Concurrent Engineering in the Construction Industry
Peter E. D. Love and A. Gunasekaran
Concurrent Engineering 1997 5: 155
DOI: 10.1177/1063293X9700500207
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ENGINEERING: Research and Applications
Concurrent Engineering in the Construction Industry*
Peter E. D. Love
CSIRO Division of
Building, Construction
Engineering, Cannon Hill, Queensland 4173, Australia
A. Gunasekaran**
Department of Manufactunng and Engineering Systems, Brunel University, Uxbndge, Middlesex,
Received 14 June 1996,
revised form 24
3PH, United Kingdom
Abstract: The construction industry has been suffering from low productivity and poor performance In an attempt to improve its performance,
industry practitioners and researchers have looked at the manufacturing industry as a point of reference and a source of innovation Consequently, the industry has acquired and adapted the Concurrent Engineering (CE) approach to manufacturing, to construction Concurrent Construction (CC) The motivation for importing a CE approach to construction is presented in this paper To assist in overcoming the industry’s poor
productivity and performance, this paper suggests that construction processes need to be carried out concurrently Furthermore, people involved in the project need to be integrated into a unified development process by becoming a multi-disciplinary team Thus, all downstream
aspects of the design and construction process and non-value adding activities (waste) can be considered throughout the design stage of the
Words: concurrent construction, downstream aspects, waste,
1. Introduction
multi-disciplinary team
formance of industry. This can be achieved by adopting a
and integrated approach to the design and construction of buildings, by considering the downstream
related activities throughout the design process, eliminating
non-value adding activities (waste), and creating a multiconcurrent
In manufacturing, a great improvement in performance
and productivity has been achieved through the application
of Concurrent Engineering (CE). This application refers to
a design process where all life cycle stages of a product are
considered simultaneously, from the conceptual stage
through to the detailed design stage [9]. The CE approach to
manufacturing aims to increase product quality and reduce
cost and development time, by integrating diverse specialties into a unified development process. The CE approach to
product development seeks continuous process improvement : increased organisational effectiveness and efficiency,
the elimination of non-value added activities (waste), and
continuous optimisation or refinement of the entire system
which includes design, manufacturing, production and
marketing for an improved productivity and quality.
Construction industry practitioners and researchers (for
example, Koskela [8], Huovila, et al. [6], Mohamed and
Yates [17]) have turned to the manufacturing industry as a
point of reference and source of innovation. Consequently,
the industry has acquired and adapted the CE approach to
manufacturing, to construction. This paper suggests that a
CE approach to construction can improve the overall per-
of this paper has been
1996, Toronto, Canada
**Author to whom
should be addressed
at the ISPE Conference
disciplinary team.
The organization
of the paper is as follows: Section 2
deals with the status of the construction industry. The motivation for Concurrent Construction (CC) is discussed in
Section 3. Section 4 presents the application of CE to construction industry considering the downstream aspects of
the design and construction process, elimination of nonvalue adding activities in construction and multidisciplinary team approach for improving the effectiveness
of construction process. The conclusions are presented in
Section 5.
2. Status of the Construction
The construction
is a large and highly diverse
It ranges from the construction
of multi-million dollar power plants, through to the construction of large residential and non-residential buildings,
to small scale renovation or the repair of existing facilities.
The industry encompasses different types of work, from the
construction of buildings for residential and non-residential
use, to the laying of roads and other infrastructure facilities,
sector of industrial
Volume 5
Number 2
June 1997
1063-293X/97/02 0155-08 $10.00/0
@ 1997 Technomic Publishing Co., Inc.
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to the installation in buildings of services (heating,
lighting, ventilation, hydraulics, etc.).
Moveover, the industry’s scope of construction is widespread ; from new construction to the repair and maintenance of existing facilities which amounts to a significant
percent of the total industry output. The public sector is primarily the construction industry’s principal client, accounting for about 60 percent of total expenditure on new and
remedial works. The very size of the construction industry
means that it has a significant role to play in an economy.
