Organizadores: Daniel de Mello Ferraz, Ana Paula Martinez Duboc We don’t know what the future hol... more Organizadores: Daniel de Mello Ferraz, Ana Paula Martinez Duboc We don’t know what the future holds among so much polarization, hybrid wars, movements to disassemble public education, but the role of a teacher educator who is engaged and aware of its representation in the society cannot be denied and vanished. On the contrary, a teacher educator in the complexity of his/her role will inevitably be reference of resistance: creating discursive and theoretical opportunities, legitimizing knowledge other than those which comes top down. Certainly, this book will trigger other similar projects and contribute meaningfully to critical teacher education (Fabrício Ono). ISBN: 978-65-5939-053-3 (brochura) 978-65-5939-054-0 (eBook) DOI: 10.31560/pimentacultural/2020.540
This paper aims at addressing the intrinsic relationship between literacy and politics by present... more This paper aims at addressing the intrinsic relationship between literacy and politics by presenting a discursive analysis of the new National Literacy Policy under the Brazilian far-right neoconservative government. In doing so, the text departs from a brief genealogical exercise in which the theorizations on literacies studies in Brazil and elsewhere are compared and contrasted, with emphasis to the evolving notions of critique and citizenship. Analysis has shown that the new Brazilian National Literacy Policy is part of an orchestrated set of actions in which neoliberal, religious, ideological and militaristic driving forces operate despite official claims of discursive neutrality. By advocating in favor of socially-just literacy pedagogies and by cherishing the notions of critique as 'reading as we read ourselves' and 'active citizenship', this paper calls for a reimagined self-critique along with a set of collective actions if literacy researchers and teachers wish to tackle the challenges and complexities surrounding literacy wars in neoconservative times.
Recent epistemological and ontological revisions demonstrate a change within the elf geopolitics ... more Recent epistemological and ontological revisions demonstrate a change within the elf geopolitics of knowledge as voices from the global South begin to claim themselves as knowledge producers within a field strongly marked by the European hegemony. This article aims at analyzing the concept and field of inquiry of English as a Lingua Franca (elf) from a decolonial perspective. Founded on the work of one the authors and departing from the decolonial exercise of identification-interrogation-interruption, the article identifies the main elf tenets, brings up different voices in the field, and interrogates who these voices belong to, and where they come from. Findings show a complex weave of meanings still marked by coloniality traces in which hegemonic European views place themselves as hybris del punto cero despite the multiplicity of elf views and practices all over the globe. The authors advocate for attentive and critical reading of elf, particularly, with regards to where knowledge is generated and who generates such knowledge if one wishes to delink from self-assured global north elf epistemologies. They also propose a decolonial praxis in the reading of elf as a precondition towards the interruption of coloniality.
The woven fabric of life and the threadbare virus: Ao receber o convite para compor esse dossiê d... more The woven fabric of life and the threadbare virus: Ao receber o convite para compor esse dossiê de temática tão urgente e relevante, senti-me honrada e indaguei a mim mesma: como posso contribuir para uma coletânea que trata e denuncia os ataques fascistas no cenário brasileiro atual, cujos efeitos tornam ainda mais nocivos com a pandemia do COVID questões de língua/linguagem, política, pandemia, educação e cultura e sociedade? Como ser-no-mundo, escrevo como docente e pesquisadora da área de linguagem e como mãe de uma menina de cinco anos e partilho minha leitura do cenário atual jogando os holofotes nos sujeitos da infância e na violência de toda sorte que rouba o direito da criança de ser-no-mundo em sua inteireza (FREIRE, 2001).
