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Face recognition is one of the challenging research area of face image analysis. It is well known that Local Binary Pattern (LBP) based face recognition system’s performance depends on number of grids and scale of the operator. The effect of the large scale operators together with the number of grids and the dependency on labeled binary codes are not explored much. This paper aims to study empirically the effect of number of available binary codes, large scale operator and number of grids for face verification. Face verification experiments were conducted in which Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is applied to reduce the dimensionality of the features extracted using Multi-scale Block LBP (MB-LBP). The experiments were evaluated using ORL, JAFFE and INDIAN benchmark face recognition databases. It is observed that number of available binary labeled codes decreases as the scale of the operator and number of grids are increased when MB-LBP is convoluted with traditional convolution techniques. Moreover, it is noticed that increase in operator scale would decreases the number of available codes which in turn affects the performance. In order to negate this effect, this paper proposes to use Modified Convolution (MC) technique to increase the available binary labeled codes. Experiments on benchmark databases suggested that use of modified convolution method would increase the available codes which in turn increases the performance of the face verification system.
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical Sciences (ICIIBMS), 2018
Face recognition has become the new captivating field for scientists and researchers the world over. This paper, proposes an algorithm based on the convolution of the Pixel Difference Vector (PDV) and Local Binary Pattern (LBP) features. The features from the two techniques are convolved to generate a square matrix, which is then reshaped into a column vector. The column vectors of all the images that are present in the database are compared against the column vectors of the test image, making use of Euclidean Distance (ED). Following this, the location of the image in the database is obtained to detect the person and minimum distance between the specific image and the test image. The location is tracked so as to ensure precision. The results are used for matching, calculation of FAR, FRR and TSR.The model that has been proposed has been evaluated on the ORL database, JAFFE database, Indian Females database etc. The experimental results indicate that the systems proposed outperform the existing ones based on individual feature techniques and models employing multiple feature types.
Face recognition is an emergent research area, spans over multiple disciplines such as image processing, computer vision and signal processing, machine learning. Face recognition is mainly used for identity authentication/identification, security access control and intelligent human-computer interaction. This work compares holistic and hybrid face recognition methods. The hybrid face feature extraction in which local features were derived using Multi Scale Block Local Binary Patterns (MB-LBP) and global features are derived using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). For a facial image a spatially enhanced, concatenated representation is obtained by deriving a histogram from each grid that an input image is divided. These histograms were projected to lower dimensions by applying PCA to create eigenfaces. The holistic face representation of a subject was derived by projecting several images of the subject into lower dimensions applying PCA. There are several parameters affect the performance of local descriptor based face recognition system viz: image size, grid size, operator scale and available codes. Impact of these parameters on performance of FRS are not explored much in literature. This thesis aims to study empirically the effect of these parameters for FRS configured in verification mode.
The face of a human being conveys a lot of information about identity and emotional state of the person. Face recognition is an interesting and challenging problem, and impacts important applications in many areas such as identification for law enforcement, authentication for banking and security system access, and personal identification among others. In our research work mainly consists of three parts, namely face representation, feature extraction and classification. Face representation represents how to model a face and determines the successive algorithms of detection and recognition. The most useful and unique features of the face image are extracted in the feature extraction phase. In the classification the face image is compared with the images from the database. In our research work, we empirically evaluate face recognition which considers both shape and texture information to represent face images based on Local Binary Patterns for personindependent face recognition. The face area is first divided into small regions from which Local Binary Patterns (LBP), histograms are extracted and concatenated into a single feature vector. This feature vector forms an efficient representation of the face and is used to measure similarities between images.
Knowledge Computing and its Applications, 2018
Face recognition is an emerging research area in recognition of the people. A novel feature extraction technique was introduced for robust face recognition. Enhanced Local binary pattern (EnLBP) divided the image into sub regions. For each sub region, the salient features are extracted by obtaining the mean value of each sub region. In LBP, each pixel was replaced by applying LBP into each sub region. In this paper, the mean value of sub region was replaced for the sub region. It reduced the dimension of the image and extracts the salient information on each sub region. The extracted features are compared with similarity measures to recognize the person. EnLBP reduces the operation time and computational complexity of the system. The experimental results were carried out in the standard benchmark database LFW-a. The proposed system achieved a higher recognition rate than other local descriptors.
This paper proposes a linear discriminant analysis (LDA) approach for LBP based face recognition. The method estimates the LBP weights directly from the discriminant axis based on the chi square distances between the tiles of a pair of images. It is also able to handle with some characteristics of the face database, such as non-symmetric illumination, since it does not have a symmetry constraint. The proposed method is evaluated by experiments on the FERET face database, and the results are compared with reports of other related works. In these experiments the solution provided by the proposed method brought about the best recognition performance.
