Bacon, Francis
Recent papers in Bacon, Francis
Nawoord bij de Nederlandse vertaling van Gilles Deleuzes Francis Bacon. Logique de la sensation (Amsterdam: Octavo, 2014) door Sjoerd van Tuinen, januari 2012, [email protected].
8Harry Jancovici, 1984 Segunda edición aumentada.
La prima traduzione italiana del De dignitate et augmentis scientiarum (1623) di Francis Bacon è rimasta inedita per due secoli: il traduttore, il canonico trevigiano Antonio Pellizzari (1747-1845), aveva già dato alle stampe la prima... more
This is a study of the links between Francis Bacon and the technical experimenters and projectors of the early Stuart age, and of Bacon's philosophy of technical invention and experiment. This project reappraises the literature on the... more
A discussion of the quarrel of philosophy and poetry in its various stages in the history of western ideas: from the early poets (e.g., Homer), to the first philosophic attack on poetry (e.g., Xenophanes), to the poetic counter-attack... more
Bilim, hem sistematik bir bilgi kümesi, hem de belirli bir konuyu bilme isteğinden yola çıkarak belirli bir amaca yönelen bir bilgi edinme ve yöntemli araştırma sürecidir. Bilimsel bilgi, genel-geçerlilik ve zorunluluk iddiâsına sâhiptir... more
What follows here is not a definition of art by decree. Nor is this some kind of art manifesto. We are not saying this is how art should be, or could be, but how it is, if you let go of the prison of aesthetics, and follow an infinitely... more
We propose to read Francis Bacon's doctrine of the idols of the mind as an investigation firmly entrenched in his mental-medicinal concerns and we argue that an important role therein is played by the imagination. Looking at the ways in... more
An interpretation of the play in relation to the modern revolution in philosophy undertaken by Bacon.
Thiruvalluvar’s Thirukkural is a collection of sacred couplets. It is considered to be a masterpiece written on the subject of human thoughts. It has also been in par with the Holy Bible and with John Milton’s Paradise Lost, it has also... more
Progetto grafico, redazione e impaginazione Edimond srl -Città di Castello (Pg) AdAnnaLisa tutto sempre e comunque © Copyright 2010 EDIMOND SRL Via Morandi, 25 Ci rrà di Casrello (Pg) ' A questo proposito sono esemplari le... more
Fearing that his health would not permit him time to leave to the world the full range and depth of his offerings in philosophy, R. G. Collingwood sat down in the late summer of 1938 with the intention of getting as much of his thinking... more
"Michel Weber & Anderson Weekes (eds.), Process Approaches to Consciousness in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Philosophy of Mind, Albany, New York, State University of New York Press, 2009. (484 p. ; ISBN 978-1-4384-2941-0 ; 65,32 €) (Jan... more
Commentators generally expound Bacon’s position on the art–nature relationship in terms of how much it retained or departed from traditional conceptions. This paper argues that an appreciation of the Baconian meaning of the terms “art”... more
Se exponen los elementos centrales del proyecto baconiano de la reforma del saber tomando como eje su visión de la historia de la naturaleza y del hombre. El concepto de ciencia desarrollado por Bacon está fuertemente connotado por su... more
An summary for "Of Studies" by Francis Bacon
En este trabajo expondré el desarrollo de las distintas etapas de la historia del conocimiento humano que Bacon liga estrechamente con la historia de la salvación del hombre. En segundo lugar, indicaré cuáles son las características... more
In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, when Aristotelianism still was the leading current of natural philosophy and atomistic theories began to arise, Lucretius' De Rerum Natura stood out as an attractive and dangerous model. The... more
In 1856, Delia Bacon published an article in Putnam's Monthly simply titled "William Shakespeare and his Plays: An Inquiry ConcerningThem." A ruckus ensued in both scholarly and popular circles, with repercussions on a wide scale. Delia... more
L’arte europea conta un tale numero di grandi raffigurazioni della Crocifissione che essa costituisce una magnifica armatura su cui innestare ogni tipo di sentimento e di sensazione. Può sembrarle curioso che una persona non religiosa... more
This essay complements recent work by Soreana Corneanu situating Bacon's epistemology in a larger lineage of literature concerning 'cultura animi' in early modern Europe, by focusing on Bacon's conception of a therapeutic philosophical... more
a ‘lost person of the Renaissance’. Born in the year 1572, at the Dronckenoort, corner Huigh de brouwersteegh, in Alkmaar, North Holland. Passed away November 7 or 8 1633 in London. UK.
This paper will explore Bacon’s perceptions of the scientific connotations of the Spanish empire and his reception of early modern Iberian science. Its aim is to analyze the extent to which the Iberian background played a role in the... more
Resumen El registro, la documentación y el tránsito de obras se ha emancipado del fetiche sacralizador del Museo. La consigna de Adorno del museo como mausoleo anunciaba ya la puesta en circulación de las obras, su operación de fuga o... more
"Notwithstanding Francis Bacon’s praise for the philosophical role of the mechanical arts, historians have often downplayed Bacon’s connections with actual artisans and entrepreneurs. Addressing the specific context of mining culture,... more
The exact nature of the relation between science and Scripture in the thought of Francis Bacon is a well-studied but controversial field. In this paper, it is shown that Bacon, though convinced that there exists no enmity between the... more
The aim of this article is to examine how Bacon proposed to replace the older patterns of authority and freedom in science. I hope that this textual exegesis will contribute to the reflection on freedom and power in modernity. In doing... more
This paper establishes the 'emblematic' use of natural history as a propaedeutic to self-betterment in the Renaissance; in particular, in the natural histories of Gessner and Topsell, but also in the works of Erasmus and Rabelais.... more
Our contemporary concept of method, as a formal discourse that comes before science itself, and aims at directing the scientific inquiry, prescribing several steps and checking-procedures, is not the concept of method that was familiar... more
There is no unanimity among recent historians about Francis Bacon's theory of matter. Disagreement exists in particular about Bacon's atomist and animistic ideas. My claim is that although Bacon changed his views on atomism repeatedly, he... more