Based upon the theme: "Between heterogeneity and normativity: research, educational policies and ... more Based upon the theme: "Between heterogeneity and normativity: research, educational policies and practices in progress", the interview led us to debate the concept of transcendental normativity, as well as the ways in which it has been established as a rule in the political and educational discourses. These have given rise to a setback as neoconservative policies aim to "straighten society, through policies related to order, consensus, homogeneity, and universalism". On the other hand, the interviewees invite us to perceive that "within normativity there are a series of heterogeneities, each of which has its own normativity". Therefore, heterogeneity is a sine qua non condition of any social relationship. This interview/chat provides us with a broad discussion on language, educational and language policies, literacies, philosophies, decoloniality, national politics, and invites us to "critique ourselves from the inside out". It leaves us the following provocation: "What is our share of the blame as researchers, as teacher educators, as teachers who are in the classroom, who have been in favor of sociocultural and critical orientation?".
This paper proposes to critically read the multiliteracies proposal through a decolonial lens. It... more This paper proposes to critically read the multiliteracies proposal through a decolonial lens. It has two fundamental aspects: one, of an epistemic nature, refers to the need to de-link the concept from a particular hegemonic scholarship so that local knowledge production may prevent literacy practices from universalisms and methodologization; the other, of a technological nature, refers to the need to de-link the concept of multiliteracies from its apparent subjection to the digital.
Departing from the premise that decoloniality is growing in popularity within contemporary Brazil... more Departing from the premise that decoloniality is growing in popularity within contemporary Brazilian Applied Linguistics studies, this paper claims in favor of a more performative decolonial praxis so as to prevent decoloniality from universality. In doing so, the text begins with some theorizations on decolonial thought with an emphasis on the triad fundamental in any decolonial exercise, that is to Identify-Interrogate-Interrupt coloniality. The paper, then, claims in favor of thinking communication otherwise which, along with the notions of bringing back the body and marking the unmarked, constitute the necessary decolonial strategies if one wishes to interrupt coloniality. A critical examination of The falling Sky: words of a Yanomami shaman, co-authored by Kopenawa and Albert (2013), is brought to the fore as illustrative of a decolonial pedagogy which attempts to help language teacher educators and researchers to become attentive to socially-just-oriented educational agendas that claim to be culturally-sensitive whereas, in fact, they may be serving the purposes of a still prevailing colonial project.
ELF studies have long established itself as a solid field of inquiry much as a response to the pi... more ELF studies have long established itself as a solid field of inquiry much as a response to the pioneering work of scholars such as
What’s behind a literacy war? A discursive and political analysis of the neoconservative Brazilian literacy policy, 2020
This paper aims at addressing the intrinsic relationship between
literacy and politics by present... more This paper aims at addressing the intrinsic relationship between literacy and politics by presenting a discursive analysis of the new National Literacy Policy under the Brazilian far-right neoconservative government. In doing so, the text departs from a brief genealogical exercise in which the theorizations on literacies studies in Brazil and elsewhere are compared and contrasted, with emphasis to the evolving notions of critique and citizenship. Analysis has shown that the new Brazilian National Literacy Policy is part of an orchestrated set of actions in which neoliberal, religious, ideological and militaristic driving forces operate despite official claims of discursive neutrality. By advocating in favor of socially-just literacy pedagogies and by cherishing the notions of critique as ‘reading as we read ourselves’ and ‘active citizenship’, this paper calls for a reimagined self-critique along with a set of collective actions if literacy researchers and teachers wish to tackle the challenges and complexities surrounding literacy wars in neoconservative times.
Contemporary societies are strongly marked by a new complex web of relations, regulations and pra... more Contemporary societies are strongly marked by a new complex web of relations, regulations and practices much as a response to new globalization processes along with the advent of digital media technologies. Human mobility, in particular, becomes a key element in the understanding of recent times as it has brought an unprecedented diversification of diversity that came to be known as superdiversity. As languages are a fundamental element in human relations, the emerging complexities in social interactions are to be taken into account in current research on meaning making processes in both online-offline communication. In this interview, Jan Blommaert and Massimiliano Spotti, from Tilburg University, the Netherlands, provide us with an acute analysis on the trajectories of Sociolinguistics. By claiming in favor of a paradigm shift in which language research would have to consider elements hitherto neglected by traditional language research, the authors' pioneering publications and local initiatives open up the terrain for the reinvention of language studies, policies, and practices.
