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2021, Regular issue
4 pages
1 file
The definition of mental disorders describes them as “health conditions involving changes in emotion, thinking or behavior or a combination of these”. Contemporary societies of 2020 still fall short in recognizing some of the most common afflictions as actual problems in people. Some of those are depression, anxiety and stress disorders. This paper proposes a Machine Learning based approach wherein the analysis of the multiple-choice inputs along with a neatly curated questionnaire based on feature extraction will be done and then supervised classification algorithms will be used to generate a mental health score as well as a detailed report based on responses the user gives.
IRJET, 2022
Mental health problems are one of the major concerns of the 21st century in the field of healthcare. One of the major reasons behind this problem is lack of awareness among masses. Our aim with this paper is to help people realize that they might be suffering from some kind of mental problem like depression, anxiety, ptsd, insomnia by making them aware of their symptoms using Machine learning. In order to apply the machine learning algorithms, data was collected from individuals of varied ages, professions, sex and lifestyle through survey form consisting of questions, which are often used by psychologists to understand their patient's problem in detail. We believe implementation of such a system could help us prevent potential "Mental health epidemic" and give people easy access to diagnosis.
International Journal of Engineering Research and, 2020
Early detection and assessment of mental health problems such as depression will help patients receive early treatment, which can enhance the patient's quality of life and empower them to live up to their full potential. The research forecasts people's mental health and emotional stability, and seeks to rehabilitate those vulnerable to depression. Depression is a major health issue in the world, especially in India, leading to significant diseases, disability and mortality as well as significant socioeconomic losses. Machine learning techniques can be used to diagnose the depression or anxiety disorders accurately. The project has a web application that people can avail to ensure whether they are mentally stable or not. Unlike existing apps, here the details as well as any family history of depression or anxiety disorders are entered besides answering questions so as to come up with accurate predictions. The machine learning model used here is trained on the responses obtained through survey using PHQ 9 questionnaires. It also includes a module for sentiment analysis using Chatbot that communicates with the user and finds out the reason for depression. The community as a whole will be benefited and every person regardless of age or gender can make use of the application to get an accurate diagnosis. The project can be extended to predicting other mental and behavioral disorders other than depression and thus help in building a mentally fit society.
IRJET, 2023
Depression is one of the most concerned issues in the society and it is not limited to certain age of a person. Depression management is an approach for analyzing and working on these concerns and lead to quality of life. The idea behind this work is to analyze depression, anxiety and stress based on some psychological test like Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21(DASS 21). Machine learning is an emerging field in computer science and has ability to predict outcome based on certain situations or inputs. Machine learning algorithms are used to predict depression, anxiety and stress levels by using standard psychological scale. Training and testing datasets are used to train and test the developed machine learning model. Various machine learning algorithms like Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, Naïve Bayes, etc. are implemented and compared in order to evaluate the best among all. The accuracy of the best algorithm is boosted using the boosting technique of ensemble learning method and a user interface is used for self-evaluation. From the classification algorithms used SVM has surpassed the other machine learning algorithms and then it is boosted using AdaBoost giving highest accuracy for prediction.
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 2021
Today, mental health problem has become a grave concern in Malaysia. According to the National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2017, one in five people in Malaysia suffers from depression, two in five from anxiety, and one in ten from stress. Higher education students are also at risk of being part of the affected community. The increased data size without proper management and analysis, and the lack of counsellors, are compounding the issue. Therefore, this paper presents on identifying factors in mental health problems among selected higher education students. This study aims to classify students into different categories of mental health problems, which are stress, depression, and anxiety, using machine learning algorithms. The data is collected from students in a higher education institute in Kuala Terengganu. The algorithms applied are Decision Tree, Neural Network, Support Vector Machine, Naïve Bayes, and logistic regression. The most accurate model for stress, depression, ...
This paper describes a system where a user can interact with the chat-bot just like a human and share his/her thoughts on various issues, and can open up his/her problems that determine a guy's mental status and also help them to get good help and can prove to be a life-saving solution. The chat-bot may take the help of human replies using Questionnaires and MCQ questions to find emotions hidden, and classify them and store the data to provide a fitting report to the user. The report can guide the user about if they need to find a balance in their personalities, and if critical, seek medical attention via a professional that is a psychiatrist. The system is used to show the visualization of Mental health weekly reports and help users to overcome the solution.
