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Wyobraźmy sobie sytuację, której wynik zależy od decyzji i działań własnych, ale również od decyzji i działań drugiej osoby. Nie jest to sytuacja do końca komfortowa – nie jesteśmy „władcami własnego losu”, lecz jesteśmy... more
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      StereotypesStereotypes and PrejudiceSocial Dilemmas
Different front-of-pack (FOP) labelling systems have been developed in Europe by industry and organisations concerned with health promotion. A study (n 2068) was performed to establish the extent to which inclusion of the most prevalent... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsDietConsumer BehaviorTurkey
Objective: Nutrition information aims to reduce information asymmetries between manufacturers and consumers. To date, however, it remains unclear how nutrition information that is shown on the front of the packaging should be designed in... more
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      Health PromotionPublic Health NutritionHealth LiteracyAttention
In two eye-tracking studies, we explored whether and how attention to nutrition information mediates consumers' choice. Consumers had to select either the healthiest option or a product of their preference within an assortment. On... more
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      Health BehaviorEye trackingFoodAttention
Significant ongoing debate exists amongst stakeholders as to the best front-of-pack labelling approach and emerging evidence suggests that the plethora of schemes may cause confusion for the consumer. To gain a better understanding of the... more
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      Health PromotionDecision MakingDietConsumer Behavior
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      PsychologyFrontiers in Psychology
In previous research, studies on motivated correction in the evaluation of branded products are rare. This experimental study with 246 participants examined how the motivation to correct the impact of brand knowledge influences the... more
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      PsychologyCognitive Science
Previous research indicated that people who strongly identify with their own group are more involved in the group's actions. The current study examines the relation between three dimensions of group identification (affect, ties,... more
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      Self and IdentityJewish StudiesNational IdentityIdentity and Identification
Two studies examined the role of temporal-based social categorizations for attitude change during intergroup contact between Polish and Jewish students. In Study 1 (N = 190 Polish students), a cross-sectional analysis showed that contact... more
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      Intergroup ContactCollective MemoryJews in PolandContact Hypothesis
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    • Intergroup Contact
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      Linguistic RelativityStereotypes and PrejudiceBilingualism
Studies on dehumanization demonstrated that denying certain human characteristics might serve as a strategy for moral disengagement. Meat consumption—especially in the times of cruel animal farming—is related to the exclusion of animals... more
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      VegetarianismDehumanizationDehumanization and ObjectificationInfrahumanization
Systemic transition in post-communist Eastern Europe resulted in high inflation, rapid economic changes, and increased lack of control in everyday life. Atthe same time, anti-Semitic incidents were reported in this region after 1989. The... more
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      Jewish StudiesStereotypes and PrejudiceConspiracy TheoriesAnti-Semitism
In this article we discuss the social-psychological limitations of using omniculturalism as a tool to improve intercultural relations between majority and minority groups. The omnicultural imperative suggests that intercultural... more
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      MulticulturalismGlobalizationCultural PsychologyCross-Cultural Psychology
Artykuł podejmuje temat efektów supresyjnych, które w ostatnich latach są coraz częściej opisywane w literaturze z zakresu psychologii społecznej. Supresja zachodzi wtedy, gdy zmienna pośrednicząca podwyższa własności predykcyjne zmiennej... more
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      StatisticsResearch MethodologyQuantitative Methods
Problem postaw wobec Żydów we współczesnej Polsce był szeroko omawiany przez socjologów (np. Krzemiński, 1996), psychologów społecznych (np. Kofta i Sędek, 2005), antropologów (np. Cała, 2005) i politologów (np. Szlajfer, 2003). Większość... more
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    • Anti-Semitism
Prezentowany raport stanowi ocenę skuteczności serii warsztatów antydyskryminacyjnych przeprowadzonych przez Centrum Żydowskie w Oświęcimiu. Szczegółowy schemat badań ewaluacyjnych, jak również użyty w badaniu kwestionariusz, została... more
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Google search statistics for Poland reveal a surprising regularity: whenever queries for information pertaining to some crisis become more frequent, so do queries for information about Jews. When Poles begin to consider the causes of an... more
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The article discusses the phenomenon of antisemitic prejudice in Poland after 1989. The comparative cross-national data suggests that prejudice against Jewish people remains visible in Poland independent of the difficult history of... more
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      Political PsychologyAntisemitism (Prejudice)Anti-SemitismJews of Central and Eastern Europe
Badania uprzedzeo mają długą tradycję w socjologii oraz psychologii społecznej (por. Dovidio, Glick i Rudman, 2005). Niemal wszystkie tego typu badania odpowiadały na konkretne potrzeby mniejszości: miały na celu ograniczanie... more
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