Viola Music by W omen Composers
by Carolyn W aters Broe
Viola Forum
In recent years, there has been a tremendous interest in learning more about music by women composers. Aaron
Cohen lists 2,961 women composers in his International Encyclopedia of Women Composers, written in 1981. Since then,
new research has revealed a treasure trove of previously unknown women composers and updated research on already
established composers. An original manuscript of the Sonata for Viola and Harpsichord of Beatrice Mattei of Florence, Italy
(1741) was discovered in an Eastern European library in 1996 by ARS FEMINA. After the Soviet Union was dissolved,
the library needed to pack up many items and repatriate them to their original owners. Since the manuscript for the Mattei
was owned by the Knights Templar, the library was about to ship it off when the research group ARS FEMINA of Kentucky asked if they could make a copy. There was also another recent discovery of a sinfonia by Maria Antonia Walpurgis
(1724-1780) found in the Bach Archive discovered in Kiev, Ukraine in 1999 by Christoph Wolff of Harvard and Patricia
Kennedy Grimsted. This archive contains about 5,000 scores by 17th and 18th century European composers (C.P.E. Bach,
Telemann, Graun, and the Benda brothers, etc. from the Singakademie of Berlin).
Many works that were thought to have been by male composers are now believed to have been composed by women.
Some works by Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel were published under her brother Felix Mendelssohn’s name. This may also be
the case with the works of Clara Schumann and her husband Robert Schumann. Recent editions are making corrections in
these publications.
The American composer, Louise Lincoln Kerr (1892-1977), left a manuscript archive of more than 100 music compositions to Arizona State University. Only the Five Character Pieces for Viola and Piano have been edited and published
by Classics Unlimited Music. Therefore, she is still largely unknown by the public. Kerr, a violinist/violist and a student of
Prokofiev and Stravinsky, was an expert in composing chamber music pieces, many of which include viola parts. She also
composed chamber orchestra works as well as several symphonic works and five ballets. Many of Kerr’s pieces combine
melodies of the Hopi Indians and Spanish folk songs with classical genres. She was also fond of jazz rhythms especially in
her string literature.
Living women composers are creating new works for the viola on an ongoing basis. In developing this list of women
viola composers, I discovered many pieces with which I was unfamiliar. I am indebted to Dr. David Sills, as his repertory
list of works that he has performed by women composers was the inspiration for this list. This list of women viola composers is not designed as the last word, but merely as an introduction to the subject. A complete annotated bibliography of
