Genetic Epidemiology 32 : 179–185 (2008)
Genome-Wide Significance for Dense SNP and Resequencing Data
Clive J. Hoggart,1 Taane G. Clark,1,2 Maria De Iorio,1 John C. Whittaker,3 and David J. Balding1
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Imperial College London, Norfolk Place, London
Current affiliation - Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford, Roosevelt Drive Oxford and Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute,
Hinxton, Cambridge
Non-communicable Disease Epidemiology Unit, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, London
The problem of multiple testing is an important aspect of genome-wide association studies, and will become more
important as marker densities increase. The problem has been tackled with permutation and false discovery rate procedures
and with Bayes factors, but each approach faces difficulties that we briefly review. In the current context of multiple studies
on different genotyping platforms, we argue for the use of truly genome-wide significance thresholds, based on all
polymorphisms whether or not typed in the study. We approximate genome-wide significance thresholds in contemporary
West African, East Asian and European populations by simulating sequence data, based on all polymorphisms as well as for
a range of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) selection criteria. Overall we find that significance thresholds vary
by a factor of 420 over the SNP selection criteria and statistical tests that we consider and can be highly dependent on
sample size. We compare our results for sequence data to those derived by the HapMap Consortium and find notable
differences which may be due to the small sample sizes used in the HapMap estimate. Genet. Epidemiol. 32:179–185,
r 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Key words: genome-wide association studies; multiple testing; statistical significance
Contract grant sponsor: The UK Medical Research Council.
Correspondence to: Clive J. Hoggart, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Imperial College London, Norfolk Place, London.
[email protected]
Received 7 August 2007; Accepted 16 October 2007
Published online 28 December 2007 in Wiley InterScience (
DOI: 10.1002/gepi.20292
Given the large number of statistical tests (around
106) in genome-wide association (GWA) studies, and
even larger numbers from future studies using
whole-genome resequencing technology, it is important, but difficult, to accurately convey the significance of any reported associations. Frequently this
problem is tackled by controlling the family-wise
error rate (FWER), which is the probability of one or
more significant results under the null hypothesis of
no association. For a test applied at each of n single
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), the simplest way
of approximating the per-test significance level a00
corresponding to a given FWER (a) is to apply a
Bonferroni (a00 5 a/n) or a Šidák (a00 5 1(1a)1/n)
correction [Šidák, 1968, 1971]. If the tests are
mutually independent the Šidák correction is exact,
but in practice the tests are dependent and both
corrections can be very conservative.
More accurate approximations to the genomewide significance level a00 are difficult to obtain,
because the correlations between the tests depend on
many factors, such as variations in linkage disequir 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
librium (LD) and SNP density, as well as the choice
of test statistic(s) and sample size. The concept of an
effective number of (independent) tests is appealing
[Cheverud, 2001; Nyholt, 2004; The International
HapMap Consortium, 2005], but this number is
closely related to a00 and depends on the same
factors [Salyakina et al., 2005; Dudbridge et al., 2006].
False discovery rate procedures [Benjamini and
Hochberg, 1995; Storey and Tibshirani, 2003], which
control the expected proportion of non-causal SNPs
among those declared significant, have been proposed as an alternative to the FWER approach. These
have been applied successfully to the analysis of
genome-wide gene expression data, for which one
typically expects many true positives. However, in
the context of GWA studies, the smaller number of
positives and the problem of LD between
true positives and flanking SNPs, remain problematic [Dudbridge et al., 2006; Yang et al., 2005]. In
principle, the use of Bayes factors to measure
significance avoids the need for assessing genomewide error rates. A full Bayesian analysis involves
the difficult challenge of identifying a realistic yet
tractable alternative model. For example, the alternative model of the Wellcome Trust Case Control
Hoggart et al.
Consortium [2007] assumes the same distribution of
effect sizes for all minor allele frequency (MAF)
values of the causal variant, which may be
considered unrealistic. In practice, Bayes factors
are typically applied to one SNP at a time, and are
often treated as frequentist test statistics for which
error rates must be assessed.
