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Most of dictionaries assert that the English word risk, but also the words risico, risco, rischio (in Italian), riesgo (in Spanish), risque (in French) and risco (in Portuguese), derived from the Latin words resicum,risicum and riscus which mean cliff or reef. Likewise, Latin word comes from a Greek navigation term rhizikon, rhizawhich meant "root, stone, cut of the firm land" and was a metaphor for "difficulty to avoid in the sea" (Riskology 2012).
Discourse & Society, 2007
Philosophy International Journal
European Journal of Risk Regulation
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Revista Legado de Arquitectura y Diseño, 2013
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Cultura Y Educacion, 2003
JEL-KÉP, 2018
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2004
Jurnal Agro Estate
Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2001
Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations of Crystallography, 2008
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2013
National Journal of Medical Research, 2012