women viola composers has not yet been written. Some transcriptions have been included in this list; however, the vast
majority are original works for the viola.
* Works composed for, premièred by, or arranged by Dr. David Sills
** Treasury of Music By Women Before 1800 edited or arranged for viola ensembles by William Bauer, ARS FEMINA editions
Note: This is not a complete list of all viola works. My apologies if I have missed anyone.
Renaissance and Medieval
t )JMEFHBSEWPO#JOHFOIn rubor sanguinis* voice and viola (German, 1098-1179)
t "OOF#PMFZOO Death, rock me asleep* (Queen of England, c.1501-1536)
t -B$POUFTTBEF%JBA chantar* (Medieval Troubadour, Provence, … 1200)
t -B$POUFTTBCanzona I and II – arr. for viola trio ** (German, c. 1570-1620)
t "OUPOJB#FNCPDivertimento, viola trio ** (Italian, c.1670 – before 1715)
t 4PQIJFWPO#SBVOTDIXFJHThree Dances, viola quartet ** (German, 1613-1667)
t 4PQIJFWPO#SBVOTDIXFJHBrunet Bluhet viola quintet **
t 'SBODFTDB$BDDJOJBalletto a Cavallo, viola quintet ** (Italian, 1587-after 1638)
t *TBCFMMB-FPOBSEBSonata duodecima* (Italian, 1620-1704)
t #FBUSJDF.BUUFJoSonata, viola and harpsichord – (Italian c.1740 ARS FEMINA)
t "OB"NBMJBDivertimento for piano, clarinet, viola, cello (German, 1739-1807)
t .BSZ1PMMZ#BSUIFMFNPO OFF:PVOH Se pieta da voi non trovo for soprano, violins, viola, and cello (English, 1749-1799)
t .BEEBMFOB-PNCBSEJOJDuo Sonata Op. 4, No.1 ** (Italian, c. 1735 –1818)
t &MJTBCFUI0MJOLamento for soprano, violins, viola, and continuo. (Swedish, 1740-1812)
t .BSJBɨFSFTBWPO1BSBEJTSicilienne* (Austrian, 1759-1824)
t -VJTF"EPMQIB-F#FBVThree Pieces for Viola and Piano (German, 1850-1927)
t 'BOOZ.FOEFMTTPIO)FOTFMString Quartet in E-flat (German, 1805-1847)
t 'BOOZ.FOEFMTTPIO)FOTFMDie frühen Graber for viola, 2 cellos, and double bass
68 | American String Teacher | August 2007
Viola Forum
quartets (German, 1821-1883)
t &NJMJF.BZFSSonata (cello/piano) transcribed for viola and
t 1PMMZ3VQFGentle Words* (American,1867)
t $MBSB4DIVNBOOThree Romances, Op. 22* (German, 1819-1896)
20th Century and Contemporary
Viola alone
t &WFMJOF"DDBSUSonata (French, 1921- )
t (SB[ZOB#BDFXJD[Sonata (Polish, 1909-1969)
t (SB[ZOB#BDFXJD[Polish Caprice
t +BOFU#FBUCirce (Bastet) (Scottish, 1956 - )
t $BSPMZO8BUFST#SPFTokudo – The Gate of Enlightenment (USA,
1957 - )
t $BSPMZO8BUFST#SPFHora – Dance Around the Pillar of Ashera
t 7JPMFUUB%JOFTDVDin cimoiu (unpublished) (Romania, 1953 - )
t 4BSBI%V#PJTSonata for Solo Viola, 2001 (USA, 1951- )
t 4BSBI%V#PJT3 Movements for Solo Viola, 2004
t &JCIMJT'BSSFMMPersephone Weaving* (Irish, 1953- )
t 7JWJBO'JOFSong of Persephone (USA, 1913-2000)
t &MFOB'JSTPWBSuite (B&H) (Russia, 1950 - )
t -JMMJBO'VDITSonata Pastorale, 3 etude volumes (USA, 19031995)
t #BSCBSB(JVSBOOBSolo per viola (Italian, 1899-1998)
t #FUTZ+PMBTEpisode sixième (French, 1926- )
t #BSCBSB,PMCCavatina (USA, 1939- )
t &MJ[BCFUI-VUZFOTEcho of the Wind (English, 1906-1983)
t &MJ[BCFUI.BDPODIZFive Sketches (English, 1907-1994)
t &MJ[BCFUI.BDPODIZVariations on a Theme from Vaughn