Permutation procedures can yield the correct
FWER even when the tests are dependent. They
are computationally intensive in the setting of GWA
studies, which has motivated approximations to
reduce the computational effort [Dudbridge and
Koeleman, 2004; Seaman and Muller-Myhsok, 2005;
Kimmel and Shamir, 2006]. The results of permutation procedures apply only to the current genotyped
dataset and must be recomputed when the dataset is
altered, therefore they cannot provide truly genomewide significance thresholds unless the entire
genome is sequenced, neither can they be used
before genotyping to derive significance thresholds
for power calculation to aid the design of association
For linkage analyses, universal thresholds based
on the LOD score were established and have proven
useful over many years [Lander and Kruglyak,
1995]. For association studies, a genome-wide 5%
significance level was estimated [Risch and Merikangas, 1996] as 5 108. This result has been
influential, but it was derived using a Bonferroni
correction assuming 106 independent tests (105 genes
and 10 independent tests in each gene), and its
sensitivity to different genomic and study design
features has not been explored.
Using SNPs ascertained from the ENCODE Project
Consortium [2004], which spanned 10 500-kb
regions, the HapMap Consortium estimated the
effective number of independent tests per 500 kb to
be 350 in the West African population and 150 in
European and East Asian populations when testing
all SNPs with MAF 45%. Assuming the length of
the human genome to be 3,300 Mb this is equivalent
to an effective number of tests in the genome of
9.9 105 in Europeans and East Asians and
23.1 105 in West Africans, which, using a Šidák
correction, gives a genome-wide 5% significance
threshold of 2.2 108 for Africans and 5.2 108
for Europeans and East Asians. These estimates
were based on SNPs ascertained by sequencing 48
individuals and genotyped in 209 unrelated individuals. Mock case-control samples were then generated by resampling-phased chromosomes of these
individuals. The ENCODE data are not suitable to
calculate thresholds for tests of SNPs with MAFo5%
due to the small sample size used to ascertain SNPs.
Furthermore, to generate sufficient sizes of mock
case-control samples from the ENCODE data, one
would have had to resample chromosomes many
Genet. Epidemiol. DOI 10.1002/gepi
times, resulting in less genetic diversity than in the
actual population.
To overcome the limitations of the approaches
discussed above, we simulated sequence level data
in large populations enabling all polymorphisms to
be ascertained, and individuals to be sampled
without replacement. The simulation was implemented using the FREGENE software [Hoggart
et al., 2007], which simulates large genomic regions
in large diploid populations, forward in time, under
various demographic scenarios and evolutionary
models, including variable recombination rates and
gene conversion. In our simulation, we mimicked
the modeling assumptions of [Schaffner et al., 2006]
in which the demographic and evolutionary model
of the simulation was chosen to approximate the
history of populations from three continental regions: West Africa, East Asia and Europe. The
genetic parameters of the simulation were tuned
[Schaffner et al., 2006] to match (1) the allele
frequency distribution; (2) the relationship between
allele frequency and the probability that an allele is
ancestral; (3) Fst, and two measures of the extent of
LD; (4) the relationship of genetic distance with r2
and (5) the fraction of pairs of markers with D0 5 1 in
each of the three populations [Schaffner et al., 2006].
Our simulation reproduced the reported results for
these five criteria [Schaffner et al., 2006]. Further
details of the simulation study are given in the
It is infeasible to simulate entire human chromosomes in such large populations, however with our
computer memory constraints we were able to
simulate regions of 5 Mb and hence we in effect
approximated the human genome by 660 chromosomes each of 5 Mb. Genome-wide values were then
inferred from the simulated chromosome using
Šidák’s correction. Our checks indicate that the error
in this approximation is negligible (see Appendix for
justification). From the three simulated populations,
we selected chromosome pairs corresponding to
individuals for inclusion in the association studies.
We then permuted the case-control labels 5 105
times, and recorded the minimum P-value in order
to approximate the per-SNP significance level
corresponding to a FWER of a 5 5, 10, 20, and
50%. We explored the effect of SNP ascertainment,
test statistic and the case/control sample size.
Specifically we considered four SNP-ascertainment
1. SNPs chosen randomly with an average spacing
of 5 kb and an approximate uniform MAF
distribution in Europeans approximating an
Genome-Wide Significance
Affymetrics 500 K GeneChip — we denote this as
our ‘‘standard’’ study design.
