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Food Chemistry 129 (2011) 624–629
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Analytical Methods
Detection of sulphathiazole in honey samples using a lateral flow immunoassay
I. Guillén a, J.A. Gabaldón a,⇑, E. Núñez-Delicado a, R. Puchades b, A. Maquieira b, S. Morais b
Dpto. de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos, Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM), Avenida de los Jerónimos s/n, 30107 Guadalupe, Murcia, Spain
Centro Universitario de Reconocimiento Molecular y Desarrollo Tecnológico, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera s/n, 46071 Valencia, Spain
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 25 November 2010
Received in revised form 21 March 2011
Accepted 25 April 2011
Available online 30 April 2011
a b s t r a c t
A lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA) was developed in the competitive reaction format and applied to test
sulphathiazole (STZ) residues in honey samples. To prepare the assay test, a hapten conjugate and goat
antirabbit antiserum as capture and control reagent, respectively, were dispensed on nitrocellulose membrane. Polyclonal antiserum against sulphathiazole was conjugated to colloidal gold nanoparticles and
used as the detection reagent. The visual limit of detection (cut-off value) of the sulphathiazole LFIA
was 15 ng/g, reaching qualitative results within 10 min. The assay was evaluated with STZ spiked honey
samples from different geographical origins (n = 25). The results were in good agreement with those
obtained from liquid chromatography separation and mass spectroscopy detection (LC–MS), indicating
that the LFIA test might be used as a qualitative method for the determination of sulphathiazole residues
without expensive equipment. The test was also highly specific, showing no cross-reactivity to other
chemically similar antibiotics. To our knowledge, this is the only work where a development of LFIA tests
for the detection of sulphathiazole residues is performed.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Since the 1990s, there has been an increase in the number of
cases related with contamination of natural honey with residues
of sulphonamides. Honeybees are subject to a number of diseases
that affect their brood. The American foulbrood (caused by
spore-forming Paenibacillus larvae) and the European foulbrood
(caused by Melissococcus pluton) are two of the most highly contagious and destructive diseases that affect honeybees (Heyndrickx
et al., 1996; Shimanuki, 1997). The treatment deals with the use
of drugs such as Apicicline that contains 0.4% oxytetracycline and
4% sulphathiazole as active compounds. However, the drug does
not kill the larvae because of the presence of resistant bacteria.
In the majority of the developed countries, the use of such antimicrobials is not approved for the treatment of honey bees. So far,
maximum residue limits have not been set for antimicrobial compounds in honey by the European Union.
Since the European Union has a total consumption of 0.8 kg/
person/year, their production is insufficient to cover demand, so
that about half of the honey consumed is imported. In fact, Europe
was in 2008 the main import market, absorbing 47% of global honey imports. Honey sample lots polluted with antibiotic residues is a
major concern to importer food companies.
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 968 278771; fax: +34 968 278620.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (J.A. Gabaldón).
0308-8146/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Residues of antibacterial drugs in honey are a problematic issue
because of their toxicological risks, allergenic effects and antibiotic-resistant microorganisms (Botsoglou & Fletouris, 2001). No
maximum residue levels (MRLs) for sulphonamide residues in honey are set in the European Union, which indicates that if present
they must be below the limit of quantitation (LOQ) reached by
the analytical method (Council Regulation EEC No. 2377/90,
1990). Since LOQs differ between laboratories, some countries
within the European Union have established action limits or tolerated levels, ranging from 20 to 50 ng/g, referring to the total of all
substances within the sulphonamide-group or 10 ng/g for one.
The current sulphonamide detection methods are based on
chromatography or microbiological growth inhibition (Nouws
et al., 1999). Microbial inhibition tests are cheap and easy to
perform, but require 2–3 days for microbe growth or may be
non-specific or lack the necessary sensitivity for desirable residue
monitoring. Different chromatographic techniques have been
reported for the determination of multiple sulphonamide residues
in honey, including sulphathiazole (Bernal, Nozal, Jimenez, Martín,
& Sanz, 2009; Hammel, Mohamed, Gremaud, Le Breton, & Guy,
2008; Maudens, Zhang, & Lambert, 2004; Thompson & Noot,
2005). Generally, these methods are time-consuming, involving
tedious extraction, concentration, and separation protocols followed by identification and quantitation using specialised tools
that made them labour intensive assays performed by qualified
personnel, therefore, they show limited use as first-action tests.
