Copyright © 1973 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.
VOL. 80, No. 4
JULY 1973
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, and Oregon Research Institute
Intuitive predictions follow a judgmental heuristic—representativeness. By
this heuristic, people predict the outcome that appears most representative of
the evidence. Consequently, intuitive predictions are insensitive to the reliability of the evidence or to the prior probability of the outcome, in violation
of the logic of statistical prediction. The hypothesis that people predict by
representativeness is supported in a series of studies with both naive and sophisticated subjects. It is shown that the ranking of outcomes by likelihood
coincides with their ranking by representativeness and that people erroneously
predict rare events and extreme values if these happen to be representative.
The experience of unjustified confidence in predictions and the prevalence of
fallacious intuitions concerning statistical regression are traced to the representativeness heuristic.
In this paper, we explore the rules that
determine intuitive predictions and judgments of confidence and contrast these
rules to the normative principles of statistical prediction. Two classes of prediction
are discussed: category prediction and
numerical prediction. In a categorical
case, the prediction is given in nominal
form, for example, the winner in an election,
Research for this study was supported by the
following grants: Grants MH 12972 and MH 21216
from the National Institute of Mental Health and
Grant RR 05612 from the National Institute of
Health, U. S. Public Health Service; Grant GS 3250
from the National Science Foundation. Computing
assistance was obtained from the Health Services
Computing Facility, University ot California at
Los Angeles, sponsored by Grant MH 10822 from
the U. S. Public Health Service.
The authors thank Robyn Dawes, Lewis Goldberg, and Paul Slovic for their comments. Sundra
Gregory and Richard Kleinknecht assisted in the
preparation of the test material and the collection
of data.
Requests for reprints should be sent to Daniel
Kahneman, Department of Psychology, Hebrew
University, Jerusalem, Israel.
the diagnosis of a patient, or a person's
future occupation. In a numerical case,
the prediction is given in numerical form,
for example, the future value of a particular
stock or of a student's grade point average.
In making predictions and judgments
under uncertainty, people do not appear
to follow the calculus of chance or the
statistical theory of prediction. Instead,
they rely on a limited number of heuristics
which sometimes yield reasonable judgments and sometimes lead to severe and
systematic errors (Kahneman & Tversky,
1972; Tversky & Kahneman, 1971, 1973).
The present paper is concerned with the
role of one of these heuristics—representativeness—in intuitive predictions.
Given specific evidence (e.g., a personality sketch), the outcomes under consideration (e.g., occupations or levels of achievement) can be ordered by the degree to
which they are representative of that evidence. The thesis of this paper is that
people predict by representativeness, that
is, they select or order outcomes by the
Graduate specialization
Computer Science
and Education
Library Science1
Physical and
Life Sciences
Social Science
and Social Work
base rate
(in %)
degree to which the outcomes represent
the essential features of the evidence. In
many situations, representative outcomes
are indeed more likely than others. J lowever, this is not always the case, because
there are factors (e.g., the prior probabilities of outcomes and the reliability of the
evidence) which affect the likelihood of outcomes but not their representativeness.
Because these factors are ignored, intuitive
predictions violate the statistical rules of
prediction in systematic and fundamental
ways. To confirm this hypothesis, we
show that the ordering of outcomes by
perceived likelihood coincides with their
ordering by representativeness and that
intuitive predictions are essentially unaffected by considerations of prior probability and expected predictive accuracy.
In the first section, we investigate category predictions and show that they conform to an independent assessment of
representativeness and that they are essentially independent of the prior probabilities of outcomes. In the next section, we
investigate numerical predictions and show
that they are not properly regressive and
are essentially unaffected by considerations
of reliability. The following three sections
discuss, in turn, methodological issues in
the study of prediction, the sources of un-
justified confidence in predictions, and
some fallacious intuitions concerning regression effects.
Base Rate, Similarity, and Likelihood
The following experimental example illustrates prediction by representativeness
and the fallacies associated with this mode
of intuitive prediction. A group of 69
subjects 3 (the base-rate group) was asked
the following question: "Consider all firstyear graduate students in the U. S. today.
Please write clown your best guesses about
the percentage of these students who are
now enrolled in each of the following nine
fields of specialization." The nine fields
are listed in Table 1. The first column of
this table presents the mean estimates of
base rate for the various fields.
A second group of 65 subjects (the
similarity group) was presented with the
following personality sketch:
Tom \V. is of high intelligence, although lacking in
true creativity. I le has a need for order and clarity,
and for neat and tidy systems in which every detail
finds its appropriate place. His writing is rather dull
and mechanical, occasionally enlivened by somewhat
corny puns and by Hashes of imagination of the
sci-fi type. He has a strong drive for competence.
He seems to have little feel and little sympathy for
other people and does not enjoy interacting with
others. Self-centered, he nonetheless has a deep
moral sense.
The subjects were asked to rank the nine
areas in terms of "how similar is Tom W.
to the typical graduate student in each of
the following nine fields of graduate specialization?" The second column in Table 1
presents the mean similarity ranks assigned
to the various fields.
Finally, a prediction group, consisting of
114 graduate students in psychology at
three major universities in the United
States, was given the personality sketch of
Tom W., with the following additional
Unless otherwise specified, the subjects in the
studies reported in this paper were paid volunteers
recruited through a student paper at the University
of Oregon. Data were collected in group settings.