International Journal of Education and Management Engineering
Today, mental health problems become serious issues in Malaysia. In generally, mental health problems are health issues that effects on how a person feels, thinks, behaves, and communicate with others. According to National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2017, one in five people in Malaysia is depression. Then, two in five people is anxiety and one in ten people is having stress. Higher education student also one of communities that have high risk to face mental health problems. The difficulties in identifying factors of mental health problems become a challenges and obstacle to help the person with mental health problem. Objectives of this paper are (1) review mental health problem among higher education student, (2) the contributing factors and (3) review the existing machine learning to analyse and predict mental health problem among higher education student. Finding of the paper will be used for other study to further discussion on mental health problems for implementation using computational modelling.
Abstrak: Sebuah penyakit masyarakat yang paling tua dan disinyalir terus akan ada di dunia ini adalah perzinaan. Tindak pidana zina bukan hanya akan merugikan pelaku dan keluarganya saja, tetapi bahkan memiliki dampak buruk terhadap kehidupan masyarakat secara luas baik dampak negatif dalam masalah perkawinan, dalam masalah iddah, dalam masalah penentuan mahram maupun dalam hal pemanfaatan uang hasil perbuatan tercela ini. Bahkan dampak psikologis bagi anak yang lahir akibat tindak pidana yang satu ini akan terus membekas pada diri anak tersebut bahkan dimungkinkan akan berakibat pada berbagai pengaruh negatif lain di kemudian hari. Dalam bidang perkawinan, bagaimana hukum menikahi wanita yang sedang hamil akibat zina baik dinikahi oleh lelaki pasangan zinanya maupun oleh laki-laki lain. Dalam masalah kewajiban iddah, haruskah wanita yang hamil akibat zina melaksanakan iddah, dalam hal hubungan mahram, adakah pihak-pihak yang haram untuk dinikahi dan dianggap sebagai mahram akibat adanya perzinaan dan dalam hal memanfaatkan uang hasil perbuatan zina, bolehkah uang itu disedekahkan dan dipergunakan untuk keperluan ibadah? Berbagai jawaban atas masalah-masalah ini akan dikemukakan dalam tulisan ini. Abstract: A disease of the oldest communities and allegedly continued to be there in this world is adultery. The criminal act of adultery not only be detrimental to offenders and their families, but even having a devastating effect on the lives of the general public in both the negative impact of marital problems, the issue of waiting period, the problem of determining a mahram and in terms of the utilization of the proceeds of this of this misconduct. Even the psychological impact of the child born as a result of the offense will continue to impress upon the child is even possible will result in a variety of other negative effects later in life. In the area of marriage, how to legally marry a woman who is pregnant due to adultery either married to men as well as couples by another man. In the witing period should women who are pregnant due to adultery implement this witing period, in the mahram relationship, are there any parties forbidden to marry and considered a mahram result of adultery, and in terms of utilizing the proceeds of fornication, may where withal and the money was used to purposes of worship? Various answers to these problems will be presented in this paper. Key Words: Zina, rajam, dera, anak zina, kawin hamil iddah dan mahram
When we were kids, we used to wonder where stuffs came from, why we have different colors? why some countries have kings and queens? Why the Philippines has a president or democracy? Is Rizal a real hero for us? How did he become a hero when all he did was to write? Everything has a history and a story to tell about how it came to be the way it is today. The study of historical and future events is known as history, you can learn about what happened in the past by looking at books, newspapers, documents, and artifacts such as human or animal bones, or from hearing it from your teacher, it can be someone else but we don't know whether it's true or not. We might not be present at the scene of the event, but reading and imagining it may make us feel as if we are. But have we ever wondered if what everybody believes is real, or if there is something else going on? The " The Philippines: A Past Revisited from the Spanish Colonization to the Second World War" is the book written by Renato Constantino who often called Ka Tato was a Filipino historian known for being part of the leftist tradition of Philippine historiography. Around 30 books, as well as various pamphlets and monographs, were written by him. Constantino’s writings educated and informed two generations of activist and students. His book “ The Philippines : A Past Revisited” was published in year 1974. This book is key to the history of conquest and resistance in the Philippines. The aim of this book is to make the past useful for current tasks and future objectives, reading a book that exposed the facts of what happened in the past has been extremely beneficial to us, the authors can alter history based on how they wrote it, and if historians do not reveal the truth, we might believe a history built on lies.
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