A rapid, sensitive and specific assay would be of great interest to
detect sulphonamide residues in a routine analysis as a screening
Author's personal copy
I. Guillén et al. / Food Chemistry 129 (2011) 624–629
method. In this matter, immunoassays are able to detect low
concentrations in many samples in a short time, and often do not
require laborious extraction or cleanup steps, making them
particularly suitable for screening purposes (Gabaldon, Maquieira,
& Puchades, 1999). ELISA methods are the most widely used
immunoassays due to high sample throughput. These methods
can dramatically reduce the number of analyses required to detect
food samples for sulphonamide contamination. Therefore, during
the past decades, a variety of formats have been developed for
generic multi-sulphonamide screening (Font et al., 2008; Franek,
Diblikova, Cernoch, Vass, & Hruska, 2006; Haasnoot, BienenmannPloum, Lamminmäki, Swanenburg, & Rhijn, 2005; Korpimäki,
Hagren, Brockmann, & Tuomola, 2004; Pastor-Navarro, GallegoIglesias, Maquieira, & Puchades, 2007; Zhang et al., 2007) or specific
for an individual sulphonamide such as sulphathiazole (Lee,
Holtzapple, Muldoon, Deshpande, & Stanker, 2001; Pastor-Navarro,
García-Bover, Maquieira, & Puchades, 2004).
For simple and rapid qualitative detection, on-site immunoanalytical techniques are gaining interest in the area of antimicrobial
screening and they are contributing, so far to quality and safety
control of the food supply.
In particular, there is a need for cost effective, portable systems
that can be conducted by users at the point of need. Most of them
are basically designed as visual tests that require only low-cost
instrumentation, showing high speed that is essential to accept or
reject goods on-site (Gabaldon, Maquieira, & Puchades, 2001a,b).
Lateral flow immunoassay is a technology that is currently
widely applied in several fields (Edwards & Baeumner, 2006;
Kalogianni et al., 2007; Koets, Sander, Bogdanovic, Doekes, & van
Amerongen, 2006; Lai, Fung, Xu, Liu, & Xiong, 2009; Nielsen
et al., 2008; O’Keeffe et al., 2003; Wang, Quan, Lee, & Kennedy,
2006; Wang et al., 2007); however, to our knowledge based on
an in-depth survey of recent literature, no LFIA for the rapid
screening of sulphathiazole in honey has been addressed yet.
In the present work, the development and evaluation of a
prototype lateral flow immunochromatographic assay (LFIA) for
on-site testing of sulphathiazole residues in honey samples was
described. The test kit used colloidal gold nanoparticles as the
marker reagent.
2. Material and methods
2.1. Chemicals
Sulphathiazole (STZ) and structurally related sulphonamides,
such as sulphadiazine (SDZ), sulphadimethoxine (SDM), sulphamerazine (SMZ), sulphamethizole (SMT), sulphamethoxazole
(SMX), sulphamethoxypyridazine (SMP), sulphapyridine (SPD),
sulphisoxazole (SSX) were purchased from Fluka–Sigma–Aldrich
Química (Madrid, Spain). Analytical grade solvents were from
Scharlab (Barcelona, Spain). Goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulins
(GAR) were purchased from Sigma (Madrid, Spain). All other reagents used were of analytical grade. Immunoreagents (polyclonal
antiserum and hapten conjugates) were developed in a previous
work (Pastor-Navarro et al., 2004). Nitrocellulose membrane
CNPC-S3I was from Advanced Microdevices Pvt. Ltd. (Ambala
Cantt, India). The sample pad, the conjugate release pad and the
absorbent pad were from Schleicher and Schuell GmbH (Dassel,
Germany). Plastic backing was from Estok Plastics (NJ, USA) and
the plastic housing was supplied by Acon Biotech (HangZhou,
2.2. Apparatus
The determination of the gold particle size was performed by
transmission electron microscopy (S-3700N model, Hitachi
High-Technologies Europe GmbH, Krefeld, Germany). Optical
density of the colloidal solution was obtained using Shimadzu
model UV-1063 spectrophotometer (IZASA, Barcelona, Spain). The
test and control lines were printed onto a nitrocellulose membrane
using a liquid dispenser (Isoflow, Imagene Technology, Hanover,
Germany). The test strips were cut using a CM4000 Guillotine
Cutting Module (BioDot Inc., Irvine, CA). The centrifuge (Hereaus
multifuge 3 S-R) was from VWR International Eurolab S.L. (Madrid,
2.3. Preparation of colloidal gold nanoparticles
Colloidal gold nanoparticles (AuNP) were prepared according to
the procedure described by Frens (1973). Briefly, 100 mL of 0.01%
chlorauric acid solution (in Milli-Q purified water) was heated to
boiling and then, 2.0 mL solution of 1% trisodium citrate was added
under constant stirring. Once the colour of the solution changed
from blue to dark red, it was boiled again for 15 min. The strength
of the colour shown is closely related to the size and quality of colloidal gold particles. The size of AuNP was directly dependent on
the amount of trisodium citrate used. The obtained colloidal suspension was supplemented with 0.05% (m/v) of sodium azide
and stored at 4 °C in a dark-coloured bottle until use. The suspension showed an absorbance peak at 525 nm.
