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isara solutions, 2021
In this age of the concern with sustainable development and environmental protection, most nations have adopted a variety of policies to slow down the rate of climate change, chief among them being active reforestation drives, as well as stricter anti-pollution measures.
Una nueva reflexión acerca de los dispositivos de la Ley de Amparo en torno al tema de la personalidad y de los criterios surgidos a lo largo de varias décadas sustentados, primero por el Tribunal Pleno, y luego por las Salas de esta Suprema Corte, conducen a que este órgano supremo abandone las tesis jurisprudenciales publicadas en la última compilación, Tomo VI (Materia Común), identificadas con los números 369 y 378, intituladas: "PERSONALIDAD EN EL AMPARO. EXAMINARLA EN CUALQUIER ESTADO DEL JUICIO, ES LEGAL" y "PODERES INSUFICIENTES POR OMISIÓN DE REQUISITOS. AL DICTARSE LA SENTENCIA NO PROCEDE PREVENIR AL QUEJOSO, SINO SOBRESEER", para adoptar el criterio de que al Juez de Distrito no le es dable examinar de oficio la personería del promovente en cualquier momento del juicio, sino al recibir la demanda, porque constituye un presupuesto procesal de análisis oficioso, de cuyo resultado si está plenamente satisfecho ese requisito, el Juez lo debe hacer constar en el acuerdo admisorio; y, de no estarlo, lo estime como una irregularidad de la demanda que provoca prevenir al promovente, en términos del artículo 146 de la ley de la materia, para que satisfaga ese extremo dentro del plazo legal, bajo el apercibimiento que de no hacerlo, se le tendrá por no interpuesta; proceder que independientemente de estar apoyado en la Ley de Amparo, obedece a los imperativos del precepto 17 constitucional y responde también a los principios de certidumbre jurídica, buena fe y economía procesal, en tanto impide el empleo estéril de recursos humanos y materiales en el trámite del juicio iniciado por quien carece de personalidad y evita los daños graves ocasionados, tanto para el sistema de impartición de justicia como para las partes. La inobservancia de este criterio, origina que el tribunal revisor, si estima que no está comprobada la personalidad del promovente, ordene la reposición del procedimiento, según lo previene el artículo 91, fracción IV, de la Ley de Amparo.
The significance of the sonic, especially of vocal music, in the context of animism and perspectivism was hitherto underestimated in anthropological theory. Working on examples of Shipibo-Konibo magical songs from the author's own ethnomusicological fieldwork recordings, in this paper it is proposed that the first-person experience of médicos (healers or sorcerers) has to be considered most valuable for interpreting structures of relationships between humans and non-humans. This experience surfaces most obviously in singing styles and lyrics of songs performed by médicos in the current state of interaction with non-humans during ritual curing, worshipping, or fighting. Results obtained from this analysis include: 1) The ascription of consciousness and human or humanoid physicality to non-humans is the result of the médico's perceptions during musically induced or controlled altered states of perception and cognition (ASPC); 2) The transformation into and identification with non-humans involve full conscious experience by the médico and therefore pertain to the highest level of evidentiality in Shipibo discourse which is ontologically determining; 3) Human physicality and competence of perception and action is not universal among all beings but is a matter of grading dependent on magical and practical powers of the respective species; 4) A "sonic perspectivism" allowing for agency in the construction of perspectives, and an "ambient multinaturalism" extending the notion of transformation from body to environment, are introduced by analysing sonic phenomena. Finally, the author proposes to focus more on indigenous praxis than on analysis and comparison of narratives in order to understand indigenous ontologies.
Popular 13 de Maio, NEP 13 de Maio, e aos companheiros da 22ª turma que contribuíram para a elevação de nosso patamar de compreensão da sociedade em que vivemos.
This series publishes interdisciplinary scholarship about religious and ideological aspects of warfare in Medieval Age. It aims to contribute to a broader and in-depth understanding of the cultural phenomena which grew out of the interaction of religious imagination and martial activity like, among others, religious rituals of war, practices aimed at securing the divine aid in war, the concept of saintly patronage over the military enterprises and soldiers, as well as the role of clergy in wartime environment. Further, it seeks to explore the mentality and the perceptions about the relationship between armed violence and the supernatural, both through the study of specific practices and materiality, and through narrativist research into the meaning hidden in medieval historiographical and literary works.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2015
Governments and their international agencies (FAO, World Bank) conceive of the eradication of hunger and poverty as a worthy wish that will eventually be realized through economic growth. They also make great cosmetic efforts to present as good-looking trend pictures as they can. Citizens ought to insist that the eradication of severe deprivations is a human-rights correlative duty that permits no avoidable delay. Academics ought to collaborate toward providing a systematic alternative monitoring of what progress has really been made against undernourishment and other poverty-related deprivations.
Google Inc. y SAS. Institute son las dos empresas que encabezan la lista de las organizaciones consideradas por sus trabajadores como las mejores para trabajar a nivel mundial; además de ser organizaciones que generan conocimiento, crecen a pasos agigantados y acumulan riqueza. Pero ¿Cuál es su estrategia? ¿Cómo son tan productivas y al mismo tiempo ganan premios por mantener a sus empleados motivados y felices? En este ensayo no solo se revisarán sus políticas sino que también se revisará que teorías de las postuladas por los clásicos de la escuela de las relaciones humanas siguen vigentes y se aplican en dichas organizaciones.
Ernest Shackleton was the greatest Irish explorer after Tom Crean. He is renowned for the leadership he displayed during his expedition to Antarctica 1914-17. His ship was crushed by ice, and the expedition was stranded, but against ferocious odds, Shackleton achieved the safe return home of all his men.
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The Spanish journal of psychology, 2009
Chemical Reviews, 2000
Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur, 2016
Salão do Conhecimento, 2015
De Gruyter eBooks, 2022
Neurocomputing, 2013
International Journal of Business, Economics, and Social Development
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010
RSC Advances, 2021