Pharmacodynamic modeling of propofolinduced general anesthesia in young adults
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Chakravarty, Sourish et al. "Pharmacodynamic modeling of
propofol-induced general anesthesia in young adults." 2017 IEEE
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Pharmacodynamic modeling of propofol-induced
general anesthesia in young adults
Sourish Chakravarty ∗ , Ksenia Nikolaeva ‡ , Devika Kishnan ‡ , Francisco J. Flores
Patrick L. Purdon † ¶ , Emery N. Brown ∗ † ‡ § ¶
∗ ¶ k,
The Picower Inst. for Learning and Memory, MIT, Cambridge, MA; † Brain and Cognitive Sci., MIT, Cambridge, MA;
‡ Inst. of Med. Engin. and Sci. , MIT, Cambridge, MA; § MIT-Harvard Hlth. Sci. and Technol., Cambridge, MA;
¶ Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, Mass. Gen. Hosp., Boston, MA; k Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA;
Abstract—Target controlled infusion (TCI) of intraveneous
anesthetics can assist clinical practitioners to provide improved care for General Anesthesia (GA). Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) models help in relating the
anesthetic drug infusion to observed brain activity inferred
from electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. The parameters in
popular population PK/PD models for propofol-induced GA
(Marsh and Schnider models) are either verified based on
proprietary functions of the EEG signal which are difficult
to correlate with the neurophysiological models of anesthesia,
or the marker itself needs to be estimated simultaneously
with the PD model. Both these factors make these existing
paradigms challenging to apply in real-time context where a
patient-specific tuning of parameters is desired. In this work,
we propose a simpler EEG marker from frequency domain
description of EEG and develop two corresponding PK/PD
modeling approaches which differ in whether they use existing
population-level PK models (approach 1) or not (approach 2).
We use a simple deterministic parameter estimation approach
to identify the unknown PK/PD model parameters from an
existing human EEG data-set. We infer that both approaches
1 and 2 yield similar and reasonably good fits to the marker
data. This work can be useful in developing patient-specific TCI
strategies to induce GA.
Index Terms—General Anesthesia, Target Controlled Infusion
General Anesthesia (GA) is a vital element of surgical
procedures. Clinical practitioners of anesthesia introduce
hypnotic drugs into a patient during a major surgery with
the objective to achieve a state of GA - a reversible state of
unconciousness where the patient does not move or feel pain
or have memory of the surgical procedure while physiological
stability is maintained. [1]. Monitoring the electroencephalogram (EEG) [2] can provide useful additional information to
the anesthesiologist for inferring the brain’s state under GA.
In this context, an integrated pharmacokinetic (PK) and EEGbased pharmacodynamic (PD) modeling framework provides
a principled approach to model, respectively, changes in the
amount of the drug in the therapeutic site and how these
changes affect an EEG-derived marker indicating the level
of GA. This PK/PD paradigm of describing the dose-effect
relationship has found use in Target Controlled Infusion
(TCI) systems that are designed to change the dose automatically based upon prescribed target plasma or effect site
concentrations of the drug (anesthetic agent) [3].
For propofol-induced GA, Marsh [4] and Schnider [5]
models are two common PK models used in TCI systems
to describe the drug concentration dynamics in the blood/
plasma [6]. Both PK models have also been used to link
the estimated drug concentration dynamics in the brain to
that of a prescribed EEG-marker, Bispectral Index (BIS) [7]
for Marsh and Canonical Univariate Parameter (CUP) [8] for
Schnider, via respective PD models [6]. BIS, a depth of anesthesia (DOA) marker, is an empirically established number
combining both frequency and time domain features of the
EEG signal [9] and, being proprietary, its operational definition is not publicly available. The CUP marker is a weighted
sum of logarithms of band-wise power in the instantaneous
power spectral density (PSD). The mechanism underlying
such band-wise dynamics in the PSD under anesthesia can
potentially be reasoned using network models of neurons. For
example, appearance of spatially coherent frontal alpha (8 12 Hz) oscillations in the EEG [10] observed simultaneous
with loss of conciousness (LOC) during propofol anesthesia
could be explained by existing neurophysiological model of
thalamo-cortical circuits [11]. However, the Schnider PK/PD
model was developed by simultaneously estimating both
the weights of the CUP marker and the parameters of the
corresponding PD model [8]. The nature of coupling between
the definitions of the marker and the functional form of the
PD model makes the verification of the Schnider PK/PD
model challenging since refinement of the PK/PD model
would go hand-in-hand with re-estimation of CUP marker
weights. Thus, there is a need for spectral markers that can
be defined independent of a PK/PD model, and are able to
indicate the level of of GA based on known features of EEG
oscillations characteristic of propofol-induced GA [10].
