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Yu. L. Shchapova International Memorial Conference , LOMONOSOV MOSCOW STATE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF HISTORY DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY Moscow, Russia, 28–30 May 2020, 2022
Cemetery complex in Cieple from the first half of the 11 th century to the first half of the 12 th century, East Pomerania, Poland, from which the presented beads originate, is a part of settlement complex lays near Vistula River-the main water trade route. Analyzing shapes, colours, decorations of beads in the graves we can observe differences in the wealth of the people they belonged to. Original forms of beads could be a sign of the social status of the owner and the role one played in the community. Their gloss and tinting the glass mass made them an attractive, desirable element of decoration. The type of jewellery, the color and ornament had a symbolic, often apotropaic meaning what is difficult to interpret clearly today. Glass counter from male's grave has such symbolic meaning as well. Beads and other glass items were a comfortable and valued equivalent of money in the Slavic, Scandinavian and Asian territories. The location of the settlement complex in Cieple was convenient in terms of strategic position and communication. Discovered beads and other artefacts are example of imports. They are evidence of commercial and cultural contacts between communities. The multitude of functions that these small, inconspicuous objects performed indicate their value in learning various aspects of life.
Indonesia merupakan negara hukum. Segala aspek kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara tentu harus sesuai dengan hukum yang artinya harus sesuai dengan dasar negara dan konstitusi kita yakni Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 beserta Peraturan lainnya dibawahnya.
This is the first chapter, currently under peer review, of our textbook. It is under contract with a major publisher.
O documento Manual do Interrogatório foi encontrado no acervo do Departamento de Ordem Política e Social-DOPS , sob a guarda do Departamento Estadual de Arquivo Público do Paraná. Trata-se de um texto de autor anônimo, reproduzido e distribuído para as polícias políticas estaduais do Brasil à época da Ditadura Militar, pelo Serviço Nacional de Informações-SNI, órgão que coordenou toda a ação repressiva durante a vigência do regime. Este órgão, diretamente vinculado à Presidência da República, produziu um sem número de documentos com os mais diversos conteúdos. Grosso modo, podemos dividi-los em três grandes conjuntos: um primeiro, que versava sobre a conjuntura brasileira-sistema educacional, questão agrária, economia, política partidária, saúde, habitação etc, que servia, provavelmente, para subsidiar as ações de governo nos mais diferentes níveis. Neste sentido, o SNI era também órgão assessor do Poder Executivo para o estabelecimento de políticas oficiais. Um segundo conjunto tratava da Segurança Nacional, tendo em vista as diferentes conjunturas políticas e seus respectivos "inimigos internos" (vale dizer, seus opositores). E um terceiro conjunto (cujos documentos eram classificados como confidencial, secreto ou ultra-secreto) visava orientar e instruir os membros da própria máquina repressiva: de que ou de quem suspeitar, como informar os órgãos de segurança, como classificar as informações, quem eram os homens de confiança do regime. Quanto ao Manual do Interrogatório, instruía sobre como obter a confissão dos presos políticos por meio da coerção física e ou psicológica. Era um documento mais restrito, que circulava apenas entre os estratos intermediários ou superiores da hierarquia repressiva. A importância de um documento como este reside no fato de que, quando se trata do estudo sobre os mecanismos oficiais de repressão, as fontes são muito escassas ou mesmo inexistentes. Se, da parte dos atingidos, contamos com inúmeros depoimentos, orais ou escritos, da parte dos perpetradores, na maioria dos casos, resta o silêncio. E, no que se refere à documentação, boa
Analytical methods of environmental chemistry journal, 2024
Green chemistry is an emerging field that is concerned with the concept of process design and yielding products that are sustainable and benign to the environment and humans, it was introduced by Anastas in the year 1999 and works on the 12 principles points [1]. The green chemistry fields provide continuously environment-friendly compounds or develop processes that avoid the use of hazardous organic chemicals (benzene, toluene, VOCs solvents). Optimizing the quality of the result as well as enhancing environmental friendliness prove to be a major hurdle in the future of green analytical chemistry. The first action taken by chemists for the design of green pharmaceutical products and industrial-scale processes offers enhanced economic development [2]. The use of green raw materials, and avoiding toxic chemicals are needed to be considered by chemical industries and companies for the safety of workers and environments. Further, these steps account for better yields and lesser waste. In green analytical chemistry (GAC), the environmentalfriendly analyte in samples is of greatest demand. This is important to improve the quality of the sample. The main problems that come in an environment because of using traditional methods can be minimized by Anal. Methods Environ. Chem. J. 7 (1) (2024) 86-114 Research Article, Issue 1 Analytical Methods in Environmental Chemis try Journal
