Constantijn was de eerste keizer die het christendom openlijk bevoordeelde. De grote vraag voor historici is echter in hoeverre hij zich echt tot het christelijke geloof bekeerde.
Are Scandinavian monarchs worshipped as state gods, as part of an inherited mystery apotheosis cult? Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark is the supreme authority of the state Church of Denmark (Den Danske Folkekirke.) Supreme... more
Accumulations of pot shards, many of them from common vessels and deposited below surface, are ubiquitous phenomena in Greco-Roman sacred places. The modern denomination of this pottery in fills, terraces, or pits, as 'sacred waste' falls... more
This collection of essays offers a rounded examination of the Roman and Italian manifestations of Dionysus. Nine essays address Bacchus at the crossroads of Greek and Roman, combining diverse sources that include art, epigraphy,... more
"Estas páginas contienen una reflexión sobre un tema importante en el mundo antiguo: el aprovisionamiento de cereal al ejército romano. El hecho de que la base de la alimentación fuera el grano y su ausencia la causa más frecuente del... more
The archeological digs carried out in the Phoeni-cian-Punic sanctuary of La Algaida (Sanlucar de Barrameda) during the 70s and 80s decade of the last century have allowed the recovery of more than ten thousand votive offerings from many... more
An Announcement of my Book about the Roman Cult of the manes, including a description of the work and the table of contents
Women appear frequently as donors in the Greek antiquity, an action that emphasizes their presence in the public sphere. The endowments of movable or landed property, which were undertaken in order to furnish a permanent income for the... more
From the Encyclopedia of Ancient History (2013): 153-156.
Le fogne delle città antiche? Erano infestate da piovre mostruose. Gli imperatori romani? Erano costantemente impegnati a tramare contro i propri stessi sudditi, eliminando geniali inventori che avrebbero potuto rendere più semplice ed... more
More than 20 years after presenting his first interpretation of the mosaic from the House of Aion in a paper entitled “Uwagi na temat mozaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr)” (Meander 9/10, 1987, p. 421-438, in Polish, and translated to... more
"Εργαστήριο Αρχαιολόγιας Ι. Το Ηρώδειο Συγκρότημα του Ιερού των Αιγυπτίων Θεών (2ος αι. μ.Χ.) στο Μικρό Έλος του Μαραθώνα: Ένας επισκέψιμος αρχαιολογικός χώρος υπό έρευνα και ανάδειξη. Ομιλία προβολής στο πλαίσιο κοινωνικής συνεργασίας... more
Earlier scholarship saw the worship of Silvanus in Dalmatia from two different perspectives. Firstly, as a continuance of the pre-Roman indigenous cult which became »recognized« as the italic deity Silvanus through the interpretatio... more
In the introduction of his book "The Pagan Origins of Christianity" Andre Knighton wrote: "…. The Catholic Church did not recognize her pagan roots and origins up to this day…… the time has come to look today at Christianity in the light... more
ΦΩΣ ΚΑΙ ΣΚΟΤΑΔΙ: Η ΠΕΡΙΠΤΩΣΗ ΤΗΣ MATER MATVTA According to Greek mythology, the gods lived surrounded by light 1 and not by darkness (as in other mythologies): Olympus was always cloudless and bright. As for human life, it was related to... more
Desde los días de Esdras surgió en Israel una escuela de estudiantes profesionales de la ley que dedicaron todo su tiempo y su pensamiento a la investigación y determinación de asuntos relacionados con la revelación divina .Los tales... more
Mater Matuta was the Roman goddess of dawn, whose temple was in the Forum Boarium (cattle forum). She was responsible for the morning light. In the Greek tradition, she was identified with Leucothea (the divinized Ino) a goddess of the... more
More than 20 years after presenting his first interpretation of the mosaic from the House of Aion in a paper entitled “Uwagi na temat mozaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr)” (Meander 9/10, 1987, p. 421-438, in Polish, and translated to... more
This thesis presents a critical reading of youth rites of passage in Ancient Greece with a view to determine how far our conceptualisation of the phenomenon reflects ancient practice. The investigation concerns a number of cults and rites... more
According to the rules that govern Roman religion, a white sacrificial animal is offered to a celestial or earth god, while infernal divinities receive a black one. Moreover, each deity is pleased by the immolation of an animal belonging... more
Within the matrix of ancient Greek and Roman religion, mystery cults constitute an intricate set of esoteric spiritual beliefs, which had strong reverberations on all aspects of human societies (politics, economy, culture), as they... more
Lo que pretendemos con el presente libro es ofrecer una herramienta que permita acceder de forma completa y ordenada al conjunto significativo de fuentes escritas relacionadas con los misterios mitraicos desarrollados en el imperio... more
This study evolves around water cults in the regions of Macedonia and Thrace. Particularly, it examines the presence and significance of River Gods in these regions during the roman period as detected through archaeological material and... more
English Abstract p. 493-511 Подається характеристика дохристиянського релігійного світогляду, що включав полісну ідеологію і вірування населення. Релігія античного Херсонеса розглядається в соціальному вимірі, тобто першочергове значення... more
Une nouvelle inscription latine fait connaître l’évolution municipale de la ciuitas de Thabbora en Afrique Proconsulaire, les noms de deux sufétes et un nouveau culte, rare en Afrique romaine, celui de Neptune et des Nymphes Augustes
Introduction 2. e topology of monetary offerings 2.1 Side of appearance and location of the coins 2.2 "Random" deposit 2.3 Protocol A 3. e packaging of the coin and its "mise en scène" 3.1 Burned or unburned coins 3.2 "Protected" coins... more
This article explores the similarities and differences between Babylonian incantation bowls and Graeco-Roman binding spells and ‘prayers for justice’. It does not intend to demonstrate a direct historical link between the two, but rather... more
The Mysteries of Mithras, dedicated to the eponymous Persian divinity, was one of several mystery cults of the ancient world. It flourished during the second and third centuries CE throughout the Roman Empire, but with special frequency... more
This is a more elaboret and developped version of the first paper published in Polish : M.T. Olszewski, Uwagi na temat mosaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr), Menander XLII, 9-10, 1987, pp. 421-438 (translated to English : The... more
Given the closure of universities, research centers and libraries for Covid 19, I decided to upload the complete pdf of the articles even if the publishing house had asked not to do it (or at least, to wait a few years). But we are in an... more
Via Cervignano 4 -20137 Milano Catalogo: I diritti di riproduzione, memorizzazione elettronica e pubblicazione con qualsiasi mezzo analogico o digitale (comprese le copie fotostatiche e l'inserimento in banche dati) e... more
The article focuses on the author's research on the chronographical background of the Zodiac Mosaic Calendar in Synagogue at Hammath-Tiberias. He researched to find the origin of mosaic decoration, the twelve zodiac sign, the four... more
Roman architect Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (c. 75-15 BC) wrote, “[O]ne who professes himself as an architect should be…acquainted with astronomy and the theory of the heavens…. From astronomy we find the east, west, south, and north, as well... more
In questo contributo 1 ci si propone di esaminare alcuni casi di localizzazione di aree o luoghi di culto della colonia latina di Aquileia, nel periodo compreso grosso modo tra la fondazione nel 181 a.C. e la trasformazione istituzionale... more
two bronze inscription from Halaesa (Sicily), of the Augustan age, testify to the involvement of more than 800 priests of Apollo. The international net of Apollonian priests is mirrored by Propertius and other poets, who mention... more
The paper discusses the impact of greek civilization on Romans in some aspects of everyday living as well as customs mainly related to Greeks, but later widespread in Rome such as pederasty and homosexuality. The marriage in Roman society... more