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Galaxy 3C
Satellite Name Galaxy 3C
Spacecraft Design Boeing 702
Orbital Location 95 degrees west longitude
Launch Date June 15, 2002
Mission Design Life 15 Years
Launch Vehicle Sea Launch
Polarization Horizontal, Vertical
Beacon Frequencies  
   Ku-band 12.199 GHz  Linear (H)
  11.704 GHz  Linear (V)
C-band Payload 24 x 36 MHz
Ku-band Payload 16 x 27 MHz, 8 x 54 MHz
C-band Frequencies  
   Uplink 5925-6425 MHz
   Downlink 3700-4200 MHz
Ku-band Frequencies  
   Uplink 14000-14500 MHz
   Downlink 11700-12200 MHz
Coverage North America

Galaxy 3C logo

 Forty-one million homes are expected to have high-definition television (HDTV) within five years according to the Yankee Group. We've commandeered the skies to be ready for them.  Our cutting-edge technology already delivers high definition signals for leading programmers including ESPN, HBO, Cinemax, HDNet, Starz HD, Wealth TV, Showtime, TNT, Encore HD, the WB Network, Fox Sports Net HD, HDNet Movies and The NFL Network High Definition.

Overall Coverage [PDF]*
C-band Coverage
Ku-band Coverage
Frequency Plans
Center of Box
Look Angle
Sun Outage

* This document is saved in Adobe� Acrobat� PDF format and can only be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Need Acrobat Reader? Download it free!


Galaxy 3C is part of the Galaxy cable neighborhood, which boasts the top names in the cable industry. Galaxy 3C also serves as a VSAT platform for such companies as Chevron, TJ Maxx, and Rite-Aid. By linking these corporations outlets via satellite, PanAmSat ensures that essential functions such as ordering, inventory management, and training can occur reliably and in real time.

Galaxy 3C customers include:



        Fox HD



        The SpaceConnection




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