2.4. Labelling antiserum with AuNP
Before conjugation, optimal concentration and pH of antiserum
solution were determined by checkboard titration to obtain the
best sensitivity. Gold nanoparticles, with an average diameter of
40 nm, were coated with protein A purified sulphathiazole antiserum (S3-I). Then, 50 lL of antiserum was added to 10 mL of gold
nanoparticles solution containing, per mL, 0.75 absorbance units
at 520 nm, 0.05% trisodium citrate, 0.20 mM potassium carbonate,
and 0.02% sodium azide, this being incubated overnight at room
temperature. Afterwards, the non-conjugated nanoparticles were
blocked with 1.0 mL of 5% BSA solution for 30 min. The mixture
was centrifuged at 12,000g for 20 min at 4 °C. After that, the pellet
was resuspended in 2 mM borate buffer (pH 7.4) and the mixture
was centrifuged for 15 min at 10,000 rpm. The pellets were resuspended in 2 mM borate buffer (pH 7.4). The procedure was repeated twice, and finally pellets were resuspended with 3.0 mL
of 10 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.2), containing 1% BSA, 1% sucrose, and 0.05% sodium azide. The suspension was stored at 4 °C
until use. The gold conjugate was sprayed onto a conjugate pad
(0.5 lL/cm2, glass fibre membrane) and then dried for 1 h at
37 °C. Afterwards, the pad was kept at low humidity (<20% relative
humidity) conditions till use.
2.5. Immobilization of capture reagents
An Isoflow reagent dispenser was used to print two lines on a
nitrocellulose membrane at a rate of 1.0 lL/cm. After dispensation
the membrane was dried for 12 h at 37 °C and stored under dry
conditions at room temperature until use. The LFIA device for the
detection of sulphathiazole was a single-antigen direct immunoassay. The device consists of a plastic support to which the membrane (thickness, 15 ± 1 lm) is mounted. Protein hapten
conjugate (OVA-S2) was printed at the ‘‘test line’’ position
(0.5 mg/mL), while GAR at ‘‘control line’’ position (1.0 mg/mL).
Gold particles conjugated to purified sulphathiazole antiserum
were dispensed onto a conjugate pad. The conjugate pad was then
fixed to the test strip by overlapping the nitrocellulose membrane
at its proximal end; the addition of a sample pad completed the
assembly by overlapping onto the conjugate pad (Fig. 1).
Author's personal copy
I. Guillén et al. / Food Chemistry 129 (2011) 624–629
2.6. Test procedure
A schematic diagram of the immunochromatography lateralflow test strip is shown in Fig. 1. The assay was based on the competitive reaction format.
Briefly, the sample (100 lL) is dispensed in the sample port ‘‘S’’
of the device and it rapidly wet through to the conjugate pad, solubilising the gold-conjugated antiserum. After that, the gold-conjugate migrates down the nitrocellulose membrane by capillary
action. At the test ‘‘T’’ line, the gold-conjugate binds to immobilized coating conjugate OVA-hapten conjugate), displaying red line.
The excess of gold-conjugate antiserum is trapped by goat antirabbit immunoglobulins displaying the control line ‘‘C’’ through
the Fab region (heavy chain of immunoglobulin molecule). If
sample contains more than 10 ng/g sulphathiazole (STZ), gold-conjugate-STZ complex competes to bind immobilized OVA-hapten
conjugate, obtaining only a red line in C position. On the other
hand, if sample is not contaminated with STZ or the concentration
is lower than 10 ng/g gold conjugate binds to immobilized OVAhapten conjugate (test line), visualising as a red line at ‘‘T’’ position.