This is supported by Hillebrandt [4], who suggests that the
construction industry of an industrialised economy contributes over 12 percent to an economy’s gross domestic product
(GDP). In the Australian economy in 1990/1991, the
industry’s contribution to GDP amounted to 9 percent, compared to 4.9 percent for mining and 3 percent for
agriculture. A further indication of the importance of the
construction industry relates to the significant amount of
labour employed directly by the industry. For example, in
Australia, the construction industry provides employment
for over 7 percent of the total available workforce [11].
The construction industry, through the products that it
creates, its size and ability to create employment, has the
potential to influence an economy’s GDP more than any
other service industry. The findings of Stoeckerl and Quirke
[18] suggest that a 10 percent increase in the construction industry’s efficiency, would increase an economy’s service industry contribution to GDP by over 2.5 percent. Consequently, it is essential that construction industry operates
efficiently and productively. With the above figures in mind,
it can be clearly seen that the construction industry is of
critical importance to the growth and success of an
economy. Nevertheless, while a particular industry such as
manufacturing has been increasing its productivity, the construction industry’s productivity has declined. Typical problems contributing to the decline in construction productivity
include [10]:
· the fragmented nature of the industry
· the lack of integration and co-ordination between
improving the efficiency of construction processes. This
paper specifically addresses the application of CE to construction viz. Concurrent Construction (CC). This can be
defined &dquo;as a systematic approach to the integrated, concurrent design and construction of products, the consideration
of related downstream aspects and the elimination of nonvalue adding activities. This is achieved through a multidisciplinary team approach, which intends to motivate project participants throughout the design process, to consider
all elements of the product’s life cycle from inception
through to disposal, taking into account quality, cost, time,
function, the client and end user requirements.&dquo;
It is suggested that CC can address the problems
highlighted herein, during the design process. Typically,
during the design process the following are fundamentally
established: relationships, communication networks, goals
and objectives, and the design and construction methods.
Hence, during this process participants including architects,
engineers, surveyors, and contractors should focus their energies on becoming a multi-disciplinary team. This could be
achieved, by:
the integration and concurrent sequencing of activities
the extensive use of computer support (CAD/CAM/
Computer-Integrated Construction (CIC), simulation,
expert systems and shared databases)
the use of computer tools for planning and programming
The aim of this paper is to present the need for a concurintegrated design and construction process. Furthermore, this paper suggests that construction industry
practitioners and researchers are active in the search for the
potential improvement strategies from other industries such
as manufacturing and the application of these to construction. The application of CE to construction is in the early
stage and therefore the research has been limited. Nevertheless, the research that has been undertaken [6,17] has demonstrated that CC is potentially the elixir for improving the
design and construction process.
rent and
· the poor communication processes
· the deviations in quality
· the large amounts of non-productive time
A number of solutions have been put forward to overcome
these inherent problems; for example, industrialisation
(i.e., prefabrication and modularisation), computer integrated construction and robotised and automated construction, all of which are generic concepts of manufacturing.
These technological solutions have not affected the construction industry as first envisaged, as the problems still remain. To overcome these problems facing the industry, a reengineering philosophy has been suggested embracing the
concepts of concurrent engineering, lean production and
process redesign [7].
Each of the aforementioned concepts has a role to play in
3. Motivation for Concurrent Construction
Generally, the construction industry is comprised of
relatively small, independent operators that come together
on a one-off basis to procure a construction project. Even
the large organisations tend to operate through smaller, autonomous units within the industry. In particular, the industry has been characterised historically by those organisations involved in the design and construction of construction
projects [5]. Furthermore, the industry is one in which subcontracting is widespread. This structure allows quick and
effective response to external events but makes it difficult for
the industry to initiate internal action or act in concert.
