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2022, TNA Blog
10 pages
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The Journal of Religion , 2023
central argument and persuasive readings of the sources. Gribetz speaks to some of the formative controversies in reading the rabbis, and therefore the book will be of interest to scholars in rabbinics. Because of its scope and clarity, however, scholars in late antiquity, early Christianity, gender studies, and Jewish studies more broadly will find this an invaluable text.
Dar al-NIcosia, 2024
My translation of the short publication entitled 'Spiritual Unveiling and Inspiration between the People of the Sunna and the Ṣūfīs' by Sharif Taha on the notion of kashf (unveiling) in Sufism that explores its validity and conditions. My introduction of the translation contains a discussion of what I call ordinary ways of knowing (OWK) and extraordinary ways of knowing (EWK) and offer reasons why kashf epistemology may be justified by Sufis.
Italian Political Science Review , 2024
After 78 years of democracy, Italy continues to grapple with its recent past in the political, social, and cultural spheres. Its experience of fascism under Mussolini, its dual participation in the Second World War, and the continuous and still existent connections between the ideological factions of the 1930s-1940s and now render the country a rich case for the study of public history and memory. The specificity of these characteristics has often made Italian history and memory look like an outlier, shaped by circumstances difficult to compare with those of other countries'. This paper argues that contemporary Italian memory politics are in reality a valuable source of information about the kind of mnemonic discourses that may arise in other (Western) European countries, given the increasingly polarised and populist European landscape. Our study of discourses put forwarded by the post-fascist party Fratelli d'Italia reveals a set of mnemonic tools with which they successfully banalise fascism and chip at Italian public discourse slowly but surely. The comparison between this discourse and that of VOX and AfD in Spain and Germany, respectively, shows that these tools, ranging from nativism to policy (de)legitimation linked to fascist imagery, has started to transfer to other countries' political strategies.
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, 2022
The biblical canon is a hermeneutically significant context in which readers encounter individual biblical texts. The "canonical context" is formed by the material form of the collection of biblical books but also functions as a mental construct for readers. The distinction between "mere contextuality" and "meant contextuality" can clarify the role of biblical authors, believing communities, and later readers when studying the concept and context of the biblical canon. Exploring the metaphors that are often used to illustrate the way this canonical context functions can also demonstrate the significance of this area of study. The ways we choose to conceptualize the canonical context will inform the way we understand its function in the task of exegesis and biblical theology. This type of analysis suggests further that the ordering and grouping of canonical sub-collections should be understood as complementary concepts.
Languages, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Śląskie Wiadomości Elektryczne , 2023
Felieton poświęcony jest problematyce wykorzystania symulacji komputerowych także w naukach społecznych. Narzędzie informatyczne, jakim jest symulacja, jest często stosowane w naukach ścisłych, przyrodniczych i technicznych. Natomiast nowością są zastosowania metod symulacji komputerowej w naukach społecznych. Felieton przedstawia przykładowe wyniki prac, które właśnie dotyczą wykorzystania symulacji komputerowych w tym nowym dla tego zastosowania obszarze.
Introducción al estudio de la Política Exterior Comparada, 2024
¿Cuál ha sido el desarrollo de Alemania como actor global desde la segunda posguerra? ¿Cuál ha sido su política exterior y qué la ha determinado? Este capítulo presenta un tema poco tratado en la literatura en español de Relaciones Internacionales: un análisis sistemático y sistémico de la política exterior de la República Federal Alemana, con énfasis en el siglo XXI.
Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc - Maintenance and Reliability
EnErgy consumption and EnErgy EfficiEncy improvEmEnt of ovErhEad cranE's mEchanisms EnErgochłonność i poprawa EfEktywności EnErgEtycznEj mEchanizmów suwnicy pomostowEj The article presents the numerical investigation of the overhead crane's energy consumption. The analysis is based on the hybrid model of the crane consisting of numerical model of drive mechanisms as bridge, trolley, hoist and also experimentally measured power consumption of each control unit. The numerical model was verified experimentally on the real crane. The investigation focuses on analyzing the energy consumption of the overhead crane in relation both to the travelled distance and also for the lifting and lowering heights of a suspended payload. Particular attention was paid on the cases straightly related to the hoist, as a main factor of improvements in the energetic efficiency of the overhead crane. Energy consumption was investigated for a variety of magnitudes of transported mass.
Logo, o conhecimento advém das relações do homem com o meio, partindo dos pressupostos de interação dos indivíduos com os objetos. Os humanos se diferenciam do animal que não possui inteligência simbólica exatamente por essa capacidade que têm de pensar e, ao fazê-lo, problematizar o seu entorno físico e cultural. Entorno físico identifica-se com a natureza natural, aquilo que é instintivo. Já o entorno cultural refere-se a tudo que o humano produz ao ser, estar e agir no mundo. Enquanto o humano interfere naquela realidade natural e a modifica, os outros animais apenas são predominantemente adaptativos ao ambiente em que se encontram. Logo, pensar, sentir, problematizar e agir são ações importantíssimas no processo de produzir informações, conhecimentos e saberes. Conhecer é elaborar um modelo de realidade; nesse sentido, três elementos são necessários para que haja conhecimento: *o sujeito cognoscente (que conhece) *o objeto (conhecido) * a imagem (interpretação do objeto pelo sujeito) Por meio da relação sujeito-objeto, da qual resultam informações, conhecimentos e saberes, o humano cognoscente busca compreender, representar e explicar os objetos com os quais convive em sua vida prática e até aqueles que ele imagina possam existir como ideia formal apenas. A isso chama-se conhecimento: esse produto da inteligência simbólica humana por meio da qual o múltiplo ganha uma unicidade, a diversidade recebe certa harmonia e o vazio e preenchido por um sentido. Para se produzir conhecimento, devemos objetivar a produção de hipóteses, modelos, e teorias, o que pode ser alcançado através da coletas de dados e informações sobre um determinado assunto, podendo se dar em relação a vários níveis e dimensões, podendo ser adquiridos por meios de diversas fontes, como por exemplo as sensações, ou as observações e até mesmo através de nossa imaginação. Como a realidade é tão complexa e diversas são as formas de apropriar-se dela, o homem teve de aceitar diferentes tipos de conhecimento e assim conferir a grande vantagem de se tornar mais apto para a ação consciente.
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Remembering Popular Music’s Past Memory-Heritage-History (Anthem Press), 2019
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International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2024
International Journal of Public Health, 2020
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2019), 2019