2. All polymorphic sites.
3. All sites with MAF 40.5% in the relevant
4. All sites with MAF 45% in the relevant population.
We considered three sample sizes: 100, 1,000 and
5,000 cases, with equal numbers of controls. In all
analyses, a Cochran-Armitage trend test (sensitive to
additive effects only) was applied. In addition
Pearson’s 2 degree of freedom (df) test and separate
tests for dominant and recessive effects were applied
to the standard SNP ascertainment with 1,000 cases
and controls. Furthermore, when these additional
tests were applied the additive, dominant and
recessive tests were combined at each SNP by taking
the maximum of the three test statistics [MAX test;
Freidlin et al., 2002]. The additive and the 2 df tests
were combined similarly. See the Appendix for full
details of the calculation of genome-wide significance thresholds.
Tables I, II, III show our estimates of the per-SNP
significance level (a00 ) for the corresponding FWER
(a) of 5, 20 and 50% for the simulated West African,
East Asian and European populations. The results
for a 5 10% are not shown; they can be
approximated by a linear interpolation between the
a 5 5 and 20% values. The effective number of tests
was calculated as the number of independent tests
that would give the calculated threshold a00
at the significance level a 5 20% using the Šidák
For all of the simulated GWA studies, our estimate
of a00 is larger than would be estimated from a
genome-wide Šidák correction, because the effective
number of tests is always less than the actual
number of tests. For our standard GWA the lowest
significance thresholds were observed in Europeans.
This may appear surprising because lower LD in the
West African population leads us to expect less
dependence of the tests and so lower thresholds than
among Europeans. However, the SNPs were ascertained on the basis of European allele frequencies
which resulted in 145 and 258 of these SNPs being
monomorphic in the West African and East Asian
populations respectively, whereas all were polymorphic in Europeans. More generally, SNPs typically have a higher MAF in Europeans than in the
other two populations and SNPs with low MAF are
less likely to be significant. This is because for rare
variants the null distribution of P-values is nonuniform, having less weight at small P-values.
If the chromosomes are sequenced and all polymorphic sites tested, the ascertainment issue
vanishes and, as expected, a00 is lowest in the West
African population. With 5,000 cases and controls
the ratios of a00 for sequence data to its value under
the standard SNP map for a genome-wide significance level of 20% are 23.8, 24.2 and 12.6 in the West
African, East Asian, and European populations
respectively. The threshold a00 increases as the SNP
density decreases from MAF 40.5 to 45%, but as
before a00 is lowest in the African population.
With 1,000 cases and controls, for all SNP
ascertainments other than the standard, a00 is
roughly twice as large in East Asian and European
populations in comparison to West Africans, but the
difference is less for 5,000 cases and controls when
testing all polymorphisms and for MAF 40.5%. The
TABLE I. West African population: significance thresholds and effective number of tests (each with 95% confidence
Per-test siginificance level a00 108 for family-wise error rate a 5
100 Cases/controls
1,000 Cases/controls
5,000 Cases/controls
1,000 Cases/controls
5,000 Cases/controls
1,000 Cases/controls
5,000 Cases/controls
All polymorphisms
1,000 Cases/controls
5,000 Cases/controls
No. of tests in genome 106
34 (23–41)
14 (7.2–18)
16 (10–19)
130 (110–150)
61 (52–70)
62 (55–71)
390 (350–430)
210 (180–220)
180 (170–190)
0.17 (0.15–0.2)
0.37 (0.32–0.43)
0.36 (0.31–0.4)
1.6 (1–2)
1.5 (1–1.9)
6.7 (5.9–7.3)
6.0 (4.8–6.8)
21 (19–22)
18 (16–20)
3.3 (3–3.8)
3.7 (3.3–4.6)
0.98 (0.69–1.6)
0.66 (0.51–0.85)
4.9 (4.2–5.7)
2.6 (2.3–3)
15 (13–16)
8.0 (7.4–8.7)
4.5 (3.9–5.3)
8.7 (7.4–9.9)
0.92 (0.68–1.4)
0.65 (0.32–0.88)
4.0 (3.4–4.7)
2.6 (2.4–3)
13 (12–14)
7.4 (6.8–8)
5.6 (4.7–6.6)
8.5 (7.5–9.5)
MAF, minor allele frequency.