In this work we first simplify the Schnider CUP marker by
redefining a spectral marker using powers in fixed frequencybands of the PSD which reflect the known signatures associated with propofol-induced GA [10]. We model this marker
using a bi-phasic PD model similar to one used by Schnider
et. al. [8].We propose and demonstrate two PK/PD modeling
approaches and corresponding parameter estimation schemes
that can apply our choice of marker to human EEG data
reflective of anesthetic induction with propofol.
A. Data collection
This study was approved by the Human Research Committee at Massachusetts General Hospital and involved 10
healthy young adult volunteers aged between 18-36 years undergoing induction into and recovery from GA [10]. For each
subject, intravenous infusion of propofol was administered so
as to maintain a target effect site concentration at five monotonically increasing levels where each level was maintained
for 14 minutes during the induction phase (based on Schnider
PK/PD model [5], [8]). A similar step-wise infusion was
planned to effect a gradual emergence. In this paper we focus
on the data collected in the induction phase only. The time
points for LOC and return of conciousness were determined
based on each subject’s response to auditory stimuli. Subjects
were instructed to keep their eyes closed during the study
sessions. EEG was recorded continuously from each subject
using a 64-channel BrainVision MRI Plus System (Brain
Products) with a sampling rate of 5 kHz, resolution 0.5
µV . As part of the pre-processing, EEG signals were passed
through an anti-aliasing filter and downsampled to 250 Hz.
A nearest-neighbor Laplacian referencing approach was used
to minimize the spatial blurring. The current work uses such
pre-processed EEG data from one of the frontal electrodes.
Fig. 1. (a, b, c) Infusion rates of propofol, (d, e, f) Multitaper Spectrogram
estimate with color scale in dB, (g, h, i) Marker observation (blue dots) and
smoothed estimated observation (blue solid line) for 3 subjects (A, B, C).
The relevant parameters chosen for MT analysis are: time-window of 10 s
with overlap of ∆ = 5 s between consecutive windows, time-halfbandwidth
product of 5 and 4 tapers.
C. Pharmacodynamic (PD) model of the chosen marker
To model the bi-phasic trend of the chosen EEG marker
in Eq. (1) with monotonic changes in anesthetic level, we
choose a pharmacodynamic model with two sigmoid functions connected at a junction point [8] described as
R1γ1 / (1 + R1γ1 ) , if 0 < x(t) ≤ xh ,
yt = E0 − Emax
B. EEG Marker from spectrogram
For each subject, a multitaper (MT) spectrogram [12] is
obtained from the EEG time-series using Chronux toolbox
[13] in MATLAB 2017a software package. We calculate
powers in slow (0.1 - 1 Hz), delta (1 - 4 Hz) and beta (14 30 Hz) bands from MT PSD estimates, respectively denoted
as Pt , Pt and Pt , at time instant t. The chosen marker
10 log10 ((Pt
Pt )/Pt )
For propofol induction in the 10 subjects the overall trend
in the marker yt⋆ displays an initial reduction (relative to a
baseline value) for a brief duration followed by a gradual
rise which asymptotically approaches an upper bound. The
initial dip in the marker under low doses of propofol is due to
increased beta activity [10] and can potentially be explained
by network models of neurons [14]. The subsequent rise
after LOC is due to reduction in beta activity and rise in
low frequency power [10]. Prior to model fitting, the marker
observation to-be-fitted is estimated by applying a randomwalk fixed interval smoother. The relevant parameters for
the filtering and smoothing operations are prescribed as
follows: initial value and variance of scalar hidden state is
assumed to be same as the mean and standard error of mean
from a 10 minute segment of {yt⋆ } prior to start of drug
infusion. The variances of the observation and state (zeromean Gaussian white) noises are respectively taken as 1×
and 0.001× variance of this initial data segment. For the
ensuing discussion we shall indicate the smoothed estimate
also as yt⋆ . Fig. 1 illustrates the quality of the smoothing step
for 3 subjects.
