What is Kubuntu?

Kubuntu is one the variants available from the Ubuntu project. Our Kubuntu CDs are made up of Ubuntu's base plus KDE. You can get exactly the same effect by installing Ubuntu Desktop and adding the KDE packages (and removing the Gnome packages) from the Ubuntu archives.

Is this a fork of Ubuntu?

No, it is an official part of Ubuntu. All our packages are in the same archives.

I already have Ubuntu installed, how can I get Kubuntu?

  1. Install kubuntu-desktop either with Synaptic or the command line apt-get install.

See InstallingKDE for a full explanation.

Are Kubuntu CDs available from shipit?

This is now available for PC and 64-bit PCs from https://shipit.kubuntu.org. For more information see the Ubuntu Shipit FAQ.

How do I play MP3s?

Installing libxine1-ffmpeg will play MP3 and some other restricted formats. Amarok should offer to do this for you.

See RestrictedFormats for more details.

What is the default root password?

There is no root password set as default. If KDE needs administrator privileges you should use your user password instead. You can also edit files as root from Konqueror with right click -> Actions -> Edit as Root. See Root Sudo wiki page.

How do I change Konqueror back to the default KDE profiles?

Kubuntu comes with a simplified Konqueror profile to make things more use friendly compared to default KDE.

To get back to the default KDE profiles:

sudo rm -r /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/apps/konqueror
[this one not needed in gutsy] sudo cp /usr/share/apps/konqueror/konqueror-orig.rc /usr/share/apps/konqueror/konqueror.rc

To enable Konqueror to open tar and zip files:

rm -r /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/mimelnk/application/

How can I see all the folders in the root directory?

The non-user folders in / are hidden by default in 6.10 (Edgy). To show them use View -> Show Hidden Files in Konqueror. To stop them being hidden go to /etc/kubuntu-default-settings/ in Konqueror and Right Click on hidden-root -> Edit As Root and empty the file.

This feature has been removed in Feisty.

Can I Sell Kubuntu CDs or Computers with Kubuntu on?

Yes, Kubuntu is Free software in the sense of freedom, so you can sell it on CDs or pre-installed on computers. You must however supply the source code at cost if your customers ask for it, you can get source ISOs from https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/dapper/release/source/ and https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/7.10/release/source/.

If your product name or advertising uses the word Kubuntu or the Kubuntu logo you must get a trademark licence from Canonical which is usually available at no cost.

What does Kubuntu mean?

It means "towards humanity" in Bemba.

Coincidently it also means free (as in beer) in Kirundi, spoken in Burundi.

Kubuntu is pronounced "koo-boon-too".

How can I get help?

Ask on the mailing list kubuntu-users, the IRC channel #kubuntu on Freenode or the Kubuntu Forums. For questions not related to KDE in Ubuntu (such as hardware problems) you are better asking on general Ubuntu lists or channels such as ubuntu-users or #ubuntu. Please see the support page for more help links.

I have found a problem

Please report any bugs you find, or wishes you have on Launchpad.

This is great, how can I help?

Please see the Helping Kubuntu wiki page.

Page last modified 16:56 Mon 07 January 2008