Showing posts with label ghost hunt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ghost hunt. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 2, 2019



The boundaries, which divide Life from Death 
are at best shadowy and vague. 
Who shall say where the one ends, 
and where the other begins?

 ~ Edgar Allen Poe ~

I've been asked many times if I think children and younger teens should participate in a seance.

My answer is, no. 

Some have argued that I am wrong. 

What I can offer is my 50+ years of experiences with delivering messages from the so-called dead 
and having conducted many spirit communication - seances and other kinds.

Why do I say no? 
It isn't because the younger ones don't or can't communicate with the spirits of the dead, but because 
they are so very sensitive to all surrounding them and are strongly impressionable, emotional, 
innocent and naive to the impact of spirits - good, safe, bad and ugly. 

This is not saying some adults aren't also, but young people have such an open energy and negative, 
low-grade spirits are easily attracted to the innocents as they are also to the elderly who are ill 
and frail.

Not so well-meaning spirits and entities also grab onto the gullible, and the overly emotional 
persons who can’t or don't know how to protect their energy. 

I do believe younger people's psychic impressions and experiences shouldn't be ignored or 

When I gave Kids'  ESP classes the students were very open and trusting and eager to share 
theirexperiences. Listening, agreeing and guiding the kids to practical understanding was a lovely, 
interesting and fun time.

I've years of experience and education with psychic phenomena and know first hand how 
wonderful spirit communication can be and at the same time, know how dangerous certain  
situations can be. 

When on a ghost investigation or ghostly hunt people often bring"very aware" children. 

Here I say "maybe, depends on the kid and location." If it's an easy ghost walk or a daytime 
ghost event, that's okay. 

On a rainy London night with my ten year old son I went on a ghost hunt. It began in a 
graveyard then moved around the city with one stop in a pub's dang dark, basement with 
a few old small jail cells. 

 My son was super tired from our long flight to England and not all that impressed, but 
I was with the thrill of feeling ghostly energies.

Before we went I created a safety circle energy around both of us so neither would be 
bothered or bring home an attachment (discussed in my book.)  I've never been on a ghost hunt 
where an attachment jumped onto my energy. Although, I have had two attachments. 

But still kids can be so impressionable that afterwards can have nightmares and attract unwanted 
spirits and ghosts taking them home. So, think before going on a ghost tour or hunt with your kids.

Below is one of many the questions from the curious living answered in in my book How To 
Talk With Spirits: Mediums, Seances, Ghost Hunts available at all major bookselling sites.

Q: My teen daughter is very interested in communicating with spirits. Is it wise to let her go to 
a séance with me? 

A: I wouldn’t encourage people under eighteen to take part in a séance. 

They “spook” too easily, are highly emotional and quite imaginative. Not that the same can’t 
happen with adults. The most important reason is young people can attract pesky spirits––like 
poltergeists. Children can, and do see spirits and ghosts more easily than most adults. 

I have a grandson, eight years old at the time of publication showing signs for being a 
gifted psychic with a strong tendency toward spirit communication. I advised him, “If you’re 
to continue to communicate with the dead you mustn’t be frightened by them” as he is at times. 

We work together to understand the different energies and spirits and how to manage the 
types of communication he is age ready to experience. His has a rare situation with a 
grandmother who can guide.

Without knowing your daughter, I would recommend a private session with a reputable 
but not a séance at this time. Also, if she's interested in psychic development and perhaps has 
already shown ESP abilities there are schools and books to assist in developing ESP positively. 

Recommend Litany Burn’s Your Psychic Abilities, and for children,The Sixth Sense of Children. 
If not these book I’m sure your search for a learning source will take you to the one best suited
for you interest.

Watch my ghost investigations with The Haunted Bay on YouTube, Amazon Prime, or Asian 
American Movies.  

My YouTube channel is June Ahern Author.

Review my books at my website june 

"How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums Ghost Hunts - The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading  and Novels  

@ghosthunts @paranormal @ghostinvestigation @spiritcommunication @ghoststories #ghosthunts #paranormalinvestigations #ghoststories @NDE #NDE

Saturday, March 3, 2018


As we speak today 3rd of March '18, 

two of my four eBooks books

gifts to you on  - 

June Ahern

Reading both you'll learn more about me too (or at june ahern and  s f coaching.) The novel takes place in a time and place in history where all I can say is, I was a product of my environment during the Summer of Love. Use your imagination. The non-fiction has much of my history as a psychic medium (seeYouTube videos of paranormal investigations The Haunted Bay.)

Please, go quickly, download and after reading will you leave your comment?  It can be a short one-liner and helps other readers find my books and points me in the direction of what to write next. Thanks!

The Non-Fiction: paranormal and spiritual ends 5, March, '18:

Read about are my most memorable visits from spirits, ghost encounters, work with the police and vampire entities I've faced and my NDE (near death experience).

