManagementHigher Education LeadershipGreen and Sustainability Practices
In this study, with using the method of solar envelope, general layout plans, building forms and building density values were obtained to ensure optimal utilization of the sun in mass housing area. Toki housing in İnonu Quarter of Bingöl... more
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      ArchitectureUrban PlanningSustainable Building DesignSustainable Urbanism
This is the Draft Table of Contents for my forthcoming book (Lexington--hopefully December 2016): Eco-Nihilism: The Philosophical Geopolitics of the Climate Change Apocalypse. I post it here to give my readers--for whom I'm tremendously... more
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      Critical TheoryFuture StudiesPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsGender Studies
Biomass pyrolysis is a promising renewable sustainable source of fuels and petrochemical substitutes. It may help in compensating the progressive consumption of fossil-fuel reserves. The present article outlines biomass pyrolysis. Various... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceDevelopment EconomicsEnvironmental Economics
This research examines the emerging role of sustainable graphic designer. A current gap exists between a small group of highly-motivated sustainable graphic designers and the rest of the industry. The purpose of this study is to identify... more
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      Design educationSystems ThinkingGraphic DesignBest Practices
-Discusses the influence of Slow philosophy, Slow Food movements, and social and environmental policy on principles and practices as they relate to media - Offers a new ethical framework, rooted in sustainability, for the production and... more
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      Literary JournalismJournalismDigital CultureMedia Activism
The implementation of smart inventory management system is one of the criteria that have to be emphasized by the industry and private sector particularly a developing country such as Malaysia. According to Heizer and Render (2011),... more
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      Inventory ManagementWaste ReductionGreen and Sustainability Practices