Resumo Vivemos uma sociedade fortemente marcada por uma nova e complexa teia de relações, regulaç... more Resumo Vivemos uma sociedade fortemente marcada por uma nova e complexa teia de relações, regulações e práticas em resposta à globalização e ao advento das novas tecnologias digitais. A mobilidade humana, em particular, torna-se um elemento fundamental no exercício de compreensão desses novos tempos na medida em que dela emerge uma diversificação da diversidade sem precedentes, a qual passou a ser tratada como superdiversidade. Tomando-se a linguagem como aspecto primordial nas relações humanas, as complexidades emergentes nas novas interações sociais devem ser consideradas em pesquisas que se voltam para a produção de sentidos em contextos comunicativos online e offline. Nesta entrevista, Jan Blommaert e Massimiliano Spotti, da Universidade de Tilburg (Holanda), oferecem-nos uma análise pungente a respeito da trajetória da sociolinguística. Ao posicionarem-se em favor da necessária mudança paradigmática do campo em que as pesquisas acerca da linguagem passem a considerar elementos até então negligenciados por visões mais tradicionais, os autores contribuem para a reinvenção de pesquisas, políticas e práticas inscritas no campo da linguagem por meio de sólida produção científica acompanhada de iniciativas locais inovadoras. Palavras-chave Superdiversidade-Sociolinguística-Linguagem-Mobilidade-Comunicação online-offline.
Resumo: O presente artigo visa analisar o conceito de inglês como língua franca (ILF) que fundame... more Resumo: O presente artigo visa analisar o conceito de inglês como língua franca (ILF) que fundamenta o Componente Curricular Língua Inglesa da Base Nacional Comum Curricular-Ensino Fundamental (BNCC). Para tanto, inicia com a apresentação das principais definições deste conceito polêmico e polissêmico, com ênfase para as primeiras teorizações da década de 80 no âmbito das pesquisas internacionais de modo a culminar nas recentes reconceituações na produção científica brasileira, o que chamo aqui de ILF made in Brazil, evidenciando a natureza refratária, dialogizante e heteroglóssica do signo segundo Bakhtin. Após tecer considerações acerca desses conceitos, o artigo analisa a presença do conceito de ILF no Componente Curricular Língua Inglesa da BNCC, atestando a existência de um conflito epistemológico quando texto introdutório e quadros de conteúdos são confrontados, conflito posto na medida em que a natureza fluida e situada atribuída aos recentes debates sobre ILF entra em choque com a normatividade, consenso e padronização usualmente postos por um currículo nacional comum. À moda bakhtiniana, o artigo conclui em favor da não condenação desse conflito epistemológico na medida em que nele reside o jogo de sentidos e a transformação em potencial no encontro entre professor-sujeito-intérprete e ILF-enquanto-signo, de natureza refratária, dialogizante e heteroglóssica. Abstract: This paper aims at analysing the concept of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) which underlies the English language guidelines in the National Common Core Curriculum-Elementary Schools (BNCC). It starts with the presentation of the main definitions of such polemic and multivocal concept, with an emphasis on its first theorizations dated from the 80s in international publications. More recent reconceptualizations of ELF in Brazil are brought to the fore as an attempt to spot what I have been calling here ELF made in Brazil from which emerges the very refractional, dialogic, and heteroglossic nature of words. The paper discusses such bakhtinian concepts followed by the analysis of the presence of ELF within the National Common Core Curriculum in which an epistemological conflict is identified as its introductory part seems to be in disagreement with the displayed content frames. Conflict arises inasmuch as the very fluid and situated nature of ELF collides with the normative and standardized status of a common core curriculum. Drawing on Bakhtinian thought, in particular, his notions of dialogism, refraction, and heteroglossia, the paper concludes in defense of this epistemological conflict insofar as the play of meanings along with its potential transformation resides from within such conflict in the very encounter between the teacher and ELF if assumed as refractional, dialogic, and heteroglossic sign.