Williams’s “Job”*
t 6STVMB.BNMPLComposition for viola solo* (German, 1928- )
t 6STVMB.BNMPLFrom My Garden*
t ɨFB.VTHSBWFIn the Still of the Night (Novello)
(Scottish, 1928 - )
t #FUUZ0MJWFSPPer Viola (Israel, 1954 - )
t +BOFU0XFOɨPNBTPartita (Maecenas) (British)
t $MBJSF1PMJOSerpentine (USA, 1926-1995)
t .BSHB3JDIUFSThe Darkening of the Light (USA, 1926- )
t 5POB4DIFSDIFOLien (French, 1938- )
t 3VUI4DIPOUIBMFour Epiphanies (German, 1924- )
t +VEJUI4IBUJOL’Etude du Coeur (USA, 1949- )
t .BSDFMMF4PVMBHFSonate in F, Op. 43
t )JMBSZ5BOOThe Cresset Stone* (Welsh, 1947- )
t 1IZMMJT5BUFVariegations (UK, 1911-1985)
t /BODZ7BOEF7BUFSuite (USA, 1930- )
t 3P[BOOB8FJOCFSHFSSweet Thunder (USA, 1956 - )
Viola and Piano
t .BSJPO#BVFSSonata (USA, 1882-1955)
t "NZ#FBDISonata [arr. Hannay] (USA, 1867-1944)
t 4BMMZ#FBNJTISule Skerrie (England, 1956 - )
t +BOFU#FBUEquinox Rituals: Autumn (Furore)
t /BEJB#PVMBOHFSTrois pièces* (French, 1887-1979)
t .BSHBSFU#SPVXFSTwo Pieces (USA, 1944- )
t 3FCFDDB$MBSLFSonata, 1919 (English, 1886-1979)
t 3FCFDDB$MBSLFLullaby, 1909 and Lullaby on An Ancient Irish
Tune, 1913
t 3FCFDDB$MBSLFPassacaglia on an Old English Tune, and Untitled
t 3FCFDDB$MBSLFMorpheus, 1917-18, and I’ll Bid My Heart Be
Still, 1944
t 5BOTZ%BWJFTSmall Black Stone (British Music Information
t &MBJOF'JOFTango Mariposa for Viola and Piano, Viola Sonata
(USA, 1959 - )
t 7JWJBO'JOFLieder (USA, 1913-2000)
t .JSJBN(JEFPOSonata (USA, 1906-1996)
t +BOFUUB(PVMEOh, Can Ye Sew Cushions for viola/horn, piano
(Scottish, 1926)
t 1BNFMB)BSSJTPOSonata and Lament (English, 1915-1990)
t #FUTZ+PMBTQuatre duos (French, 1926- )
t .JOOB,FBMBallade in F Minor (Corda) (England 1909-1999)
t -PVJTF-JODPMO,FSSFive Character Pieces (USA, 1892-1977)
(Classics Unlimited Music)
t &MJ[BCFUI.BDPODIZRomanza (Chester)
t +VMJB,MVNQLFZQuatre pièces and Suite No. 2 (USA, ca.18701961)
t 1SJBVMY3BJOJFSSonata (South African-English, 1903-1986)
t &EB3BQPQPSUChant hébraïque and Poem (1900- ?)
t .BSHB3JDIUFSAria and Toccata (USA, 1926- )
t 5SBDZ3VTISong (USA, 1955 - )
t +VEJUI4IBUJODoxa (USA, 1949 - )
t +VMJB4NJUITwo Pieces (USA, 1911-1989)
t #FSOBEFUUF4QFBDIViola (USA, 1948 - )
t .BSZ"MJDF3JDISonata (USA, 1955 - )
t %BNF&UIFM4NZUITwo Interlinked French Folk-Melodies
(English, 1858-1944)
t .BSDFMMF4PVMBHFSonate in a, Op. 25 (French, 1894-1970)
t 'SFEB4XBJOEnglish Reel, and Summer Rhapsody, viola and
clarinet. (English 1902-1985)
t /BODZ7BOEF7BUFSonata (USA, 1930- )
t &MJ[BCFUI8BMUPO7FSDPFElegy (USA, 1941- )
Viola and Electronic Tape
t 1P[[J&TDPUMirabilis* (USA, 1933- )
t +FBO&JDIFMCFSHFS*WFZAldebaran (USA, 1923- )
t ɨFB.VTHSBWFFrom One to Another (Scottish, 1928- )
t "OO4PVUIBNRe-Tuning (Canadian, 1937- )
t %JBOFɨPNFLevadi II* (USA, 1942- )
Viola and Orchestra
t (SB[ZOB#BDFXJD[Concerto (Polish, 1909-1996)
t 4BMMZ#FBNJTIViola Concerto No. 1 and Viola Concerto No. 2
t 4PëB(VCBJEVMJOBTwo Paths (Concerto for two violas) (Soviet
Union, 1931 - )
