
Training set
Dialogs (354M)
123,287 images x 10 rounds
(v0.9 train + v0.9 val)
Validation set
Dialogs (17M), Images (331M)
2,064 images x 10 rounds
Dense answer annotations NEW
Testing set
Dialogs (10M), Images (1.2G)
8,000 images x 1 round


  • Images for the training set are from COCO train2014 and val2014, available here.
  • The VisDial evaluation server is hosted on EvalAI.
  • Numbers (in papers, etc.) should be reported on v1.0 test-std, and NOT on v0.9.
  • The Visual Dialog Challenge is conducted on v1.0 test-challenge.
  • For both test-std and test-challenge, predictions must be submitted on the full test set.
  • [NEW] Relevance scores from dense answer annotations on v1.0 val can be used to compute NDCG. Read more here.


  'data': {
    'questions': [
      'does it have a doorknob',
      'do you see a fence around the bear',
    'answers': [
      'no, there is just green field in foreground',
      'countryside house',
    'dialogs': [
        'image_id': <image id>,
        'caption': <image caption>,
        'dialog': [
            'question': <index of question in `data.questions` list>,
            'answer': <index of answer in `data.answers` list>,
            'answer_options': <100 candidate answer indices from `data.answers`>,
            'gt_index': <index of `answer` in `answer_options`>
          ... (10 rounds of dialog)
  'split': <VisDial split>,
  'version': '1.0'

v0.9 (deprecated)

Training set (235M)
82,783 images
Validation set (108M)
40,504 images


  • v0.9 Training is from COCO Training and v0.9 Validation set is from COCO Validation
  • Numbers (in papers, etc.) should be reported on v0.9 val v1.0 test-std


  'data': {
    'questions': [
      'does it have a doorknob',
      'do you see a fence around the bear',
    'answers': [
      'no, there is just green field in foreground',
      'countryside house',
    'dialogs': [
        'image_id': <COCO image id>,
        'caption': <image caption from COCO>,
        'dialog': [
            'question': <index of question in `data.questions` list>,
            'answer': <index of answer in `data.answers` list>,
            'answer_options': <100 candidate answer indices from `data.answers`>,
            'gt_index': <index of `answer` in `answer_options`>
          ... (10 rounds of dialog)
  'split': <COCO split>,
  'version': '0.9'

v0.5 (deprecated)

Training set (1.2G)
50,729 images
Validation set (168M)
7,663 images
Testing set (215M)
9,628 images


  • v0.5 Training and Validation sets are from COCO Training and v0.5 Testing set is from COCO Validation


    'image_id': <COCO image id>,
    'split': <COCO split>,
    'caption': <image caption from COCO>,
    'dialog': [
        'question': '...',
        'answer': '...',
        'options': <100 candidate answers>,
        'gt_index': <index of `answer` in `options`>
      ... (10 rounds of dialog)