How to Talk With Spirits: Séances • Mediums • Ghost Hunts”

It's an informative and practical guide to unusual and often sensitive subjects. Questions from the curious living about communicating with the dead, including pets, are answered. Readers are provided information, gleaned from the author’s many experiences as a psychic medium, to help them decide whether to communicate with spirits or not. Take June’s ESP Quiz. 

Novel: "City of Redemption" on  ends 7, March.

Flower power ignites into fire power when Liz MacKay, a lonely young woman, entangles herself in a treacherous plot and murder during the Summer of Love. City of Redemption tells of the dark underbelly of the '60's. It is a vividly recounted suspenseful story where lies, betrayal, sex, drugs and murder lead to a woman's imprisonment. 

It began as a screenplay written for a Scottish actress who requested it, takes you on a real view trip of a most important political and social changing time in history - the rebellious 1960s. 

Black Panthers; love lost, sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll and MURDER, betrayal and redemption.  


Sunday, March 26, 2017



The latest ghost investigation with The Haunted Bay at a popular museum in Calistoga, California revealed an angry woman spirit that wanted to be heard and vindicated. 1892 a group of men took over a product owned by business woman Emma Eels and other women.

I write about it in my book, How to Talk With Spirits. Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts and other hauntings at this museum that unsuspecting visitors have also witnessed.

Available eBook and April 29, 2017 paperback.

Createspace.com also and 
More about me and my other books

Saturday, October 30, 2010



Hark! Hark to the wind! 'Tis the night, they say,When all souls come back from the far away
The dead, forgotten this many a day!

– Virna Sheard, Poet –

Chapter 10 Excerpt - 

Halloween – dress up to the stars  - dress down to the bone, it’s all for amusement, right? 

This time of year was a sacred time for many such as the Celts to honor their elderly, ancestors, and the dead with special rituals and celebrations. Festivities and rituals of these  can be found in Celtic paganism history and later Catholic holy days were a combination of pagan beliefs with a day to honor the saints.

In the Celtic pagan tradition it was thought that the veils between the two worlds - the living and dead - thinned so spirits of the dead could walk the earth to visit their living relatives. Then they crossed back over to the “underworld”.

What if you could spend time with your loved ones who passed - even for a brief moment? 

During the spirits’ visit spooky things happened, as you can imagine. The living would dress-up in hopes that some spirits wouldn’t recognize and haunt them. But if they wanted the spirits to visit they would invite them with a similar ritual below. 

To connect with the spirits of your loved ones to say hello and/or ask a question sit quietly indoor or out in nature (under the night sky is lovely) and do this beautiful sacred ritual. Reconnect during the most psychic energic time of All Hallows Eve (10/31), All Saint's Day (11/1) to Dead of the Dead (11/2).

A nice short ritual is below. A most beautiful longer ritual can be found in my book, "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts
(read more at www dot june ahern dot com)

Begin with clearing a space near a window such as a  table top or another level place to place a white candle. Near it put one or a few more photo(s) of your loved one(s) that you are wishing to visit. Also, include a treat such as a glass of wine, cup of tea or coffee, with a wee sweet for your spirit visitor.

Quiet yourself for a few minutes or longer, and then image you are sitting in a circle of warm light and say, ‘Only good can enter herein.’

Sit quietly. Open your heart, mind and inner ears. Do not judge any words or images that come to you. You have time afterward to review what happens.

Stay as long as you like, thinking of your loved ones, talking to her or him. To the best of your ability, endeavor to be calm, upbeat and peaceful. Spirits often can’t get through to their loved ones because the grief is so strong. 

Focus. Keep your words calm, loving and pleasing. The shorter the message the better. You are telepathically talking and too many words can certainly be confusing for the spirit to hear what you're saying. My many years of communicating with spirits has taught me, they are quite to the point It takes much energy for them to communicate especially to those with jumbled thoughts.

In return: If you hear, think or sense a message was given, take note it for later examination.

If nothing is forthcoming later that night or a few after you might dream about the spirits. It's easier for for them to communicate through dreams 

If you think or feel nothing has happened don't despair. A dream that night or within a few days very well can reveal your loved one is contacting you.

You might get a message meant for another (relative or friend); if you do, share it.

Spirit communication is often stronger when conducted with others so perhaps another might want to do this ritual with you.

After your ritual remember to snuff the candle.

Wishing you a merry frolicking good time and a cauldron full of blessings.

How to Talk With Spirits -  to receive a personally autographed with a personal message from a spirit order by November 30th of any year through Or, if you wish ebooks available on Amazon or  Also Amazon has paperbacks. 

Invite me to talk to your group about this book or another one of mine. 

Learn more about my ghosts haunts videos, novels, The Skye in June, City of Redemption and consumer's guide, The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading.  


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