Genet. Epidemiol. DOI 10.1002/gepi
Hoggart et al.
TABLE II. East Asian population: significance thresholds and effective number of tests (each with 95% confidence
No. of tests in genome 106
Per-test siginificance level a00 108 for family-wise error rate a 5
100 Cases/controls
1,000 Cases/controls
5,000 Cases/controls
1,000 Cases/controls
5,000 Cases/controls
1,000 Cases/controls
5,000 Cases/controls
All polymorphisms
1,000 Cases/controls
5,000 Cases/controls
41 (26–58)
17 (14–23)
19 (14–24)
160 (140–180)
82 (69–95)
85 (71–97)
450 (420–480)
280 (250–310)
240 (220–260)
0.14 (0.12–0.16)
0.27 (0.23–0.33)
0.26 (0.23–0.32)
3.0 (2.1–4.3)
2.7 (2.1–3.6)
13 (10–14)
12 (9.5–13)
37 (33–41)
37 (33–41)
1.8 (1.6–2.1)
1.9 (1.7–2.3)
2.5 (1.8–3.1)
1.3 (0.79–1.9)
9.5 (8.2–10)
5.2 (4.4–5.9)
25 (22–26)
14 (13–15)
2.4 (2.1–2.7)
4.3 (3.8–5)
9.6 (8.5–11)
3.5 (3.1–4.1)
28 (26–31)
10 (9.2–12)
2.3 (2–2.6)
6.4 (5.4–7.2)
2.1 (1.4–3.2)
0.86 (0.6–1.3)
MAF, minor allele frequency.
TABLE III. European population: significance thresholds and effective number of tests (each with 95% confidence
Per-test siginificance level a00 108 for family-wise error rate a 5
100 Cases/controls
1,000 Cases/controls
5,000 Cases/controls
1,000 Cases/controls
5,000 Cases/controls
1,000 Cases/controls
5,000 Cases/controls
All polymorphisms
1,000 Cases/controls
5,000 Cases/controls
No. of tests in genome 106
29 (19–41)
15 (12–18)
11 (7.2–14)
120 (110–140)
62 (52–74)
44 (38–52)
330 (290–360)
180 (170–200)
150 (130–160)
0.19 (0.17–0.21)
0.36 (0.3–0.43)
0.51 (0.43–0.59)
2.1 (1.4–3.4)
3.1 (2.2–3.9)
11 (9.2–12)
10 (9–12)
34 (32–38)
31 (29–34)
2.1 (1.9–2.4)
2.2 (1.9–2.5)
1.4 (1.1–1.9)
1.3 (0.64–1.7)
7.4 (6.2–8.3)
5.2 (4.6–5.8)
23 (20–24)
14 (13–15)
3.0 (2.7–3.6)
4.3 (3.8–4.9)
7.1 (6–8.4)
3.5 (2.8–4)
25 (22–26)
9.8 (8.8–11)
3.1 (2.6–3.7)
6.5 (5.6–7.9)
1.8 (1.3–2.4)
0.69 (0.41–0.99)
MAF, minor allele frequency.
smaller a00 in the West African population can be
explained by two factors arising from its larger
effective population size: lower average LD between
SNPs, and hence tests at neighboring SNPs are less
dependent, and a greater number of polymorphisms. We can see the effect of the greater LD in the
East Asian and European populations in comparison
with the West African population by the lower ratio
of effective number of tests to actual number of tests.
Typically a00 decreases as the sample size increases,
for example an increase in sample size from 1,000 to
5,000 cases and controls for MAF 40.5% and all
polymorphic sites ascertainment schemes, resulted
in the required a00 decreasing by a factor of two to
Genet. Epidemiol. DOI 10.1002/gepi
three and the effective number of tests approximately doubling. This is because increased sample
size changes the distribution of the test statistic at
rare variants to allow smaller P-values. The exception is with SNP ascertainment MAF45% when
increasing the sample size from 1,000 to 5,000; this
has no effect on a00 because of the absence of rare
Table IV compares the estimates of the per-SNP
significance level (a00 ) for the corresponding FWER
for a range of single SNP tests. We see that testing for
a dominant effect gives approximately the same
threshold as for an additive effect. However, when
testing for recessive effects the threshold is higher,
Genome-Wide Significance
TABLE IV. European population with 1,000 cases and controls: significance thresholds and effective number of tests for
different test statistics (each with 95% confidence interval)
Per-test siginificance level a00 108 for family-wise error rate a 5
Additive test
Dominant test
Recessive test
MAX test
2 df test
Both additive and 2 df tests
Additive test
Dominant test
Recessive test
MAX test
2 df test
Both additive and 2 df tests
No. of tests in genome 106
df, degree of freedom; MAF, minor allele frequency.
