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2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
6 pages
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User acceptance is a high priority for website design and implementation. Two significant, but largely separate, approaches to acceptability are: First, the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) has explored the measurement of technical features of a website to gauge its accessibility. Second, human judgments about acceptability are obtained from intended users or experts. The present work explores the important question of how best to combine these two methods. Experiment One required new users to explore automatic website evaluation systems. They found two of four systems difficult or impossible to use and system outputs difficult to understand. Experiment Two combines formal properties and user judgments, using an automatic system to predict user judgments from formal website properties. A simple system was able to predict user judgments within 91% accuracy. Clearly, user judgments about websites can be predicted reliably, a result of value to designers.
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, 2017
With each passing day, the Web is becoming increasingly important in our lives. Hence, the need of making it more accessible to everyone, especially for the disabled and elderly spurred a great interest in automated tools, the total registered number of which has been continuously increasing and reached from forty-five software bids in 2014 to ninety-three in 2017. The purpose of this empirical research is to assess and compare eight popular and free online automated Web accessibility evaluation tools (AWAETs) such as AChecker, Cynthia Says, EIII Checker, MAUVE, SortSite, TAW, Tenon and WAVE with regard to the WCAG 2.0 conformance. As a result, significant differences were observed in terms of tool's coverage (a maximum of 32.4%), completeness (ranges between 10% and 59%), correctness (an average of 70.7%), specificity (reaches 32%), inter-reliability (lies between 1.56% and 18.32%) and intra-reliability (the acceptable score), validity, efficiency and capacity. These eight criteria can help to determine a new role played by modern AWAETs as dependent methods in Web accessibility evaluation. Moreover, consequences of relying on AWAETs alone are quantified and concluded that applying such approaches is a great mistake since subjective and less frequent objective success criteria (SC) failed to be automated. However, using a good combination of AWAETs is highly recommended as overall results in all the mentioned quality criteria are maximized and tools could definitely validate and complete each other. Ultimately, integrating automated methods with the others is ideal and preferably at an early stage of the website development life cycle. The study also provides potential accessibility barriers that make websites inaccessible, challenges AWAETs are currently facing, nineteen pros and fourteen cons and fifteen improvement recommendations for the existing and next generation of AWAETs. Fundamentally, achieving the objectives of this study was possible due to the elaboration and implementation of a new five-phased methodology named as-5PhM-for-AWAEMs‖ for successful selection, evaluation and/or comparison of AWAEMs. In addition to providing detailed descriptions of the estimation process, this methodology represents eleven key criteria for effective selection of suitable AWAEMs and necessary numbers of web pages and expert evaluators for acceptable, normal or ideal assessment.
Journal of Usability …, 2010
The current set of tools and specifications for ensuring web accessibility require expert knowledge and often have a highly technical orientation, with the consequence that it is not very clear how, or even when, to make use of them. In an attempt to tackle this problem, this paper reviews the types of tools and specifications available and proposes a simple and practical methodology for web accessibility evaluation that demonstrates how these tools and specifications could be used. The proposed methodology proposes methods and processes for reaching and maintaining web accessibility, and consists of the following phases: (a) identification of user requirements and setting up of accessibility goals, (b) web accessibility evaluation and redesign process, and (c) establishment and follow-up of accessibility policy. Further, in order to illustrate step (b), an example of web accessibility evaluation is described, where the domain is contemporary scientific publishing web sites. The work presented in this paper reports on issues that need to be considered by human-computer interaction (HCI) researchers, interaction design practitioners, and usability professionals for inclusive web design and are complementary to web usability engineering.
Abstract The current set of tools and specifications for ensuring web accessibility require expert knowledge and often have a highly technical orientation, with the consequence that it is not very clear how, or even when, to make use of them. In an attempt to tackle this problem, this paper reviews the types of tools and specifications available and proposes a simple and practical methodology for web accessibility evaluation that demonstrates how these tools and specifications could be used.
A novel approach is presented for automatically evaluating of the usability and accessibility (U&A) of web sites by performing a static analysis of their HTML code against U&A guidelines. The approach relies on separating guidelines evaluation logic from the evaluation engine. Due to this separation, the whole evaluation process can be divided into two main phases: specifying formal guidelines and web page evaluation.