Moreover, the lack of continuity and the contractual arrangements engendered by this fragmentation discourage
the efforts of project teams to improve quality and reduce
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cost. Leslie and Mckay [12] state that &dquo;this leaves little incentive to make a facility easier to construct or cheaper to
operate, since the rewards of such effort will only benefit
others.&dquo; The industry is unlikely to undergo any major structural change, at least in the short term. The industry largely
operates in the mode of the industrial revolution with extreme specialisation of activities. Consequently, the management and co-ordination of these activities into a coherent
construction process can become a problematic and tedious
Construction activities are generally divided into sequential activities, which are awarded to different specialists for
execution, placing unnecessary constraints on the flow of
work. As a result, this inadvertently increases the possibility of conflicts between participants, consequently leading
to time waste and rework. The industry must take steps
towards assuming that buildings are procured more effectively, by integrating all aspects of the design and construction process, and by simultaneously performing a variety of
activities that were previously done sequentially.
The organization and management of construction projects invariably involve interlinkages between a number of
organisations involved in varying degrees throughout the
total project cycle. Thus, a typical construction project is
faced with a &dquo;temporary multi-organisation&dquo; where participants have divergent goals and objectives [1]. As a result of
this divergence, adversarial relationships between participants have developed. Consequently, it is difficult for organisations to cooperate, communicate and integrate with
each other effectively throughout the project development
process. Bearing in mind the endemic adversarial nature of
the current construction process, it is suggested that current
practice is ineffective for both participants and clients.
A solution to this problem is that an external project
management organisation is required to act as an integrating
mechanism for both the client and participants. As mentioned herein, the differentiation1 of participants is a fundamental aspect of the construction process. This latent
differentiation is a result of sentience [19]2. Thus, the need
for integration is high. Sentience is likely to be strongest
where the boundaries of a sentient group and of a task coincide and is a typical feature of the construction process; for
instance, architects are normally solely involved in design
and builders in building, with little if any overlap.
The fragmented nature of the construction industry, particularly the separation of design and construction, the
uniqueness of construction projects and the resulting
ephemeral nature of the project organisation, places great
dependence on the project participants in setting up the construction process and bringing the project to a successful
conclusion. As a result of this dependence, the construction
industry has become inflexible and unresponsive to the
needs of its clients. This is further emphasised by the construction industry’s inability to implement a quality management system. Recent research by CIDA [2] revealed that
only 15 percent of the surveyed construction firms in Australia had obtained certification for their quality management system. Furthermore, it was found that only a minority
of these firms routinely involved clients and employees in
their improvement activities [16].
In an attempt to reduce the overall development time of
construction projects, the industry has overlapped design
and construction activities. This process is commonly referred to as fast tracking. Fast tracking is a process whereby
overall construction time is reduced by starting construction
before the design is completed-the construction industry’s
attempt at achieving concurrency. However, fast tracking
has been typically interpreted as a tool used for program
chasing; as a result cost control is lost in the pursuit of time
objectives. Program chasing leads to cost and time overruns, poor co-ordination between consultants and contractor, poor morale, and a dissatisfied client.
The failures associated with fast tracking are attributable
to a lack of teamwork between contractor and designer, ultimately contributing to sub-optimal design solutions [6],
lower quality and higher construction cost. This consequently limits the opportunities for innovation and process
improvement. Fast tracking has not been successful, in as
much as the approach primarily concentrates on the parallel
sequencing of activities, rather than the integration of activities. Many construction projects have claimed to be completed on time and within budget. Nevertheless it is widely
believed by construction professionals, that estimated time
and budget targets do not necessarily reflect the actual or required time and cost. This is primarily because of the intrinsic inefficiency of current practices and mechanisms of the
industry that ultimately lead to time waste.
An investigation into time waste revealed that the site
workforce spends a considerable amount of time waiting for
resources or approvals, waiting to work in a particular location, and travelling between places of work to complete an
activity. Another investigation showed that through the application of CC, a 25 percent time saving was achievable in
a typical construction work package without increasing
allocated resources. These findings were essentially concerned with time waste on construction sites. Likewise, the
off-site time waste can be of a similar amount. Activities of
the construction process are interrelated and as already
mentioned herein, carried out by different participants.
Every project participant is a user and a customer for the
participants’ next dependent activity. Hence, participants are
solely interested in activities that add value to the product.