FOLLOWING IS A FIRST CENTURY MODEL of the millennium and the judgement of hades and how it was connected to the tenth-century temple in the Holy city Jerusalem. (Revelation19-20-21) This short explanation (in notes with references) has four distinct merits:- 1. It places the C.1st documents back in their Natural C.1st Context 2. It brings C.1st time facts under Observation 3. It Saves the Appearances of the facts 4. It adds more Meaning to the temple by the addition of more information. At the end of these observations I am forced to agree with Wittgenstein;- 'In logic nothing is accidental: if a thing can occur in a state of affairs (an actual event) the possibility of the state of affairs must be written into the thing itself.' Tractatus. 2.012 L. Wittgenstein
INTRODUCTION Alcibiades I and II examine a young man's thoughts about human soul's fourth and fifth virtues, justice and piety respectively. In so doing, and through their older character, they complete the first Early subgroup's treatment of uneducated young boys' different conditions of soul and thought about the first three virtues, wisdom, courage, and temperance. Since the 19 th century, and mainly for stylistic reasons, however, some have doubted their authorship. They lack the general humour, teasing, and warmth of many of Plato's other works, and, although they use question and answer, Alc.I in particular gives straightforward, and some say too advanced, answers to these questions. It is not the only dialogue to do so, however. The Gorgias' early Socrates is often direct, explicit, admonitory, and hectoring, and the tone of the Late group works is unremittingly serious and instructive. Alc.I's so-called 'advanced' doctrines, are also compatible with the thesis that Plato's dialogues image a long and carefully worked-out ascent from human ignorance to divine-related knowledge. In addition, through their character, a promising but wealthy and corruptible young man with political ambitions, they nicely fill the generational gap between S.II.2's questioning of innocent young boys and S.II.4's questioning of ignorant and corrupt teachers and leaders of young men such as Alcibiades.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2021
Autism, 2018
Prior work has revealed sex/gender-dependent autistic characteristics across behavioural and neural/biological domains. It remains unclear whether and how neural sex/gender differences are related to behavioural sex/gender differences in autism. Here, we examined whether atypical neural responses during mentalizing and self-representation are sex/genderdependent in autistic adults and explored whether 'camouflaging' (acting as if behaviourally neurotypical) is associated with sex/gender-dependent neural responses. In total, N = 119 adults (33 typically developing males, 29 autistic males, 29 typically developing females and 28 autistic females) participated in a task-related functional magnetic resonance imaging paradigm to assess neural activation within right temporo-parietal junction and ventromedial prefrontal cortex during mentalizing and self-representation. Camouflaging in autism was quantified as the discrepancy between extrinsic behaviour in social-interpersonal contexts and intrinsic status. While autistic men showed hypoactive right temporo-parietal junction mentalizing and ventromedial prefrontal cortex self-representation responses compared to typically developing men, such neural responses in autistic women were not different from typically developing women. In autistic women only, increasing camouflaging was associated with heightened ventromedial prefrontal cortex self-representation response. There is a lack of impaired neural self-representation and mentalizing in autistic women compared to typically developing women. Camouflaging is heightened in autistic women and may relate to neural self-representation response. These results reveal brain-behaviour relations that help explain sex/gender-heterogeneity in social brain function in autism.
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In: Programme of the Classic Stage Ireland production of Sophocles, Oedipus the King, July 2010, Dublin 2010, 7-8
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Journal of Clinical Medicine
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