This paper is a reflection on a Master"s study regarding English language assessment from the per... more This paper is a reflection on a Master"s study regarding English language assessment from the perspective of the new literacy studies . The starting point of our research whose main results are here shared was an investigation on both conceptions and practices regarding language assessment in some Brazilian Elementary school communities, which led us to identify three recurring problems. Towards these results, and bearing in mind the epistemological transformations signaled by the recent literacies studies, this paper offers some outlines regarding evaluation with emphasis on critical literacy practices, inviting readers to rethink such issues for foreign language teaching contexts.
Organizadores: Daniel de Mello Ferraz, Ana Paula Martinez Duboc We don’t know what the future hol... more Organizadores: Daniel de Mello Ferraz, Ana Paula Martinez Duboc We don’t know what the future holds among so much polarization, hybrid wars, movements to disassemble public education, but the role of a teacher educator who is engaged and aware of its representation in the society cannot be denied and vanished. On the contrary, a teacher educator in the complexity of his/her role will inevitably be reference of resistance: creating discursive and theoretical opportunities, legitimizing knowledge other than those which comes top down. Certainly, this book will trigger other similar projects and contribute meaningfully to critical teacher education (Fabrício Ono). ISBN: 978-65-5939-053-3 (brochura) 978-65-5939-054-0 (eBook) DOI: 10.31560/pimentacultural/2020.540
This paper aims at addressing the intrinsic relationship between literacy and politics by present... more This paper aims at addressing the intrinsic relationship between literacy and politics by presenting a discursive analysis of the new National Literacy Policy under the Brazilian far-right neoconservative government. In doing so, the text departs from a brief genealogical exercise in which the theorizations on literacies studies in Brazil and elsewhere are compared and contrasted, with emphasis to the evolving notions of critique and citizenship. Analysis has shown that the new Brazilian National Literacy Policy is part of an orchestrated set of actions in which neoliberal, religious, ideological and militaristic driving forces operate despite official claims of discursive neutrality. By advocating in favor of socially-just literacy pedagogies and by cherishing the notions of critique as 'reading as we read ourselves' and 'active citizenship', this paper calls for a reimagined self-critique along with a set of collective actions if literacy researchers and teachers wish to tackle the challenges and complexities surrounding literacy wars in neoconservative times.
Recent epistemological and ontological revisions demonstrate a change within the elf geopolitics ... more Recent epistemological and ontological revisions demonstrate a change within the elf geopolitics of knowledge as voices from the global South begin to claim themselves as knowledge producers within a field strongly marked by the European hegemony. This article aims at analyzing the concept and field of inquiry of English as a Lingua Franca (elf) from a decolonial perspective. Founded on the work of one the authors and departing from the decolonial exercise of identification-interrogation-interruption, the article identifies the main elf tenets, brings up different voices in the field, and interrogates who these voices belong to, and where they come from. Findings show a complex weave of meanings still marked by coloniality traces in which hegemonic European views place themselves as hybris del punto cero despite the multiplicity of elf views and practices all over the globe. The authors advocate for attentive and critical reading of elf, particularly, with regards to where knowledge is generated and who generates such knowledge if one wishes to delink from self-assured global north elf epistemologies. They also propose a decolonial praxis in the reading of elf as a precondition towards the interruption of coloniality.
