Recent papers in Emesa
Enyclopedia entry on Eusebius of Emesa, the fourth-century exegete and bishop who is of central importance for our understanding of the Antiochene School.
Hace algunos años, Warwick Ball propuso que el Templo de Elagabal de Emesa, jamás encontrado, debe identificarse con el complejo de templos de Baalbek. Más recientemente, Gary Young ha pretendido mostrar la endeblez de las evidencias con... more
The article presents a die study of tetradrachms minted in Emesa during the reign of Caracalla. The primary goal was to understand the meaning of the various field marks on the reverse. Although no solid conclusion could be drawn due to... more
Zenobija se, prema mišljenju mnogih, pokazala hrabrijom od supruga; zaista među svim ženama Istoka bila je najplemenitija. Lice joj je bilo tamnoputo, oči crne i moćne na kakve se retko nailazilo, duh joj je bio božanski silan, a lepota... more