Systems terminology,
specialist function of each participant is called differen-
tiation. It can be defined in construction terms as the difference in cognitive and emotional orientation among contributors to a project with different specialist skills.
Sentience is a group of individuals
emotional support [19]
prepared to
themselves and
depend upon
An attempt to measure the amount of non-value-adding activities, from the end user perspective, revealed that it can
be as high as 40 percent of the overall project time, i.e.,
from inception to completion [17].
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1. The
application of CE
of CE to Construction
The findings from the previous section suggest that there
is an urgent need to improve the performance of construction. This can be achieved during the design process by considering all aspects of the project downstream phases concurrently. Incorporating requirements from the construction
operation and maintenance phases at an early stage of a
project would undoubtedly lead to an overall improvement
in project performance. This paper suggests that the following are essential constituents of CC:
the identification of associated downstream aspects of
design and construction processes
the reduction or elimination of non-value adding activities
the multi-disciplinary team
A conceptual model explaining the application of CE in
construction industry is presented in Figure 1. In order to
develop a cost effective construction system, there is a need
to integrate various activities in contruction industry including design, procurement, accounting and other processes
involved in construction. The simultaneous consideration of
these activities at the design stage will improve the performance of construction industry by eliminating non-value
added activities at the downstream related activities with
help of a multi-disciplinary team. The downstream related
aspects should include constructability, material selection,
project completion time and cost reduction, skills available
and safety. Technologies and concepts such as QFD, Design
for Manufacturability, TQM can be used for eliminating nonvalue added activities such as rework, scrap, unscheduled
maintenance and inventory. The multi-disciplinary teamwork can be achieved by open communication, education
and training, empowerment and collective incentive
schemes. Various computer tools such as CAD/CAM/CIC,
simulation and shared database can be used to obtain a cooperative supported work and to eliminate non-value added
activities. Table 1 summarizes the CE strategies to resolve
various construction issues.
The details of each of the major constituents of CC are
discussed hereunder.
4.1 Downstream Aspects of the
Construction Process
Throughout the development of a construction project,
there are numerous downstream aspects which invariably
need to be considered. These include constructability,3
material selection, safety, cost, and the overall development
onstructability is a system for achieving optimum integration of construction
knowledge m the project delivery process and balancing the various project and environmental constraints to achieve maximisation of projects goals and building performance.
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Table 1.
concurrent construction
efficiency by
development time and cost. This is supported by Macpherson [15] who adds to this contention stating that &dquo;Reducing cost is not about the quality of architecture; it is about
designs and processes that are efficient; 10 percent can be
saved by improving the process of designing and building;
you have to have either a good client or a well-integrated
design team; the real way to reduce cost is to improve communications.&dquo; CC requires an integrated effort from all participants to marketing development and manufacture, by listening to the client needs to create and develop an optimal
design solution. This can be primarily achieved by
&dquo;radically changing&dquo; the traditional way of organising construction projects and by:
Producing a higher output quality through the systematic
consideration of clients’ and end user requirements.
Improving the information flow between participants by
team-building and pre-active management.
Increasing the efficiency of site operations by adopting indepth constructability analysis during the design developphase.
Reducing the overall time and
minitnising poten-
of rework and errors that are often attributed
to poor design and documentation. Winner [20] found
that rework could be reduced by 75 percent through product and process design optimisation.
The construction industry is faced with inflexible procurement’ systems, which cannot handle the interactions
complexities of a multi-disciplinary production and
manufacturing approach to construction. Traditionally, contractors have not assisted in the design and development of
buildings. Moreover, it is uncommon for specialist subcontractors or suppliers to be introduced during the design
stage, although their advice would be invaluable. CC advocates the introduction of the contractor, major subcontractors and suppliers during the design phase.