The intensity of the test line is inversely proportional to STZ present in sample. The test is completed in 10 min.
2.7. Screening of honey samples and intralaboratory validation
Honey samples of different geographical origin, i.e. Argentina,
China, Mexico, Turkey and Spain, were analysed in this study. Samples were kindly provided by several honey suppliers from ASEMIEL (Spanish association of honey packers). All samples were
stored in a dark and dry place at room temperature until assay.
For the LFIA test, 2 g of honey was first dissolved in 12 mL of
1.2 M sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.0. Then, 100 lL of honey sample
solution was placed in the sample port of the LFIA device using a
plastic mini Pasteur pipette. The results were determined by the
naked-eye. The samples were also analysed, for confirmatory purposes, by HPLC–ESI-MS in an Agilent 1100 series LC/MSD Ion Trap
(Agilent Technologies, Waldbronn, Germany), as the reference
method. To this end, honey samples were extracted as described
by Maudens et al. (2004), with slight modifications. Briefly, an aliquot of 1.5 g honey was dissolved in 12.5 mL of 1.2 M sodium acetate buffer solution, pH 5.0. The mixture was shaken on an
ultrasonic bath for 15 min and the solution was loaded onto a Bond
Elut SCX (500 mg, 3.0 mL, 40 lm) SPE column (Varian, Harbour
City, CA, USA), conditioned with 3 mL methanol and 3 mL water.
The column was washed with 3.0 mL sodium acetate buffer solution. Sulphathiazole was eluted with 3.0 mL acetonitrile and then,
the solution was evaporated to dryness at 45 °C under gentle
stream of nitrogen. The residue was redissolved in a mobile phase
and an aliquot of 50 lL injected into the chromatographic system.
The separation of sulphathiazole was performed on a ZORVAX C18
Sample port
Sample pad
Conjugate pad
gold S3-I
Test line
column (50 2.1 mm I.D., particle size 3.5 lm) and running a
linear gradient from 100% solvent A (0.5% acetic acid/5% methanol,
v/v) at 0 min to 50% solvent A and 50% solvent B (methanol) at
15 min, at a flow rate of 0.4 mL/min. The nebulizer pressure and
dry gas flow (350 °C) were set to 40 psi and 10 L/min, respectively.
The STZ was detected using electrospray in the positive ionisation
mode. The only molecular-ion species formed in the acidic mobile
phase are protonated molecules (Fig. 2). Typical MS settings were:
needle voltage 3.5 kV; lens 1: 6.8 V and lens 2: 60 V; capillary
voltage 110.2, octopole amplitude of 143.8 Vpp, cut-off 69 and
amplitude 1.20 V. Two different characteristic fragmentation ions
m/z 108 ([H2NPhO]+) and m/z 156 ([H2NPhSO2]+) were monitored
in the selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mode using a dwell time
of 0.1 s.
3. Results and discussion
The lateral flow immunochromatographic device described in
the present effort yields visual results for the determination of sulphathiazole residues in honey.
Our previous experiences with colloidal gold based systems
have taught us that a pore size of approximately 15 lm was the
best for both flow rate and reactivity. If larger pore sizes are used,
flow rate is usually too fast for reactions to take place at low sensitivities, and if smaller pore sizes are used it is difficult to finish
the test in 5–10 min.
As to the colloidal gold particle size, previous experience in gold
assays has shown us that a 40 nm particle is the best for strip assays. These results have also been described in the literature (Shim
et al., 2006; Zhou et al., 2004). Besides, smaller particles give low
signals due to the way the gold scatters light and larger particles
tend to migrate slower, generating a purple blue colour, and are
also difficult to work with.
During colloidal gold conjugation, it is important to control the
pH of antiserum and that of colloidal gold solution. Both preparations were adjusted to a pH slightly above the isoelectric point of
antiserum before conjugation. Below pKi, antiserum induced flocculation will occur, whereas above pKi, the adsorption is limited
due to charge repulsion between the conjugation reagents. A pH
of 7.0 was selected as optimum for the stabilisation of the gold
sol, since this pH value was the smallest at which flocculation does
not occur. Control experiments made with buffer or honey without
sulphathiazole display two red lines – ‘‘C’’ line and the test area
(‘‘T’’ line), indicating a negative assay (Fig. 3), whereas honey samples containing sulphathiazole yield a clear red line at the control
area (‘‘C’’ line) on the device, with no signal – positive test – at
the test line.