The preceding personality sketch of Tom \V. was
written during Tom's senior year in high school by
a psychologist, on the basis of projective tests.
Tom W. is currently a graduate student. Please
rank the following nine fields of graduate specialization in order of the likelihood that Tom \V. is now
a graduate student in each of these fields.
The third column in Table 1 presents
the means of the ranks assigned to the outcomes by the subjects in the prediction
The product-moment correlations between the columns of Table 1 were computed. The correlation between judged
likelihood and similarity is .97, while the
correlation between judged likelihood and
estimated base rate4 is —.65. Evidently,
judgments of likelihood essentially coincide
with judgments of similarity and are quite
unlike the estimates of base rates. This
result provides a direct confirmation of the
hypothesis that people predict by representativeness, or similarity.
The judgments of likelihood by the psychology graduate students drastically violate the normative rules of prediction.
More than 95% of those respondents judged
that Tom W. is more likely to study computer science than humanities or education,
although they were surely aware of the
fact that there arc many more graduate
students in the latter field. According to
the base-rate estimates shown in Table 1,
the prior odds for humanities or education
against computer science are about 3 to 1.
(The actual odds are considerably higher.)
According to Bayes' rule, it is possible to
overcome the prior odds against Tom W.
being in computer science rather than in
humanities or education, if the description
of his personality is both accurate and
diagnostic. The graduate students in our
study, however, did not believe that these
conditions were met. Following the prediction task, the respondents were asked
to estimate the percentage of hits (i.e.,
correct first choices among the nine areas)
which could be achieved with several types
of information. The median estimate of
hits was 23% for predictions based on
In computing this correlation, the ranks were inverted so that a high judged likelihood was assigned
a high value.
projective tests, which compares to 53%,
for example, for predictions based on high
school seniors' reports of their interests and
plans. Evidently, projective tests were
held in low esteem. Nevertheless, the
graduate students relied on a description
derived from such tests and ignored the
base rates.
In general, three types of information are
relevant to statistical prediction: (a) prior
or background information (e.g., base rates
of fields of graduate specialization); (b)
specific evidence concerning the individual
case (e.g., the description of Tom W.); (c)
the expected accuracy of prediction (e.g.,
the estimated probability of hits). A
fundamental rule of statistical prediction
is that expected accuracy controls the relative weights assigned to specific evidence
and to prior information. When expected
accuracy decreases, predictions should become more regressive, that is, closer to the
expectations based on prior information.
In the case of Tom W., expected accuracy
was low, and prior probabilities should have
been weighted heavily. Instead, our subjects predicted by representativeness, that
is, they ordered outcomes by their similarity to the specific evidence, with no
regard for prior probabilities.
In their exclusive reliance on the personality sketch, the subjects in the prediction
group apparently ignored the following considerations. Eirst, given the notorious invalidity of projective personality tests, it is
very likely that: Tom W. was never in fact
as compulsive and as aloof as his description suggests. Second, even if the description was valid when Tom W. was in high
school, it may no longer be valid now that
he is in graduate school. Finally, even if
the description is still valid, there are probably more people who fit that description
among students of humanities and education than among students of computer
science, simply because there are so many
more students in the former than in the
latter field.
Manipulation of Expected Accuracy
An additional study tests the hypothesis
that, contrary to the statistical model, a
Modal first prediction
With mean similarity rank
With base rate
manipulation of expected accuracy does no!
affect the pattern of predictions. The experimental material consisted of five thumbnail personality sketches of ninth-grade
boys, allegedly written by a counselor on
the basis of an interview in the context of
a longitudinal study. The design was the
same as in the Tom VV. study. For each
description, subjects in one group (TV = 69)
ranked the nine fields of graduate specialization (see Table 1) in terms of the similarity of the boy described to their "image
of the typical first-year graduate student
in that field." Following the similarity
judgments, they estimated the base-rate
frequency of the nine areas of graduate
specialization. These estimates were shown
in Table 1. The remaining subjects were
told that the five cases had been randomly
selected from among the participants in
the original study who are now first-year
graduate students. One group, the highaccuracy group (N = 55), was told that
"on the basis of such descriptions, students
like yourself make correct predictions in
about 55% of the cases." The lowaccuracy group (N = 50) was told that
students' predictions in this task are
correct in about 27% of the cases. For
each description, the subjects ranked the
nine fields according to "the likelihood that
the person described is now a graduate
student in that field." For each description, they also estimated the probability
that their first choice was correct.
The manipulation of expected accuracy
had a significant effect on these probability
judgments. The mean estimates were .70
and .56, respectively, for the high- and lowaccuracy group (/ = 3.72,/> < .001). Mowever, the orderings of the nine outcomes
produced under the low-accuracy instructions were not significantly closer to the
base-rate distribution than the orderings
produced under the high-accuracy instructions. A product-moment correlation was
computed for each judge, between the
average rank he had assigned to each of the
nine outcomes (over the five descriptions)
and the base rate. This correlation is an
overall measure of the degree to which the
subject's predictions conform to the baserate distribution. The averages of these
individual correlations were .13 for subjects
in the high-accuracy group and .16 for
subjects in the low-accuracy group. The
difference docs not approach significance
(/ = .42, df = 103). This pattern of judgments violates the normative theory of
prediction, according to which any decrease in expected accuracy should be
accompanied by a shift of predictions toward the base rate.
