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Julien Lavergne has released Lubuntu 11.04. It is now available :
* Torrent :
* Direct download :
* Md5:
== What is Lubuntu ? ==
Lubuntu is an Ubuntu derivate using the LXDE desktop. It's designed to be a lightweight and easy-to-use desktop environment. Lubuntu is actually not part of the Ubuntu family, and not build with the current Ubuntu infrastructure. This release is considered as a «stable beta », a result that could be a final and stable release if we was included in the Ubuntu family.
== Features ==
* Based on the lightweight LXDE desktop environment.
* Pcmanfm 0.9.8, a fast and lightweight files manager using gio/gvfs.
* Lxdm, a lightweight GTK display manager.
* Chromium, the open-source version of Google Chrome.
* ... and, of course, based on Ubuntu 11.04
See the complete list of applications on
== Improvements since Lubuntu 10.10 ==
- New automatic way to build the ISO (thanks Jonathan Marsden)
- Modifications to the applications by default :
* Switch from aqualung to audacious for the music player.
* Switch from xarchiver to file-roller for the archives.
* Switch from cheese to guvcview for using webcams.
- New added applications by default :
* Gucharmap
* Lxkeymap
* Various documentations
- Lubuntu is now HAL free (thanks Xubuntu dev)
- New theme made by Raphael Laguna
- Lxrandr (Monitor settings) is able to save the configuration. Check the .desktop in ~.config/autostart/lxrandr-autostart.desktop
- Lxappareance is able to configure the font (antialiasing) and openbox directly.
- You are now able to call directly obconf to configure the number of workspaces, on workspace applet.
- Installer (ubiquity) support installation of Lubuntu and autologin configuration at install time includes in Ubuntu official repository.
- Icons on the desktop are now movable.
- Fake transparency is available again.
- Lubuntu use now Ubuntu font by default.
- New Lubuntu text plymouth theme.
- Menus are now correctly translated.
- Menus have now an Administration and a Preference sub-menus.
- You can now change the layout on a Lubuntu session with lxkeymap (directly, or launched by lxinput).
- Updated installer, with new layout and screenshots.
- Fix a critical crash on qemu / kvm (thanks Fedora)
- Translations up-to-date with LXDE git.
- Up-to-date LXDE and pcmanfm.
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i waiting for lubuntu
Help! Lubuntu shows black (command) screen!
typing "sudo lxdm" you should
Sucessful upgrade from Maverick to Natty
Why was the final release
Lubuntu 11.04 - pyrun.exe says "no disk"
Some Advice
Couple of suggestions
Live CD does not boot
Great job
Problems in removing browser
Great distro! I've only a
Can't remove Penguin games...
install from
Too Much Included Stuff?
Too Much Included Stuff?
I agree, Lubuntu is supposed
Dumb Idea Number 27
I agree, we need linux
I agree, we need linux
Fail need 5.3 Gb min. :[
Fail need 5.3 Gb min. :[
Epic Fail Need 5.3 Gb Min :[
Yeah. It is sad that I need
I just want it to watch Flash porn
Why the hell would you
I like lubuntu very much. But
also would much appreciate a lubuntu for PPC (G4 Quicksilver)
PPC is possible
I think the 10.10 old version is faster than 11.04 version
Epic fail
Resolved by using sudo lxdm
Running into similar problems
min. system requirements
Start up
Its the only distro i like!
My lubuntu works perfectly on
1、lxinput设置不管用。 2、不止pcmanfm如何
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