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      Computer VisionPattern RecognitionSegmentationCalibration
Patient motion during brain SPECT studies can c l e m resolution and introduce distortion. We have developed a correction method which incorporates a motion tracking system to monitor the position and orientation of the patient's head... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringBiomechanicsTomographyMotion estimation
This paper advances an alternative explanation of the large external imbalance between the United States and China, and its linkages to the current global financial crisis. We show that US current account deficits dated back long before... more
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      International EconomicsNatural ResourcesInternational TradeInternational Macroeconomics
In this paper, we present a novel high bit rate LSB audio data hiding method that reduces embedding distortion of the host audio. Using the proposed two-step algorithm, hidden bits are embedded into the higher LSB layers, resulting in... more
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      WatermarkingCryptographyData HidingDistortion
It is shown how, within the framework of general relativity and without the introduction of wormholes, it is possible to modify a spacetime in a way that allows a spaceship to travel with an arbitrarily large speed. By a purely local... more
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      General RelativityScience FictionMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
In recent years there has been an increased interest in audio steganography and watermarking. This is due primarily to two reasons. First, an acute need to improve our national security capabilities in light of terrorist and criminal... more
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      EngineeringIntellectual PropertyDigital MediaWatermarking
We describe the performance of a bulk micromachined deformable mirror coated with a dielectric stack for adaptive optics applications with high power lasers. A reflectance of greater than 99.9% was measured and the mirror had a residual... more
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      Adaptive OpticsDistortionGravity WavesHigh Power
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      Digital WatermarkingDistortionLossless Compression
Abstracr-Predictive coding is a promising approach for speech coding. In this paper, we review the recent work on adaptive predictive coding of speech signals, with particular emphasis on achieving high speech quality at low bit rates... more
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      Adaptive SystemsQuantizationDistortionPredictive coding
A common response to intimate partner violence is to ask victims why they stay in the abusive relationship. Unfortunately this can have the effect of blaming or holding the victim responsible for the abuser’s actions. Recently, social... more
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      Domestic ViolenceDecision MakingIntimate Partner ViolenceDistortion
This paper focuses on the prediction of laser beam welding-induced distortions and residual stresses through numerical simulation. Fabrication of fuselage panels of latest generation civil aircraft involves welding of stringers on thin... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterialsNumerical Simulation
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      Signal ProcessingStatistical AnalysisMarkov ProcessesSpeech Recognition
A guard ring (GR) protected InGaAs p-i-n photodiode with high linearity is fabricated and the effect of the GR protection structure on the linearity of the photodiode is studied. For the electrostatic discharge (ESD) protected photodiode,... more
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This letter proposes a modification to the Least-Significant-Bit (LSB) matching, a steganographic method for embedding message bits into a still image. In the LSB matching the choice of whether to add or subtract one from the cover image... more
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      Information TechnologySteganographyCalibrationInformation Hiding
Imperfections in binocular image pairs can cause serious viewing discomfort. For example, in stereo vision systems eye strain is caused by unintentional mismatches between the left and right eye images (stereo imperfections). Head-mounted... more
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      Information SystemsBinocular visionStereopsisDisplays
Motivated by the need for affordable, high-performance fiber-optic microwave links in fiber-fed microcellular networks and radar systems, we have performed a comprehensive experimental evaluation of the microwave modulation... more
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      OpticsMedical ImagingFiber OpticsTelecommunications
ARTICLE INFO Detection of the Distorted Fingerprints major causes to non-match in fingerprint at time matching fingerprint sample. This problem causes all the recognition of fingerprint algorithm application. It is complicated in negative... more
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      Information SystemsEngineeringPrincipal Component AnalysisMatlab
A new digital signal processing approach to shaping intersymbol interference (ISI) and static mismatch errors simultaneously in oversampled multi-level digital to analog converters (DAC) has recently been proposed. In this paper, a... more
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      Harmonic AnalysisDigital Signal ProcessingDesign methodDistortion
This paper describes the theory and implementation of audio effects such as echo, distortion and pitch-shift in Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). At first the mathematical formulation for generation of such effects is explained and... more
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      FPGAAudio ProcessingDistortion
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      Military HistoryNaval WarfareFirst World WarDeception
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      PsychologyHistory of Perspective in PaintingVisual ArtsIllusions
Mesimet jane  bazuar mbi tekstin e edukim fizik " Filara".
