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This dissertation examines the particle ye 也 in the IV century BCE Chinese Guodian manuscripts by providing a synchronic analysis of its functions and a diachronic hypothesis relating all functions to focus marking.
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      Classical Chinese GrammarCopulasDiscourse particlesNominal Predicates
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      Risk ManagementCopulasTime Dependent
In this case, the Gaussian Copula is used to connect the data that correlates with the time and with other data sets. Most often, practitioners rely only on the linear correlation to describe the degree of dependence between two or more... more
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      StatisticsCopulasForecasting and Prediction ToolsTheory of copulas and Archimeadean copulas
سه متغیر دبی اوج، حجم رواناب و مدت از مشخصات اصلی پدیده سیلاب می باشند. معمولاً برای تحلیل سیلاب از یکی از متغیرهای مذکور (عمدتاً دبی اوج) استفاده می شود که این موضوع موجب دست بالا گرفتن یا دست پایین گرفتن نتایج می شود. لذا به منظور... more
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      HydrologyCopulasMultivariate AnalysisFlood Frequency Analysis
The excess female infant mortality observed in South Asia has typically been attributed to gender discrimination in the intra-household allocation of food and medical care. However, studies on child nutrition find no evidence of gender... more
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      PhysiologyEconomicsHealth EconomicsSouth Asia
Las cópulas constituyen una nueva manera para modelar la estructura de correlación entre variables aleatorias. Durante los últimos cuarenta años las cópulas han jugado un papel importante en varias áreas de la estadística, pero ha sido... more
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      PetrophysicsCopulasStochastic Modeling
Many popular estimators for duration models require independent competing risks or independent censoring. In contrast, copula based estimators are also consistent in presence of dependent competing risks. In this paper we suggest a... more
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      StatisticsCopulasSimulationUnemployment Duration
Uma das maneiras clássicas para se representar uma estrutura em árvore é através da forma gráfica utilizando círculos interligados por arestas. Esta representação ilustra a hierarquia entre os nós sendo o nó raiz e seus descendentes a... more
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    • Copulas
Ser and estar: The syntax of stage level and individual level predicates in Spanish * Studying the relevant works concerning the distinction between stage level and individual level predicates (SLP/ILP) in linguistics, one often... more
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      SyntaxSpanish LinguisticsSyntax-Semantics InterfaceCopulas
This is the introduction to my master's thesis Grammaticization of pronominal copulas in Aramaic and the table of contents. Please contact me if you would like to read the whole thesis or parts of it. The thesis discusses the... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsSemitic languagesPragmatics
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      Historical LinguisticsMiddle EnglishEnglish languageVoice Theory
The paper is devoted to description of component conditional distributions of arbitrary multi-variate distribution assuming that dependence structure is driven by a Gaussian (normal) copula. Examples with Student t marginal distributions... more
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      CopulasNormal Conditional Distributions
This textbook provides an introduction to the grammar of Sumerian, one of the oldest documented languages in the world. It not only synthesizes the results of recent scholarship but introduces original insights on many important... more
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      LanguagesSumerian ReligionLanguages and LinguisticsAssyriology
This paper proposed a three parameter exponentiated shifted exponential distribution and derived some of its statistical properties including the order statistics and discussed in brief details. Method of maximum likelihood was used to... more
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      CopulasStatistical distribution theory
En uno de sus trabajos sobre ser y estar, Claudia Maienborn se hace eco de una divertida afirmación con la que un profesor de la Universidad de Wisconsin, Luis Crespo, abría un artículo publicado en la revista Hispania allá por 1946:... more
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      Spanish LinguisticsCopulasTense and Aspect SystemsSer and estar
This work is a descriptive grammar of Denjongke, or Sikkimese Bhutia (also known as Lhoke or Sikkimese) (ISO 639-3 sip), an endangered Tibeto-Burman, Tibetic language spoken in the Indian state of Sikkim. The study is based on original... more
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      Synchronic Linguistics (Or Descriptive Linguistics)Tibetan StudiesAnthropology of Tibet and the HimalayasIdeophones