For the determination of the visual limit of detection and analytical sensitivity/specificity/efficiency of the LFIA, sulphathiazole
standard (100 mg/g) was diluted with 1.2 M sodium acetate buffer,
Control line
Absorbent pad
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of lateral-flow immunochromatographic assay.
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I. Guillén et al. / Food Chemistry 129 (2011) 624–629
Intensity x 104
125.1 139.1
219.1 237.1
Fig. 2. ESI-MS product ion spectra of STZ.
Fig. 3. Photograph of representative results of LFIA with honey extracts. In panel I,
the image represents the result of a honey sample extract doped with 5 ng/g
sulphathiazole. In panel II, the sample analysed contained 15 ng/g of sulphathiazole. S – sample well; T – test line; C – control line.
pH 5.0, yielding STZ concentrations ranging from 1.0 to 500 ng/g. A
blank honey sample (2 g), previously analysed by LC–MS was diluted (12 mL sodium acetate buffer) and fortified in a similar manner with sulphathiazole standard. For each STZ concentration to be
tested (then samples from 1.0 to 500 ng/g), aliquots of blank honey
(2 g each one) were satisfactorily fortified and provided to four referees (labelled form A to J), and tested by LFIA.
All diluted buffer and honey samples were run in the LFIA, and
the lowest concentration yielding a positive test was defined as the
visual limit of detection (VLD) or cut-off. The assay diagnostic performance was computed by using the following definitions (Peace,
Tarnai, & Poklis, 2000): a false positive (FP) occurs when the test
results indicate the presence of STZ in honey, with concentration
equal to or above the cut-off concentration when actually there
is no drug present or, if present, it is below the cut-off concentration (as determined by LC–MS). FN defined as a false-negative diagnostic test result indicates that there is no STZ present, or the drug
concentration is below the cut-off concentration when actually it
has been determined by LC–MS to be above the cut-off concentration. A true positive (TP) was the correct indication by the device
that STZ concentration is equal to or above the cut-off concentration. TN defined as a true-negative diagnostic test result indicates
that the drug concentration is below the cut-off concentration.
Sensitivity {[TP/(TP + FN)] 100} was defined as the percentage
of positive test responses in honey with detectable STZ level, while
specificity {[TN/(FP + TN)] 100} was defined as the ability to
determine the absence of STZ in honey, expressed as a percentage
of negative tests with values below the VLD of the LFIA. Efficiency
{[TN + TP/(TP + TP + FN + FP)] 100} was defined as the device’s
ability to correctly determine the presence or absence of STZ. Positive or negative results from the LFIA were scored by at least four
individuals three times (three replicates for each honey concentration). All honey samples were also tested by LC–MS and the results
were considered as true diagnostic. Experiments designed to detect
the VLD of the device for STZ in honey are outlined in Table 1.
Despite the connotation of the word cut-off, it is impossible to
develop an LFIA test in which a sample containing any target
amount below the cut-off will give a negative result and as soon
as the analyte concentration in the sample exceeds the cut-off level, the test will instantly become positive. Instead, developers
have interpreted and optimised test devices such that when samples with targets at cut-off concentrations are tested, 50% of the
test results would show positive and the other 50% would be negative. As the samples contain increasing amounts of analytes, more
of the test results would show positive so that when the sample
concentrations reach 150% above the cut-off, most of the results
should be positive.
On the other hand, as the sample concentrations are decreasing
from the cut-off level, more and more negative results would be reported so that at 50% below the cut-off, almost all of the results
would be negative. For each device, increasing target concentrations from the cut-off gave more positive results and decreasing
concentrations gave more negative results (Moody, Fang, Andrenyak, & Monti, 2006).
As can be seen in Table 1, from the data provided by referrers
(determination by naked-eye), the lateral flow immunochromatographic assay yielded a positive result at 15 ng/g STZ, while an
equivocal result was obtained at 10 ng/g STZ, since five tests were
interpreted as positive and seven as negative. A true negative result was observed at 5 ng/g of STZ in honey. Taking into account
the criterion described above, statistics on these data (shown on
Table 2) suggested that the sensitivity, specificity and efficiency
of LFIA are better considering 15 ng/g as VLD.
