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Suikoden Tierkreis Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critics What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 28 Ratings

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  • Summary: Encompassing a variety of different characters while exploring many exotic locations and cultures across the game's universe of parallel worlds, Suikoden: Tierkreis expands the bounds of the handheld RPG. Featuring the franchise's established gameplay while maximizing the technologicalEncompassing a variety of different characters while exploring many exotic locations and cultures across the game's universe of parallel worlds, Suikoden: Tierkreis expands the bounds of the handheld RPG. Featuring the franchise's established gameplay while maximizing the technological capabilities of the DS to provide all-new online elements, this epic RPG consists of many cinematic experiences that drive the grand storyline of the 108 Stars of Destiny as they battle to thwart the powerful One King. Using the Nintendo Wi-Fi connection, Suikoden: Tierkreis offers a rich online community experience that allows players to send their characters on quests that other members of the community will complete for them, eventually returning the player to their party with new abilities and treasures. With its grand adventure and larger than life scale, this story is told through rich animation sequences and a gripping dialogue, allowing gamers to fully immerse themselves and experience the world of Suikoden. For the first time ever, players begin with the last three members of the Stars of Destiny and are tasked with resurrecting the other 104 in order to restore order in the universe and defeat the almighty One King. [Konami] Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. Suikoden Tierkreis isn’t perfect, but its strengths more than make up for its few weaknesses.
  2. 87
    A compelling narrative, wonderful soundtrack, and likable characters all overcome the many flaws that the game bears and makes it an incredibly memorable entry in the Suikoden saga.
  3. A fantastic re-introduction to the charms of Suikoden, marred by crap voice acting. Thankfully, all the dialogue is skippable. Gorgeous, high-skied adventures await!
  4. Roleplaying-Fans with a lot of time at their hands, should give Suikoden: Tierkreis and its huge size definitely a try!
  5. Although Suikoden Tierkreis may not have been the most deep or immersive RPG to hit the DS in recent months, I have to say that I was impressed with the effort.
  6. Colorful RPG comes with a solid atmosphere and likable heroes, but its problem lies in the combat system. As a main part of the game, combat is boring and non-innovative. [May 2009]
  7. It's certainly not a good Suikoden game, but it's definitely a capable JRPG in its own right. [June 2009, p.130]

See all 24 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. jh
    Jul 5, 2009
    Especially meaty for a DS game. RPGs this long are rare on the 360 and PS3, surprising to see something like this on the DS. Personally, IEspecially meaty for a DS game. RPGs this long are rare on the 360 and PS3, surprising to see something like this on the DS. Personally, I felt the storyline was on par with the rest of the franchise, I definitely preferred S:DS over Suikoden IV and Tactics.

    Ignore Teletext, they represent one of the largest conglomerate of morons in the world. They are very biased toward casual games like Final Fantasy, or casual games in general. Don't expect them to like games that have narrative too complex for their pea brains.
  2. Jun 8, 2011
    This game is my favorite.to me this game is the best jrpg game yet.i'd rather play as a girl but the main character is a boy which i had toThis game is my favorite.to me this game is the best jrpg game yet.i'd rather play as a girl but the main character is a boy which i had to stick with.obviously.when i started the game i thought it wasnt nice but when i continued to play it more i totally did not want to stop.i like the fact that you can have a castle and name it,you can have you're own company and name it.when i finished the game it was an awesome ending.and i learned something from this game that helped me in my daily life.you'll now it when you play it. Expand
  3. CammyC
    May 1, 2009
    The voice acting was hilariously bad.... At some point I just tried to click through the thing. It's like the voice of every character The voice acting was hilariously bad.... At some point I just tried to click through the thing. It's like the voice of every character except the one I was playing sounded decent... 0.0. I have never played another game from this series before. I do admit the battle system is ridiculously easy. You don't even have to really level up your characters. I've had to work harder in pokemon games to win battles than in this one for the most part. There are some times where I wish I had leveled my characters up because there was a bit of item abuse. It's a very quick paced game. That's what I like about it. I'm not wandering about aimlessly or having to look on the internet for a walkthrough... Besides the voice acting this is a decent game. There is a variety of characters. The story is interesting. I'm actually going to try to see if the voice acting was bad in other languages. If it isn't bad in German then the rating will go up. It's addictive. It's one of the better games I've played for the DS. Expand
  4. chucknega
    Mar 30, 2009
    I love this game and any fan of the Suikoden series would be crazy not to play this game. Very very addicting and provides hours and hours ofI love this game and any fan of the Suikoden series would be crazy not to play this game. Very very addicting and provides hours and hours of playing time! This is a very solid title for the DS, which has been been on fire since the start of the year with other games like Chinatown Wars and Final Fantasy. Expand
  5. JesúsM.
    May 13, 2009
    A great RPG, Is some way easier thn others in te market, but it is for a younger audience then them, te big number of characters You can use A great RPG, Is some way easier thn others in te market, but it is for a younger audience then them, te big number of characters You can use is some times excessive, but is fun to try bizarre combination between all, The graphics are just an add on, wich, by the way are quite good for a DS. One of the best RPGs for the console. Expand
  6. Mar 15, 2014
    This is the best DS jrpg i've ever played.
    I should admit that the main Scenario is not really great.
    However the video game soundtracks
    This is the best DS jrpg i've ever played.
    I should admit that the main Scenario is not really great.
    However the video game soundtracks and characters are brilliantly good.
    (The sound quality is awful because it's DS game. but i cannot complain about that.. right?)
    I was disappointed on Suikoden franchise because 3,5 were really bad(i have'not played 4).
    But this game gave me back interest on Suikoden franchise.
    So i give 9 out of 10 for this game.
    If i compare this game to pc and other console rpg games, the score will be 7 out of 10.

    I am really looking forward to the sequel! But please Konami.. PLEASE don't put too much Japanese culture/stuff.
    Unless you want to distribute the game in Japan only...
    Nowadays JRPG are weird.. I hope you don't follow that trend!

    Oops.. i am out of context.
    Anyway this game is awesome.
  7. WallidK
    Mar 31, 2009
    There have been a lot of good RPGs lately like Dragon Quest V and Avalon Code for the DS, but Suikoden Tierkreis is more in the "average There have been a lot of good RPGs lately like Dragon Quest V and Avalon Code for the DS, but Suikoden Tierkreis is more in the "average range". To tell you the truth, if these games never came out, I probably would ave scored Sukoden higher, bt compared to these awesome games things don't really stack up. Yes, the graphics and cutscenes are nice, but its been done already, and there are a lot of flaws that marr the experience. First of all, the voice acting is pretty bad - even for a DS game. Seriously, I could have done a better VO of the main character. Second, the battles are WAY too easy and require no expertise. Lastly, out of the 108 people you can get in the game, you'll probably really use no more than 20 or so. Despite this, however, the game can be very epic at times that I admit rivals these top games, but in the end, fails to impress, ESPECIALLY with the other Suikoden titles. Definitely rent this one first. Expand

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