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    • Distortion
Tulisan ini membahas pemodelan dan simulasi pengelasan berbasis metode elemen hingga (MEH) untuk memprediksi distorsi pengelasan bilah roda traktor. Dua pemodelan MEH dibutuhkan untuk mendapatkan model distorsi pengelasan, yaitu termal... more
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      WeldingDistortionJurnal Teknik Mesin
We report on the subjective comparison of speech enhancement algorithms using the ITU-T P.835 standard. A Matlab toolbox, i.e. P835Tool, has been developed to comply with the ITU P.835 standard. The ITU-T P.835 methodology was designed to... more
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      Communication systemsSpeech enhancementDistortionPerformance Index
Sometimes back this scribe reviewed a disaster of a book “Stolen Victory” in form of a podcast. The stolen victory -Brig Sultan SJ and BAR Book review #books #bookreview #pakistanarmy #leadership #decisionmaking #bangladesh #warfare Mar... more
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      Military HistoryPerceptionResearch MethodologyLeadership
An investigation of the intake pressure recovery and distortion effects observed by varying maneuverability conditions of the F-16 was conducted. Simulations were conducted by using the Partial Differential Equation (PDE) calculator... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsComputational Fluid MechanicsFluid DynamicsRecovery
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      Thin FilmsThin FilmDistortionError Correction
WV 420 Hz 7th Harmonic currents in Army installation power systems can cause voltage distortion, overheating of system components, and load disruption. The U.S. Army Center for Public Works also has periodically received reports of... more
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      EngineeringExperimental DesignDistortionVoltage
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      Power QualityTransducersCalibrationData acquisition
AbstractHardenability of steels is an important way to determine heat treatment and material properties that produce component products. Jominy test is one of the method to know hardenability of steels. The Jominy ASTM A255 in used as a... more
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      Heat TreatmentDistortionJominyHardenability
This paper describes a high-precision linear optical scanner, combining an averaged optical sensor array with appropriate 10-μm graduated scales on a measurement-fixed plate and a Vernier sliced parallel scale on a reading plate, where... more
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      Optical SensorDistortionHarmonic distortionElectrical And Electronic Engineering
In metal music studies, ‘heaviness’ has been acknowledged as an essential element of the genre. Commonly associated with the distorted guitar, most work on heaviness has concentrated on the instrument’s sound. If respective research... more
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      DistortionMetal Music StudiesHeaviness
Multiples contain valuable information about the subsurface, and if properly migrated can provide a wider illumination of the subsurface compared to imaging with VSP primary reflections. In this paper we review three different methods for... more
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      GeophysicsGeophysical ProspectingCross CorrelationModels
This paper analyzes secondary and primary source literature written about William Marshal - a comparatively famous 12th century knight - in order to determine what influences his reputation has had on authors, as well as what... more
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      Medieval HistoryBias12th century EnglandDistortion
Dr. M. S. Kadam M.E. (Manufacturing) M.E. (Manufacturing) HOD (Mechanical Department) JNEC Aurangabad (M.S.) JNEC Aurangabad (M.S.) JNEC Aurangabad (M.S.)
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      Mechanical EngineeringDistortionFEAHeat
As the use of qualitative inquiry increases within the field of social work, researchers must consider the issue of establishing rigor in qualitative research. This article presents research procedures used in a study of autoethnographies... more
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      BusinessDiscourse AnalysisHistorySociology
Es en el instrumento donde se da el uso y abuso específico, o el rechazo explícito de diversas tecnologías, dependiendo de su sonido particular, induciendo a la construcción de distinciones entre los géneros que conforman la música... more
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      AutomobileGuitar ElectricDistortionRock Music
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      Signal ProcessingStatistical AnalysisMarkov ProcessesSpeech Recognition
This thesis introduces a new procedure for the enhancement of acoustic images of the bottom of the sea produced by side-scan sonars. Specifically, it addresses the problem of estimating and correcting geometric distortions frequently... more
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      EngineeringEarth SciencesComputer ScienceArtificial Intelligence
Khairuddin Barbarossa adalah seorang Admiral Islam yang paling masyhur, terutama pada masa pemerintahan Kesultanan Turki Utsmani pada pertengahan periode Islam. Banyak sekali prestasi dan jasa yang telah di torehkan olehnya terutama untuk... more
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      HistoryBiographyIslamic HistoryDistortion
The purposes of this study were threefold: 1) to find out whether the subjects can catch all the main ideas of the original text in their summary writing, 2) to investigate whether the subjects have committed any plagiarism in their... more
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      PlagiarismDistortionSummary Writing
Un certain nombre de films réalisés après la mort du dictateur Franco et l’entrée de l’Espagne dans la postmodernité témoignent d’une indéniable prédilection de certains cinéastes espagnols pour l’excès et le débordement. Des noms tels... more
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      Film AestheticsPostmodernDistortionPosmodernidad
The notion of “Cute” has been studied as a global aesthetic form in consumer and popular culture. Aside from being a dominant aesthetic of mass culture, the cute also became a form of expression with increasing virtual and visual... more
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      Experimental Media ArtsVisual CultureJapanese Popular CultureJapanese contemporary art
Durante muchos años, músicos y personas afines a la música han expresado su preferencia con respecto a preamplificadores realizados con válvulas termoiónicas, argumentando “calidad de sonido” en desmedro de los equipos basados en... more
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      DistortionTransistor AmplifiersIntermodulation DistortionFrequency Response
ÖZ Danışanlar terapide kimi zaman kendilerini ifade etmekte zorlanabilir ya da terapiye karşı direnç gösterebilir. Danışmanlık seanslarında kendilerini ifade etmekte güçlük çeken, direnç gösteren danışanların birçok nedeni vardır.... more
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      ResistanceDistortionSelf-DefencePsychological Counselling
The problem of removing directional trends frequently occurs in the processing of magnetic data and also in the subsequent steps of data interpretation. The so-called corrugations are typical directional trends occurring in levelled data,... more
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The paper shows that the RG score, used by the Researchgate open scientific gateway, is seriously flawed. The hard-core center of the RG Score, besides interactions, is the journal impact factor system, used in the RG Score and the... more
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Dimensional changes between a pattern die and its corresponding investment cast part occur as a result of complex phenomena such as thermal expansion/contraction and hot deformation (elastic, plastic, and creep) during the processing of... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringRheologyComputer Simulation
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