The woven fabric of life and the threadbare virus: Ao receber o convite para compor esse dossiê d... more The woven fabric of life and the threadbare virus: Ao receber o convite para compor esse dossiê de temática tão urgente e relevante, senti-me honrada e indaguei a mim mesma: como posso contribuir para uma coletânea que trata e denuncia os ataques fascistas no cenário brasileiro atual, cujos efeitos tornam ainda mais nocivos com a pandemia do COVID questões de língua/linguagem, política, pandemia, educação e cultura e sociedade? Como ser-no-mundo, escrevo como docente e pesquisadora da área de linguagem e como mãe de uma menina de cinco anos e partilho minha leitura do cenário atual jogando os holofotes nos sujeitos da infância e na violência de toda sorte que rouba o direito da criança de ser-no-mundo em sua inteireza (FREIRE, 2001).
Based upon the theme: "Between heterogeneity and normativity: research, educational policies and ... more Based upon the theme: "Between heterogeneity and normativity: research, educational policies and practices in progress", the interview led us to debate the concept of transcendental normativity, as well as the ways in which it has been established as a rule in the political and educational discourses. These have given rise to a setback as neoconservative policies aim to "straighten society, through policies related to order, consensus, homogeneity, and universalism". On the other hand, the interviewees invite us to perceive that "within normativity there are a series of heterogeneities, each of which has its own normativity". Therefore, heterogeneity is a sine qua non condition of any social relationship. This interview/chat provides us with a broad discussion on language, educational and language policies, literacies, philosophies, decoloniality, national politics, and invites us to "critique ourselves from the inside out". It leaves us the following provocation: "What is our share of the blame as researchers, as teacher educators, as teachers who are in the classroom, who have been in favor of sociocultural and critical orientation?".
This paper proposes to critically read the multiliteracies proposal through a decolonial lens. It... more This paper proposes to critically read the multiliteracies proposal through a decolonial lens. It has two fundamental aspects: one, of an epistemic nature, refers to the need to de-link the concept from a particular hegemonic scholarship so that local knowledge production may prevent literacy practices from universalisms and methodologization; the other, of a technological nature, refers to the need to de-link the concept of multiliteracies from its apparent subjection to the digital.
Departing from the premise that decoloniality is growing in popularity within contemporary Brazil... more Departing from the premise that decoloniality is growing in popularity within contemporary Brazilian Applied Linguistics studies, this paper claims in favor of a more performative decolonial praxis so as to prevent decoloniality from universality. In doing so, the text begins with some theorizations on decolonial thought with an emphasis on the triad fundamental in any decolonial exercise, that is to Identify-Interrogate-Interrupt coloniality. The paper, then, claims in favor of thinking communication otherwise which, along with the notions of bringing back the body and marking the unmarked, constitute the necessary decolonial strategies if one wishes to interrupt coloniality. A critical examination of The falling Sky: words of a Yanomami shaman, co-authored by Kopenawa and Albert (2013), is brought to the fore as illustrative of a decolonial pedagogy which attempts to help language teacher educators and researchers to become attentive to socially-just-oriented educational agendas that claim to be culturally-sensitive whereas, in fact, they may be serving the purposes of a still prevailing colonial project.
ELF studies have long established itself as a solid field of inquiry much as a response to the pi... more ELF studies have long established itself as a solid field of inquiry much as a response to the pioneering work of scholars such as
What’s behind a literacy war? A discursive and political analysis of the neoconservative Brazilian literacy policy, 2020
This paper aims at addressing the intrinsic relationship between
literacy and politics by present... more This paper aims at addressing the intrinsic relationship between literacy and politics by presenting a discursive analysis of the new National Literacy Policy under the Brazilian far-right neoconservative government. In doing so, the text departs from a brief genealogical exercise in which the theorizations on literacies studies in Brazil and elsewhere are compared and contrasted, with emphasis to the evolving notions of critique and citizenship. Analysis has shown that the new Brazilian National Literacy Policy is part of an orchestrated set of actions in which neoliberal, religious, ideological and militaristic driving forces operate despite official claims of discursive neutrality. By advocating in favor of socially-just literacy pedagogies and by cherishing the notions of critique as ‘reading as we read ourselves’ and ‘active citizenship’, this paper calls for a reimagined self-critique along with a set of collective actions if literacy researchers and teachers wish to tackle the challenges and complexities surrounding literacy wars in neoconservative times.