Neural Computing and Applications
Face recognition applications focus on local features to prevent detailed information from being omitted while the feature extraction processes. This paper is based on presenting a local pattern-based model to extract more discriminative features that lead to more accurate classification. In local pattern-based feature extraction, the LBP is one of the most important approaches that many variants of this method have been proposed till now. LBP calculation is based on differences between the central pixel and the desired one. In contrast, the information hidden in the selected pixel's neighborhood pixels is not included in this process. This paper proposes the DR_LBP approach to address this failure by defining distances and using some of them in a ratio form. Successful results have been earned in many experimental results. In LBP, the calculations' primary flow takes advantage of two pixels in the LBP box, the central and the desired pixel. Contrary to the original LBP, this paper's proposed approach uses three pixels of LBP box to conduct the feature vector, which leads to employing the information hidden in the relationship between neighboring pixels. This approach applies the experiments on two standard datasets, ORL Yale face and Faces94 dataset. The accuracy percent of the proposed plan is 95.95, 94.09 and 98.01 on ORL, Yale face and Faces94 dataset, respectively, which is the reason to present this model as a new face feature extraction approach.
Face recognition involves matching face images with different environmental conditions. Matching face images with different environmental conditions is not a easy task. Also matching face images considering variations such as changing illumination, pose, facial expression and that with uncontrolled conditions becomes more difficult. This paper focuses on accurately recognizing face images considering all the above variations. The proposed system is based on collecting features from face images using Multiscale Local Binary pattern (MLBP) with eight orientations out of 59 crucial ones and then finding similarity using a kernel linear discriminant analysis. Literature suggested that MLBP can give up to 256 orientations for a single radius considered around a pixel and its neighborhood. The paper uses only 8 orientations for a single radius and four such radii (1, 3, 5 and 7) are considered around a single pixel with (8x4) 32 histogram features thus reducing the computational complexit...
A human face conveys a lot of information about the identity and emotional state of the person. So now a day's face recognition has become an interesting and challenging problem. Face recognition plays a vital role in many applications such as authenticating a person, system security, verification and identification for law enforcement and personal identification among others. So our research work mainly consists of three parts, namely face representation, feature extraction and classification. The first part, Face representation represents how to model a face and check which algorithms can be used for detection and recognition purpose. In the second phase i.e. feature extraction phase we compute the unique features of the face image. In the classification phase the computed DLBP face image is compared with the images from the database. In our research work, we use Double Coding Local Binary Patterns to evaluate face recognition which concentrate over both the shape and texture information to represent face images for person independent face recognition. The face area is firstly cut into small regions from which Local Binary Patterns (LBP), then we compute histograms to generate LBP image then we compute single oriented mean image from which we again compute histogram values small regions and at last concatenated into a single feature vectors and generate D-LBP image. This feature are used for the representation of the face and to measure similarities between images.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2014 Face Recognition has been an area of vast interest to researchers for the past few decades because of its varied scope of application which ranges from entertainment to security & surveillance. Ease of acquiring data is another reason for face recognition being preferred over any other human feature. Though a lot of research has been carried out in this field, it still offers a great scope of improvement to overcome challenges with respect to pose and/or expression variations, occlusions, image acquisition problems like illumination, blurring etc. In this paper, we have discussed two methods for Face Recognition, namely: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) which has been in use for quite some time and Local Binary Patterns (LBP) which is relative new. The algorithms for both these methods have been explained in detail. The main feature of each method and its effectiveness has also been discussed in brief.
Facial analysis has been an important research field due its wide range of applications like: law enforcement, surveillance, entertainment like video games and virtual reality, information security, banking, human computer interface, etc. The original interest in facial analysis relied on face recognition, but later on the interest in the field was extended and research efforts where focused in the appearance of model-based image, video coding, face tracking, pose estimation, facial expression, emotion analysis and video indexing. Face detection and recognition are still a very difficult challenge and there is no unique method that provides an efficient solution to all situations face processing may encounter. In this paper a novel approach is presented to face recognition which considers both shape and texture information to represent the face. The face area is first divided into small regions from which Local Binary Pattern (LBP) histograms are extracted and concatenated into a single, spatially enhanced feature histogram efficiently representing the face image. Extensive experimental research proves the superiority of the proposed method in respect of its simplicity and efficiency in very fast feature extraction.
Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 2018
Near East Historical Reviev, 2023
Open Rivers: Rethinking Water, Place & Community, 2019
British Journal of Neurosurgery, 2019
Volume 6: 14th International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control, 2018
Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medical Research
Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation
Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 1977