Nomination opens for the 2016 Front Line Defenders Award
Nominations for the Twelfth Annual Front Line Defenders Award for Human Rights Defenders at Risk (2016) are now being accepted until Friday 19 February 2016.
The award
The The Front Line Defenders Award for Human Rights Defenders at Risk was established in 2005 to honour the work of a human rights defender who, through non-violent work, is courageously making an outstanding contribution to the promotion and protection of the human rights of others, often at great personal risk to themselves.
The Award seeks to focus international attention on the human rights defender's work, thus contributing to the recipient’s personal security, and a cash prize of €15,000 is awarded to the Award recipient and his/her organisation in an effort to support the continuation of this important work.
If you would like to nominate a human rights defender for the Twelfth Annual Front Line Defenders Award for Human Rights Defenders at Risk (2016):
Access a secure online nomination form
We will continue to accept nominations until midnight (12am GMT) on Friday, 19th February 2016.
Please note:
- Incomplete nominations will not be considered. Please complete the nomination form in full and provide all of the information requested.
- Nominations can be submitted by organisations or individuals.
- Nominations can be made in English, Spanish, French, Russian, Arabic and Farsi. We will also accept Chinese and Portuguese submissions via the English and Spanish nomination forms respectively.
- Individual nominees may not play a prominent role in a political party and must be currently active in human rights work (the Front Line Defenders Award for Human Rights Defenders at Risk is not intended to recognise a historical or posthumous contribution).
- Nominees should be active human rights defenders, and must not be living in exile.
- Self-nomination is not permitted.
- All nominations must be accompanied by 2 referees.
- Late nominations cannot be accepted.
Please feel free to share this call for nominations with your colleagues and network.