Table 1
Results of the analysis of spiked honey samples by LC–MS and LFIA test.
Honey sample
STZ added (ng/g)
Visual reading
(n positive/n analysed)
STZ detected
LC–MS (ng/g)
11.1 ± 0.2
15.8 ± 1.5
22.5 ± 3.0
48.3 ± 3.2
89.4 ± 7.0
212.3 ± 14.4
476.5 ± 16.2
Four referees three tests for honey sample = 12 results.
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I. Guillén et al. / Food Chemistry 129 (2011) 624–629
Table 2
Statistical analysis of the results in Table 1.
VLD 10 ng/g
VLD 15 ng/g
Sensitivity (%)
Specificity (%)
Efficiency (%)
On the basis of these findings, VLD was in the range of
10–15 ng/g. Even though, we will discriminate all honey samples
having an STZ concentration above 15 ng/g.
The specificity of the STZ method was evaluated in comparison
to other analogue compounds: SDZ, SDM, SMZ, SMT, SMX, SMP,
SPD and SSX. Stock solutions of each sulphonamide (100 mg/L)
and a mix containing all of them (except STZ), at the same concentration, were prepared in DMSO and stored a 4 °C and properly diluted with 1.2 M sodium acetate buffer (pH 5.0), yielding
concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 50 mg/L. From a blank sample,
previously tested by LC–MS, different aliquots (2 g) were fortified
adding 12 mL acetate buffer of different related compounds.
Positive or negative results from the LFIA, three replicates for each
honey concentration and cross-reactant were analysed.
Two clear bands were observed in the test and control lines of
test, even though these compounds were present at a high level.
Each analogue compound was found not cross-reacted when tested
at concentrations up to 50 mg/g, only sulphamethoxazole that has
a structure almost identical to STZ has cross reacted at concentrations of 10 mg/g. This fact indicates that the polyclonal serum had
a high specificity towards sulphathiazole.
Regarding the applicability of the developed prototype, there is
a clear difference between laboratory-based techniques and techniques for on-site assays. For laboratory use, speed is less important than throughput while this is the contrary for field assays
(Gabaldon et al., 2001a,b). The greatest merits of the immunochromatographic assay, its simplicity and speed, cannot be demonstrated without the simplest sample preparation. In fortified
honey samples, a good agreement was observed when STZ was extracted by both methods (as described in screening of honey samples and intralaboratory validation) and tested by LFIA. Therefore,
in all our experiments, samples were directly diluted with acetate
buffer and added to the strip. Since honey is a complex matrix with
a large variety in composition, due to different proportions of the
possible sources, nectar and/or honeydew, coming from a great
variety of plants and origins, the robustness of the STZ-LFIA was
checked on different unifloral and multifloral honey (25) from
Argentina, China, Mexico, Turkey and Spain, free of STZ (checked
by LC–MS). Analysis of 25 blank honey samples yielded negative
results (no matrix interference or false positive results were
In order to calculate the detection capability (CCb) of the assay,
the same 25 blank samples were fortified at 15 ng/g with an STZ
standard and analysed in triplicate. The assay beta (b) error is zero
since no false negative (false compliant) results were obtained for
15 ng/g honey fortified samples. This satisfies Commission Decision 2002/657/EC, (2002), which states that screening techniques
must have a false compliant rate of <5% (b-error) at the level of
This result supports the establishment of 15 ng/g as VLD of the
LFIA that will be in compliance with further EU minimum required
performance limit (MRPL) of 20 ng/g for STZ in honey, as proposed
by the European federation of honey packers and distributors
Once the prototype was optimised, aliquots of honey samples
containing 0, 6.7, 14.6 and 33.2 ng/g of STZ, 20 tests properly
stored in a sealed bag containing silica, and a protocol assay were
delivered at three honey packers from ASEMIEL to carry out the
analyses in triplicate. All results reported (100%) were in agreement with the expected results, two distinct red lines were observable at the ‘‘C’’ line and the test area (‘‘T’’ line) for 0 and 6.7 and
only a clear red line at the control area (‘‘C’’ line) appears for
14.6 and 33.2 ng/g of STZ in honey.
