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A compendium of basic data on common hydrocarbon and other fuels.
The influence of several solvents (anhydrous ethanol, white spirit, alkylbenzene AB9, diesel) on the physicochemical parameters of gasoline was studied according to ASTM international standard methods. The parameters investigated (distillation curves, density, Reid vapor pressure) showed differentiated behavior, depending on the class of the solvent (oxygenated, light and heavy aliphatic, aromatic) and the quantity added to the gasoline. The azeotropic mixtures formed by ethanol and hydrocarbons showed a strong influence on the behavior of the distillation curves and the location of the point of a sudden change in temperature was shown to be a possible way to detect adulterations and determine the quantity of solvent added to the gasoline.
The Fuel Characteristic Classification System (FCCS) is in the public domain and the recipient may not assert any proprietary rights thereto or represent them to anyone as other than government-produced programs. The FCCS software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The user assumes all responsibility for the accuracy and suitability of these programs for a specific application. The use of trade or firm names in this publication is for reader information and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture of any product or service. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the U.S. government or any agency thereof. Cover photographs: Fuelbeds are structurally complex and vary widely in their physical attributes and potential fire behavior. These grassland, shrubland, and forest examples illustrate a diversity of vegetation and fuels: (1) grassland in southeastern Oregon, (2) sagebrush shrubland in southeastern Oregon, (3) young lodgepole pine forest in Wyoming, (4) birch and aspen forest in Alaska, (5) longleaf pine forest plantation in Florida, and (6) shortleaf and loblolly pine forest in Texas, 1 month after a hurricane. All photos by Robert Vihnanek, Fire and Environmental Research Applications Team, Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Abstract Prichard, Susan J.; Sandberg, David V.; Ottmar, Roger D.; Eberhardt, Ellen;
This study reports exhaust emission evaluation for internal combustion engines laboratory of four-stroke, single-cylinder, water cooled system, in constant speed (1000-3000 rpm), SI engine. Exhaust gas emissions, carbon monoxide CO, unburned hydrocarbon HC and carbon dioxide CO2 emissions levels were estimated at many speed operation of the engine. The engine was operated with different types of fuel. It was observed that when the engine is fuelled by alcohol fuel, the volumetric ratio of the exhaust pollutants is minimum compared to the rest of the varieties of fuel and even when the catalyst converter is used.
Energies, 2019
The Future Fuels project combines research in several institutes of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) on the production and use of synthetic fuels for space, energy, transportation, and aviation. This article gives an overview of the research questions considered and results achieved so far and also provides insight into the multidimensional and interdisciplinary project approach. Various methods and models were used which are embedded in the research context and based on established approaches. The prospects for large-scale fuel production using renewable electricity and solar radiation played a key role in the project. Empirical and model-based investigations of the technological and cost-related aspects were supplemented by modelling of the integration into a future electricity system. The composition, properties, and the related performance and emissions of synthetic fuels play an important role both for potential oxygenated drop-in fuels in road transport and for the design and certification of alternative aviation fuels. In addition, possible green synthetic fuels as an alternative to highly toxic hydrazine were investigated with different tools and experiments using combustion chambers. The results provide new answers to many research questions. The experiences with the interdisciplinary approach of Future Fuels are relevant for the further development of research topics and co-operations in this field.
The thermochemical database of species involved in combustion processes is and has been available for free use for over 25 years. It was first published in print in 1984, approximately 8 years after it was first assembled, and contained 215 species at the time. This is the 7 th printed edition and most likely will be the last one in print in the present format, which involves substantial manual labor. The database currently contains more than 1300 species, specifically organic molecules and radicals, but also inorganic species connected to combustion and air pollution. Since 1991 this database is freely available on the internet, at the Technion-IIT ftp server, and it is continuously expanded and corrected. The database is mirrored daily at an official mirror site, and at random at about a dozen unofficial mirror and "finger" sites.
At the present time, virtually all of the world's transportation needs are supplied by fuels derived from petroleum, also known as crude oil. Gasoline, diesel, jet fuels are examples of transportation fuels that are produced from petroleum. The combustion of petroleum in motor vehicles results in emission of gases associated with global warming, acid rain and urban air pollution. Using hydrogen as fuel can fundamentally change our relationship with the natural environment. Hydrogen boasts many important advantages over other fuels. So, it is the fuel of choice in this paper for energy.
ABSTRACT Studies on conventional and innovative (e.g., oxyfuel) combustion are pervasively supported by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) or, in general, comprehensive schemes. Submodels included in these codes should assure accuracy and simplicity to give the best model performance with a reasonable computational effort. Properties and parameters of solid fuels (coals, biomasses, residues, wastes, biofuels) vary in wide ranges due to their different origin and depends on the operating conditions. A detailed characterization and testing of new fuels should be programmed in lab, pilot and large scale facilities to estimate reliable parameters (e.g., size particle distribution, reaction kinetics, nitrogen and mineral partitioning). Existing and in-progress databases for solid fuels contain precious and innumerable data on fuel characterization (standard and advanced analysis) and/or tests (devolatilization, char oxidation, gasification) and should be used to engender practical indexes, validate empirical correlations and predictive models (e.g., neural networks). These calculation tools should be included in the databases or link different databases to predict the properties and parameters of new fuels, surrogate fuels or fuel blends. Available databases and some significant correlations are compared in this paper, with the aim of defining needs, procedures and conditions and providing fuel specific or predicted parameters for detailed CFD submodels.
Akhir-akhir ini banyak orang membicarakan masalah krisis kepemimpinan. Konon sangat sullt mencari kader-kader pemimpin pada berbagai tingkatan. Orang pada zaman sekarang cenderung mementingkan diri sendiri dan tidak atau kurang perduli pada kepentingan orang lain, kepentingan lingkungannya.
Diálogos sobre o Ensino e a Educação, 2024
Copyright© 2024 dos autores. Direitos de Edição Reservados à Editora Bagai. O conteúdo de cada capítulo é de inteira e exclusiva responsabilidade do(s) seu(s) respectivo(s) autor(es). As normas ortográficas, questões gramaticais, sistema de citações e referencial bibliográfico são prerrogativas de cada autor(es).
Progresivisme merupakan aliran filsafat pendidikan modern yang menghendaki adanya perubahan pelaksanaan pendidikan menjadi lebih maju. Aliran progresivisme ini mengutamakan penyelenggaraan pendidikan di sekolah berpusat pada anak dan menjadikan pendidik hanya sebatas sebagai fasilitaor, pembimbing, dan pengarah bagi peserta didik. Adapun tujuan dari aliran progresivisme dalam pendidikan ialah ingin merubah praktik pendidikan yang selama ini terkesan otiriter menjadi demokratis dan lebih menghargai potensi dan kemampuan anak ,serta mendorong untuk dilaksanakannya pembelajaran yang lebih banyak melibatkan peserta didik.Dengan menerapkan aliran progresivisme dalam pendidikan, harapannya dapat membahwa perubahan dan kemajuan pendidikan di Indonesia menjadi lebih berkualitas, sehingga mampu mewujudkan tujuan pendidikan nasional Indonesia. Dalam proses pertumbuhannya, filsafat sebagai hasil pemikiran para ahli filsafat atau para filosof sepanjang kurun waktu dengan objek permasalahan di dunia, telah melahirkan berbagai macam pandangan. Pandangan-pandangan para filosof itu, ada kalanya satu dengan yang lainya hanya bersifat saling kuat menguatkan, tetapi tidak jarang juga berbeda atau berlawanan.
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