Since the manipulation of expected accuracy had no effect on predictions, the
two prediction groups were pooled. Subsequent analyses were the same as in the
Tom W. study. For each description, two
correlations were computed: (a) between
mean likelihood rank and mean similarity
rank and (b) between mean likelihood rank
and mean base rate. These correlations
are shown in Table 2, with the outcome
judged most likely for each description.
The correlations between prediction and
similarity are consistently high. In contrast, there is no systematic relation between prediction and base rate: the correlations vary widely depending on whether
the most representative outcomes for each
description happen to be frequent or
Here again, considerations of base rate
were neglected. In the statistical theory,
one is allowed to ignore the base rate only
when one expects to be infallible. In all
other cases, an appropriate compromise
must be found between the ordering suggested by the description and the ordering
of the base rates. It is hardly believable
that a cursory description of a fourteenyear-old child based on a single interview
could justify the degree of infallibility implied by the predictions of our subjects.
Following the five personality descriptions, the subjects were given an additional
About Don you will be told nothing except that he
participated in the original study and is now a firstyear graduate student. Please indicate your ordering and report your confidence for this case as well.
For Don the correlation between mean
likelihood rank and estimated base rate
was .74. Thus, the knowledge of base
rates, which was not applied when a description was given, was utilized when no
specific evidence was available.
Prior versus Individuating Evidence
The next study provides a more stringent
test of the hypothesis that intuitive predictions are dominated by representativeness and are relatively insensitive to prior
probabilities. In this study, the prior
probabilities were made exceptionally salient and compatible with the response
mode. Subjects were presented with the
following cover story:
A panel of psychologists have interviewed and administered personality tests to 30 engineers and 70
lawyers, all successful in their respective fields. On
the basis of this information, thumbnail descriptions
of the 30 engineers and 70 lawyers have been written.
You will find on your forms five descriptions, chosen
at random from the 100 available descriptions.
For each description, please indicate your probability that the person described is an engineer,
on a scale from 0 to 100.
The same task has been performed by a panel of
experts, who were highly accurate in assigning
probabilities to the various descriptions. You will
be paid a bonus to the extent that your estimates
come close to those of the expert panel.
These instructions were given to a group
of 85 subjects (the low-engineer, or L
group). Subjects in another group (the
high-engineer, H group; N = 86) were
given identical instructions except for the
prior probabilities: they were told that the
set from which the descriptions had been
drawn consisted of 70 engineers and 30
lawyers. All subjects were presented with
the same five descriptions. One of the
descriptions follows:
Jack is a 45-year-old man. He is married and has
four children. He is generally conservative, careful,
and ambitious. He shows no interest in political
and social issues and spends most of his free time on
his many hobbies which include home carpentry,
sailing, and mathematical puzzles.
The probability that Jack is one of the 30 engineers
in the sample of 100 is
Following the five descriptions, the subjects
encountered the null description:
Suppose now that you are given no information
whatsoever about an individual chosen at random
from the sample.
The probability that this man is one of the 30
engineers in the sample of 100 is
In both the high-engineer and low-engineer groups, half of the subjects were asked
to evaluate, for each description, the probability that the person described was an
engineer (as in the example above), while
the other subjects evaluated, for each description, the probability that the person
described was a lawyer. This manipulation
had no effect. The median probabilities
assigned to the outcomes engineer and
lawyer in the two different forms added to
about 100% for each description. Consequently, the data for the two forms were
pooled, and the results are presented in
terms of the outcome engineer.
The design of this experiment permits
the calculation of the normatively appropriate pattern of judgments. The derivation relies on Bayes' formula, in odds form.
Let 0 denote the odds that a particular
description belongs to an engineer rather
than to a lawyer. According to Bayes'
rule, O = Q-R, where Q denotes the prior
odds that a randomly selected description
belongs to an engineer rather than to a
lawyer; and R is the likelihood ratio for a
particular description, that is, the ratio of
the probability that a person randomly
drawn from a population of engineers will
Probability ( E n g i n e e r !
Low Prior
FIG. 1. Median judged probability (engineer) for
five descriptions and for the null description (square
symbol) under high and low prior probabilities.
(The curved line displays the correct relation according to Bayes' rule.)
be so described to the probability that a
person randomly drawn from a population
of lawyers will be so described.
For the high-engineer group, who were
told that the sample consists of 70 engineers and 30 lawyers, the prior odds Qn
equal 70/30. For the low-engineer group,
the prior odds QL equal 30/70. Thus, for
each description, the ratio of the posterior
odds for the two groups is
= 5.44.
Since the likelihood ratio is cancelled in
this formula, the same value of OH/OL
should obtain for all descriptions. In the
present design, therefore, the correct effect
of the manipulation of prior odds can be
computed without knowledge of the likelihood ratio.
Figure 1 presents the median probability
estimates for each description, under the
two conditions of prior odds. For each
description, the median estimate of probability when the prior is high (Qn = 70/30)
is plotted against the median estimate when
the prior is low (@L = 30/70). According
to the normative equation developed in the
preceding paragraph, all points should lie
on the curved (Bayesian) line. In fact,
only the empty square which corresponds
to the null description falls on this line:
when given no description, subjects judged
the probability to be 70% under QH and
30% under QL. In the other five cases, the
points fall close to the identity line.