These specialist organisations have specific knowledge
concerning the capability of the life cycle of materials, the
overall products’ performance and the programming of site
operations. CC aims to procure a building more efficiently
by reducing costs and time with no sacrifices in quality or
functionality. Furthermore, by introducing principal subcontractors (e.g., mechanical, electrical and hydraulics
services) during the design development phase, project
planning can be effectively enhanced. This would evidently
reduce the potential for conflicts between activities that may
emanate from working concurrently. In essence, CC can be
seen to be an alternative procurement system, whereby a
project’s structure and the relationships between participants
and communication processes are primarily redefined.
The responsibility for the implementation of CC ultimately lies with the client. However, clients usually
time. These aspects are represented at various phases
throughout a construction project’s life-cycle. Thus, downstream aspects are affected by decisions made during the
design phase. Typically, traditional design methodology
evaluates the design and construction of a project after each
development phase is complete. Consequently, downstream
aspects are not taken into account during the design phase
and typically results in design variations, rework, lost time
and increased costs. It is suggested that downstream aspects
should be considered throughout the design process, since
more than two thirds of a typical project’s cost is committed
within this phase.
A design team composed of participants from differing
professions are brought together to partake in the design
process. These participants are deemed to have knowledge
and information about how downstream issues can influence
design and construction processes. This has the fundamental advantage of reducing the amount of redesigning and
underestimate the crucial role that the committed client
4A procurement system can be defined as an organisational system that assigns
specific responsibilities and authorities to people and organisations, and defines the
relationships of the vanous elements In the construction of project (Love [3])
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play in assuming responsibility for initiating, directing and
maintaining the momentum of the construction project
through all the project development phases and to the eventual monitoring of the product’s performance. Clients generally have a limited knowledge of the dynamics of the design
and construction process. Clients and participants both need
to be educated about CC concept as it requires major cultural, behavioural, organisational and institutional barriers
lifted. CC is a mechanism for both the client and project
participants to become a unified team; an interorganisational team approach to construction needs to be
4.2 The Elimination of Non-Value
The traditional approach of the design process divides an
activity into a variety of sub-tasks. Each sub-task is apportioned with information and resource flows. Consequently,
non-productive time (waste) is created to account for all
waiting, moving and inspection periods associated with
these sub-tasks. In most successful organisations, the elimination of waste is a prime objective. The problem has
always been how to achieve this objective. The elimination
of waste was a driving force of the JIT philosophy, and can
be defined as &dquo;any activity that does not contribute to the
common organisational goal of reducing costs.&dquo; The key to
the elimination of waste lies in the ability to develop and
maintain a synchronised flow of information (concurrency).
The degree to which the information can be synchronised
determines the degree to which waste can be eliminated and
therefore add value for the client. CC views the design process as separate distinct work packages and as a combination of conversion activities (where inputs are converted to
outputs) and flow activities (where resources and information flow from one point to another). Therefore, the design
process can be conceptualised with the lean production
paradigm. A conversion activity is a value-adding activity
and is concerned with adding value to the end product,
whereas a flow or non-value-adding activity can be associated with the following:
the preparation process required by a conversion activity
that consumes time without adding value to the end-
the physical movement of resources (material, labour,
equipment, etc.) to and within the site, including resources storage, inspection, etc.
the transferring and exchanging of information between
various participants involved with the activity
the handover between subcontracted trades
of non-value adding activities vary, e.g.,
design changes, errors and inapproriate information. The
design process can be viewed as a value generation. Value is
generated through the fulfillment of customer needs and requirements. It is suggested that value consists of two compocauses
product performance and freedom of defects. The
value obtained is evaluated from the perspective of the next
customer and the final customer. There are four possible
reasons for value loss:
nents :
requirements are missed at the beginning of the
design process
customer requirements are not communicated and are
lost during the design process
there is a lack of design optimisation solutions
there are errors in the final design
Almost all rework is associated with customer dissatisfaction at the end of a process. This considerably adds to the
development’s overall time and cost. The principal causes of
rework are variations, errors and time waste.
Typically, variations are caused by inadequately capturing
and meeting of customer requirements while the rework is
caused by the inappropriate application of quality measures.
Current quality measures are neither specifically tailored to
the needs of the construction industry nor adequately implemented during the design and construction process.