Contemporary societies are strongly marked by a new complex web of relations, regulations and pra... more Contemporary societies are strongly marked by a new complex web of relations, regulations and practices much as a response to new globalization processes along with the advent of digital media technologies. Human mobility, in particular, becomes a key element in the understanding of recent times as it has brought an unprecedented diversification of diversity that came to be known as superdiversity. As languages are a fundamental element in human relations, the emerging complexities in social interactions are to be taken into account in current research on meaning making processes in both online-offline communication. In this interview, Jan Blommaert and Massimiliano Spotti, from Tilburg University, the Netherlands, provide us with an acute analysis on the trajectories of Sociolinguistics. By claiming in favor of a paradigm shift in which language research would have to consider elements hitherto neglected by traditional language research, the authors' pioneering publications and local initiatives open up the terrain for the reinvention of language studies, policies, and practices.
Resumo Vivemos uma sociedade fortemente marcada por uma nova e complexa teia de relações, regulaç... more Resumo Vivemos uma sociedade fortemente marcada por uma nova e complexa teia de relações, regulações e práticas em resposta à globalização e ao advento das novas tecnologias digitais. A mobilidade humana, em particular, torna-se um elemento fundamental no exercício de compreensão desses novos tempos na medida em que dela emerge uma diversificação da diversidade sem precedentes, a qual passou a ser tratada como superdiversidade. Tomando-se a linguagem como aspecto primordial nas relações humanas, as complexidades emergentes nas novas interações sociais devem ser consideradas em pesquisas que se voltam para a produção de sentidos em contextos comunicativos online e offline. Nesta entrevista, Jan Blommaert e Massimiliano Spotti, da Universidade de Tilburg (Holanda), oferecem-nos uma análise pungente a respeito da trajetória da sociolinguística. Ao posicionarem-se em favor da necessária mudança paradigmática do campo em que as pesquisas acerca da linguagem passem a considerar elementos até então negligenciados por visões mais tradicionais, os autores contribuem para a reinvenção de pesquisas, políticas e práticas inscritas no campo da linguagem por meio de sólida produção científica acompanhada de iniciativas locais inovadoras. Palavras-chave Superdiversidade-Sociolinguística-Linguagem-Mobilidade-Comunicação online-offline.
Resumo: O presente artigo visa analisar o conceito de inglês como língua franca (ILF) que fundame... more Resumo: O presente artigo visa analisar o conceito de inglês como língua franca (ILF) que fundamenta o Componente Curricular Língua Inglesa da Base Nacional Comum Curricular-Ensino Fundamental (BNCC). Para tanto, inicia com a apresentação das principais definições deste conceito polêmico e polissêmico, com ênfase para as primeiras teorizações da década de 80 no âmbito das pesquisas internacionais de modo a culminar nas recentes reconceituações na produção científica brasileira, o que chamo aqui de ILF made in Brazil, evidenciando a natureza refratária, dialogizante e heteroglóssica do signo segundo Bakhtin. Após tecer considerações acerca desses conceitos, o artigo analisa a presença do conceito de ILF no Componente Curricular Língua Inglesa da BNCC, atestando a existência de um conflito epistemológico quando texto introdutório e quadros de conteúdos são confrontados, conflito posto na medida em que a natureza fluida e situada atribuída aos recentes debates sobre ILF entra em choque com a normatividade, consenso e padronização usualmente postos por um currículo nacional comum. À moda bakhtiniana, o artigo conclui em favor da não condenação desse conflito epistemológico na medida em que nele reside o jogo de sentidos e a transformação em potencial no encontro entre professor-sujeito-intérprete e ILF-enquanto-signo, de natureza refratária, dialogizante e heteroglóssica. Abstract: This paper aims at analysing the concept of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) which underlies the English language guidelines in the National Common Core Curriculum-Elementary Schools (BNCC). It starts with the presentation of the main definitions of such polemic and multivocal concept, with an emphasis on its first theorizations dated from the 80s in international publications. More recent reconceptualizations of ELF in Brazil are brought to the fore as an attempt to spot what I have been calling here ELF made in Brazil from which emerges the very refractional, dialogic, and heteroglossic nature of words. The paper discusses such bakhtinian concepts followed by the analysis of the presence of ELF within the National Common Core Curriculum in which an epistemological conflict is identified as its introductory part seems to be in disagreement with the displayed content frames. Conflict arises inasmuch as the very fluid and situated nature of ELF collides with the normative and standardized status of a common core curriculum. Drawing on Bakhtinian thought, in particular, his notions of dialogism, refraction, and heteroglossia, the paper concludes in defense of this epistemological conflict insofar as the play of meanings along with its potential transformation resides from within such conflict in the very encounter between the teacher and ELF if assumed as refractional, dialogic, and heteroglossic sign.