The effect of prior probability, although
slight, is statistically significant. For each
subject the mean probability estimate was
computed over all cases except the null.
The average of these values was 50% for
the low-engineer group and 55% for the
high-engineer group (t = 3.23, df = 169,
p < .01). Nevertheless, as can be seen
from Figure 1, every point is closer to the
identity line than to the Bayesian line. It
is fair to conclude that explicit manipulation of the prior distribution had a minimal
effect on subjective probability. As in
the preceding experiment, subjects applied
their knowledge of the prior only when they
were given no specific evidence. As entailed by the representativeness hypothesis,
prior probabilities were largely ignored
when individuating information was made
The strength of this effect is demonstrated by the responses to the following
Dick is a 30-year-old man. He is married with no
children. A man of high ability and high motivation,
he promises to be quite successful in his field. He is
well liked by his colleagues.
This description was constructed to be
totally uninformative with regard to Dick's
profession. Our subjects agreed: median
estimates were 50% in both the low- and
high-engineer groups (see Figure 1). The
contrast between the responses to this description and to the null description is
illuminating. Evidently, people respond
differently when given no specific evidence
and when given worthless evidence. When
no specific evidence is given, the prior
probabilities are properly utilized; when
worthless specific evidence is given, prior
probabilities are ignored.
There are situations in which prior probabilities are likely to play a more substantial role. In all the examples discussed so
far, distinct stereotypes were associated
with the alternative outcomes, and judgments were controlled, we suggest, by the
degree to which the descriptions appeared
representative of these stereotypes. In
other problems, the outcomes are more
naturally viewed as segments of a dimension. Suppose, for example, that one is
asked to judge the probability that each of
several students will receive a fellowship.
In this problem, there are no well-delineated
stereotypes of recipients and nonrecipients
of fellowships. Rather, it is natural to
regard the outcome (i.e., obtaining a. fellowship) as determined by a cutoff point along
the dimension of academic achievement or
ability. Prior probabilities, that is, the
percentage of fellowships in the relevant
group, could be used to define the outcomes
by locating the cutoff point. Consequently,
they are not likely to be ignored. In addition, we would expect extreme prior probabilities to have some effect even in the
presence of clear stereotypes of the outcomes. A precise delineation of the conditions under which prior information is used
or discarded awaits further investigation.
One of the basic principles of statistical
prediction is that prior probability, which
summarizes what we knew about the problem before receiving independent specific
evidence, remains relevant even after such
evidence is obtained. Bayes' rule translates this qualitative principle into a multiplicative relation between prior odds and
the likelihood ratio. Our subjects, however, failed to integrate prior probability
with specific evidence. When exposed to
a description, however scanty or suspect,
of Tom W. or of Dick (the engineer/
lawyer), they apparently felt that the distribution of occupations in his group was
no longer relevant. The failure to appreciate the relevance of prior probability in
the presence of specific evidence is perhaps
one of the most significant departures of
intuition from the normative theory of
A fundamental rule of the normative
theory of prediction is that the variability
of predictions, over a set of cases, should
reflect predictive accuracy. When predictive accuracy is perfect, one predicts
the criterion value that will actually occur.
When uncertainty is maximal, a fixed value
is predicted in all cases. (In category prediction, one predicts the most frequent
category. In numerical prediction, one
predicts the mean, the mode, the median,
or some other value depending on the loss
function.) Thus, the variability of predictions is equal to the variability of the
criterion when predictive accuracy is perfect, and the variability of predictions is
zero when predictive accuracy is zero.
With intermediate predictive accuracy, the
variability of predictions takes an intermediate value, that is, predictions are regressive with respect to the criterion.
Thus, the greater the uncertainty, the
smaller the variability of predictions. Predictions by representativeness do not follow
this rule. It was shown in the previous
section that people did not regress toward
more frequent categories when expected
accuracy of predictions was reduced. The
present section demonstrates an analogous failure in the context of numerical
Prediction of Outcomes versus Evaluation of
Suppose one is told that a college freshman has been described by a counselor as
intelligent, self-confident, well-read, hardworking, and inquisitive. Consider two
types of questions that might be asked
about this description:
(a) Evaluation: How does this description impress
you with respect to academic ability? What percentage of descriptions of freshmen do you believe
would impress you more? (b) Prediction: What is
your estimate of the grade point average that this
student will obtain? What is the percentage of
freshmen who obtain a higher grade point average?
There is an important difference between
the two questions. In the first, you evaluate the input; in the second, you predict an
outcome. Since there is surely greater uncertainty about the second question than
about the first, your prediction should be
more regressive than your evaluation.
That is, the percentage you give as a pre-
FIG. 2. Predicted percentile grade point average
as a function of percentile evaluation for adjectives
(A) and reports (B).
diction should be closer to 50% than the
percentage you give as an evaluation. To
highlight the difference between the two
questions, consider the possibility that the
description is inaccurate. This should
have no effect on your evaluation: the
ordering of descriptions with respect to the
impressions they make on you is independent of their accuracy. In predicting,
on the other hand, you should be regressive
to the extent that you suspect the description to be inaccurate or your prediction to
be invalid.