More often than not, time is typically wasted on locating the
appropriate information, duplicating or rewording documents, providing redundant or too much information for individuals to consume, and providing insuflicient information for critical decisions. In many cases, information is not
updated on time or is transferred informally, undermining
the value of the content, and impacts on both construction
time and cost [14]. The waste can be reduced or eliminated
of needs and
of the
systemised management of requirements, e.g., Quality
Function Deployment
design for manufacturability
the application of quality management techniques to
eliminate waste
Theoretically, CC seeks to improve the overall developprocess by reducing the amount of non-value adding
activities contributing to the final design. This can be
achieved in construction by changing the way in which construction projects are typically organised. A more unified
development process would undoubtedly encourage collaborative decision making, team co-ordination, information
sharing and consequently, stimulating participants toward
mutual goals and objectives.
multi-disciplinary team approach advocated by CC
potentially yield significant short term and long term
benefits. These benefits can be categorised as content and
process benefits. Potential content benefits are the positive
effects on project’s costs, quality, and time and on dealing
more promptly with changes. Potential process benefits are
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the positive effects on reducing adversarial relationships,
developing trust and team spirit, open communication, improving co-operation and cohesiveness, and early identification of problems. For the CC approach to be effective, the
construction industry has to encourage the adoption of both
team buildings and partnering.1 The former is a short term
perspective addressing a specific project, whereas the latter
is a broader perspective, typically focusing on long term
relationships. Nevertheless, the problem solving skills
learned and management paradigm experienced as a result
of team building remains with participants long after project
completion. It is further suggested that these skills and experience become part of the human capital of the participants’ organisations.
Team building is essentially used to stimulate initial relations and focus participants toward mutual goals and objectives. It is an inevitable fact that construction project teams
are ephemeral and it is therefore difficult to develop trust
over such a short period. Furthermore, participants seldom
gain the chance to work with each other on more than one
occasion. It is suggested that team building is the stepping
stone to partnering; once a team has worked together successfully, then partnering should ideally be the long term
objective. This is entirely dependent upon the client, as typically most clients in construction procure one-off projects.
For those clients who do build on more than the odd occasion, partnering with and between participants ought to be
ultimately encouraged.
The partnering process empowers project participants
with the authority to accept responsibility to do their jobs.
However, partnering is not prevalent in the construction industry. This is mainly due to the lack of commitment, by
some participants, to the non-adversarial win-win attitude
that is an essential element for the partnering process. Likewise, the current partnering practice in construction is
based upon inappropriate principles that hinder the chance
of project success [2].
recognised the urgent need for a concurrent and integrated construction process. This paper has identified the
motivation for introducing CE into the construction industry. Furthermore, this paper introduces three essential
The authors are most grateful to two anonymous referees
for their constructive and helpful comments on the earlier
version of this manuscript.
Cherns, A. B. and D. T. Bryant. 1984. "Studying the Clients
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2. Construction Industry Development Agency (CIDA). 1993.
Team building is a project-focused process that builds and develops shared goals, in5
terdependence, trust and commitment and accountability among team members and
seeks to improve the team members’ problem solving skills
Partnering is a long term commitment between two or more organisations for the
purpose of achieving specific business objectives by maximising the effectiveness of
each participant’s resources The relationship is based upon trust, dedication to common goals and an understanding of each other’s goals and values [21]
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Industry. Macmillan Press.
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7th Edition. London: Whitefriars Press.
Huovila, P., L. Koskela and M. Lautanala. 1994. "Fast or
Concurrent—The Art of Getting Construction Improved," Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Lean Construction, Santiago, Chile, September 28-29.
Ireland, V. 1994. "The T40 Project: Process Re-Engineering
in Construction," Australian Project Manager, 15(1):31-37.
Koskela, L. 1992. "Application of the New Production Philos, Center for Inteophy to Construction," Technical Report #72
grated Facility Engineering, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Stanford University.
