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Há três relíquias de Jesus que são ao mesmo tempo índices e ícones: eles são ícones porque representam o rosto ou o corpo de Jesus reproduzindo suas aparências; mas ao mesmo tempo são índices porque foram alegadamente produzidos pelo contato do corpo de Jesus com a superfície que contém a própria representação. Estas relíquias pertencem à mesma categoria semiótica das impressões digitais que os oficiais alfandegários coletam nos aeroportos americanos: são ícones porque se assemelham muito à forma de nossas pontas dos dedos, mas também são índices, porque foram produzidas pela contiguidade física entre nossas pontas dos dedos e a superfície onde são representadas. Como ícones, as impressões digitais significam nossa identidade; como índices, significam que esta identidade estava presente, em um determinado momento, em tal ou tal ponto das fronteiras. Já tratamos de uma das três relíquias que pertencem a esta categoria, que é o Santo Sudário em Turim.
Pre publication, 2024
A recent forensic facial reconstruction of the Ancient Egyptian King Amenhotep III (reigned c. 1390-1353 BCE) was recently produced by the Brazilian Graphic Designer and Reconstruction Artist Cicero Moraes. Mr Moraes was working with Australian researcher Michael Habicht (who will be referred to as 'the multinational team'). The finished reconstruction has generated some controversy due to its visibly light skinned and phenotypically Eurasian appearance. This representation contradicts the numerous historical portraits, bas reliefs, papyrus artworks and statues which depict the king as a visibly dark skinned individual with features commonly associated with native Africans. This paper critiques the reconstruction by addressing two primary issues: the overall omission of African ethnographic data in anthropological data gathering within Egyptology; and specific methodological inconsistencies by the multinational team during the reconstruction process that has resulted in a Eurocentric bias, and a poignant, but unjustifiable European appearance.
Human Bridges, 2023
Human Bridges July 11, 2023 (Gary M. Feinman)
In Joseph and Aseneth, a biblical exemplar's initiation into the role of a divine mediator parallels cultic statue induction. Several scholars have argued that Aseneth's conversion in Joseph and Aseneth betrays some connections to the mīs pî pīt pî rituals.
The Play of Language in Ancient Greek Comedy Comic Discourse and Linguistic Artifices of Humour, from Aristophanes to Menander, ed. by Kostas Apostolakis and Ioannis M. Konstantakos, 2024
This chapter discusses several comic and parodic fragments in which extracts of epic text are examined, quoted, or ridiculed. Two questions are posed: first, what prompts comedy to engage with Homeric texts and what effect it might have on the audience; second, how comedy contributes to the textual transmission of the Homeric epics. The first part of the chapter looks at the texts of ancient comedy and their interaction with the epic past. The second part examines key aspects of epic parody and how it contributes to the transmission of the Homeric epics. Finally, the third part analyses examples from later Greek comedy and how they use the epic tradition. The continuing preoccupation of comic and parodic poets with the Homeric text affords a glimpse into the state of the text in the pre-Hellenistic period, before the Alexandrian scholarly work. Parody and comedy preserved the treasure of the earliest layers of the Homeric textual heritage.
Jurnal Ilmiah Sesebanua
Persalinan dapat menyebabkan luka di daerah perineum sehingga akan menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan pasca partum berupa nyeri pada luka jahitan perineum. Ketidaknyamanan pasca partum merupakan perasaan tidak nyaman yang berhubungan dengan kondisi setelah melahirkan. Tujuan penelitian adalah menerapkan asuhan keperawatan ketidaknyamanan pasca partum di ruangan Dahlia Rumah Sakit Daerah Liun Kendage Tahuna. Metode penelitian adalah studi kasus dengan pendekatan proses keperawatan, dengan subyek penelitian yaitu dua ibu pasca partum. Hasil penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menerapkan proses keperawatan. Tindakan keperawatan yang dilakukan yaitu mengidentifikasi nyeri pada ibu, mengontrol lingkungan yang memperberat rasa nyeri, membatasi pengunjung yang datang, mengajarkan teknik nonfarmakologis yaitu teknik relaksasi napas dalam, monitor tanda-tanda vital, mengajarkan kepada ibu untuk beraktivitas yang ringan seperti berjalan disekitar ruangan dan duduk dan menganjurkan kepada ibu agar perine...
Accademia Vivarium Novum, Convegno internazionale “Il lessico latino dall'Umanesimo all'età moderna”, Villa Falconieri (Frascati) 28-30 giugno 2024
GIẢI QUYẾT TRANH CHẤP THƯƠNG MẠI QUỐC TẾ Ở VIỆT NAM (International Commercial Dispute Settlement in Vietnam - Dzungsrt & Associates LLC), 2016
Muslim Military Architecture in Greater Syria from the coming of Islam to the Ottoman period, 2006
Perspectives on Vṛkṣāyurveda, 2023
Dicionário de Ergonomia e Fatores Humanos, 2023
Empires and Bureaucracy in World History, 2017
Новый Узбекистан: успешный международный опыт внедрения международных стандартов финансовой отчетности
Pure and Applied Chemistry
International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2008
Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2019
Revista Concinnitas, 2021
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2003
Die Musikforschung, 2021
Clinical Interventions in Aging, 2012
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2017