The representativeness hypothesis, however, entails that prediction and evaluation
should coincide. In evaluating a given description, people select a score which, presumably, is most representative of the description. If people predict by representativeness, they will also select the most representative score as their prediction. Consequently, the evaluation and the prediction will be essentially identical. Several
studies were conducted to test this hypothesis. In each of these studies the subjects
were given descriptive information concerning a set of cases. An evaluation group
evaluated the quality of each description
relative to a stated population, and a prediction group predicted future performance.
The judgments of the two groups were
compared to test whether predictions are
more regressive than evaluations.
In two studies, subjects were given descriptions of college freshmen, allegedly
written by a counselor on the basis of an
interview administered to the entering class.
In the first study, each description consisted of five adjectives, referring to intellectual qualities and to character, as
in the example cited above. In the second
study, the descriptions were paragraphlength reports, including details of the
student's background and of his current
adjustment to college. In both studies the
evaluation groups were asked to evaluate
each one of the descriptions by estimating
"the percentage of students in the entire
class whose descriptions indicate a higher
academic ability." The prediction groups
were given the same descriptions and were
asked to predict the grade point average
achieved by each student at the end of his
freshman year and his class standing in
percen tiles.
The results of both studies are shown in
Figure 2, which plots, for each description,
the mean prediction of percentile grade
point average against the mean evaluation.
The only systematic discrepancy between
predictions and evaluations is observed in
the adjectives study where predictions were
consistently higher than the corresponding
evaluations. The standard deviation of
predictions or evaluations was computed
within the data of each subject. A comparison of these values indicated no significant differences in variability between the
evaluation and the prediction groups,
within the range of values under study. In
the adjectives study, the average standard
deviation was 25.7 for the evaluation group
(N = 38) and 24.0 for the prediction group
(N = 36) (/ = 1.25, df = 72, ns). In the
reports study, the average standard deviation was 22.2 for the evaluation group
(N = 37) and 21.4 for the prediction group
(N = 63) (t = .75, df = 98, ns). In both
studies the prediction and the evaluation
groups produced equally extreme judgments, although the former predicted a
remote objective criterion on the basis of
sketchy interview information, while the
latter merely evaluated the impression obtained from each description. In the statistical theory of prediction, the observed
equivalence between prediction and evaluation would be justified only if predictive
accuracy were perfect, a condition which
could not conceivably be met in these
Further evidence for the equivalence of
evaluation and prediction was obtained in
a master's thesis by Beyth (1972). She
presented three groups of subjects with
seven paragraphs, each describing the performance of a student-teacher during a
particular practice lesson. The subjects
were students in a statistics course at the
Hebrew University. They were told that
the descriptions had been drawn from
among the files of 100 elementary school
teachers who, five years earlier, had completed their teacher training program. Subjects in an evaluation group were asked
to evaluate the quality of the lesson described in the paragraph, in percentile
scores relative to the stated population.
Subjects in a prediction group were asked
to predict in percentile scores the current
standing of each teacher, that is, his overall
competence five years after the description
was written. An evaluation-prediction
group performed both tasks. As in the
studies described above, the differences
between evaluation and prediction were not
significant. This result held in both the
between-subjects and within-subject comparisons. Although the judges were undoubtedly aware of the multitude of factors
that intervene between a single trial lesson
and teaching competence five years later,
this knowledge did not cause their predictions to be more regressive than their
Prediction versus Translation
The previous studies showed that predictions of a variable are not regressive
when compared to evaluations of the inputs
in terms of that variable. In the following
study, we show that there are situations in
which predictions of a variable (academic
achievement) are no more regressive than
a mere translation of that variable from
one scale to another. The grade point
average was chosen as the outcome variable,
because its correlates and distributional
properties are well known to the subject
Three groups of subjects participated in
the experiment. Subjects in all groups
predicted the grade point average of 10
hypothetical students on the basis of a
single percentile score obtained by each of
these students. The same set of percentile
scores was presented to all groups, but the
three groups received different interpretations of the input variable as follows.
1. Percentile grade point average. The
subjects in Group 1 (N = 32) were told
that "for each of several students you will
be given a percentile score representing
his academic achievements in the freshman
year, and you will be asked to give your
best guess about his grade point average
for that year." It was explained to the
subjects that "a percentile score of 65, for
example, means that the grade point
average achieved by this student is better
than that achieved by 65% of his class, etc."
2. Mental concentration. The subjects
in Group 2 (N = 37) were told that "the
test of mental concentration measures one's
ability to concentrate and to extract all the
information conveyed by complex messages.
It was found that students with high grade
point averages tend to score high on the
mental concentration test and vice versa.
Percentile score
FIG. 3. Predictions of grade point average from
percentile scores on three variables.
However, performance on the mental concentration test was found to depend on the
mood and mental state of the person at the
time he took the test. Thus, when tested
repeatedly, the same person could obtain
quite different scores, depending on the
amount of sleep he had the night before or
how well he felt that day."
3. Sense of humor. The subjects in
Group 3 (N = 35) were told that "the
test of sense of humor measures the ability
of people to invent witty captions for
cartoons and to appreciate humor in various
forms. It was found that students who
score high on this test tend, by and large,
to obtain a higher grade point average than
students who score low. However, it is not
possible to predict grade point average
from sense of humor with high accuracy."