or, = E0 + Emax
R2γ2 / (1 + R2γ2 ) , if xh < x(t) ,
where, R1 = x(t)/x50 and R2 = (x(t) − xh )/(x50 − xh )
and Emax , Emax , γ1 , γ2 , x50 , x50 and xh are positive realvalued scalars. The term x(t) can be regarded as a positive
continuous function of the infusion history that indicates the
drug-induced level of anesthesia. A higher value of x(t)
would indicate a deeper level of GA. Additionally, we assume
(xh /x50 )γ1 /(1 + (xh /x50 )γ1 ) . (3)
= E0 − Emax
The marker observation yt⋆ is modeled using yt which shows
a decrease from a baseline value of E0 to E0 with rise in
x(t) upto a critical cutoff level xh and for values of x(t) >
xh this marker rises and then approaches a maximum value of
E0 + Emax asymptotically for x(t) ≫ xh . Two approaches
are proposed to model x(t) for our chosen marker.
1) Approach 1: In this approach, we assume that a population PK model is available to describe the time-course of
drug amount in the blood/plasma (denoted by xc (t)) for a
known drug infusion rate {u(t)}. In this work we use the
three-compartment Schnider PK model [15] as the known
population PK model to pre-calculate xc (t) for a subject. To
model the drug dynamics in the brain, an additional effectsite compartment of very small size is conceived to represent
the brain [8]. This effect-site compartment is assumed to
exchange drug with the plasma based on first-order diffusion
kinetics. We interpret x(t) from Eq. (2) as amount of drug
in the effect-site (denoted by xe (t)) which can be calculated
from xc (t) as,
x(t) ≡ xe (t) = kce e−ke0 (t−τ ) xc (τ )dτ .
Based on the assumption that addition of this effect compartment does not affect the dynamics of the original xc (t),
one can arbitrarily set kce = ke0 /10000 [15]. Thus only one
parameter in Eq (4) needs to be estimated in addition to
the PD model parameters in Eq. (2). Our approach 1, is in
principle similar to Schnider et. al. [8], but this earlier work
also estimated the weights in the CUP marker along with
the PD model parameters and ke0 . The approach 1 serves
two purposes in our work: (1) It enables us to submit the 10
patient data-set considered here to existing tools available in
PK/PD modeling literature, and (2) helps in benchmarking
the quality of the modeling using the newer approach 2.
Approach 1 is generalizable to the case when the underlying
known Schnider PK model (for xc (t)) is replaced by the
Marsh model.
2) Approach 2: In our second approach, we consider a
more general scenario where no population PK model is
available. In this approach we use the mathematical representation of a two-compartmental PK (PK2) model to describe
x(t) as a non-dimensional scalar that can also be interpreted
as an index of the level of anesthesia. A PK2 model is
described by a bivariate state vector that evolves as,
−(k12 + k10 ) k21
u(t) (5)
−k21 x2
bounds. For both approaches, the parameter estimation problem is stated as the following optimization problem yielding
an optimum value of parameter set Θ as,
e = argmin F (Θ) ; F (Θ) = F1 (Θ) + F2 (Θ) + F3 (Θ)
F1 =
F2 =
F3 =
tk ∈τ
yt k −
/(2Nt (ymax
) )
− ymin
)2 /2(ymax
− ymin
)2 /2(ymax
where, τ = {tk = k∆, ∀ k ∈ [0, Nt − 1]} and Nt
is the length of smoothed observation sequence {yt⋆ } and
t0 = 0 denotes the time-point when infusion was started.
