• Publisher: EA Games
  • Release Date: Sep 18, 2007
  • Also On: PC
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  • Summary: Explore a whole new world with MySims - it's your world to transform. Move to a town that has been struggling lately. With a little creativity and some help from the locals, you can make this place thrive. Improve the town to attract new characters, from the Italian Chef and Florist to theExplore a whole new world with MySims - it's your world to transform. Move to a town that has been struggling lately. With a little creativity and some help from the locals, you can make this place thrive. Improve the town to attract new characters, from the Italian Chef and Florist to the Kickboxing Instructor and DJ. Discover what the residents want and need, so that you can help them enjoy life in their town. Design a hot tub or a jukebox from scratch, build homes and businesses from the roof to the front door. Uncover special decorations and patterns as you explore the growing town. From the furniture and objects to the buildings to the town as a whole – each of your creations is unique. In MySims, what you make... makes all the difference. Your town is your own unique creation, from the flower shop to building a mad scientist's laboratory, and beyond. It's your call who lives there and who moves out. Who will you befriend? Who will you ignore? Socialize with the locals and uncover all sorts of useful or surprising treasures hidden throughout the town. It's a cinch to personalize your Sims appearance from head to toe with the Wii & Nintendo DS controls. Unlock cool new clothing and accessories as you befriend the neighbors. Decorate with your very own furniture and accessories, then customize your creations with things you can grow, harvest, or discover around town. [Electronic Arts] Expand
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Official Nintendo Magazine UK
    The perfect handheld confection, offering light, accessible gaming that is easy to dip in and out of without making huge demands on you. [Oct 2007, p.92]
  2. Games Master UK
    A gorgeous adventure. Well worth a punt now that "Animal Crossing's" had its day. [Nov 2007, p.69]
  3. MySims on Nintendo DS focuses on odd jobs and building relationships with the various townspeople. The game isn’t the most complex game out there and the lack of actual things to do ends up hurting its replay value. The kiddies will like it, as will hardcore fans of the Animal Crossing games.
  4. It may lack the necessary depth to keep adult gamers contented but MySims will appeal to the younger generation of DS owners.
  5. It isn't broken and it isn't soulless, but it is pretty shallow. It's cute and passably entertaining, but there's nothing here that compels you to return to the game, and it's quite clearly aimed towards the younger end of the market. MySims DS is EA's family-friendly take on an existing idea; the Wii version is the one that innovates.
  6. If you are a huge Sims fan, this simple 'town in your pocket' might hold some worth for you, but if you are looking for something with a little more depth then it is probably best to opt for the more ambitious Wii version.
  7. 50
    I am disappointed with the latest trend, where what looks to be a great game on another platform is an ultimate disappointment on the DS.

See all 15 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. 3llyHart
    Dec 27, 2007
    I think this game is the absoloute best it is very cute but yes quite like animal crossing (which I own) and incase you havent noticed I am aI think this game is the absoloute best it is very cute but yes quite like animal crossing (which I own) and incase you havent noticed I am a fan of the reli babyish games but thats just me , I love all the things i can complete and challange my baby cousin (8 years old) on LOL anyway i was thrilled with this game but still disapointed I couldnt get the hang of raquete ball LOL wnt to discuss it with me ??([email protected]) I also wn all the nintendogs :P they are reli cte 2..... thats it reli ...... ova n out LOL ;P Expand
  2. J.M.
    Oct 17, 2007
    I think this game is fab, the characters are cute and the scenery fab.
  3. AmyK.
    Oct 13, 2007
    Its a bit of a copy of animal crossing, but if you liked that then you'll love this.Its definately for the younger nintendo owners.The Its a bit of a copy of animal crossing, but if you liked that then you'll love this.Its definately for the younger nintendo owners.The things they put in it are cute,but i think you have to know what to do or your just walking aroun doing nothing.You dont really get addicted to it. Expand
  4. ChristianPerry
    Feb 2, 2008
    One of the best simulation games I've ever played. This game is like Animal Crossing with the Sims in there it's good for kids andOne of the best simulation games I've ever played. This game is like Animal Crossing with the Sims in there it's good for kids and adults as well. There is so much to do in this game but there's is no online play so might as well play the minigames.

    This game is better than Animal Crossing and such and less boring and a lot more to do in places. So I would recommed this game.
  5. KieraH.
    Dec 1, 2007
    Similar to Animal Crossing, it still is an addicting game with new opportunities and friends!
  6. May 9, 2015
    MySims DS is like Animal Crossing (not thats bad, it actually really fun) but removes features like building furniture but ortherwjse it notMySims DS is like Animal Crossing (not thats bad, it actually really fun) but removes features like building furniture but ortherwjse it not bad, just lacks features that Wii/PC had. Expand
  7. RoseC.
    Dec 19, 2007
    I was really excited to get this game, even if it was $30! It was fun for a few days, but then i realized that it is just like the other sims I was really excited to get this game, even if it was $30! It was fun for a few days, but then i realized that it is just like the other sims games. I want a sims game on my ds like the have for the computer. Where you get to make a family and a house and get to run their lives without having to do certain thinkgs. I hope that one will come out soon. I was very disipointed with this game. Expand

Awards & Rankings

#44 Most Discussed DS Game of 2007
#34 Most Shared DS Game of 2007