t 1FHHZ(MBOWJMMF)JDLTConcerto Romantico (Australian, 19121990)
t #FUTZ+PMBTPoints d’aube, viola and 13 winds (French, 1926- )
t 5BOJB-FPOPara Viola y Orchesta (Cuba)
t &MJ[BCFUI-VUZFOTConcerto Op. 15 (English, 1906-1983)
t .BSHB3JDIUFSAria and Toccata, viola and strings (USA, 1926- )
t ɨFB.VTHSBWFConcerto (Scottish, 1928- )
t ɨFB.VTHSBWFFrom One to Another, viola and 15 solo strings
Viola in Chamber settings
t 7JDUPSJB#POEConversation Piece (viola and vibraphone)
(USA, 1945- )
t $BSPMZO8BUFST#SPFRebirth of the Goddess (flute, harp, and viola)
t 3FCFDDB$MBSLFThree Pieces (Prelude, Allegro, and Pastorale)
for clarinet and viola
t 3FCFDDB$MBSLFLullaby, Grotesque (viola and violoncello)
t 3VUI$SBXGPSE4FFHFSString Quartet (USA, 1901-1953)
t 3VUI$SBXGPSE4FFHFSDiaphonic Suite No. 4 (oboe/viola and
t .BSHBSFU%F8ZTRaptor (oboe and viola) (USA) | 69
7JPMFUB%JOFTDVOstov I (four violas)
4ZMWJB(MJDLNBOAntigone Speaks (flute and viola) (USA, 1932- )
4PëB(VCBJEVMJOBQuasi Hoquetus (viola, bassoon, and piano) (Soviet, 1931)
&MBJOF'JOFTango Mariposa (viola, cello, and harp) (USA, 1959 - )
#FUTZ+PMBTRemember (viola and violoncello)
-PVJTF,FSSEtude (viola and violin) (USA, 1892-1977)
-PVJTF,FSSOriental (viola and violin)
-PVJTF,FSSString Quartet in A Major and miscellaneous string quartet movements (unpublished)
-PVJTF,FSSPiano Quartets and Piano Quintets (unpublished)
&MJ[BCFUI.BDPODIZString Quartets Nos. 1 – 13
&MJ[BCFUI.BDPODIZSonatina for String Quartet
&MJ[BCFUI.BDPODIZConversations for Clarinet and Viola
6STVMB.BNMPLMusic for Viola and Harp (German, 1928- )
6STVMB.BNMPLRhapsody (clarinet, viola, and piano)
6STVMB.BNMPLConcertpiece for Four (flute, oboe, viola, and percussion)
ɨFB.VTHSBWFElegy (viola and violoncello)
ɨFB.VTHSBWFLamenting with Ariadne (viola solo with eight players)
+VEJUI4IBUJOMy Glyph (viola, string quartet, and piano; also for string orchestra)
%BNF&UIFM4NZUIVariations on “Bonny Sweet Robin” (flute, viola, and piano)
)JMBSZ5BOODuo for Oboe and Viola*
%FCSB;BF.VOOInterface (viola and marimba) (1953- )
Etudes for Viola
t -JMMJBO'VDIT12 Etudes, Fifteen Characteristic Etudes, 16 Fantasy Etudes
t /BODZ7BOEF7BUFSix Etudes
Viola Forum
Viola and Voice
t 1P[[J&TDPUBels Dous Amics (mezzo-soprano, oboe, and viola) (USA, 1933)
t %FCPSBI,BWBTDIAbelard (soprano and viola) (USA, 1949- )
t &JCIMJT'BSSFMMThe Lovesong of Isabella and Elias Cairel (soprano, oboe, viola)
t 3VUI-PNPOFive Songs after Poems /William Blake (voice, viola) (Canada, 1930)
t .ZSJBN-VDJB.BSCÏNa Castelloza (mezzo-soprano, oboe, viola) (Russian, 1931- )
t 1BUSJDJB.PSFIFBEA Chantar (mezzo-soprano, oboe, and viola) (USA)
t /FUUZ4JNPOSongs for Wendy (voice and viola) (USA, 1913-1994)
t /BPNJ4UFQIBONa Maria (mezzo-soprano, oboe, and viola) (USA, 1938- )
Edwin A. Fleischer Collection of scores at the Free Library of Philadelphia, Kile Smith.
Louise L. Kerr Collection MSS-90 at Arizona State University, Department of Archives and manuscripts, Haydn Library, Tempe,
Arizona. Robert Spindler, curator.