For approach 1, the objective function is minimized over
With intial conditions given as x1 (0) = 0 and x2 (0) = 0, the
analytic solution for x2 (t) is given as,
x2 (t) =
λ1 − λ 2
e(t−τ )λ1 − e(t−τ )λ2 u(τ ) dτ
where, λ1 and λ2 are assumed to be real and distinct eigenvalues of the rate-constant matrix such that λ2 < λ1 < 0. If
one uses x2 (t) as the x(t) in Eq. (2), then the multiplying
factor outside the integral in Eq. (6) will be multiplied with
x50 , x50 and xh in Eq. (2). Therefore, one can simplify
the problem further by considering x(t) ≡ x2 d/k12 where,
d ≡ λ1 − λ2 > 0. The unkown PK parameters are λ1 and d.
D. Parameter estimation
In the PK/PD formulation based on Eqs.(2), (4) and
(6) the unknown model parameter sets are Θ(1) =
{ke0 , Emax , Emax , γ1 , γ2 , α1 , α2 , αh } for approach 1 and
Θ(2) = {λ1 , d, Emax , Emax , γ1 , γ2 , α1 , α2 , αh } for ap(1)
proach 2. We calculate E0 by taking mean over an initial
segment of baseline smoothed marker data (before drug
infusion). To aid the optimization program, we identify the
minimum (ymin
) and maximum (ymax
) values of marker data
during the induction phase. It is assumed here the trajectory
u(t) is such that it yields a x(t) which has a monotonically
non-decreasing trend. This assumption is compatible to the
data set considered here [10] and the sequence x(t) has
a global maximum, xmax , in the domain of interest. The
following re-parametrization: xh = αh xmax , x50 = α1 xmax ,
x50 = α2 xmax yields non-dimensional shape parameters αh ,
α1 and α2 which can then be constrained within reasonable
Fig. 2.
(a, b, c) Model fits from two approaches overlaid on the
observed marker, (d, e, f) Normalized x(t) with junction points of two
sigmoids indicated for 3 subjects (A, B, C). The pair of optimal values
e (1) ), F (Θ
e (2) )) are: (0.1168, 0.1411) × 10−3 for A, (0.5137,
(F (Θ
0.6331) × 10−3 for B, (1.4472, 1.3641) × 10−3 for C.
a uniformly spaced grid ke0 ∈ [0.01, 0.2] min−1 such that
for each choice of ke0 on this search grid, a local gradientbased optimization problem is solved for the rest of the
parameters Θ(1) . For a given choice of ke0 and {u(t)}, we set
initial guess αh(o) as x(th )/xmax where th is the time-point
corresponding to yt⋆h = ymin
. Here, we use the convention
that θ(o) will denote the initial guess for a parameter θ.
We found our choice of domain of ke0 to be suitable for
the current data-set based on intial parameter sweeps over
wider ranges of ke0 that included ke0 = 0.456 min−1 (as
reported in Schnider et. al. [8]). For approach 2, analogous
to the optimization procedure in approach 1, the objective
function is minimized over a uniformly spaced grid λ1 ∈
[−0.2, −0.01] min−1 such that for each choice of λ1 in this
search grid a local gradient-based optimization is solved for
the rest of the parameters in Θ(2) . For a given choice of λ1 ,
we set d(o) = −λ1 , αh(o) = 0.3 and use 0.001 ≤ d ≤ 3
as an additional constraint. Common to both approaches, the
rest of the optimization problem prescription is as follows:
Emax(o) = 2(E0 − ymin
), γ1(o) = 1, α1(o) = 0.1,
Emax(o) = ymax
− ymin
, γ2(o) = 1, α2(o) = 0.5 + αh(o) /2,
0.8Emax(o) ≤ Emax ≤ 100Emax(o) , 0.5 ≤ γ (1) ≤ 6,
0.001 ≤ α1 ≤ 2, 1 ≤ γ2 ≤ 6, 0.8αh(o) ≤ α2 ≤ 1, 0.1 ≤
αh ≤ 0.8, 0.8Emax(o)
≤ Emax ≤ 1.2Emax(o) and αh < α2 .