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    • Copulas
This study provides an analysis of copular and existential sentences in Biblical Hebrew (BH). Biblical Hebrew uses three constructions for copular predication. One construction utilises a finite form of the BH copula hyh. The second... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)PredicationCopulasMinimalist Syntax
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      Historical LinguisticsCeltic LinguisticsBasque linguisticsCopulas
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      Russian LanguageCopulasHistory of GrammarGrammar
Cet article présente un survol les techniques usuelles de modélisation de séries nancières multiples. Pus spéciquement, on cherchera a obtenir une extention multivariée des modèles GARCH. Dans un premier temps, nous verrons comment... more
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      Time series EconometricsCopulasGARCH
In this article, we examine the omnipredicativity hypothesis (Launey 1994, 2004) in the context of Yucatec Maya.The hypothesis implies three requirements: 1) most words are predicative, 2) the focus of a sentence is its main predicate,... more
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      PredicationCopulasMayan LinguisticsYucatec Maya
The present paper falls within a question that is wider than that of the simple behaviour of ellipsis in some specific verb(s). That general frame refers to the particular behaviour of the verb sum, especially applied to its... more
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      ClassicsCiceroClassical philologyCopulas
This article gives an overview on the structure of nominal clauses, in particular of non-verbal predicates, in East Gurage and Gunnän Gurage languages. After introductory remarks on the distribution and classification of the Gurage... more
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      Ethiopian languagesCopulasDescriptive GrammarDescriptive Linguistics, Language Documentation, Indigenous Languages, Sociolinguistics, Field Linguistics
A general consensus has emerged that the copula הָיָה licenses tense, aspect, and mood (TAM) in Biblical Hebrew (BH) and can also be used as a ‘true verb’ meaning become, happen, exist, etc. Exactly which features are licensed by הָיָה,... more
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      LinguisticsCopulasBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)
JEL classification: C58 G01 G15 Q02 Keywords: Time varying dependence Copula Breaks Commodity Stock market a b s t r a c t This paper examines the time-varying conditional dependency between commodity markets and stock markets by applying... more
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      CopulasFinancial MarketsStock MarketCommodity prices
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The Indo-European languages, spread in ancient times over large parts of Eurasia and in recent times over large parts of the world, have emanated, according to the views of nearly all specialists, in prehistoric times from a small... more
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      Contact LinguisticsBasque StudiesCopulasRomance Linguistics
This study explores the possibility that the so-called ang-morphs, i.e., the phonologically reduced forms of independent personal pronouns in Coptic, are copulas. The literature states that Coptic has copulas that are derived from... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsGrammaticalization
This paper reassesses the widespread claim in Hebrew linguistics that the medial third person pronoun in the "subject NP + pronoun + predicate" construction in Israeli Hebrew functions either as copula, or as a referential subject in an... more
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      CopulasRight/left distinctionSubject doubling
A new approach is proposed to identify trading opportunities in the equity market by using the information contained in the bivariate dependence structure of two equities. The relationships between the equity pairs are modelled with... more
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      EconomicsReferenceCopulasTrading Strategies
By Adam BENKATO & Christophe PEREIRA Research on copulas in Arabic dialects has hitherto largely focused on the pronominal copula, and has also mostly ignored Maghrebi dialects. Drawing on published literature as well as... more
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      CopulasArabic DialectologyDialect ClassificationTunisian Dialects
A typical finite clause in English has a single constituent that serves as subject. This constituent precedes the finite verb in non-inverted clauses like simple declarative clauses, follows the finite verb in inverted clauses like polar... more
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      SemanticsSyntaxLexical SemanticsSyntax-Semantics Interface
A new approach is proposed to identify trading opportunities in the equity market by using the information contained in the bivariate dependence structure of two equities. The relationships between the equity pairs are modelled with... more