In the present design, all subjects predicted grade point average on the basis of
the same set of percentile scores. Group 1
merely translated values of percentile grade
point average onto the grade point average
scale. Groups 2 and 3, on the other hand,
predicted grade point average from more
remote inputs. Normative considerations
therefore dictate that the predictions of
these groups should be more regressive,
that is, less variable, than the judgments
of Group 1. The representativeness hypothesis, however, suggests a different
pattern of results.
Group 2 predicted from a potentially
valid but unreliable test of mental concentration which was presented as a measure of
academic ability. We hypothesized that
the predictions of this group would be nonregressive when compared to the predictions of Group 1. In general, we conjecture
that the achievement score (e.g., grade
point average) which best represents a
percentile value on a measure of ability
(e.g., mental concentration) is that which
corresponds to the same precentile on the
scale of achievement. Since representativeness is not affected by unreliability, we
expected the predictions of grade point
average from the unreliable test of mental
concentration to be essentially identical to
the predictions of grade point average from
percentile grade point average. The predictions of Group 3, on the other hand, were
expected to be regressive because sense of
humor is not commonly viewed as a measure of academic ability.
The mean predictions assigned to the
10 percentile scores by the three groups are
shown in Figure 3. It is evident in the
figure that the predictions of Group 2 are
no more regressive than the predictions of
Group 1, while the predictions of Group 3
appear more regressive.
Four indices were computed within the
data of each individual subject: the mean
of his predictions, the standard deviation
of his predictions, the slope of the regression
of predicted grade point average on the
input scores, and the product-moment correlation between them. The means of these
values for the three groups are shown in
Table 3.
It is apparent in the table that the subjects in all three groups produced orderly
data, as evinced by the high correlations
between inputs and predictions (the average
correlations were obtained by transforming
individual values to Fisher's 2). The results
of planned comparisons between Groups
1 and 2 and between Groups 2 and 3 confirm the pattern observed in Figure 3.
There are no significant differences between
the predictions from percentile grade point
average and from mental concentration.
Thus, people fail to regress when predicting
Mean predicted
grade point average
SD of predictions
Slope of regression
1. PercenLile
grade point
a measure of achievement from a measure
of ability, however unreliable.
The predictions from sense of humor, on
the other hand, are regressive, although not
enough. The correlation between grade
point average and sense of humor inferred
from a comparison of the regression lines
is about .70. In addition, the predictions
from sense of humor are significantly higher
than the predictions from mental concentration. There is also a tendency for predictions from mental concentration to be
higher than predictions based on percentile
grade point average. We have observed
this finding in many studies. When predicting the academic achievement of an
individual on the basis of imperfect information, subjects exhibit leniency (Guilford,
1954). They respond to a reduction of
validity by raising the predicted level of
Predictions are expected to be essentially
nonregressive whenever the input and outcome variables are viewed as manifestations of the same trait. An example of
such predictions has been observed in a
real-life setting, the Officer Selection Board
of the Israel Army. The highly experienced
officers who participate in the assessment
team normally evaluate candidates on a
7-point scale at the completion of several
days of testing and observation. For the
purposes of the study, they were required
in addition to predict, for each successful
candidate, the final grade that he would
obtain in officer training school. In over
200 cases, assessed by a substantial number
of different judges, the distribution of pre-
1 vs. 2
2. Mental
2 vs. 3
3. Sense of
dicted grades was found to be virtually
identical to the actual distribution of final
grades in officer training school, with one
obvious exception: predictions of failure
were less frequent than actual failures. In
particular, the frequencies of predictions
in the two highest categories precisely
matched the actual frequencies. All judges
were keenly aware of research indicating that
their predictive validity was only moderate
(on the order of .20 to .40). Nevertheless,
their predictions were nonregressive.
The representativeness hypothesis states
that predictions do not differ from evaluations or assessments of similarity, although
the normative statistical theory entails that
predictions should be less extreme than
these judgments. The test of the representativeness hypothesis therefore requires
a design in which predictions are compared
to another type of judgment. Variants of
two comparative designs were used in the
studies reported in this paper.
In one design, labeled A-XY, different
groups of subjects judged two variables
(X and Y) on the basis of the same input
information (A). In the case of Tom W.,
for example, two different groups were
given the same input information (A), that
is, a personality description. One group
ranked the outcomes in terms of similarity
(X), while the other ranked the outcomes
in terms of likelihood (Y). Similarly, in
several studies of numerical prediction,
different groups were given the same information (A), for example, a list of five
adjectives describing a student. One group
provided an evaluation (X) and the other
a prediction (Y).
In another design, labeled AB-X, two
different groups of subjects judged the same
outcome variable (X) on the basis of
different information inputs (A and B).
In the engineer/lawyer study, for example,
two different groups made the same judgment (X) of the likelihood that a particular
individual is an engineer. They were given
a brief description of his personality and
different information (A and B) concerning
the base-rate frequencies of engineers and
lawyers. In the context of numerical prediction, different groups predicted grade
point average (X), from scores on different
variables, percentile grade point average
(A) and mental concentration (B).
