Recent papers in Diegesis
This study is part of a master’s dissertation aiming to investigate the immersion of user interfaces in first person games using virtual reality. This evaluation is based on the concepts established by the Diegesis theory. Based on that,... more
La narratividad no es solo una cualidad de determinados discursos (verbales o no). Es una dimensión básica de nuestra existencia: la narratividad o relatividad ontológica. También, al experimentar la existencia como "agôn", la dimensión... more
August Rush (2007), directed by Kirsten Sheridan, tells the story of an orphaned musical prodigy, Evan Taylor, using his gift to find his parents. While the central message of August Rush is how music connects people, it interestingly... more
Análisis musical, histórico, tecnológico y estético de la música de videojuegos a través de las obras de Nobuo Uematsu centrado en la saga Final Fantasy.
In attempting to set a Passion story to music, one of a composer's primary considerations must be drama. Theological importance aside, the tale of Jesus' betrayal, conviction, and crucifixion is chock full of high dramatic intrigue,... more
This study aimed to investigate the immersion of user interfaces that bring first person games using virtual reality based on the concepts established by the Diegesis theory. To conclude, a table has been created with identified elements... more
It is clear that the Japanese film up until the 1930s displayed a very characteristic “national style” which differed from the West. Silent films were largely influenced by the traditional Japanese performing art known as kabuki.... more
In this article I shall make an attempt to present a systematic model of the relationship between music and image in film. The interaction between music and image can be approached in various aspects. The functional aspect is one of the... more
This work studies the image of Byzantine emperors, from Theodosius I to Heraclius, as they are reflected by a Xth century manuscript called The Patria, which is a compilation of four books that focuses on the city of Constantinople and... more
Artykuł stanowi rozwinięcie i dopełnienie badań zaprezentowanych w pracy „Ściany labiryntu. Systemy narracyjne Franza Kafki i Nikołaja Gogola” (Świerczyński 2020). Jego głównym celem jest zarówno przedstawienie i analiza gogolowskich... more
La ficción cinematográfica, mediante la manipulación de los sonidos y su orientación conceptual, ha permitido ser narrada también desde el aspecto sonoro. En el artículo se observan los aspectos acústicos que determinarán diferentes... more
Résumé : La notion de diègèsis, telle qu’elle est développée par Platon dans la République et par Aristote dans la Poétique a participé à la fondation de l’édifice théorique de la narratologie. Cependant, l’examen des textes indique... more
One of the most central and often repeated adages in Filmmaking is “Show, don’t tell”. Working with a medium such as Film, where the visual aspect is dominant, led filmmakers to develop specific ways to narrate a story visually, shying... more
Un elemento esencial para el desdoblamiento de la trama y la complejidad psicológica de los eventos en Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? por Joyce Carol Oates es el concepto del espacio. En su teoría de la narratología, Mieke Ball... more
Previous research has shown that player involvement can be influenced by a range of factors, from the controllers used to the perceived level of challenge provided by the game. However, little attention has been paid to the influence of... more
Sommario: p. 3 Introduzione p. 7 Cap. 1 L'elegia di argomento storico-mitico come genere letterario p. 23 Cap. 2 L'elegia diegetica tra l'età arcaica e l'inizio dell'età classica p. 51 Cap. 3 Le elegie di Simonide di Ceo sulle guerre... more
Landvogt: Discours cités. Eine äußerungs-und erzähltheoretisch fundierte Typologie der Redewiedergabe am Beispiel von Gustave Flaubert. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter 2011 (= Studia Romanica Bd. 162). 352 S. EUR 45,-. ISBN... more
This article has a dual focus. On the one hand, it traces the history of the tradition of the floating and rotating dome and relates it to the idea of the sublime. On the other hand, it delves into the phenomenological component of the... more
Realistische Utopien im Zeichen des Klimawandels Facing climate crisis and other environmental problems that might shape our future, narrative practices are being developed to build positive images and narratives of possible futures.... more
El autor hace un análisis del papel que juega la música en la célebre novela histórica Venezuela Heroica de Eduardo Blanco, a la luz del concepto de música diegética y no diegética.
The Limits of Narratology as theorized and practised by Gerald Prince and others.
Pour respecter les droits d’auteur, la version électronique de cette thèse a été dépouillée de certains documents visuels et audio‐visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire [de la thèse] a été déposée à la Division de la gestion des... more
That the same story can be told in different media is one of the fundamental claims of narratology. Claude Bremond (1964) famously listed verbal narrative, novels, theater, movies and ballet among potential vehicles for story. He thus... more
Das filmtheoretische Werk des Philosophen Étienne Souriau (1892–1979) ist schmal, aber bis heute enorm einflussreich. Mit Das filmische Universum liegen erstmals sämtliche seiner Schriften zum Film auf Deutsch vor. Gerahmt werden sie... more
La música en las diversas entregas de Bioshock ha demostrado un nivel de sofisticación y cohesión inauditas respecto a otras franquicias de FPSs, revelando una construcción ficcional de un mundo de una profundidad inusitada, que ha... more
Während eine Handlung in Medien wie Büchern oder Filmen in der Regel linear abläuft und sich auf die durch das mediale Dispositiv eingegrenzten Rahmen beschränkt, bietet das Computerspiel im Gegensatz dazu einen offeneren Raumzugang, der... more
Si les sciences humaines ont connu un “tournant narratif”, celui-ci ne doit pas éclipser un mouvement bien plus large : le tournant diégétique. Alors que les fictions traditionnelles reposaient sur la coextensivité de leurs matériaux... more
In this paper, I introduce the notion of communicative-expressive interaction with a character’s mind, within an interactive fiction video. It is an interaction model that allows a participant continuous interaction with a story as a way... more
La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre... more
This essay introduces a new theoretical approach for the analysis of digital games with a hybrid structure between interactivity and narrativity called “internarrativity”. The aim of this model is to enable an appropriate examination of... more
Die aktuelle Diskussion um das Erzählen im Journalismus Der Journalismus hat ein ambivalentes Verhältnis zum Erzählen. Der Boulevardjournalismus bedient sich ungeniert aller erzählerischer Mittel, der Zeitschriften-Journalismus greift... more
Die sich in den letzten Jahren abzeichnende Konjunktur der Narratologie ging mit einer umfassenden Ausweitung ihres Gegenstandsbereichs einher: Erzählen als kulturanthropologische Konstante wurde als transkulturelles, -historisches,... more
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Literários/UFMG Borges comenta que, em vista de seu "oportuno desconhecimento do grego", a Odisséia era, para ele, "uma biblioteca internacional de obras em prosa e verso" -ao contrário do Quixote que,... more
The aim of this master dissertation is to isolate distinguishing features of music post-production of primary feature films of John Cameron Mitchell, ‘Hedwig and the angry inch’ (2001) and ‘Shortbus’ (2006), from a comparative analysis.... more
This study is part of a master’s dissertation aiming to investigate the immersion of user interfaces in first person games using virtual reality. This evaluation is based on the concepts established by the Diegesis theory. Based on that,... more