University of Pennsylvania Rankings
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- At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate
- At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate
- At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate
- At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate
- At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate
- At schools whose highest degree is a doctorate
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University of Pennsylvania Rankings
University of Pennsylvania is ranked #10 out of 436 National Universities. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence. Read more about how we rank schools.
U.S. News Overall Score
Score (out of 100)
Outcomes (52%)
Average 6-year graduation rate (16%)
6-year graduation rate of students who received a Pell Grant (5.5%)
6-year graduation rate of students who did not receive a Pell Grant (5.5%)
Expert Opinion (20%)
Faculty Resources (11%)
Student-Faculty Ratio (3%)
Financial Resources (8%)
Student Excellence (5%)
Faculty Research (4%)
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