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      CopulasTrading Strategies
[sic. also known as: DE, tone and property items in Nigerian Pidgin] In this paper I will describe the domain of attributive (copular) sentences in Nigerian Pidgin (NigP). Attributive clauses are sentences where a certain property is... more
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      Pidgins & CreolesCopulasCopular SentencesCopular Verbs
This paper has two aims. First, we study the impact of oil price variables (change and volatility) on stock market returns under regime shifts in the case of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. We employ a Markov regime-switching... more
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      MacroeconomicsNonlinear dynamicsOil and gasCopulas
Mandarin, as other classifier languages, usually requires a classifier when numerals, quantifiers, or demonstratives are present, but also allows bare classifier-nouns (CL-N) without any determiners. This paper examines two empirical... more
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      PragmaticsSemanticsSyntaxChinese linguistics
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)GrammaticalizationCopulasItalian (Languages And Linguistics)
SHI in Mandarin Chinese has been the focus of research due to its wide range of application, and the particular interest of it falls on the comparison of the Chinese "SHI…DE" construction and the English it-cleft construction . However,... more
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      Construction GrammarCopulasMandarin Chinese
Constituents generically called Secondary predicates or Predicativa have raised an increasing interest in recent years both in general linguistics as in the field of Latin linguistics. Although some progress has been made, the issue... more
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This project will investigate how one could model the loss distribution and calculate the risk measures Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall for a portfolio of European options. To do so, Monte Carlo methods will be implemented. There are... more
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      CopulasValue at RiskStress TestingImportance Sampling
A new approach is proposed to identify trading opportunities in the equity market by using the information contained in the bivariate dependence structure of two equities. The relationships between the equity pairs are modelled with... more
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      EconomicsReferenceCopulasTrading Strategies
This paper offers a corpus analysis of the Russian verb быть ‘be’ which has an abnormal present tense paradigm including a zero form BE.PRES and overt forms есть.BE.PRES and суть.BE.PRES which do not discriminate person and number and are... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSyntaxCorpus LinguisticsMorphosyntax
We proposed a strategic asset allocation framework in which forward-looking views on various fixed income asset-classes are developed on volatilities rather than returns. Such methodology rely on some powerful and practical tools such as... more
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      CopulasQuantitative FinancePortfolio OptimizationVolatility Forecasting
Типология морфосинтаксических параметров. Материалы международной конференции. /Ред.: М.Б. Коношенко, Е.А. Лютикова, А.В. Циммерлинг.Выпуск 3. М.: МПГУ, 2016. -- с. 96-112. Tupí-Guaraní (and a few other Tupí) languages manifest a... more
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      CopulasDiachronic SyntaxPossessionPossessive constructions
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In this talk, we deal with locative and existential constructions in three Uralic languages: Hungarian (Ugric), Udmurt (Permic) and Tundra Nenets (Samoyedic). Despite their genetic relatedness, these languages are... more
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      HungarianSyntaxComparative LinguisticsMorphosyntax
Se presenta una introduccion a conceptos y resultados basicos
sobre copulas, y su utilidad para estudiar y medir dependencia
de variables aleatorias, como consecuencia del Teorema de Sklar
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      CopulasTheory of copulas and Archimeadean copulasCopulas, non parametric estimation, regression model.Archimedean copulas
To ascertain the viability of a project, undertake resource allocation, take part in bidding processes and similar project related decisions, modern project management requires forecasting techniques for costs, duration and performance of... more
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      Resource AllocationRisk ManagementDecision AnalysisCopulas
Copulas erfreuen sich in der Finanzwirtschaft wachsender Beliebtheit. Ursache hierfür ist insbesondere die Möglichkeit, mit ihrer Hilfe nicht-lineare Abhängigkeitsstrukturen darzustellen. Ein weiterer Vorteil besteht darin, dass... more
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    • Copulas