The representativeness hypothesis was
supported in these comparative designs by
showing that contrary to the normative
model, predictions are no more regressive
than evaluations or judgments of similarity. It is also possible to ask whether
intuitive predictions are regressive when
compared to the actual outcomes, or to the
inputs when the inputs and outcomes are
measured on the same scale. Even when
predictions are no more regressive than
translations, we expect them to be slightly
regressive when compared to the outcomes,
because of the well-known central-tendency
error (Johnson, 1972; Woodworth, 1938).
In a wide variety of judgment tasks, including the mere translation of inputs from
one scale to another, subjects tend to avoid
extreme responses and to constrict the
variability of their judgments (Stevens &
Greenbaum, 1966). Because of this response bias, judgments will be regressive,
when compared to inputs or to outcomes.
The designs employed in the present paper
neutralize this effect by comparing two
judgments, both of which are subject to the
same bias.
The present set of studies was concerned
with situations in which people make predictions on the basis of information that is
available to them prior to the experiment,
in the form of stereotypes (e.g., of an
engineer) and expectations concerning rela-
tionships between variables. Outcome
feedback was not provided, and the number
of judgments required of each subject was
small. In contrast, most previous studies of
prediction have dealt with the learning of
functional or statistical relations among
variables with which the subjects had no
prior acquaintance. These studies typically
involve a large number of trials and various
forms of outcome feedback. (Some of this
literature has been reviewed in Slovic and
Lichtenstein, 1971.) In studies of repetitive predictions with feedback, subjects
generally predict by selecting outcomes so
that the entire sequence or pattern of
predictions is highly representative of the
distribution of outcomes. For example,
subjects in probability-learning studies
generate sequences of predictions which
roughly match the statistical characteristics of the sequence of outcomes. Similarly, subjects in numerical prediction
tasks approximately reproduce the scatterplot, that is, the joint distribution of inputs
and outcomes (see, e.g., Gray, 1968). To
do so, subjects resort to a mixed strategy:
for any given input they generate a distribution of different predictions. These
predictions reflect the fact that any one
input is followed by different outcomes on
different trials. Evidently, the rules of
prediction are different in the two paradigms, although representativeness is involved in both. In the feedback paradigm,
subjects produce response sequences which
represent the entire pattern of association
between inputs and outcomes. In the
situations explored in the present paper,
subjects select the prediction which best
represents their impressions of each individual case. The two approaches lead to
different violations of the normative rule:
the representation of uncertainty through
a mixed strategy in the feedback paradigm
and the discarding of uncertainty through
prediction by evaluation in the present
As demonstrated in the preceding sections, one predicts by selecting the outcome
that is most representative of the input. they encountered conformed to these exWe propose that the degree of confidence pectations. (For half of the subjects the
one has in a prediction reflects the degree labels of the correlated and the uncorreto which the selected outcome is more repre- lated pairs of tests were reversed). Subsentative of the input than are other out- jects were told that "all tests were found
comes. A major determinant of represen- equally successful in predicting college pertativeness in the context of numerical pre- formance." In this situation, of course, a
diction with multiattribute inputs (e.g., higher predictive accuracy can be achieved
score profiles) is the consistency, or co- with the uncorrelated than with the correherence, of the input. The more consistent lated pair of tests. As expected, however,
the input, the more representative the subjects were more confident in predicting
predicted score will appear and the greater from the correlated tests, over the enthe confidence in that prediction. For tire range of predicted scores (t = 4.80,
example, people predict an overall B aver- df = 129, p < .001). That is, they were
age with more confidence on the basis of B more confident in a context of inferior
grades in two separate introductory courses predictive validity.
than on the basis of an A and a C. Indeed,
Another finding observed in many preinternal variability or inconsistency of the diction studies, including our own, is that
input has been found to decrease confidence confidence is a J-shaped function of the prein predictions (Slovic, 1966).
dicted level of performance (see Johnson,
The intuition that consistent profiles 1972). Subjects predict outstandingly high
allow greater predictability than incon- achievement with very high confidence, and
sistent profiles is compelling. It is worth they have more confidence in the predicnoting, however, that this belief is in- tion of utter failure than of mediocre
compatible with the commonly applied performance. As we saw earlier, intuitive
multivariate model of prediction (i.e., the predictions are often insufficiently regresnormal linear model) in which expected sive. The discrepancies between predicpredictive accuracy is independent of tions and outcomes, therefore, are largest
at the extremes. The J-shaped confidence
within-profile variability.
Consistent profiles will typically be en- function entails that subjects are most
countered when the judge predicts from confident in predictions that are most likely
highly correlated scores. Inconsistent pro- to be off the mark.
The foregoing analysis shows that the
files, on the other hand, are more frequent
when the intercorrelations are low. Be- factors which enhance confidence, for
cause confidence increases with consistency, example, consistency and extremity, are
confidence will generally be high when the often negatively correlated with predictive
input variables are highly correlated. How- accuracy. Thus, people are prone to exever, given input variables of stated va- perience much confidence in highly fallible
lidity, the multiple correlation with the judgments, a phenomenon that may be
criterion is inversely related to the correla- termed the illusion of validity. Like other
tions among the inputs. Thus, a para- perceptual and judgmental errors, the
doxical situation arises where high inter- illusion of validity often persists even when
correlations among inputs increase con- its illusory character is recognized. When
interviewing a candidate, for example,
fidence and decrease validity.