because the counts of minor-allele homozygotes in
cases and controls will be small for rare alleles. Thus,
the resulting P-value cannot be as small as for the
tests of trend or dominance. To check this argument,
we evaluated the required thresholds for the three
tests applied at all SNPs with MAF420%; they were
approximately the same. These results indicate that
the required threshold for a given FWER is
dependent on the test employed only through the
minimum genotype frequency. Thus, if the MAF and
sample size are large enough such that genotype
counts in cases and controls are sufficiently large (as
a rule of thumb 45) different tests do not give rise to
different thresholds.
The effective number of tests for the MAX statistic
is 8.3 105, which is only slightly less than the sum
of the effective number of tests when the three
statistics are tested individually (9.7 105).
Although the three-test statistics are highly correlated, the genomic locations at which their minima
occur are close to independent. Similarly, the
additive and 2 df tests behave as if nearly independent when combined, even though the two test
statistics are highly correlated. Thus, there is a
substantial penalty in terms of type 1 error for
applying multiple tests at a SNP.
We provide approximate significance thresholds
for whole-genome association studies for West
African, East Asian and European populations with
various study designs and single-SNP analyses.
These results provide experimenters with guidelines
for declaring genome-wide significance in present
studies and future studies with sequence data. With
the standard SNP ascertainment and 1,000 cases and
controls the effective number of tests is about half
the actual number of tests, thus the Šidák correction
would underestimate the required threshold by one
half, with 5,000 cases and controls the Šidák
correction is less conservative. These significance
thresholds are also relevant to meta-analyses in
which test statistics are derived by combining results
from independent studies.
SNP ascertainment has the largest effect among
the factors considered. With 5,000 cases and controls
results vary by a factor of up to 24 between testing
all polymorphisms and our standard analysis which
has an average SNP spacing of 5 kb. Increasing
sample size increases the effective number of tests,
and hence reduces the required significance threshold, when many rare variants are tested, because of
increased ability to detect rare variants with larger
sample sizes.
The HapMap Consortium estimated the effective
number of tests in the genome if all SNPs with MAF
45% were tested to be 9.9 105 in Europeans and
East Asians and 23 105 in West Africans, but the
sample size was not stated. Our equivalent estimates
are 21 105 in Europeans, 18 105 in East Asians
and 33 105 in West Africans, for a sample size of
1,000 cases and 1,000 controls. No standard deviation was reported for the HapMap estimates, and so
we cannot assess whether our higher estimates are in
fact significantly different, but if so the discrepancy
could be due to the difference in numbers of cases
and controls, or polymorphisms being missed by
Genet. Epidemiol. DOI 10.1002/gepi
Hoggart et al.
ENCODE due to the small sample sizes used to
ascertain SNPs.
If several experimenters perform analyses for the
same phenotype on different genotyping platforms,
each may choose to control their FWER separately,
taking into account only the SNPs tested. However,
for the wider public the relevant FWER is for the
combined datasets of all relevant studies and not the
number of tests performed by any one research
group. Similarly, the Wellcome Trust Case Control
Consortium (WTCCC) argue for controlling the type
1 error rate, but note that ‘‘one should not correct
significance levels for the number of tests performed’’. We propose universal genome-wide significance thresholds based on all polymorphisms,
whether or not typed, to achieve these goals without
the challenging task of specifying a tractable yet
realistic alternative model. The WTCCC used a
significance threshold of 5 x 10-7, which from Table
3 corresponds to a genome-wide false positive rate
of above 50%. If only common variants are tested the
threshold calculated for MAF45% could be justified. This threshold can also be thought of as a lower
bound when SNPs have been ascertained by tagging
using HapMap data because there is little power
with these SNPs to detect variants with MAF o5%
[Zeggini et al., 2005]. However the threshold for all
polymorphic sites would provide a more stringent
threshold that will become increasingly appropriate
as SNP densities increase and more low MAF SNPs
are tested.
