3D Modelling (Architecture)
Recent papers in 3D Modelling (Architecture)
The will to recreate a graphic reconstruction of a lost architecture (as well as a transformed, or damaged, or never built one) asks to make logic investigations, putt ing together all the possible evidences. This process needs an... more
The design of a modern stadium is a complex process in which a vast number of, often conflicting, design requirements are negotiated and compromised. The wide variety of different professional disciplines involved and the large size of... more
Vortrag im Rahmen der Vorlesung «Die italienische Renaissance in 100 Objekten», Universität Bern, Prof. Dr. Urte Krass im HS 2019
Each printing method and the materials used for prototype construction have distinct advantages and drawbacks. A large part of the 3D printer producers indicates high printing accuracy (positioning accuracies from 100 µm up to 1 µm and... more
Il disegno ha dato il suo contributo nell’analisi della città: con esso l’uomo ha cercato nei secoli e per differenti scopi, di studiare e rappresentare la morfologia della città. La ricerca spazia dall’analisi della rappresentazione... more
Lighthouses are considered part of our industrial heritage in that they are an infrastructure at the service of navigation, an indispensable nocturnal signalling system for navigators and a useful landmark for both maritime and air... more
For graduates of creative industries programs of learning to be successful when they enter the workforce for the first time, a number of skills, attributes, knowledge, and understandings are required, as described in the Empirically... more
The advent of the smartphones brought with them higher processing capabilities and improved camera specifications which boosted the applications of mobile-based imagery in a range of domains. One of them is the 3-D reconstruction of... more
Consecrated in 1297 as the monastery church of the four years earlier founded St. Catherine’s monastery, the Gothic Church of St. Catherine was largely destroyed in a devastating bombing raid on January 2nd 1945. To counteract the process... more
Cet article du Figaro est en quelque sorte surprenant car il ne contient pas même un lien vers le mémoire de l'étudiante et il est donc un peu réducteur, définitivement scolastique et assurément superficiel. Il ressort cependant que... more
The work presented below is part of the results of a research project at UPM. The objective of the research consisted in the reconstruction of a selection of architectural projects chosen for both, its importance in the historical... more
We focus on generating consistent reconstructions of indoor spaces from a freely moving handheld RGB-D sensor, with the aim of creating virtual models that can be used for measuring and remodeling. We propose a novel 6D RGBD odometry... more
In the world of automotive, lots of research has been done yet on overall vehicle. Researchers improved every single part of vehicle but wheel is one of the part that hasn't changed much in automotive history. In case researchers got... more
The product of decades of teaching and research, this unique and inspirational design resource presents a history of the intimate relationships between geometry, culture and design throughout human history, from the Neolithic period... more
Dit rapport geeft een gedetailleerde beschrijving van GeoTOP: het beschrijft wat GeoTOP is, op welke brongegevens het is gebaseerd en hoe het gemaakt wordt. Ook worden de uit GeoTOP afgeleide producten beschreven die (vrijwel) direct... more
This book provides a visual reconstruction of Palmyra, a World Heritage Site situated in Syria, which flourished in Greco-Roman times. Palmyra is situated in a desert oasis and served as a vibrant caravan station on the Silk Road... more
Apresentação do projecto As TIC em 3D, no Apresentação no 6.º Congresso Internacional de Psicologia da Criança e do Adolescente: como utilizar tecnologias 3D (modelação, impressão, realidade virtual e aumentada) para estimular a... more
Digital erstellte und somit virtuelle 3D-Modelle finden in den historischen Wissenschaften mittlerweile in vielerlei Art Verwendung. Während die Digitalisierung existierender historischer Objekte vor allem technische und logistische... more
The use of digital technologies inside historical studies is not a news, but it cannot be considered completely understood as far as their potentialities are concerned. Sometimes the use of these technologies is considered just as a... more
Los desarrolladores de la Web 3D tratan de crear la Web "a imagen y semejanza" del mundo real. Por esa razón utilizo el término bíblico "Génesis". Sin embargo, se plantean dudas a la hora de aplicar la Web 3D a campos como la educación.... more
Recent trends of aggressive technology scaling have greatly exacerbated the occurrences and impact of faults in computing systems. This has made `reliability' a first-order design constraint. To address the challenges of reliability,... more
Projekt „Drewniany Skarb. Chroniąc dziedzictwo, kreujemy przyszłość” to działanie realizowane przez Ośrodek „Brama Grodzka – Teatr NN” na rzecz ochrony i promocji tradycyjnej architektury drewnianej miasteczek Lubelszczyzny. Jednym z... more
The 23rd Annual Report of the Blue Creek Archaeological Project
La Basilica di San Marco a Venezia è da sempre oggetto di rappresentazione come luogo centrale della vita religiosa, culturale e politica della città. Essa diviene oggetto di rilievo puntuale e sistematico nel momento in cui si sviluppa... more
first of a series of recreations in SketchUp in which we imagine the Via dell'Abbondanza of Pompeii 2000 years ago ===https:///=== primera de una serie de recreaciones en SketchUp en las que queremos imaginar la Via dell'Abbondanza de Pompeya... more
There are many challenges for greenfields exploration, particularly in vast, sparsely populated, partially covered terrains, e.g., a paucity of prior exploration data, and difficulties in gaining access to land. However, in many cases... more
This paper is focused on the virtual reconstruction of a portion of the naos of Temple G of Selinunte, as a case study for the definition of a method of virtual anastylosis and reconstruction of collapsed colonnades in archaeological... more
Imagenes para el proyecto arqueológico regional Uaxactún, Instituto Eslovaco de Arqueología e Historia
At the very end of his travel to United States, Le Corbusier conceived and designed a modern villa that he lately inserted in the third volume of his Oeuvre Complete with the title ‘Résidence du président d’un college près Chicago’ and... more