Primrose International Viola Archives at Brigham Young University, Patricia McCarty.
Broe, Carolyn Waters. 2001. “The String Literature of Louise Lincoln Kerr: An Edition of Her Viola Music and Analysis of her
Violin Concerto.” Arizona State University, Doctor of Musical Arts in Viola Solo Performance.
Kohnen, Daniela. 1994. Rebecca Clarke. Weg einer Komponistin Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts. Hausarbeit, Hochschule für Musik
Detmold, 75 S.
Palumbo, Michael A. 1981. The Viola: Its Foundation, Role, and Literature, Including An Analysis of the “Twelve Caprices” of
Lillian Fuchs. Ball State University Doctor of Arts in Orchestral Conducting.
Websites (information on FSO, Carolyn Broe and women composers) - 19k - (lists women composers) (publishing historic women composers) (publishing historic women composers) (women composers and conductors) (International Alliance of Women Musicians) (resources for violists) (modern composers) (California State University, Northridge) archives of articles and recordings
gathered by Aaron Cohen on women composers (composers) (American Symphony Orchestra League) (American String Teacher Association web)
70 | American String Teacher | August 2007 (information on Rebecca Clarke’s music) (University of Murry, Kentucky)
Viola Forum
Battersby, Christine. Gender and Genius: Towards a Feminist Aesthetics. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1989.
Bowers, Jane and Tick, Judith eds. Women Making Music: The Western Art Tradition, 1150-1950. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1987.
Briscoe, James R., ed. Historical Anthology of Music by Women. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1987.
Cohen, Aaron I. International Encyclopedia of Women Composers. 2 Vols. New York: Books & Music, USA. 1981.
Curtis, Liane, ed. Rebecca Clarke Reader. Bloomington and Indianopolis: Indiana University Press, 2004.
Ebel, Otto. Women Composers: a Biographical Handbook of Women’s Work in Music. Brooklyn, New York: 1902.
Glickman, Sylvia and Schleifer, Martha Furman. Women Composers: Music Through the Ages: Composers Born Before 1599 (Vol. 1); From
Convent to Concert Hall; Composers Born 1700-1799; American Women Composers, Keyboard Music 1866-1910.
Jezic, Diane Peacock. Women Composers: The Lost Tradition Found (forward Elizabeth Wood). New York: The Feminist Press at the City
University of New York, 1988.
Lutyens, Elisabeth. A Goldfish Bowl. London: Cassell, 1972.
Marshall, Kimberly, ed. Rediscovering the Muses: Women’s Musical Traditions. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1993.
Neuls-Bates, Carol, ed. Women in Music: An Anthology of Source Readings from the Middle Ages to the Present. Revised ed. Boston:
Northeastern University Press, 1996. [Includes an extensive bibliography.]
Sadie, Julie Anne and Samuel, Rhian eds. The Norton/Grove Dictionary of Women Composers. London: W.W. Norton and Company, 1995.
Williams, Amedee Daryl. “Lillian Fuchs First Lady of Viola”. Studies in the History and Interpretation of Music, Vol. 45
Zeyringer, Franz. Literatur für Viola, new edition revised and expanded. Hartberg: Julius Schönwetter Jr., 1985. Mus Ref ML 128 .V36 Z5 1985
Carolyn W aters Broe, American conductor, composer, and violist has been the featured soloist with orchestras in both California
arts in music from California State University Long Beach, and her doctorate in music from Arizona State University in viola solo
performance. She studied viola with Dr. W illiam Magers, Louis Kievman, Adriana Chirilov, Robert Becker, Dr. Thomas Hall, Jerry
Epstein, and René Bregozzo. Dr. Broe is now the conductor of the Four Seasons Orchestra of Scottsdale, Arizona. She studied
conducting with John Koshak, and attended master classes with Leonard Bernstein, Seiji Ozawa, and Herbert Blomstedt. She is
now the violin and viola instructor for Paradise Valley Community College and the viola instructor for Mesa Community College
in Arizona. For more information about the works listed herein, contact Dr. Broe at maestra1@ | 71