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According to the UNESCO 2011 - Recommendations on the Historic Urban Landscapes, the historic urban landscape (HUL) is the urban area understood as the result of a historic layering of cultural and natural values and attributes, extending the “historic center” concept to include the broader urban context and its geographical setting. Representation of historical environments, documenting their typological components as a pattern book (landscape, architecture, textures, materials, and color), is devised to encourage a strategy of valorization. Explanation of landscapes’ values through its benchmarking, consists of several mapping actions and adoption of tools: 3D modelling, environmental mapping, places representation. The chapter presents a strategic process based on local character assessment through a place-visualizing toolkit from documentation and color representation to design coding: visualization of landscape’ values and multimedia survey pipelines implementing processes, methods and tools for the narration of tangible values and intangible assets.
AIC Interim Meeting 2018 : Color and Human Comfort, 2018
Alexander Schauss recognised in 1979 the Baker-Miller Pink (BMP) as a peculiar shade of pink able to soothe the mind and decrease muscular strength. It is currently used on the walls of several prisons and police custody facilities where it is expected to help calming the inmates. Through various media appearances, BMP became a cultural phenomenon, an “urban legend.” This article intends to rethink the BMP, from its theorisation to its implementation, through a bibliographical synthesis of the works done on it. It is a rereading from the point of view of gender studies, by questioning the importance of the gender of the experimental subjects recruited (mainly men) and the context (male prison) of the experiments. It therefore rethinks the use of pink as an ideological reaffirmation of gender stereotypes, and as a reactivation of homophobia as a system of exercise of power over individuals subject to the "make the man" injunction.
Social Transformations, 2017
The publication includes a collection of twelve papers that discuss topics related to the overall theme of environmental colour design. It is aimed at persons interested in colour and in particular at those in the creative fields of art, design, architecture, and landscape architecture as well as urban and environmental design. Twelve papers glean answers to the question as to what role is to be attributed to theoretical approaches in environmental colour design and how theory relates to colour practices. The themes range from the relevant aspects of bio-physiological principles to the artistic ways in which colour is studied, analysed, and applied within urban space, architecture, and the natural environment. Conducted on an international level, the exchange shows that how colour is perceived, defined, and used not only depends on geographical and climatic factors, but foremost on cultural, social, economic, and political aspects and meanings.
Cytometry Part A, 2011
Characterization of rare cells usually requires high sensitivity quantification of multiple parameters. Detection of morphological features of these cells is highly desired when routinely identifying circulating tumor cells (CTC) in blood of patients. We have designed an image cytometer intended for fast and sensitive routine analysis of CTC. After an initial scan, prospective events can be revisited for more detailed analysis. The image cytometer features: 375, 491, and 639 nm laser lines, a 403/0.6NA objective, a CCD camera operating in TDI mode, servo stages to move the sample in two dimensions and a piëzo microscope objective positioner to move the objective in the third dimension. ImageJ is used for dedicated image analysis. A homogeneous illumination area, measuring 180 3 180 lm 2 , was created by the use of a rotating diffuser in combination with two micro-lens arrays. For feed-forward automatic focusing of the sample during a scan, a 3D spline was fitted through 30 predetermined focus positions before scanning the sample. Continuous signal acquisition is made possible by using a CCD operating in TDI mode synchronized to the movement of two servo scan stages. The limit of fluorescence sensitivity is 120 PE molecules on a bead with a diameter of 6.8 lm, at a scanning speed of 1.0 mm s 21 . The resolution of the imaging system is 0.76 lm in the TDI scan direction at a wavelength of 580 nm. Identification of cells is facilitated by scatter plots of the fluorescent parameters in which each individual event can be viewed for its morphological features by fluorescence as well as bright field. The image cytometer measures quantitative fluorescence and morphological features at a high sensitivity, high resolution, and with minimal overhead time. It has the ability to relocate events of interest for further detailed analysis. The system can be used for routine identification and characterization of rare cells. ' 2011 International Society for Advancement of Cytometry
Multimedia Computing and …, 2001
Transcoding is a powerful technique employed by network proxies to dynamically customize multimedia objects for prevailing network conditions and individual client characteristics. Transcoding can be performed along a number of different axes and the specific transcoding technique used depends on the type of multimedia object. Our research goal is to understand the nature of typical internet images and their transcoding characteristics. We focus our attention on transcodings that customize an image for file size savings.
Color Research and Application, 2006
This article examines some of the outstanding contributions or points of interest in the research and application of color in architecture, from ancient times to the present. The discourses about color are classified by periods and according to the utterers: theoreticians or writers of architectural treatises, archeologists and historians of architecture, architects who have been relevant in professional practice, color theorists coming from the fields of architecture and design, and color researchers related to the International Color Association. As a conclusion, the main characteristics of these discourses about color are summarized, and a point is made about the use of instruments derived from color science in color design, implying that the evolution in the use of color in environmental design and the research in this field will increasingly rely on the interaction between scientists and designers. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 31, 350–363, 2006; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/col.20224
Mecanismos inmunitarios específicos que protegen contra un agente frente al cual el organismo ha desarrollado una respuesta inmune celular o humoral.
Philosophy of Education 2019 (Ed. Kurt Stemhagen), 2020
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences , 2023
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 2021
Polish Journal of Medical Physics and Engineering
Journal of Chittagong Medical College Teachers' Association
Journal on Processing and Energy in Agriculture, 2017
Psychopolytan : Jurnal Psikologi, 2022
The Journal of technology studies, 1999
Rekognisi Pembelajaran Lampau (RPL) Melalui Proses Tinjauan Sejawat (Peer Review) Dosen Program Studi Program Profesi Insinyur Universitas Andalas, 2018
Journal of the College …, 2011