This paper is a reflection on a Master"s study regarding English language assessment from the per... more This paper is a reflection on a Master"s study regarding English language assessment from the perspective of the new literacy studies . The starting point of our research whose main results are here shared was an investigation on both conceptions and practices regarding language assessment in some Brazilian Elementary school communities, which led us to identify three recurring problems. Towards these results, and bearing in mind the epistemological transformations signaled by the recent literacies studies, this paper offers some outlines regarding evaluation with emphasis on critical literacy practices, inviting readers to rethink such issues for foreign language teaching contexts.
Esse capítulo traça os sentidos atribuídos à ideia de crítica durante minha trajetória profissio... more Esse capítulo traça os sentidos atribuídos à ideia de crítica durante minha trajetória profissional. Nele, tenho a oportunidade de reconstituir as eventuais refrações de sentidos no entorno do conceito, a contento das diferentes bases epistemológicas que permearam minha trajetória acadêmica. O texto culmina em flashes reflexivos quanto à crítica que chega em minha sala de aula, na condição de formadora de professores, daí o título recuperar a ideia de ler-se em lendo, uma ressignificação do conceito de letramento crítico inaugurada por Menezes de Souza (2011).
Papers by Ana Duboc
literacy and politics by presenting a discursive analysis of the new
National Literacy Policy under the Brazilian far-right
neoconservative government. In doing so, the text departs from a
brief genealogical exercise in which the theorizations on literacies
studies in Brazil and elsewhere are compared and contrasted, with
emphasis to the evolving notions of critique and citizenship.
Analysis has shown that the new Brazilian National Literacy Policy
is part of an orchestrated set of actions in which neoliberal,
religious, ideological and militaristic driving forces operate despite
official claims of discursive neutrality. By advocating in favor of
socially-just literacy pedagogies and by cherishing the notions of
critique as ‘reading as we read ourselves’ and ‘active citizenship’,
this paper calls for a reimagined self-critique along with a set of
collective actions if literacy researchers and teachers wish to
tackle the challenges and complexities surrounding literacy wars
in neoconservative times.
literacy and politics by presenting a discursive analysis of the new
National Literacy Policy under the Brazilian far-right
neoconservative government. In doing so, the text departs from a
brief genealogical exercise in which the theorizations on literacies
studies in Brazil and elsewhere are compared and contrasted, with
emphasis to the evolving notions of critique and citizenship.
Analysis has shown that the new Brazilian National Literacy Policy
is part of an orchestrated set of actions in which neoliberal,
religious, ideological and militaristic driving forces operate despite
official claims of discursive neutrality. By advocating in favor of
socially-just literacy pedagogies and by cherishing the notions of
critique as ‘reading as we read ourselves’ and ‘active citizenship’,
this paper calls for a reimagined self-critique along with a set of
collective actions if literacy researchers and teachers wish to
tackle the challenges and complexities surrounding literacy wars
in neoconservative times.