To demonstrate this effect, we required many of us have experienced great consubjects to predict grade point average on fidence in our prediction of his future
the basis of two pairs of aptitude tests. performance, despite our knowledge that
Subjects were told that one pair of tests interviews are notoriously fallible.
(creative thinking and symbolic ability)
was highly correlated, while the other pair
Regression effects are all about us. In
of tests (mental flexibility and systematic
reasoning) was not correlated. The scores our experience, most outstanding fathers
have somewhat disappointing sons, brilliant
wives have duller husbands, the ill-adjusted
tend to adjust and the fortunate are eventually striken by ill luck. In spite of these
encounters, people do not acquire a proper
notion of regression. First, they do not
expect regression in many situations where
it is bound to occur. Second, as any teacher
of statistics will attest, a proper notion of
regression is extremely difficult to acquire.
Third, when people observe regression,
they typically invent spurious dynamic
explanations for it.
What is it that makes the concept of
regression counterintuitive and difficult
to acquire and apply? We suggest that a
major source of difficulty is that regression
effects typically violate the intuition that
the predicted outcome should be maximally
representative of the input information. 5
To illustrate the persistence of nonregressive intuitions despite considerable exposure to statistics, we presented the following problem to our sample of graduate
students in psychology:
A problem of testing. A randomly selected individual has obtained a score of 140 on a standard IQ
test. Suppose than an IQ score is the sum of a
"true" score and a random error of measurement
which is normally distributed.
Please give your best guess about the 95% upper
and lower confidence bounds for the true [Q of this
person. That is, give a high estimate such that you
are 95% sure that the true IQ score is, in fact,
lower than that estimate, and a low estimate such
that you are 95% sure that the true score is in fact
In this problem, the respondents were
told to regard the observed score as the
sum of a "true" score and an error component. Since the observed score is considerably higher than the population mean,
it is more likely than not that the error
component is positive and that this individual will obtain a somewhat lower score
on subsequent tests. The majority of subjects (73 of 108), however, stated confidence
The expectation that every significant particle of
behavior is highly representative of the actor's
personality may explain why laymen and psychologists alike are perenially surprised by the negligible
correlations among seemingly interchangeable measures of honesty, of risk taking, of agressiou, and of
dependency (Mischel, 1968).
intervals that were symmetric around 140,
failing to express any expectation of regression. Of the remaining 35 subjects, 24
stated regressive confidence intervals and 11
stated counterregressive intervals. Thus,
most subjects ignored the effects of unreliability in the input and predicted as if
the value of 140 was a true score. The
tendency to predict as if the input information were error free has been observed
repeatedly in this paper.
The occurrence of regression is sometimes recognized, either because we discover
regression effects in our own observations
or because we are explicitly told that regression has occurred. When recognized, a
regression effect is typically regarded as a
systematic change that requires substantive explanation. Indeed, many spurious
explanations of regression effects have
been offered in the social sciences.6 Dynamic principles have been invoked to explain why businesses which did exceptionally well at one point in time tend to
deteriorate subsequently and why training
in interpreting facial expressions is beneficial
to trainees who scored poorly on a pretest
and detrimental to those who did best.
Some of these explanations might not have
been offered, had the authors realized that
given two variables of equal variances, the
following two statements arc logically
equivalent: (a) Y is regressive with respect
to X; (b) the correlation between Y and
X is less than unity. Explaining regression, therefore, is tantamount to explaining
why a correlation is less than unity.
As a final illustration of how difficult it
is to recognize and properly interpret regression, consider the following question
which was put to our sample of graduate
students. The problem described actually
arose in the experience of one of the authors.
A problem of training. The instructors in a flight
school adopted a policy of consistent positive reinforcement recommended by psychologists. They
verbally reinforced each successful execution of a
flight maneuver. After some experience with this
training approach, the instructors claimed that
contrary to psychological doctrine, high praise for
For enlightening discussions of regression fallacies in research, see, for example, Campbell (1969)
and Wallis and Roberts (1956).
good execution of complex maneuvers typically results in a decrement of performance on the next try.
What should the psychologist say in response?
Regression is inevitable in flight maneuvers because performance is not perfectly
reliable and progress between successive
maneuvers is slow. Hence, pilots who did
exceptionally well on one trial are likely to
deteriorate on the next, regardless of the
instructors' reaction to the initial success.
The experienced flight instructors actually
discovered the regression but attributed it
to the detrimental effect of positive reinforcement. This true story illustrates a
saddening aspect of the human condition.
We normally reinforce others when their
behavior is good and punish them when
their behavior is bad. By regression alone,
therefore, they are most likely to improve
after being punished and most likely to
deteriorate after being rewarded. Consequently, we are exposed to a lifetime
schedule in which we are most often rewarded for punishing others, and punished
for rewarding.
Not one of the graduate students who
answered this question suggested that regression could cause the problem. Instead,
they proposed that verbal reinforcements
might be ineffective for pilots or that they
could lead to overconfidence. Some students even doubted the validity of the
instructors' impressions and discussed possible sources of bias in their perception of
the situation. These respondents had
undoubtedly been exposed to a thorough
treatment of statistical regression. Nevertheless, they failed to recognize an instance
of regression when it was not couched in
the familiar terms of the height of fathers
and sons. Evidently, statistical training
alone does not change fundamental intuitions about uncertainty.
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(Received November 8, 1972)