The College as a whole has an overall satisfaction score of 92%, with some of our subjects reaching top 5 in the UK status.
Zoology (98%), Physics (97%) and Computer Science (94%) are ranked in the top 5 in the UK for overall satisfaction, with Physics top in the UK for satisfaction with teaching and organisation and management. Zoology is top in the UK for student voice, meaning that our students feel that their voice is important and recognised.
Biology is ranked in the top 10 in the UK, with an overall satisfaction score of 97%.
Maths and Physical Geography have also scored highly with overall satisfaction scores of 91% and 93%.
Head of College, Matt Jones says ‘We are very pleased with these results. They are a testament to the hard work of the staff within the College and we are proud of working with our student partners to create a supportive environment for us all to thrive in. There is more still to come. With the opening of the Computational Foundry in 2018 and the return of Chemistry to our portfolio, we hope that we can extend this outstanding student experience to more students from across the globe.’
The College is investing millions of pounds in new facilities, buildings, staff and equipment to further enrich the student experience. We regard students as key partners and rely on them to help shape our future.
The College would like to thank its students and staff for working so hard together to create a community of excellence.
If you’re interested in studying at the College in 2017, call 0800 094 9071 to discuss your options.
- Monday 14 August 2017 14.03 GMT
- Tuesday 15 August 2017 08.19 GMT
- College of Science