Kusiak, A. 1993. Concurrent Engineering: Automation, Tools,
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Leonard, R. 1992. "Improving the Competitiveness of Building and Construction," Business Council Bulletin, November.
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Engineering and the National Committee on Rationalised
Partnering: A Strategy for Excellence,
5. Conclusions
Concurrent Engineering is a proven method of achieving
dramatic improvements in product performance and cost.
The reported successful implementation of CE in the manufacturing industry has inspired construction industry practitioners and researchers to attempt to implement this concept
to construction. Interest in this concept is gradually emerging, although it is still not fully understood by both industry
practitioners and researchers. Nevertheless, the industry
stituents believed to play a crucial role in the successful
implementation of Concurrent Construction: (1) the identification of associated downstream aspects of design and
construction processes, (2) the reduction or elimination of
non-value adding activities and (3) the multi-disciplinary
team. The success of this approach is highly dependent
upon the industry’s ability to eliminate the major cultural,
behavioural, organisational and institutional barriers that
currently exist between participants. These barriers are being gradually eliminated.
13. Love, P. E. D. 1996. "Fast
Downloaded from at Curtin University Library on February 5, 2011
An Australian
tive," Proceedings of the CIB-W92 Procurement Systems Symposium, North Meets South, Developing Ideas, South Africa,
January 14-17.
14. Love, P. E. D. and S. Mohamed. 1995. "Construction Process
Re-engineering," Journal of the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors, pp. 8-11, December.
15. Macpherson, I. 1995. "Cutting Costs: Better by Half," Building, UK, February 10.
16. Mohamed, S. 1995. "Improving Construction through QFD
Application," Proceedings of the 1st Pacific Rim Symposium on
Quality Deployment, Sydney, Australia. pp. 238-244.
17. Mohamed, S. and G. Yates. 1995. "Re-engineering Approach
to Construction: A Case Study," Proceedings of the 5th EastAsia Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction, Griffith University, Australia, pp. 775-780.
18. Stoeckerl, A. and D. Quirke. 1992. "Services: Setting the
, Services Industries Research
Agenda for Reform," Report #2
Program, Department of Industry, Technology and Commerce, Australia.
19. Walker, A. 1990. Project Management in Construction, 2nd
. BSP, London.
20. Winner, R. I. 1988. The Role of Current Engineering in
Weapons System Acquisition, Institute for Defence Analyses,
Report R-388, December.
21. Albanese, R. 1993. "Team Building," Implications for the
Design and Construction Process. Construction Industry Institute, The University of Texas at Austin.
Peter Love
Peter Love is a research officer
with the CSIRO Division of Building, Construction and Engineering,
and is currently working towards a
Ph.D. in construction management
at the Queensland University of
Technology, Brisbane, Australia.
Peter graduated with a BSc in
Quantity Surveying from the University of Westminster, London, in
1990 and received a MSc in Construction Management from Bath
University, Bath, UK, in 1993. He has acquired a range of
industrial experience as quantity surveyor and project manager within the construction industry. His research interests
include: the organization and management of construction
projects and the application of manufacturing techniques to
A. Gunasekaran
A. Gunasekaran is
Senior Lec-
Operations Management in
the Department of Manufacturing
and Engineering Systems at Brunel
University, UK. He was awarded a
Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and
Operations Research from Indian
Institute of Technology, Bombay
50 articles acin
Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Systems SciInternational
Operations and Production
Planning and Control, Integrated
Manufacturing Systems, Computers in Industrial Engineering : An International Journal, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Operational Research Society,
International Journal of Production Economics, Computers
in Industry: An International Journal, International Journal
of Quality & Reliability Management, International Journal
of Computer-Intgrated Manufacturing, Statistics & Computing, etc. He has presented over 30 papers in conferences and
given a number of invited talks in more than 20 countries.
He is on the Editiorial Board of many International Journals. He is editing special issues for a number of International Journals. He is currently interested in researching
JIT, Manufacturing Strategy, Supply Chain Management,
CIM and BPR.
Downloaded from at Curtin University Library on February 5, 2011
He has