International Conference on Web Engineering, 2000
When usability evaluation is performed on web sites, many different evaluation methods can be used that are analytical or empirical, depending if they are conducted with or without end users, on a real web site (part or whole) or on a representation of it. A classification on evaluation methods is given on these parameters so as to assess the relevance
Food Chemistry, 2011
Revista Mexicana de Análisis de la Conducta, 2018
Emilio Ribes-Iñesta Universidad Veracruzana Leão and Neto attempt to show some possible links between the reflex conception of the operant in Skinner and his later proposal of selection by consequences. Their analysis may be qualified as an exegetic and hermeneutic essay, stressing possible "link" concepts such as shaping, differentiation, and probability, in an extensive , although not exhaustive, review of Skinner's writings before 1957. I will argue that there are no logical or conceptual links between the reflex conception of the operant and the notion of selection by consequences, and that the identification of indirect or direct mentions of selective effects of reinforcement does not justify such theoretical possibility. Additionally, I will show that selection is not descriptive of a process or mechanism, but rather of an outcome. First, I will examine the logical limitations of the concept of the operant and why the reinforcer, as a component of the operant class, cannot exert any differential effect on the class itself. Second, I
Le 8e séminaire scientifique et technique de l’Inrap sera organisé par la direction scientifique et technique (DST) de l’Inrap, en partenariat avec le Laboratoire de Mesure du Carbone 14 (LMC14), plateforme nationale rattachée au Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE). Il sera consacré au recours aux datations absolues (ou « chronométriques ») en archéologie. Les datations absolues sont devenues indispensables à la recherche archéologique. Leurs résultats permettent de caler les chronologies sur l’échelle du temps. Elles précisent la durée des phénomènes historiques en oeuvre et situent dans le temps les événements du passé. La découverte de la décroissance régulière au fil du temps de la radioactivité du carbone 14 et de son usage comme « chronomètre » pour estimer l’âge des matériaux soumis à datation a été une petite révolution à l’orée des années 1950. Combinées avec d’autres méthodes dites relatives comme la stratigraphie, la sériation et la typologie, la datation par le radiocarbone a en effet modifié profondément notre connaissance du passé. Depuis, la recherche a permis de considérablement affiner la fiabilité et la précision des résultats. Parallèlement, d’autres méthodes ont été développées en lien avec la diversification des matériaux mis au jour (dendrochronologie, Potassium-Argon, Uranium-Thorium, archéomagnétisme, thermoluminescence et luminescence stimulée optiquement…). Avec le développement de l’archéologie préventive, la masse de données accumulées est aujourd'hui considérable et nécessite de s’interroger sur la manière de gérer et de rendre accessible ces données. Par ailleurs, l’analyse d’un grand nombre de datations relatives à un phénomène culturel ou à la diffusion d’un type d’objet permet de traiter l’information à l’aide de la statistique et de manière géographique, offrant ainsi de nouvelles perspectives de recherche. La mise en oeuvre de ces méthodes, en archéologie, se traduit généralement par le recours à des chercheurs spécialisés dans d’autres disciplines (biologie, chimie, sciences de la Terre, physique nucléaire…) ou à des archéomètres formés dans les laboratoires. La multiplicité des acteurs et des compétences mises à contribution est grande, même au sein de la communauté archéologique, et il était donc important, pour l’Inrap, de proposer un lieu de rencontre interdisciplinaire, d’échanges d’expérience et de réflexion sur l’avenir de ces méthodes et des collaborations qu’elles impliquent. Il s’agit de réfléchir, collégialement, sur l’évolution des protocoles de terrain (échantillonnage), les actions de sensibilisation ou de formation à entreprendre et la nécessité de centraliser et de partager les résultats. Enfin, ces rencontres seront l’occasion d’aborder les différentes approches méthodologiques et d’évaluer leurs atouts ou faiblesses.
Seminario permanente de la Red Mexicana de Mujeres Filósofas(ReMMUF), 2024
Seminario Permanente de la Red Mexicana de Mujeres Filósofas "Descentrar el canon para pensarnos hoy" Dinorah Hernández presentará el trabajo "Theodor W. Adorno. Crítica del autoritarismo. Pensar contra los radicalismos de derecha hoy"
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 2015
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 2023
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Infomasi Terapan
Большаков И.А. Формальная модель латинской морфологии : (Часть 2) / И.А. Большаков, А.А. Дурново ; Под ред. В.Ю. Розенцвейга. – М., 1979. – 67, [1] с. – (Предварительные публикации / Институт русского языка АН СССР ; Проблемная группа по экспериментальной и прикладной лингвистике. Выпуск 125).
Flow Phenomena in Nature Volume 2, 2006
Journal of Human Physiology, 2021
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2015
International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 2018
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Porta Linguarum Revista Interuniversitaria de Didáctica de las Lenguas Extranjeras, 2017
American Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2009