C.H. and T.C. are funded by a grant from the UK
Medical Research Council under the Link Applied
Genomics scheme. The authors thank Toby Andrew,
Frank Dudbridge and Paul O’Reilly for helpful
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Here we describe in more detail the simulation
model implemented which was formulated by
Schaffner et al. [2006]. In the simulation, a homogeneous population evolved before splitting in two,
one of which represents a small population that
migrated out of Africa. The two populations then
continued to evolve for 3,500 generations before the
Genome-Wide Significance
non-African population split into two mimicking
ancestral Asian and European populations. The
three populations continued to evolve for a further
2,000 generations before undergoing a final expansion. Population bottlenecks were implemented
immediately after the population splits in all
subpopulations. Migration occurred between the
African and European populations and the African
and Asian populations. A constant mutation rate of
1.5 108 per site and per generation and a constant
gene conversion rate of 4.5 109 per site and per
generation with a tract length of 500 bases were
used. The crossover rate was variable and the model
for the variation in rates was hierarchical. An
average regional rate was set based on the deCODE
genetic map [Kong et al., 2002], local rates were then
set stochastically and finally hotspots were sampled
conditional on the local rate. The intensities and
spacing of the hotspots were both stochastic, for
further details of the genetic and demographic
model see Schaffner et al. [2006].
Under the null hypothesis that no SNP is associated
with case-control status, the per-SNP significance
level a00 that corresponds to an FWER of a satisfies
a ¼ Prðminfpi goa00 Þ, where pi denotes the P-value
from the ith SNP. Computing a00 directly is difficult
because of the large number of SNPs and their
complex correlation structure. Instead, we approximate a00 via simulation of 5-Mb chromosomes and
assume the 3.3-Gb genome is made up of 660
independent 5-Mb chromosomes. Thus, for a FWER
of a 5 5% for a genome-wide study, a Šidák
correction, with 660 independent tests, requires a
significance level of a0 5 0.0078% within each 5-Mb
chromosome. Thus, we estimate a00 by the 0.0078%
point of the distribution of the minimum P-value in a
5-Mb interval, using n permutations of the case-
control labels (here n 5 5 105). In other words, we
use qna0 as an estimate of a00 where qi denotes the ith
smallest P-value arising from the n permutations of
case-control labels. An approximate confidence interval for a00 can be obtained by treating the true position
of the a0 -percentile of q as a Binomial random variable
with parameters n and a0 . Then, using the normal
approximation to the Binomial, p
ffiffi 95%
0 ð1 a0 Þg
confidence plimits
qfna0 þ 1:96 na0 ð1 a0 Þg.
A genome of 660 5-Mb chromosomes will have
overall less LD than the actual human genome,
which may bias upwards the estimate of the number
of independent tests. To investigate the effect of this
assumption, we simulated a 20-Mb region using the
same evolutionary parameters but a simpler demographic model in which there was no migration but
a single homogeneous population of 10,000 individuals. We compared the estimated genome-wide
significance level for this population using the entire
20-Mb region and also using 10-Mb and 5-Mb
subintervals of the 20-Mb region. We found that
while the point estimates derived from the 5-Mb
regions were slightly lower than those derived from
the 20-Mb regions, the 95% confidence intervals
overlapped considerably. Furthermore, the 95%
confidence intervals based on 10 and 20-Mb regions
were practically indistinguishable suggesting that
effect of region size has ‘‘flattened’’ off by this point.
For computational efficiency, for each simulation
model we permuted the case-control labels from just
one sample from the population, rather than
repeatedly re-sampling cases and controls from the
population. The lack of sample replication is not a
problem for regions as large as 5-Mb, because there
is in effect internal replication within the region. To
verify this, we took 10 independent case-control
samples from the standard simulation. We found
that estimates of a00 from each were not significantly
different at the 5% level.
Genet. Epidemiol. DOI 10.1002/gepi