On the other hand, there is a commercial ELISA kit (Ridascreen
sulphonamide; R-biopharm, Darmstadt, Germany) for the measurement of nineteen sulphonamides in different matrices such
as milk, meat, fish, egg and shrimps and honey, at the tolerated level (100 ng/g). The kit detects, in more or less extension (cross
reaction), all compounds (32% STZ). When it is applied to honey
samples, a previous purification of the whole extract could be
carried out using a C18 column. In addition, other multi-residue
competitive ELISAs to detect seven (Pastor-Navarro et al., 2007;
Zhang et al., 2007), 14 (Font et al., 2008), and 19 (Franek et al.,
2006) sulphonamides in different matrices such as milk, pig and
chicken muscle, fish, egg, honey and hair have been developed.
An LFIA for sulphamonomethoxine, sulphamethoxydiazine,
sulphadimethoxine and sulphadiazine which has a detection
threshold of 10 ng/mL, determined with an optical density scanner,
in eggs and chicken muscle has also been reported (Wang et al.,
2007). By eye measurement, the sensitivity was 20 ng/mL for
sulphamonomethoxine, sulphamethoxydiazine, sulphadimethoxine and 40 ng/mL for sulphadiazine. Three lateral flow strip tests
to detect all members of the sulphonamide family of drugs, sulphamethazine and sulphadimethoxine or only sulphamethazine in
milk, are commercialised by Charm Sciences Inc. (MA, USA) as Rosa
Tests, which show a detection threshold of 10 ng/mL.
However, the current status of the available immunoassays for a
single sulphonamide, such as STZ, is scarce. Currently, two ELISA
assays have been described for the detection of STZ. One based
on monoclonal Ab (Lee et al., 2001) shows a sensitivity threshold
<100 ng/g when was applied in swine liver tissue, with a relatively
slight cross-reactivity with other 13 sulphonamides; while another, that employ the same immunoreagents (Pastor-Navarro
et al., 2004) that we use for the development of LFIA, has a minimum detectable concentration of 0.03 ng/g, with a sensitivity of
3 ng/g in honey samples.
In the present work, we describe an LFIA which has a clear limit
of detection at 15 ng/g STZ, which is 10-fold less sensitive than the
validated ELISA (Pastor-Navarro et al., 2004). The assay can be used
with small volumes (100 lL) of diluted honey. The assay was
shown to have 100% diagnostic sensitivity, 89.6% specificity and
95.8% efficiency for the detection of STZ in honey. Existing ELISA
and other assays for STZ tests are laboratory based, require sample
preparation and are relatively slow compared to the LFIA described
here, at the first time. In addition, highly trained laboratory personnel and relatively sophisticated equipment are also necessary for
laboratory-based assays, whereas the LFIA is rapid (10 min), easy
to use, and highly portable.
The STZ lateral flow assay can be performed at the site of honey
delivery such as beehives or beekeepers’ store. It is a qualitative
test using a small quantity of sample and return results within
10 min. Compared with centralised laboratory testing, it provides
for rapid buy decision-making by reducing the time spent on transporting sampling and retrieving data.
4. Conclusions
A rapid lateral-flow immunochromatographic device with a colloidal gold-polyclonal probe was developed for the detection of
Author's personal copy
I. Guillén et al. / Food Chemistry 129 (2011) 624–629
sulphathiazole residues in honey samples. The visual limit of
detection was 15 ng/g, and the test was highly specific towards
sulphathiazole, since it only recognises related sulphonamides
which are present in honey at concentrations above 10 mg/g.
The test showed high diagnostic sensitivity and specificity rates
and resulted very suitable for on site detection of STZ residues in
honey since no sample treatment is required. The results obtained
for fortified honey samples were in good agreement with those obtained by LC–MS.
The LFIA is easy to use, highly portable and the results can be
obtained in 10 min without the need for expensive equipment,
washing and/or separation steps.
The proposed analytical system, has no equivalence in the market, and could be used by the honey sector to carry out on-site
screening for STZ at the beginning of the food chain to improve
commercial trade.
Since the antibody based assays are screening methods in food
analysis, group specific antibodies for sulphonamides are preferable since positive findings must be confirmed by standard instrumental method. In this sense, it should be interesting for the
development of a new multianalyte LFIA for sulphonamides and
to investigate the potential use of other alternative labels.
This work was supported by a grant from Ministry of Education
and Science of Spain, CIT-060000-2007-57.
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