Ivan Tors' amazing animal drama, Daktari, proved an instant family classic and followed up its successful mid-season run with a full sophomore season of 30 action-and-appeal-packed adventures. Known to the locals as "Daktari" (Swahili for Doctor), Dr. Marsh Tracy (Marshall Thompson) runs the Wameru Study Center for Animal Behavior, a game preserve dedicated to the study and preservation of the African velt's abundant - and sometimes deadly! - life.
Aiding Dr. Tracy in his mission are daughter Paula (Cheryl Miller), assistants Mike Makula (Hari Rhodes) and Jack Dane (Yale Summers), and prized pair of scene-stealers, Clarence the Cross-Eyed Lion and Judy the Chimp. Between poachers, bandits and deadly predators, the staff of Wameru has their hands full, so it's a good thing they get plenty of animal assistance!
Late last month we
reported that Warner Archive had begun accepting pre-orders for
Daktari - The Complete 2nd Season, which will begin shipping on
March 19th (a week from today). We didn't have pictures of the packaging for you at that time, but now the studio has kindly made that available, and you can see it below (just under a pre-order link). As you can tell, we were right: this will be packaged as two half-season sets, which will be bundled "back to back" in shrinkwrap and sold for now as a complete season. Later on, we suppose, the studio will probably make the half-seasons available separately, for those fans who can't afford both at once. But below you'll see the "
Part 1" package, followed by the "
Part 2" package (same image, just with the color scheme flipped). If you buy this title, you'll get both for $49.95 SRP:
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