Both optimization problems are solved in MATLAB 2017a
using Sequential Quadratic Programming.
We apply both the approaches, 1 & 2, to model the
estimated marker from all 10 subjects. We identify 3 subjects,
A, B and C, respectively corresponding to minimum (best
fit), median and maximum (worst fit) among 10 values of
e (1) ) (also the same subjects in Fig. 1). The fits for these
F (Θ
3 subjects from both approaches are presented in Fig. 2(a, b,
c). Both approaches yield near-identical fits to the markers
from the current data-set. Although, the exact values of x(t)
are different from two approaches, the shape of the curves
from both approaches are qualitatively similar Fig. 2(d, e,
f) to each other. The spread of the parameters estimated
well on the current data-set. Thus further research along
the lines of Approach 2 might be fruitful. Additionally,
simplicity of the marker definition and the setup of the
optimization problem enables the use of similar parameter
estimation schemes for both approaches. This helps in
establishing an easy-to-implement process to benchmark
future developments based on approach 2. Also, based on
this retrospective analysis, we conclude that our choice of
initial guess and optimization problem formulation yields
a local minimum within the parametric domain considered
here. This can potentially help in fast real-time estimation of
patient-specific parameters using marker data from induction
Acknowledgments: This work was partially supported by National
Institutes of Health (NIH) Transformative Research Award
R01-GM104948 (to E.N.B.), by NIH Award P01-GM118629
(to E.N.B,), by funds from Massachusetts General Hospital (to
E.N.B.), by funds from the Picower Institute for Learning and
Memory (to E.N.B.).
Fig. 3. Box-plots from Approach 1 (a) and 2 (b) for all 10 subjects.
Each parameter field is normalized by the median value for better
visualization. The respective values for the median corresponding
to optimum parameters (row-wise from left to right on the xaxes) for subfigure (a) are {0.0005, 0.0350, 7.6747, 13.6887,
0.8556, 2.5106, 2.0000, 0.3691, 0.1660} and for subfigure (b)
are {0.0006, −0.0100, 2.2674, 7.6581, 13.6559, 0.8972, 2.5315,
.1.0000, 0.4162, 0.1734}
from all subjects using both approaches can be visualized
via the box-plots in Fig. 3. To compare the estimates of a
common parameter θe between Figs. 3(a) and (b), we perform
a two-sample t-test and obtain 95% confidence intervals (CI)
for the difference between θe(1) − θe(2) . These are given as
(−3.3293, 3.3516), (−3.4477, 3.4586), (−0.5686, 0.4320),
(−0.6365, 0.4932), (−0.1594, 1.2259), (−0.1338, 0.1023)
and (−0.1124, 0.1160) for θ respectively indicating E0 −
E0 , Emax , γ1 , γ2 , α1 , α2 and αh . Based on this analysis,
we infer that the difference in the means for all the common
parameters from the two approaches are not significantly
Our work expands the previous work from Schnider et.
al. [5] on marker and PD model for propofol-induced LOC.
We simplified the definition of the CUP marker so as to
make it independent of the PD modeling without losing the
bi-phasic signature characteristic of propofol. Furthermore,
we utilized a conventional PK/PD framework of approach
1 to model the marker dynamics and also estimate the
underlying drug-induced level of anesthesia x(t). With the
connection established between our current data-set and
classical PK/PD modeling framework of propofol, we follow
the more general approach 2 wherein we view x(t) as a
latent state within a two-compartment PK-inspired modeling
framework. The latter procedure can be applied even when
a population PK model is unavailable. For the same drug
infusion and chosen electrode-location, we observe that
both approaches are able to fit the marker data reasonably
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